52. Chapter 52

Seven Months LaterPlace: Cavendish; Prince Edward Island

Moonlight beamed through the kitchen window as Nicole stood by the sink, waiting for the microwave to heat up the triplet’s bedtime bottles. Lost in her thoughts of the last seven months and how fast it has flown by so fast. It seemed like they had just defeated Lou and restored all the women to their families and now the triplets were a year old.

Quietly walking into the kitchen Waverly is taken by her wife’s outfit, which consisted of a blue tank top and matching sleep shorts. Noticing that Nicole was lost in her thoughts, Waverly stalks up behind Nicole and runs her fingers up the taller woman’s muscular arms until she reached the back of Nicole’s neck. Feeling the feather touch of her wife, Nicole turns around and smiles at her.

“I thought you were ….” Before she could say anything more, Nicole’s lips were captured by Waverly in a passionate kiss.

“Trying to sleep without my bonus blanket is not fun. Besides from the way you were looking out that window, it was going to be a while before you came to bed. What were you thinking about, Sweetie?” Waverly asked as she held onto Nicole in a tight hug.

Nicole leant down and lay her head on Waverly’s shoulder, before releasing a huff sound. They held each other until the microwave binged, reminding them that it had finished some time ago. “I’ll just go and take these into our little monkeys. Wait for me on the deck.” Nicole said over her shoulder as she headed to the bedroom where the pups were sleeping.

When Nicole emerged out onto the porch, she was carrying two cups of hot chocolate with two marshmallows for her and Waverly. Perched up on the lover’s chair was Waverly wrapped up in a large blanket, with only her head poking out from underneath. Although it was the middle of June, Waverly always felt the cold and needed to be warm. As soon as Nicole sat next to her wife, Waverly lost the blanket and snuggled deep into her taller wife’s form and absorbed her warmth.

“What’s on your mind? Sweetie.” Waverly waits for Nicole’s answer.

The sound of the waves crashing on Cavendish beach filled the night air, allowing Nicole a chance to gather her thoughts. Looking into her cup, Nicole exhaled the air in her lungs, as her shoulders drooped.

“I never told you the reason for wanting to come to Prince Edward Island for our holiday. I was 7 years old when my parents took me away on the only holiday with them. We came here to Prince Edward Island. We spent most of our days, either hiking along the different hiking tracks or visiting the sights. It was our last night when my Dad and I took a walk along this very beach before dinner. I remember him putting his arm around my shoulders and saying, ‘how proud he was of me’. That was the only time he said anything like that to me.” Nicole ran her thumb along the rim of the cup.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. Look at me (Waverly placed a finger under Nicole’s chin, lifting so that Nicole could look into Waverly’s eyes.) I am proud of you every day, and our pups are proud of you. Nicolas and Alberto want to be just like you, they idolise you, if you haven’t noticed and Walden, Bach, and Winona just love you. You’re never going to have to worry about the depth of our love and pride for you, my love.” Waverly places a tender kiss to the middle of her wife’s forehead.

Waverly drew Nicole close into her body, allowing the taller woman to rest her head against Waverly’s tender and succulent breast. The lovers held onto each other, until a small hand touched Nicole’s leg. Looking down Waverly and Nicole saw Alberto standing with his sheriff teddy bear tucked under his arm and a sad look on his face.

“What’s wrong Bubba?” Nicole asks as she indicates for him to climb up onto her lap.

“Ocean to noisy. Deputy Droopy can’t sleep.” Alberto says as he rubs his face on Nicole’s tank top and squeezes his Deputy Sheriff Teddy Bear.

Rubbing her son’s back, Nicole says, “Would you and Deputy Droopy, like to sleep with Ma and me?” Nicole points at Waverly and then herself.

“Yeah.” Alberto replied.

“Come on, let’s get you and Ma all warmed up in bed.” Nicole stands up holding Alberto in one arm, while she reaches back for Waverly’s hand. Taking her wife’s hand, Waverly follows them into their bedroom in the little cabin beside the ocean, where the three settled down for their first night. The past week Nicole, Waverly and their little pups were travelling along with Doc, Wynonna (who was about 7 months pregnant), Alice, Henry, Emily, Louise, Vicky, and Alison. This group of friends and family had travelled and visited various locations along the way. Emily and Louise had promised to show them the sights of Old Quebec on the way back through.

