51. Chapter 51

Doc drove Wynonna home via her Aunt Gus’ to collect Alice and Henry before taking his family back to the Homestead. Alice was excited to see her Mum walk through Aunt Gus’ door, that the little girl dropped the book she was reading and ran into her Mum’s arms. Wrapping her daughter in her arms, Wynonna lifts her up and spins Alice around, causing the little girl to release a squeal of joy. Henry had been sleeping and woke at the sound of his Mum’s voice and let everyone know he was awake by letting loose with a high-pitched cry. Wynonna lowered Alice and cradled her son, soothing him by holding him tightly against her chest and rubbing his back, while saying, “It’s alright, Mum is here. Shhh.”

Once the little family was safe inside the walls of the Homestead, Wynonna made herself comfortable on the couch, which Alice automatically climbed onto her Mum’s lap and said, “Henry, Daddy, and I miss you. Where did you go?”

Wynonna looked up at Doc who was taking care of Henry, Doc shrugged his shoulders as he waited for Wynonna’s response. “I had to stay with some women that feared a bad man. Aunt Waverly, Aunt Nicole, Daddy, Uncle Dolls, and some other people Mum works with, were able to catch the bad man today.” Wynonna said as she looked into her little daughter’s eyes.

Alice asked, “So the women you helped, they no scared now?”

“Yes, most of them are now back with their families and safe. Alice sometimes Mum must make sure that people are kept safe, just like how she keeps you and Henry safe. Now I think its time we had some dinner. I wonder what Daddy is going to cook for us tonight?” Wynonna says while she tickles Alice, triggering the little girl to chuckle so hard that tears rolled down her cheeks.

“How does Hamburgers sound?” Doc says as he bounces Henry on his hip. Henry babbles at his Dad, in between placing a fist in his mouth and gnawing away.

Alice jumps off her Mum’s lap and rushes into the kitchen to assist her Dad in cooking their dinner. Doc places Henry into his highchair and then heads to the fridge to remove the ingredients for their meal, along with a teething ring for Henry. Wynonna joins Henry at the table and sits next to her son, Wynonna runs her hand through the little boy’s thick curly brunette hair and kisses his cheek. Alice helps to butter the buns, while Doc cooks the meat, after Alice had finished with the buns, she collects the tomato ketchup to place on the table. With some help from Wynonna, Alice collects the plates and the two set the table, which Henry grabs hold of the napkins and stuffs them into his mouth. Wynonna laughs as she pulls them out and replaces them with a fresh teething ring. Henry has been teething and at present is the owner of two little top teeth.

After eating their dinner, Doc attended to the dishes while Wynonna took charge of the baths and dressing Alice and Henry in their pyjamas. Wynonna, Alice, and Henry settled on the couch and waited for Doc to join them and read to them. Alice sat between her Mum and Dad, while Henry snuggled into his Mum’s chest, as he sat on her lap. By the time Doc had finished reading, both Alice and Henry were fast asleep, so Doc picked up Alice, while Wynonna followed with Henry in her arms. After placing soft kisses to each of their pup’s foreheads, Doc and Wynonna stood and held onto each other and watched their sleeping children before leaving the room.

Wynonna took hold of Doc’s hand and led him to their bedroom, where she pinned Doc against the wall, as she captured his lips with her own. With all the love she had within her, Wynonna poured it all into this kiss. Doc groaned as he felt his cock become harder with each caresses Wynonna made to his body before her hands wandered to his cowboy belt. Without wasting much time, the pair quickly undressed each other and moved towards their bed, where they made love and brought each other to reach heights of pleasure they had never experienced before.

“I was so worried, that we might not be able to res….” Doc started to say before Wynonna stopped him, as she placed two fingers to his lips.

“I never doubted that you and the others wouldn’t make it in time. I thought you looked so sexy dressed in the Police Bullet Proof Vest. I wanted to ravish you as soon as Lou was killed, but I had to restrain myself. Now come here, my big Wolf.” Wynonna beckoned for Doc to transform into his wolf form and make love to her.

Being that Doc was whipped and would do anything Wynonna asked, he slid out of the bed and quickly transformed into his wolf. Using his front paws, Doc pulled Wynonna out of the bed and positioned her so that she was on her all fours. By this time Doc was hard and lined up his cock with Wynonna’s wet sex and pushed himself inside his wife. They made love until they both were satisfied and exhausted, they fell back into their bed and drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

The next morning Waverly woke around 6 am and was surprised to find Nicole’s side of the bed was empty, when she touched the sheets on Nicole’s side, Waverly found that they were cold to touch. Noticing that her babies were starting to stir, Waverly headed out to the kitchen and heated up five bottles. Once all pups had been given their morning bottles, Waverly searched the rest of the house for Nicole, but her wife was no where to be found. Waverly gazed out the front window and could not see Nicole’s truck, indicating that she must of headed into the station early.

