53. Chapter 53

18 months later

A tiny whimper of a cry filled the bedroom, as Waverly stirred from her sleep. She raised herself from under the covers to peep into baby cribs beside her bed, instead of seeing two tuffs of bright red hair, Waverly only caught the glimpse of one. Afraid that something untoward had happened while she dozed, she quickly turned around in her bed and saw that Nicole had fallen asleep on the couch, still cradling their newborn daughter in her arms. Noting that their daughter was grizzling, which indicated that she was hungry and requiring to be feed.

“You won’t find anything in those, my baby girl.” Waverly said to the baby who was muzzling her face into one of Nicole’s breasts. Nicole stirred and smiled at her wife, hearing her daughter’s whimpers, Nicole stood and walked over to Waverly and handed over the baby.

Lifting her top and offering her breast to her girl pup, Waverly looked down at the little mouth securely sealed around her nipple, sucking away, unaware of the journey her parents had been on over the last 18 months.

Smiling at her wife, who was in the middle of changing her baby vomit covered top before the redhead walked over to the crib and looked down at the sleeping little one and smiled. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Nicole turned and watched as Waverly and her daughter were caught up in their little world.

Eighteen months prior.Waverly and Nicole tried to conceive girl pups. The day Waverly found out she was pregnant, she planned to tell Nicole over dinner that night, but Nicolas and Alberto didn’t realise that there are some things that their Ma wanted to be the one to tell their Mummy.

As soon as Nicole stepped foot in the door that night, Nicolas, and Alberto ran up to their Mummy and hugged her legs. “Well this is quite the greeting.” Lifting the two boys up to give them a tight hug.

Nicolas kissed his Mummy’s cheek, “Ma going to have babies.”

Alberto looked at Nicolas, “That’s a secret.” Nicole tried to hide the smile that threatening to dance cross her face.

Waverly stepped out of the kitchen and said, “Nicolas Earp-Haught, I hope you haven’t told Mummy our little secret.”

“But Ma. I sorry.” Nicolas pouts. Knowing that his parents can’t hold a grudge against him especially when he flashed the dimples. Later that night Waverly and Nicole celebrated their joy at the news of becoming parents again. The next week would bring with it both joy and sorrow.

Wynonna was in her last month of pregnancy and Doc took the children into Purgatory for the day, so that she could rest as she had not been able to get adequate sleep over the last week. As she was home alone, Wynonna was preparing herself a sandwich when she felt the sharp pain of labour, bending over and grabbing the edge of the table, Wynonna screamed out in pain. Then she heard the woosh of her waters breaking, soaking her socks, Wynonna cursed out aloud due to the labour pains, which were coming every 5 minutes.

Waverly was working on the rosters for the museum staff this day, while Nicole took their pups over to visit Aunt Gus. She heard her phone ring, thinking that it was Nicole, Waverly answered, “Hello, sweetie.”

“Arrr, it’s not Haught sauce, Baby girl. It’s Wynonna, ARRRR.”

“Wyn, what’s wrong?” Waverly nervously asks.

“The baby’s coomminng. I nneedd heellpp.” Wynonna screamed down the phone as she was hit with labour pains.

“I’m on my way.” Waverly replies.

Waverly arrived just in time to find Wynonna laying on the kitchen floor, cradling a baby in her arms. The sisters embraced and looked upon the little infant wrapped in a beautiful blue blanket.

“You delivered it by yourself!” Waverly caresses Wynonna’s cheek with one hand, while the other reached out and touched the cheek of the baby.

“Yes, it seems that he couldn’t wait.” Wynonna looked down at her son.

“A boy. Doc was hoping for another girl, but I’m sure he will be pleased to have another son.” Waverly beamed with pride for her sister.

“Doc said only yesterday, that if we had a boy, he wants to name him, Wyatt. He says that it would be a perfect name for the union of the Earp’s and the Holiday’s. I think it would be only fitting. Baby girl, met your nephew, Wyatt.” Wynonna gently handed over the child over to Waverly, who cradled her nephew in her arms and cooed at him.

After making sure that everything with the afterbirth was alright, Wynonna and baby Wyatt, along with Waverly headed off towards the hospital, so that both mother and child could be checked over by the doctor. Doc arrived at the hospital with Alice and Henry in tow, ecstatic at the news that their pup, was finally here and pleased to have heard he and Wynonna had another son.

The doctor was pleased with both Wyatt and Wynonna, and they were discharged into Doc’s care. The newly expanded family headed back to the homestead, to settle into their new life, adjusting to having a new baby within the house. Wynonna could believe that their son was there lying in his crib, when only that morning she was carrying the child within her own body.