Lying in bed later that night, Waverly stirred as she had been woken by a tiny foot being pressed in her lower back. She thought back over the last 5 months and all that transpired during this time. Waverly and Louise had worked hard on completing the period clothing for the Museum staff. After finishing the last item of clothing, Waverly and Louise were taking a break, leaving the clothing hanging up in Louise’s living room. It was only when they returned that they found out as to why Nicolas and Alberto were so quiet. Nicolas was found with the scissors in his hand, while Alberto had the permanent pen in his, while the dress lay on the floor, cut in pieces with a new design drawn on the remaining fabric. Waverly was filled with so much rage, that she couldn’t look at her sons. Instead she rang Nicole and said, “Your looking after YOUR DEVIL CHILDREN tonight.” Before hanging up on Nicole.

Waverly quickly forgave her sons later that night, after she spent another 4 hours with Louise recreating the outfit. Nicole had stopped by Emily and Louise’s to collect her pups before taking them home, where she feed, bathed, and put them to bed, not before she gave her sons a talk about touching other people’s things.

Then 2 months later, Waverly along with her family by her side, officially opened the Wyatt Earp Museum. Everyone from town had come out for the grand opening and commented Waverly on the great job she had done with all the memorabilia celebrating her and Wyatt’s heritage. Waverly had chosen Nicole’s Sheriff outfit, along with Nicolas and Alberto being dressed as Sheriff’s Deputies. Nicole selected the cutest blue dress, and leather boots for Winona, while Walden, and Bach were dressed in the smartest black trousers, leather vests and white button up shirt, along with little boots.

Nicole praised Waverly for all the hard work that she had done to create the Museum and then she thanked all the different people, who had helped to make Waverly’s vision come to fruition. Waverly had asked Nicole to officiate the opening, and when it came time to cut the ribbon, Nicole grabbed hold of Nicolas and Alberto and the three of them cut the ribbon and posed for the photo alongside a beaming Waverly. After all the formalities had been completed, Waverly, Nicole and their little family enjoyed a fun filled day together.

Nicolas and Alberto were amazed when they saw candy being made at the Old Time Candy Store. They were more impressed when they were given the opportunity to assist with pulling the candy, which they got to taste. Winona was taken by the horses pulling the stagecoach, she continually reached out to try and touch the ‘big doggies’ as she called them. Bach and Walden found the spurs on the back of their Mummy’s boots rather interesting, which Waverly had to purchase a set for their little boots.

Waverly and Nicole’s favourite part of the day was when they had their family portrait taken the old fashion way. Not only did they have a full family sitting, Waverly requested a sitting of just her and Nicole. The photographer instructed Waverly to sit on the chair, while Nicole stood beside her, but just before the shoot was taken, Nicole lent down and captured Waverly’s lips with hers. While they were kissing the photographer took his photo, catching their love forever more, which now hangs in the living room for all to see, along with the family portrait.

Waverly’s thoughts then flashed to the day when she celebrated the birth of Nicole, Walden, Bach, and Winona. Waverly wanted to do something special for Nicole, as she now had to share her day with her children. Waverly arranged for Nicole to spend a couple of hours, rock climbing with Dolls before they headed back to decorate the house for the Triplet’s 1st Birthday Party. Waverly had baked a vegan vanilla cake, decorated with vegan cream cheese icing. Nicolas and Alberto picked out two toy cars and a toy unicorn to be placed above the pup’s names on the icing.

Winona was more interested in playing with the wrapping that had surrounded her presents, which consisted of a ride on pony, clothes, books, and a swimming costume and beach towel. Walden on the other hand was very keen on playing with all his presents that consist of swim trunks, a beach towel, books, toy cars and a toy builder’s belt that came with a toy hammer, measuring tape and screw driver. Bach also received swim trunks, a beach towel, books, toy trucks, and a toy lawnmower.

Nicole sat all the triplets up onto the table, ready for Waverly to place in front of them, the birthday cake. Nicolas and Alberto stood on chairs next to Waverly before the happy family posed for a photo. Winona was between Walden and Bach, when she started to kick her little chubby legs, before Nicole could stop her, the little girl had stuck her feet into the middle of the cake. Winona reached down to her foot and grabbed a handful of cake and shoved it into her mouth. Bach and Walden matched their sister’s actions, which Wynonna hooted her approval of her niece and nephew’s behaviour. Nicolas and Alberto looked up at Waverly, and waited for her to yell at their siblings, but instead their parents erupted in laughter.