It was not normal for Nicole to leave so early for work, without letting Waverly know, either by way of a note or telling her the night before. Waverly had a suspicion that Nicole must have located some worrying evidence from Lou’s hideout, and she didn’t want Waverly to know. Wynonna was spending the morning with Waverly and the kids, so the brunette was going to confront her wife, when she and the pups brought Nicole her lunch.

MeanwhileNicole was a woman on a mission as she stormed into the Police station, she knew that the only staff working were the night shift. It was 5am and the takeaway coffee warmed up her cold hand and when she took a sip, the hot liquid warmed her from within as it ran down her throat. After unlocking her office door and switching on the light, Nicole shut the door behind her before making her way to her desk, she took another sip of coffee, she flicked through her keys till she found the key to unlock the desk drawers.

Once Nicole had unlocked the drawer, she pulled it open and lifted out a 2-inch-thick brown leather-bound journal, at first it looked new but when she opened the cover, Nicole could easily see the pages were tattered at the edges. Nicole’s hands trembled as they hovered above the front cover, she had only had a brief opportunity to glance through a couple of pages the afternoon before. Nicole had only to read a short portion to see that the owner of the journal was none other than Lou.

Nicole had located the journal tucked away in one of the bedside drawers located in Lou’s bedroom, while she and Dolls were searching the building for any physical evidence to link Lou to the murders of the women, that Sam was working on. As Nicole was making various phone calls to the different families the day before, she took a moment to glance through a section of Lou’s journal. The journal exposed Lou’s thinking and his motive for his crimes and beliefs, it also provided insight into his state of mind before his falling out with Bobo.

The cold morning didn’t help Nicole as she began to read through all the pages, hoping she could try to find a rhyme or reason for his actions. Nicole found that her coffee had gone cold due to her being captive by the various entries. Making herself another strong coffee, Nicole steeled herself so that she could finish reading and eventually hand it over to Sam. When Nicole reached the journal, entries dated before Lou’s fall out with Bobo, she was disturbed by what she read. Lou described in detail his sick obsession with at that time an incredibly young 4-year old Waverly Earp, these entries depicted the graphic detail of sexual abuse he desired to inflict upon Waverly.

Nicole felt sick to her stomach and the taste of her coffee caused her to bolt towards the toilet, where she emptied the contents of her stomach. After Nicole cleaned herself up and washed her face before splashing cold water on her face. As she looked in the mirror, the thought of someone committing such abuse to her own children, sparked an anger like she had never experienced before rose up from deep within her, leading her to storm through the station and heading down towards the morgue.

As soon as she located the drawer within Lou’s body was being kept, Nicole yanked it open. She stared at Lou’s lifeless body, “I hope you rot in hell. How dare you think that Waverly or any other child is your own sex toy. Death is to good for you, you piece of dirt.” Nicole spat in anger.

Nicole eventually was able to compose herself and returned to her office, by this time the day shift had started, after receiving the handover from the previous shift, Nicole retreated into her office. Picking up her phone, Nicole called and arranged to meet with Bobo later that day, then she faxed off to Sam the appropriate pages from the journal to assist with his case against Lou.

Waverly had called Nicole at least 4 times, but Nicole let them go through to voicemail, not because she wanted to hide this from Waverly, but because Nicole wanted to have all the facts before telling her wife. Nicole informed the station receptionist that she was not to be disturbed and that no phone calls were to be put through, then she locked the door and collapsed on her couch, draping her arm over her eyes.

Nicole’s mind took her back to the events from the day before.‘Lou grunts as he speaks to Wynonna, “It’s the waitress from Pussy Willows. I didn’t think she would be working with Black Badge. (Lou sniffs in Waverly’s direction, then a devilish grin appears on his face) She’s ripe for the breeding, mmm.”

Upon hearing Lou’s words, Nicole’s hackles raised up at the back of her neck as the rest of her muscles tensed in preparation for a fight with Lou.’

Now Nicole could understand why Lou pinpointed on Waverly and that ‘she’s ripe for the breeding’, because he was infatuated with Sheriff Earp-Haught’s wife and that was not the done thing as far as Nicole was concerned. Deep within Nicole a sense of pride for Waverly’s skill with the gun, sprung up and worked its way towards Nicole’s heart, calming the Sheriff’s heart and mind, allowing Nicole to catch a couple of hours sleep.