A couple of days later, as Waverly was taking Nicolas, Alberto, Walden, Bach, and Winona to the park, so that they could burn off the doughnut fuelled energy. She had just helped Winona into the sandpit, Waverly didn’t see the young man fast approaching her from the other side of the park. It was only when he smashed into her, causing her to fall backwards, hitting the ground hard. She felt sharp pain in her lower back and at the back of her head, when Waverly looked over at her children, she noticed that they were alright, the triplets were still playing, but Nicolas and Alberto came rushing to her, she realised that the young man had only taken off with her handbag.

Meanwhile, back at the station Nicole was in the middle of taking down the from a member of Purgatory, regarding a snatch and grab robbery, when her Alpha felt the pain of her Omega. Dropping her pen, Nicole turned around from the counter and asked Emily to continue with the paperwork, as she said, “there was something more urgent, that needed her utmost attention.” Rushing out of the station, Nicole shoved her hand into her pocket to reach for her car keys, but as soon as she smelt the air, her Alpha picked up Waverly’s scent and that it was coming from the park. Nicole loosened her hold on her keys and set off in a sprint towards the park.

As Nicole approached the park, she scanned the park to gain sight of Waverly, that was when she saw Waverly flat on her back on the ground and not moving. Nicolas and Alberto were kneeling beside their Ma, crying as they didn’t know what to do. The triplets were climbing out of the sandpit and moving towards their Ma when Nicole reached her mate and their pups. Waverly rolled over onto her side and pulled her knees up towards her chest, it was clear by the painful look on her face, that she was experiencing severe pain Knowing that this meant her mate was in trouble, Nicole knelt by Waverly’s side and said, “Talk to me, Baby. What happened?”

“Some young man knocked me over, just so he could steal my handbag. I fell and hit my middle and lower back, as well as my head rather hard. I’ve got cramping pain in my stomach and it’s so painful. (Waverly is silent as tears well up in her eyes) Nicole I think I’m losing them (Waverly looks down to her stomach, as she lifts her hands, her and Nicole look at the bright red blood on her hands, Waverly sobs).” Waverly’s body shakes with each sob, and crumbles into Nicole’s waiting arms.

Nicole sweeps her wife up in her arms and holds her bridal style. Turning around to talk to their pups, Nicole says, “Nicolas and Alberto, Mummy needs you to hold your brothers and sister hands and follow me back to the Station. Ma is hurt and I need to get her to the hospital. Do you think you can do this for me?”

Nicolas and Alberto nod their heads before reaching out and taking hold of Walden, Bach, and Winona’s hands. When they safely reached the station, Nicole fumbled with the keys to Waverly’s van, but after some effort, she was able to open the passenger door and lowered her wife onto the seat. Placing a kiss to Waverly’s cheek, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to ask Jeremy to look after the kids. It’s going to be alright. I love you.” Nicole tries to reassure Waverly, before heading into the station, with five little people following her close behind.

Nicole rushed them straight to the hospital, but it was too late from the look on the face of the doctor that attended to Waverly. Nicole was asked to take a seat in the waiting room, while the doctor examined her wife. The strong Sheriff became a crumbling mess the moment she heard the painful screams coming from Waverly’s room. Nicole knew that moment she and Waverly had lost their babies, dropping her head into her hands, Nicole allowed herself the chance to cry, if only just for a moment. It was when the door to Waverly’s room was opened did Nicole composed herself, before heading inside to comfort her wife.

The light which shined in Waverly’s eyes, was gone as she was filled with a deep sadness, which she wished it would engulf her right there and then. A voice whispered in her head, “See, you’re such a failure. Nicole’s not going to love you anymore. She’s going to find another Omega, who will give her pups.” Waverly curled up on the hospital bed while hugging a spare pillow, she found that the only thing her body would do, was cry as her mind tried to process the news of the loss of her pups.

The doctor explained to Nicole that the force from the young man hitting Waverly in the stomach, combined with her hitting the ground rather hard, in their understanding would have been the root cause for the miscarriage of the pups. Their recommendation for Waverly was that she was to stay in hospital overnight, so that they could monitor her, just to make sure, she doesn’t have any more blood loss. Bracing herself Nicole entered the room and saw her wife broken on the bed, crying uncontrollably, which broke Nicole’s heart. Knowing that she needed to remain strong for her wife, Nicole steeled herself as she walked over to the side of the bed and laid her hand on Waverly’s shoulder. “Shhh, I’m here, Baby.” Nicole whispered.