The twins have been sleeping in their ‘big boy’ beds for the last couple of months, along with starting being toilet trained. This led to some funny and awkward moments for Nicole and Waverly. One time when Alice was staying over, the boys asked Nicole as to why ‘Alice didn’t have ‘a tail between her legs’, like them?’ To which Nicole had to explain that little ‘girls didn’t have tails, but little boys did’. There were also times when either one or both boys had little accidents, which made them cry and if Waverly was the only one with them, the boys would insist on wanting only their Mummy, which meant that Waverly had to race them over to the station, so Nicole could attend to them.

Now that their little family were away on their much overdue holiday, Waverly rolled over in the bed, and looked at Alberto, smiling as she saw, how her son had tucked his head into the crook of Nicole’s neck. Waverly smiled as she wiggled closer to the sleeping pair, so that she was lying next to her love ones. Knowing that her family were safe and all under the one roof, Waverly found herself drifting off to sleep.

The next morning the group headed off to visit the Green Gables Heritage Place, the place which inspired L.M. Montgomery, to write the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ series. Waverly and Louise were rather keen to see the different displays, for Waverly she wanted to see all the artifacts and how the different rooms, were set up to reflect the time period. For Louise, she was interested in the clothing from that time, so that she could take ideas back for the Wyatt Earp museum, as Waverly was interested in creating a Fancy dress rental service, after the success of the museum and people’s interest in the outfits, especially the Sheriff’s and the Women’s outfits.

Nicole had her hands full as she was trying to keep Nicolas and Alberto from climbing all over the different displays, especially ‘Anne’s bedroom’. Nicolas told his Mummy, “I want to sit on bed.” Nicole replied, “We can’t, Nicolas, we are not allowed.” She pointed to a sign, which read ‘No touching’.

Nicolas didn’t like this and so when Nicole was not looking, he snuck off and headed back to the room and made his way over to the bed. Once Nicole and Waverly realised Nicolas was missing from their group, they both headed back to ‘Anne’s room’, knowing that he was determined to get to that bed. They found Nicolas cheekily jumping on the bed, much to their horror.

“Nicolas Earp-Haught, you are in so much trouble, young man.” Nicole sternly said as she stormed over to Nicolas and grabbed hold of him. Nicole hated that she was going to have to give her son, his very first smack, for being naughty, but also for disobeying the rules of the museum. Waverly looked on as Nicole held her son, who was now crying from being smacked on his clothed bottom.

“Nicolas, your Mummy said No, and when you run off like that, we get scared. We love you and want you be safe.” Waverly said as she hugged both Nicole and Nicolas. Nicolas stopped crying, “I sorry, Mummy and Ma.”

For the rest of the day, Nicolas stayed close to Nicole and would not stray to far away from his parents. After their trip to Green Gables, the group headed back to the cabins, where Doc cooked a barbeque for lunch. Once all their bellies were filled with hamburgers and everything had been cleaned up, Nicole took Nicolas and Alberto off to get them changed into their new swim shorts, but before they could sneak off down to the beach, Waverly caught them.

“Sheriff Earp-Haught and your Deputies aren’t trying to go down and go swimming, without putting on sunscreen?” Waverly stood with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot. Nicole knew this look and she smiled and pulled out her dimples, in hope that this would try and get her off the hook.

“Don’t give me that look. You know that you and the boys are going to burn if you don’t cover up.” Waverly held out the tube of sunblock cream. Nicole took it and applied the sunblock cream to both Nicolas and Alberto’s torso and face, then Waverly applied some to the Nicole’s back and handed her wife, three shirts, one for her and the others for the boys. After they were fully covered, Nicole and the boys headed out to go swimming. Waverly then headed into the children’s bedroom and changed the triplets into their swimmers and covered them with sunblock before heading out to join Nicole and the boys.

Wynonna’s third pregnancy was a surprise to her and Doc, but once the shock wore off, they both were delighted with the news. After doing some calculations, Doc worked out that this pup had been conceived the night they had put Lou down. This caused Doc for the next week to be proud with himself, while Wynonna threatened to cut ‘it’ off, if he didn’t wipe that smug grin off his face. Doc kept his delight under wraps, out of fear of losing his manhood at the hands of his wife.

