50. Chapter 50

As Waverly stood admiring her wife in her full wolf form, she was overcome with a desire to run her fingers through Nicole’s thick and luscious red fur. Waverly was always taken by surprise as to how turned on, every time she watched as Nicole transformed into her wolf form. Nicole was sitting on her hind legs and was alert to her surroundings, which as to why Waverly was admiring the view, she walked up next to Nicole and stoked the fur on the back of Nicole’s neck. Leaning down Waverly whispered into Nicole’s ear and said, “If we weren’t here on a rescue mission, I would ride you so hard.”

Nicole wagged her tail so hard, that it made a loud thud sound, and she sped up her wagging tail the moment Waverly started to scratching behind her ears, until Dolls interrupted them by coughing, “I believe we’re here to save Wynonna. Everyone is to move to your positions and on my signal, head in and secure the building.”

The team moved into their places where they could see the surroundings without being spotted. Waverly was porched on Nicole’s back, to give the brunette more of a height advantage, allowing her a perfect position to take a shot at Lou. Nicole loved the idea that Waverly was riding her back like she was riding a horse. The bullet proof vest provided footing for Waverly to balance herself upon while Nicole moved through the trees. With every step that Nicole took, Waverly found her groin grinding against the material of the vest, adding to her arousal. Nicole’s wolf nose quickly picked up the aroma of her wife’s arousal, causing Nicole to groan due to being frustrated at not being able to satisfy Waverly right there.

Out of the front door of the building came the women, including Wynonna along with Lou holding the hands of the two pups following close behind. Dolls gave the signal and the team moved into position. Lou let go of the pup’s hands, allow the little ones to run towards their mums. Lou called out for Wynonna to walk with him behind the others.

Emily, Lucado, and Shapiro created a diversion, causing the group of women to become curious and headed over to the three women. Once the women so that the women and pups were a suitable distance away from Lou and Wynonna, Emily, Lucado, and Shapiro drew their weapons as they circled around the women and pups. At first some of the women tried to flee, but it wasn’t until Lucado fired her weapon and shot a woman dead, that the rest of the women started to listen. Shapiro and Emily explained that they were from Black Badge and they were there to rescue them from the evil clutches of Lou. Shapiro, Emily, and Lucado lead them away towards the being rescued by Black Badge Agents and lead them away towards the Police van.

While Emily, Lucado, and Shapiro were off taking care of the women, Dolls, Doc, Nicole, and Waverly were left to face Lou, who by this stage had taken Wynonna captive. Before any of the four could fire off a shot at Lou, he had changed into his Werewolf form right before them. Lou stood up on his hind legs and with his front paws, Lou held Wynonna in a tight grip around the throat. Lou was taller than Nicole when she was in her wolf form. His claws shined from the reflection of the sun, Lou started to scrap them across Wynonna’s exposed neck, drawing a trickle of blood as they moved.

Doc was filled with rage as he watched the love of his life being used as a pawn. His inner Alpha freed itself from within the cage it was locked in, which causes Doc to rise on his hind legs and bare his teeth as he growled at Lou. Waverly climbed off Nicole’s back and aimed her weapon at Lou’s head. Using his hand Dolls made a circle sign, indicating to the others to move around Lou and Wynonna. Once Lou and Wynonna were surrounded, Nicole and Doc remained in their wolf forms, while Dolls and Waverly stayed in their human form, so that they could fire their weapons at Lou.

Lou grunts as he speaks to Wynonna, “It’s the waitress from Pussy Willows. I didn’t think she would be working with Black Badge. (Lou sniffs in Waverly’s direction, then a devilish grin appears on his face) She’s ripe for the breeding, mmm.” Wynonna cringed at the image of Lou breeding her baby sister.

Upon hearing Lou’s words, Nicole’s hackles raised up at the back of her neck as the rest of her muscles tensed in preparation for a fight with Lou. Lou continued his tight grip around Wynonna’s neck while he slowly licked the back of her neck. Wynonna swallowed hard before calling out, “Just do it Baby Girl. I trust you.”

Waverly secured her shotgun against her shoulder while Doc and Nicole started to circle around Lou, causing the Werewolf’s attention to be focused on them and not Waverly. Lou moved himself and Wynonna, so he could keep his eye on both wolves. Waverly saw through her scope that Lou now had his back to her, giving her a clear shot. With her finger resting on the trigger, Waverly pulled the metal trigger releasing the silver bullet.

Hearing the shot from Waverly’s shotgun, the rest of the Black Badge team stopped and looked at Wynonna and Lou. Lou was slow in releasing Wynonna as the silver bullet penetrated through the back of his skull. Waverly aimed at Lou a second time and this time shotting him through the left side of his back. This silver bullet passed through to his heart, killing instantly. Lou’s lifeless body dropped to the ground, bring Wynonna along with him. Doc and Waverly rushed to Wynonna’s side; both were hoping that she hadn’t been shot by the second bullet.