Looking up at Nicole, all Waverly could do was reach out her arms and with her eyes, beckon her wife to hold her. Waverly shifted on the bed to allow for Nicole to lay next to her and wrap the brunette in her arms, as Nicole stroked Waverly’s hair. The pair lay like for hours, allowing their hands to talk for them, as the room filled with their cries, until Waverly eventually fell asleep. This allowed Nicole to call both Wynonna and Jeremy, who she asked him and Dolls to look after the kids for the night.

For the next month Nicole and Waverly operated as if on autopilot, keeping up the appearance that everything was fine, that they were fine. Their closet friends and family knew different, they saw Nicole’s sunken and sad eyes, which she would say were caused by hay fever. Waverly on the other hand, would put on a smile when she was out in public, but when she and Nicole were at home, Waverly would become closed off emotionally. Instead she would focus on the pups and leave Nicole to fend for herself.

Towards the end of the second month since the loss of their pups, Nicole approached Waverly one night as she sat on the couch in the living room, while their babies slept in their beds.

“Waverly, I was wondering if we could plant a tree in the backyard, in memory of our little ones. What do you think?” Nicole sits next to Waverly and eyes her wife for some reaction. Waverly sits and ponders Nicole’s question.

“Why do you want to do that?” Waverly’s voice begins to crack as she looks away from Nicole.

“So that our babies won’t be forgotten, (Tears well up in Nicole’s eyes, as her voice quivers) and the world will know that we loved them. I don’t want to do this without you.” Nicole reaches out to take Waverly’s hand in hers. Waverly turns and faces her wife, and sees that Nicole is crying, which touches Waverly’s heart.

Cupping her wife’s face, Waverly brushes away the tears and places gentle kisses on Nicole’s closed eyelids. “That sounds like a great idea, what would you say to placing a little ‘In Memory’ plaque under the tree.”

Waverly and Nicole spent the rest of the night researching and sourcing the right tree, before working together to come up with the right words to go on the plaque. As Nicole prepared for bed that night, she thought that maybe her and Waverly were going to get through this together.

Two weeks later Nicole and Waverly invited Wynonna, Doc, and their pups, Jeremy, Dolls and Jessica, along with Emily, Louise, and their pups, to come over one afternoon. Once everyone had arrived, Dolls volunteered to watch the little ones while Nicole and Waverly planted the tree and laid the plaque, after Nicole made a small speech.

Over the next five months, things between Waverly and Nicole got worse. Nicole would wake early in the morning, so that she could change their pups and make them breakfast, while Waverly stayed in bed. After having breakfast together, Nicole would go and open her bedroom door, so that all their pups could run in and jump on the bed, to give their Ma a morning hug and kiss. Nicole would then say goodbye to her family before heading off to the station for the day. Waverly would spend her days working between the Wyatt Museum and Black Badge.

At night when Nicole finally returned home, she would find the house in chaos with Nicolas and Alberto either chasing their brothers and sister or messing up their room. Waverly was busy trying to get dinner ready, while attempting to keep order in the house. Nicole would take charge of the pups, by getting them ready for dinner and then bed. Once her and Waverly had placed their babies to bed for the night, it would always be something small that would trigger off Waverly into a rage. Most nights they would argue about stupid things, like how Nicole forgot to pick up some Almond Milk, even though there was plenty in the fridge.

Nicole had requested Doc’s help in tracing down the young man, who had been responsible for several hit and run robberies, including stealing Waverly’s handbag and caused the miscarriage of their unborn pups. It was about five months after Waverly’s robbery that Doc had arrested the criminal and brought him into the station. Waverly was working across the corridor, so Nicole asked her to identify him from the line-up. Once Waverly picked her attacker, Nicole charged the young man. Weeks later Nicole was happy to tell Waverly and the other victims, that the young man had been found guilty and sentenced to juvenile jail.

With the news of her attacker had been put away into jail, Nicole thought that Waverly would begin to focus on her grief. Nicole was finding it harder to reach Waverly, when they were alone together, Waverly had stopped talking on an emotional level with Nicole. Waverly had even stopped wanting to spend any length of time with her sister and especially her new nephew, Wyatt.

On the day which would have been the due date of their babies, Nicole left a sleeping household rather early and headed into the station. Nicole locked herself in her office for most of the day, only venturing out to grab herself some coffee before heading back to her desk. As much as she wanted to, Nicole found it difficult to focus on the paperwork as she kept thinking about what their babies would look like, and what sex they would have been. At times Nicole would just cry as she stared at her desk calendar, which Nicole had marked eight months before.