Alice and Henry joined Nicole and Waverly in the water, while Wynonna and Doc spent time lying on the beach, soaking up the sun. Walden stood on the edge of the water, he loved how each time the waves would chase him, causing the little boy squeal with joy. Wynonna was able to take a couple of photos of her nephew, capturing the joy on his face. Bach held Waverly’s hand as he waded in the water, looking at the waves hit his legs. Winona and Henry were being held by Nicole, who was watching Alice, Nicolas, and Alberto swimming in the shallow. Every now and then, Nicole would sink lower into the water, which both Henry and Winona loved, by splashing the water, spraying water into Nicole’s face.

Emily and Louise were also enjoying the water with their girls, who spent their time splashing the water. After an hour in the water, Emily and Louise took the girls back to the towels and changed them, so that they were wearing little tank tops and shorts, along with their nappies. Now that the twin girls were sitting up on their own, Emily sat with them and showed them how to make sandcastles. Vicky and Alison were more interested in seeing if the sand was good enough to eat, which resulting in Emily having to stop her daughter’s hands before they reached their little mouths.

Over the next couple of days, the routine was much the same, the group would visit different sights around Prince Edward Island and then the afternoon was spent on the beach. Each day all the children were growing in different skills for their age. Alice, Nicolas, and Alberto were becoming stronger swimmers, Henry, Walden, Bach, and Winona were learning to swim and Vicky and Alison learned that sand didn’t taste nice but was fun to play with.

Most nights the family would head out and try the various restaurants on the Island. One-night Nicole, Emily, and Wynonna wanted to have lobster, so they headed out to ‘Lobster On The Wharf Restaurant’. Winona was sitting next to Nicole and watched as her Mummy cracked open a Lobster, and then started to eat. The little girl was so engrossed with her Mummy that she lost interest with her nuggets, Winona reached out and grabbed her Mummy’s arm before Nicole took another bite of the Lobster flesh.

“Me, eat.” Winona spoke while she tried to pull Nicole’s hand with the Lobster meat closer to her.

“Monkey, I’m not sure your going to like this, but you can try just a small piece.” Nicole picked off a small piece of Lobster meat and laid it onto Winona’s plate. Winona picks it up with her fingers and places it into her mouth. Chewing on the meat, Winona looks up at Nicole and grins, indicating that she is enjoying the Lobster. Not to be left out, Nicolas and Alberto ask to try the Lobster. Nicole hands over to not only Nicolas and Alberto, but she also gives Walden and Bach a piece to try. Alberto and Bach loved the Lobster and requested more, Nicolas and Walden on the other hand, ate the meat but didn’t ask for anymore.

On the last night Doc made a campfire, which they cooked their dinner on. Once all the children had been changed and tucked into their beds for the night, was when Wynonna brought out the booze. Wynonna challenged Nicole and Emily into a drinking game called ‘The Weakest Drink’. Each player was asked trivia questions which ranged from easy through to exceedingly difficult, for each wrong answer the player would have to drink several shots which depended on the difficulty of the question.

At first Nicole and Emily had answered most of the questions correctly, while Waverly and Doc had gotten a couple wrong. As Louise was still breastfeeding and Wynonna being pregnant, the pair took it in turns to ask the questions. It wasn’t until the questions started to become harder that Nicole began to falter, resulting in her having to down several shots of Whiskey. Emily was not that far behind her boss, along with Waverly and Doc. Wynonna at first was not happy at not being able to participate, but when Nicole started to slur her answers, Wynonna started to enjoy the show.

“Now Haught pants, what’s the name of the Strip club in Purgatory that we went to on the night you knocked up my baby sister?” Wynonna grinned as she watched Nicole begin to squirm in her seat.

Waverly stared in Wynonna’s direction before saying, “Wynonna, what kind of question is that?”

“Pusssssyyyy Willlllllllows.” Nicole tried to say without slurring.

“Correct. One more for Haughtie here.” Wynonna teases.Waverly stood up to place another log on the fire and on her way back to her chair, Nicole grabbed her around the waist and pulled her so that the brunette could sit on her lap. Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and placed a peak on the redhead’s cheek. Waverly then turned around so that her back was pressed up against Nicole’s chest. It wasn’t long before the brunette felt something hard pressing against her back. Smiling she wiggled just slightly to tease her wife. Answering her question without blinking, as Nicole kissed the back of her neck, Waverly smiled to herself, as she could tell by Nicole’s actions, that she had achieved her goal, to arouse and entice her wife.