Bobo was led towards the visitor room of the prison, he had not been told as to who was visiting him, so he was shocked to see Sheriff Earp-Haught sitting on the other side of the table.

BOBO: “Sheriff, it’s been a while. How is the misses and how many pups do you have now? Five I believe.”

NICOLE: “Bobo, this is not a catch-up visit. I want to know a couple of things about Lou. He was killed yesterday, I thought you should know.”

BOBO: “That’s a shame about Lou, not really he was always strange. So, what do you want to know?”

NICOLE: “I found his journal and there was a section in which he wrote about wanting to have unnatural relations with 4-year old Waverly. Did he ever (Nicole’s voice begins to crack).”

BOBO: is silent for a couple of minutes before saying, “I had just started to date Willa and Lou would tag along with me, when I picked Willa up from the homestead. At first, he would comment on how beautiful Waverly’s hair shone in the sunlight or how cute she looked in her dress. I didn’t think too much about it in the beginning, but when he said one day (Bobo stops and looks down at the floor, before continuing.), how he would like to take Waverly out to the paddocks behind the homestead and have sex with her.”

BOBO: “That was when I knew that he was not to be trusted around young Waverly, so, I made sure that he was never left alone with her. I told Willa and even though she didn’t like Waverly, Willa kept an eye on Lou. I eventually challenged Lou over his unnatural obsession with Waverly and we fell out. Lou took off and I never heard from or of him until a year after Willa and I had been married.”

NICOLE: “What happened after you and Willa been married for a year? What did Lou do?”

BOBO: “It was our anniversary; we were living at the trailer park and I had cooked a romantic meal for Willa. We had a fight that morning and she took off for the rest of the day, so, when it got late in night and she still had not returned, I tried calling her, but she refused to answer. For the next year I searched for her throughout all of Canada, after using the last of our savings, I returned to Purgatory with my tail between my legs. I got the maintenance job at the trailer park and one day I had to travel to the next province to purchase supplies, when I stumbled upon Willa and Lou walking down the street. Words and fists were exchanged before Willa told me that the pair had meet the day she left, Lou told her that he wanted to start his own pack, with Waverly. Willa told me that she persuaded Lou to change his plans, that Willa join him, in place of Waverly. They would lure vulnerable and lonely Omega’s into giving over their lives to them. Willa came back to me when Lou was bitten by an Omega Werewolf. That’s all I know.”

NICOLE: “Thank you Bobo, for not only looking out for Waverly when she was young, but for sharing your story with me. I never thought that I would ever hate someone so much as I do Lou. He described in detail, how he sexually abused his own pups before having their own mother’s kill them, as a sign of their commitment to him.”

By the time Nicole returned from the prison and arrived at the station, she was handed her messages from the receptionist, which included a note from Waverly, stating that Nicole was to call her before heading home. Nicole knew that by now Waverly would be frantic with worry and if she didn’t want to spend the night on the couch, Nicole made the call to her wife.

“Hello baby, I’m sorry that I was out when you came to the station.” Nicole waited for Waverly’s wrath.

“Don’t baby me. Where have you been and why haven’t you answered my calls? You left without leaving me a note and then I found out that you were at the station before 5. Nicole Rayleigh Earp-Haught, you are in so much trouble.” Waverly angerly spoke through the phone. Nicole could hear their triplets crying in the background, so Nicole said, “I’m sorry. I’m leaving now, do we need anything?” Waverly answered with, “NO.” and then she hung up on Nicole.

Once Nicole walked through the front door, it seemed as if all hell had broken loose, as Nicolas and Alberto ran through the house naked and the sound of water being splashed were heard further down the hallway. Scooping up Nicolas and Alberto in her arms, the boys tried to squirm their way out of their Mummy’s grip, but to no avail. Walking into the bathroom, Nicole placed her sons into the bathtub, along with Walden, Bach, and Winona, who were being bathed by Waverly. The look that Waverly gave Nicole, told her that Nicole was still in trouble.

After bathing and dressing the babies, both Nicole and Waverly read to them before tucking them in their beds. As soon as they were alone in the kitchen cleaning up, Nicole sighed as she watched Waverly huff each time, she washed a dish. Nicole knew that she had to discuss the elephant in the room.

“Waverly come on the dishes can wait. We need to talk.” Nicole dropped the tea towel on the counter.