With Henry tugging on her leg of her jeans, and baby Wyatt in her arms, Wynonna walked in through Waverly and Nicole’s front door, young Alice tag along behind. Waverly was sitting at the dinning table, while Nicolas and Alberto were sitting on the couch, watching “Paw Patrol” and Walden, Bach, and Winona were sleeping on baby sized mattresses. Alice and Henry joined their cousins on the couch, while Wynonna and Wyatt made their way over towards Waverly, whose eyes were puffy and red, clearly from crying.

“Ok, Baby Girl, spill! What’s going on?” Wynonna reaches out a hand and places it on her sister’s shoulder.

“It’s my due date today. We should be saying hello to our babies.” Waverly says with a quivering voice as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Shhh, it’s going to be alright.” Wynonna lets Waverly place her head on her shoulder, as she shifts young Wyatt onto her other knee. “How’s Big Red?”

“She in at the station. I don’t know how long she’s going to hang around. Eventually Nicole’s going to leave me, why would she stay around. I’m a bad mother. Nicole’s going to leave me for someone who can give her pups and not miscarry them.” Tears continue to stream down Waverly’s face and landed on Wynonna’s shirt.

Wynonna pulled back and look straight into Waverly’s face, “Baby Girl, look at me. Firstly, you are a fantastic mother, look at your babies, they are happy and healthy, and they all love you and Big Red. Secondly, Nicole looks at you as if you hung the moon and the stars in the sky. She loves you Waverly Earp-Haught. She is never going to leave you.”

“Nicole might have looked at me like that over 6 months ago.” Waverly answers.

“Baby Girl, she looked at you like that only yesterday. You need to talk to her about how you feel, because if you don’t, your going to hurt each other so much more.” Wynonna kisses her sister on the forehead before wrapping her arm around her.

Walking into the station that afternoon, Wynonna was wearing her favourite leather jacket as she and Doc had discussed her having a night off from breastfeeding, allowing her to go out and get herself smashed. Pushing open Nicole’s office door, she leans against the doorframe with a bottle of Whiskey in her hand.

“Alright Haught, it’s been an exceptionally long 9 months without a drink. Pull out the glasses, we are going to sink a few, before hitting the Pussy.” Wynonna unscrews the bottle and takes a swig.

“Wynonna, now is not the time, Oh what the fuck!” Nicole spins around in her chair and opens a cupboard and pulls out two glasses and places them on her desk. Wynonna quickly fills them both. The best friends clink the glasses before slamming down the liquid and the glasses are refilled. When Nicole and Wynonna walked out of the station later, Nicole was feeling like for a short time, she didn’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders.

The pair spend their time at the ‘Pussy’, sharing drinks and laughter as they talked openly. All the drinking allowed Nicole to be free about how she truly felt about the loss of her pups and Waverly’s distancing from her. Wynonna sat and listened to her best friend and every now and then she would throw in a joke, which would result in them laughing loudly. Once Wynonna thought that Nicole had reached the right amount of inebriation, the brunette assisted her friend home to her waiting wife.

Waverly was standing in the kitchen when Nicole stumbled through the front door. The brunette watched as Nicole tried to kick off her shoes, instead the shoe flew off and landed on the floor with a thud. Waverly rushed over to Nicole’s side and helped her with removing the other shoe and then her Police jacket. Nicole looked lovingly at Waverly before Nicole headed down towards the baby’s rooms. Waverly whispers, “Nicole, don’t wake them. We’ve had a really bad night.”

Nicole nodded before she and Waverly crept into the nursery and placed kisses on the tops of their baby’s heads. Then they moved into the twin’s room and tucked them under their blankets, before kissing their foreheads. Nicole and Waverly head into their bedroom, but Nicole walked out the glass door and down the steps towards the tree they had planted only months ago.

“Nicole what are you doing?” Waverly asks as she stands on the top step.

“I’m saying hello to our babies. We would have been holding them today.” Nicole replies and then falls to the ground. “We miss you. We love you, remember that. Your Ma is so sad and so am I.” Nicole breaks down and uncontrollability sobs. Seeing and hearing her wife, Waverly rushes to Nicole and lowers herself so that she is next to Nicole. Waverly wraps her arms around Nicole and holds her tight, allowing the redhead woman the time to reveal her grief.