Nicole then snaked her arms around Waverly’s middle and hugged her so tight that Waverly could feel her wife’s heart beating. Nicole rested her chin on Waverly’s shoulder before said, “Baby, I think we’ve had enough fun for tonight. How about we get you into bed.”

Pulling the taller woman to her feet proved to be more of a challenge for Waverly, as Nicole was a lot more drunk than what she has ever been before. As soon as Nicole was in an upright position, she stumbled towards her wife. Nicole had forgotten that they were not alone, and her hands took on a life of their own, they reached out and cupped Waverly’s ass, which she gave a squeeze.

“Nicole, don’t you be starting something, you can’t finish.” Waverly whispers as she wrapped her arm around Nicole’s waist, leading them away towards their cabin. Nicole stumbled up the couple of steps and lent against the post while Waverly unlocked the front door (they only locked the door because their pups were sleeping and they didn’t want them coming out and heading towards the ocean or becoming lost).

“Sweetie, you go and get yourself ready, I’ll go and check on the babies.” Waverly kisses Nicole and then sends the redhead off towards their bedroom.

From within the cabin they could still hear the waves crashing on the sand and the light from the moon was beaming in through the bedroom window. Nicole smiled as she undressed herself and then pulled back the covers on the bed, before laying down on the sheets and waited for Waverly.

As Waverly walked into the bedroom she smiled as she looked at her sexy wife, laying on the bed, waiting for her. Kicking off her shoes and removing her own clothes, Waverly climbed onto the bed and crawled her way to Nicole. Straddling her wife, Waverly cupped Nicole’s face with her hands and passionately kissed her. Nicole’s hands caressed Waverly’s back as they kissed each other, Nicole’s cock pressed into Waverly’s stomach and every now and then, it would flinch when Waverly scraped her teeth along Nicole’s pulse point.

Waverly had been keeping a record of her last heat and the dates and times of when she and Nicole made love. Waverly’s research into how to conceive girl babies, revealed that her and Nicole were to have sex as frequent as possible before her next heat. And when her heat came, she and Nicole were to go at it like rabbits. The research also said that the best sex position was missionary, the research stated this would allow the girl sperm, adequate time to travel and fertilise Waverly’s eggs. All the information that Waverly researched stated that girl sperm were slow swimmers, so, by putting all the advice into practice, it would assist her and Nicole in becoming parents of baby girls.

Flipping them over so that Nicole was on top, Nicole looked deep into Waverly’s desire filled eyes, “I loooovvvee yyyooouu.” Nicole slurred.

“My big brave Sheriff, I want your pups. Please.” Waverly whimpered; Nicole pushed herself deep inside her wife. They made love until Nicole eventually passed out and fell asleep on top of Waverly.

Meanwhile back at the campfire, Wynonna says, “Um Doc, you might want to go and grab the radio and bring it out here.”

“Why would he want to do that?” Emily slurs, just before she gently kisses Louise.

“Because my baby sister’s ovaries are crying out and the size of the bulge in ‘Haught pants’ means we are going to need to drain out their noises soon. Trust me, they are pretty loud.” Wynonna smirks as Emily gives her own wife a look.

The next couple of days were spent travelling and looking at the different sights, Waverly’s knowledge of Canadian History proved to be rather valuable, as she was able to recall different information on what happened or why a location was special. As they drove through the Canadian countryside, Nicolas and Alberto would often say, “Wee, wee time.” This required the group to make unscheduled stops along the road.

As promised Emily and Louise showed the group around Old Quebec City, guiding them through the old streets, so that they could either eat at great bakeries or restaurants, or drink in their favourite bar. The night they all headed to their favourite bar, it happened to be the night, Emily’s old band was playing, and once the band members saw her, they called her up on stage to play for old times’ sake.

Their time away was fast coming to an end, as the group drove the last couple of kilometres back to Purgatory. After dropping off Emily and her family to their home, Nicole and Waverly headed back to their home, so that they could unpack and allow their pups to run around. Nicole then headed over to Nedley’s to pick up Max and Calamity Jane, then she picked up some takeaway for both the Holiday and Earp-Haught families.