Waverly holds her breath as she turns Wynonna’s motionless body over, to see her sister looking directly at her. It was then that Waverly finally took a breath, Wynonna grinned as she said, “I am so glad that you are a good shot, Baby girl.” Causing Waverly to let out a chuckle while she hugged her sister, as Doc’s wolf laid next to his wife and began to lick her face.

“I love you too Doc.” Wynonna said while she buried her face into the fur behind his neck. Wynonna pulled back and scratched both his ears, at which Doc could be heard purring loudly.

After Lou’s body had been taken away for an autopsy and the team headed back to the Police Station. Emily, Shapiro, and Lucado informed the rest of the team back at the station, that they knew the moment Lou had died. Lucado said, “We had all the women secured in the Police van, one minute they were all singing Lou’s praises and then the next, they were shocked to find themselves in a Police van and asking as to where they were. We knew that was when Lou must have been killed and his hold over these women had been broken.”

Dolls walked over to the Black Badge board and took down Lou’s photo and said, “ From Waverly’s research on Lou, it appears that when he split from Bobo, Lou spent time with a psychologist and learnt how to manipulate people into following his orders. Then when he met the Omega who turned him into a Werewolf, I think that was when Lou decided to create his own pack full of Omega’s, who he could breed with. When Lou died, his hold over the Omega’s was broken, allowing them to remember their former lives.”

Nicole had been assisting with the reconnecting the women with their families, before returning to join with the rest of the Black Badge team. Waverly could sense that Nicole had something to say, instead of tackling her wife, Waverly just sat and waited for Nicole to say what was on her mind.

Since rescuing Wynonna, Doc had not left her side the entire journey back to the station. Once inside Doc wrapped his arms around Wynonna’s waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss and it was only when Dolls coughed, did the pair pull back and held each other’s hand. Wynonna sat on Doc’s lap and wrapped her arm around the back of Doc’s neck, and they listened to the other’s.

“We have been able to contact all of the women’s families and most of them have been picked up and taken home. They have also been given information to help them with receiving help with dealing with what happened to them. The women that are still waiting, have been put up in accommodation for the night. The Black Badge coroner has arrived and is carrying out the autopsy on Lou’s body.” Nicole rested a hand on Waverly’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

After the team had filled out their report on Lou’s death and the rescuing of the trapped women, along with Wynonna. “In a couple of days, you all can come over and we’ll have a cookout around the firepit. But for now, I’d like to spend the rest of the day with my family.” Wynonna said.

Dolls speaks, “All everyone go home and spend time with your love ones.”

Waverly walked over to Wynonna and hugged her sister tight before letting go and walking out with Nicole. They collected their pups and headed towards home. As Nicole parked in front of their house, she reached over and took hold of Waverly’s hand and brought it to her lips and kissed her knuckles. “You were amazing today and I am so proud of you. I love you Waverly.” Waverly beams a radiant smile back at Nicole, “I love you too, Nicole and I am proud of you as well.”

Once all of the family had been feed, Waverly and Nicole sat on the couch in the living room and watched as Nicolas and Alberto danced and sang to The Wiggles, while Walden, Bach, and Winona sat in their bouncers and giggled and babbled while watching their big brothers. Looking at her children being happy and safe before her, touched Waverly’s heart. Nicole felt her left arm being lifted and Waverly edging her body closer to her. Waverly snuggled into the crock of Nicole’s arm and rested her head against her wife’s chest, as Waverly’s hand relaxed on Nicole’s stomach.

Nicole leant down and planted a kiss to the top of Waverly’s head. Waverly breathes out, “I love our little family. Thank you, Nicole, for giving them to me.”

“It’s been my pleasure and I love them too. You’re a fantastic mum, thank you for giving them life. I can’t believe how fast they are growing; it seems they were newborn babies (Nicole points at the triplets) last week and now their 7 months old.” Nicole says. Waverly squeezes Nicole’s waist tightly before wiping her tears on Nicole’s shirt.

“Why don’t we have a puppy huddle in our bed tonight. That way we can wrap our arms around all of our babies while we’re sleeping.” Nicole suggests.

The nod she felt against her chest, indicated to Nicole that Waverly agreed. Nicole and Waverly allowed Nicolas and Alberto to watch their DVD for a little while before the two of them, prepared their pups for bed. Once the pups were positioned in the middle of their bed, Waverly and Nicole climbed in and wrapped their arms around their drowsy pups and after Waverly read to them, all of the pups and including Nicole had fallen asleep. Waverly turned over and switched off the light and snuggled under the covers and allowed herself to drift off to sleep.