Waverly turns Nicole around so that she could look into her eyes. “I’m so sorry for the way, I’ve been treating you these last months. The day I lost the babies, there was a voice in my head that said, ‘you’re such a failure. Nicole’s not going to love you anymore. She’s going to find another Omega, who will give her pups.’ So, to save me the pain of losing you, I pushed you away, because everyone in my life has left me. I love you Nicole. The pain of losing out pups hurts so much.” Waverly looks for Nicole’s reaction.

“Oh Baby, I would never leave you just because you could give me any more pups. I love you Waverly Earp-Haught and I meant what I said the day we got married. I am going to be here for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part. You and our pups are my life, I don’t want anything else. We both have been hurting, we just haven’t talked to each other.” Nicole leans forward and captures her wife’s lips with hers. Their reconnection begins innocent, but quickly turned into full desire.

Nicole ran her hands around Waverly’s back and worked them under her wife’s night shirt, she released a low growl the moment she made contact with Waverly’s skin. Waverly pulled back and lifted her shirt over her head and pulled Nicole down with her as she lowered them back onto the ground. Nicole made short work of removing her own shirt, while Waverly unbuckled her wife’s belt along with opening Nicole’s pants. Nicole uses her hand to lower her pants so that she is still in her shorts.

Nicole kissed her way down her wife’s body, allowing her lips to latch around Waverly’s hardened nipple and begun to suck on the tender bud, then releasing it with a pop sound. Not to neglect the other nipple, Nicole turned her attention on the next bud, giving it the same attention. Waverly’s hand snaked its way into Nicole’s shorts and wraps her hand around Nicole’s hardened cock, as she pumps the 12 inches of cock, Nicole groaned as her cock twitches in her wife’s hand.

Nicole normally has a firm grip on her Alpha’s leash, but right at that moment she lost her grasp and the Alpha was off and running free. Nicole’s Alpha grabs Waverly’s hand and forces it off her cock, she then peels off Waverly’s knickers to reveal a glistering wet mound, which send the Alpha into a frenzy. “Your mine, Waverly. And your going to take every inch of me, then your going to take my knot and all my pups. I’m going to so fill you up, that for days after, you’re going to feel my cum moving inside you.”

Nicole pushed her shorts down around her knees before she lined her cock up with Waverly’s entrance. Without speaking any words Nicole thrusted herself deep inside her mate till her balls hit Waverly’s skin. Waverly gasped as she felt her sex being filled, looking into Nicole’s eyes, Waverly noticed that her mate’s eyes had turned red, as she was filled with desire, Nicole continues to thrust her cock deep inside her mate. The Alpha snarls as it began to feel it’s knot beginning to form at the base of her cock, “We’re going to bite each other Waverly, so that everyone will know that you are my mate and mine alone, and I’m yours.” Nicole growls as she forcefully pushes her knot pass Waverly’s inner walls before shooting her load.

Nicole lines her teeth up with Waverly’s mate mark, she then sinks her teeth deeper into Waverly’s flesh to create a greater connection of their love. Waverly reciprocated by burying her teeth into Nicole’s mate mark and completing the seal of their bond.

Nicole shakes her head as she regains control over her Alpha and looks into Waverly’s eyes, where she sees tears welling up. “Baby, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, I lost control over my Alpha.”

“No Sweetie, your so sexy when you let you Alpha out to play. These are tears of joy.” Waverly smiles and wraps her legs around Nicole’s waist. “As much as this is fun, it’s rather cold, so can you take me to bed. Nicole grabs hold of Waverly’s ass and lifts them up and takes them inside to their bed.

Waverly’s heat arrived a couple of days later and they made good use of their time, as Nicole strived to give Waverly some girl pups.

Nine months later.

As Nicole sat on the edge of the bed watching Waverly breastfeed, when she heard a whimper coming from the other crib. “Hello there, Padma. Are you hungry too? Why don’t we go and warm up a bottle of your Ma’s breast milk?” Nicole tenderly picks up her daughter in her hands and brings her up to rest her against Nicole’s chest.

Waverly smiles as she listens to Nicole talk to their daughter as she waits for the bottle to warm up. Nicole returns with Padma sucking on her bottle and sits them down on Nicole’s side of the bed, as Waverly burps her daughter.

“That was a very big burp, Jagna.” Waverly coos at her daughter. “Nicole, thank you for not giving up on me, because we wouldn’t have our beautiful daughters. I love you so much.” Waverly leans in and kisses Nicole.

“I would never give up on you. I love you too much to ever let you go.” Nicole presses their foreheads together, while their daughters lay and cooed in their arms.