“I want to finish these first.” Waverly growled at Nicole while she hastily dropped a plate into the water.

“If we don’t talk, I’m afraid that we may not have any plates to eat off.” Nicole stepped back enough so that Waverly could not reach her.

“Nicole.” Waverly spat.

“Waverly, I’m sorry that I left early this morning. Yesterday Dolls and I collected some evidence from Lou’s room. (Nicole reaches out for Waverly’s hand, Waverly turns around to face Nicole, Nicole leads them towards the couch) I took what looked like a book, I was hoping it would help to identify some of the women in Sam’s case to the women we brought back from the Pine Barrens.” Nicole indicated to Waverly to sit down before she sat next to her wife.

“Nicole I’ve known that there’s been something bothering you since yesterday, I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me.” Waverly took a deep breath.

“The book I took, turned out to be Lou’s journal. He had been writing in it since he was a teenager. At first the entries were about what he did and where he went. Then his entries started to change, Lou began to write about Bobo and his new girlfriend, Willa Earp. The next entry in the journal, Lou described how he was sexually attracted to a young 4-year old Waverly Earp. I was physically sick at the thought that Lou would not only sexually abuse a child, but that he wanted it to be you.” Tears filled Nicole’s eyes as she looked into Waverly’s.

Waverly sat there perplexed, she blinked a couple of times before saying, “I don’t remember meeting him. I do remember that Bobo sometimes came and picked up Willa and he had a friend, but I never talked to him.”

Nicole’s voice broke as she said, “As I sat there reading his journal, that was when I realised what Lou meant when he said, ‘She’s ripe for the breeding, mmm’ and then an image of him abusing our babies popped into my mind. It made me so mad that when I entered the Black Badge office, I couldn’t tell you just yet, I had to find out what else he ….” Nicole cried as she picked up off the side table, a picture of all five of their children.

Waverly wrapped her arm around Nicole’s neck and gently manoeuvred her wife’s head so it would rest against her shoulder. Nicole’s arms found their way around Waverly’s waist, then squeezing the brunette. “Shhh.” Waverly cooed, while rubbing Nicole’s back.

Waverly joined Nicole as she sobbed because she could not imagine anyone wanting to hurt a child in such a way, little alone her own babies. The very thought of her babies being harmed by anyone so evil made her sick to her stomach. Nicole and Waverly held each other as they cried tears of both sadness for children, who have experienced such evil, but also tears which reflected their love for their babies.

After Nicole had regained her composure, was when she told Waverly how she had gone to see Bobo and talk with him about Lou and his journal. “Bobo told me that a year after he and Willa had been married, Willa left him. For the next year Bobo searched for her, he eventually found her. After Willa returned to Bobo, she told him that she had met Lou the day before her anniversary. Lou said that he was going to start his own pack with you, but Willa persuaded Lou to allow her to take your place. They lured vulnerable Omega’s into allowing them to breed them and produce pups. It wasn’t until Lou was bitten and turned into a Werewolf, that Willa decided to come back, as Lou became eviller.”

“When we were kids, Willa never showed me any kind of love or affection. And just before the accident, she was so vindictive towards me. I don’t understand why?” Waverly glanced at a photo of her with Wynonna and Willa, as young girls playing in the fields behind the homestead.

“Dolls is going to investigate further the women whose names appear in Lou’s journal with the names of the women that have been reunited with their families. I’ve faxed Sam so that he can connect the list of names with his list.” Nicole rested against the back of the couch, pressing her neck against the top of the back of the couch. Rubbing her face with her hands, Nicole releases a groan.

“Baby what’s wrong?” Waverly could sense that Nicole was in pain. Taking Nicole’s hands in hers, Waverly places their interlinked hands into her lap.

“I’ve got a headache. Waverly do you think that after we have the Museum set up, that we as a family could go away on a holiday. After everything we’ve been through, a holiday is long overdue. Being the planner that you are, I think you’ll love researching our first family holiday. I’ve always wanted to take you and the children to Prince Edward Island, what do you think?” Nicole sat and waited for Waverly’s answer, but she didn’t have to wait to long as Waverly connected their lips together.

“That’s a yes.” Nicole says with a smirk before embracing her wife in her arms.

“Now Mrs Nicole Earp-Haught, I have a very pleasant way of curing that headache of yours. Let’s go to bed.” Waverly takes Nicole hand and leads them towards the bedroom. Waverly massages Nicole’s naked back until she heard Nicole’s tiny snoring sounds. Waverly tucked Nicole under the covers and curled up against her wife’s body and fell asleep.