61. Chapter 61


Emily rests herself against the side of her hospital bed, for the past two months she has made great progress in both her physio and psychological therapies. Today Emily was waiting to hear from her Doctor if they would allow her to go home, although she needs some continual help on a daily basis, Emily doesn’t know where she was going to live, once leaving the hospital. Louise and she had been attending marriage counseling together, as well as having separate sessions in which they had the opportunity to discuss the issues that were particularly unique to them.

During Louise’s personal sessions with the assistance of the counselor, they were able to evaluate the differences between her and Emily’s upbringing and how these differences contributed to their reactions to Emily’s affair. With gentle understanding and prompting from the counselor, Louise started to see things from Emily’s viewpoint, because for all of her wife’s life, Emily had been told that she was not wanted or loved and that her family was dead. And then after all these years, the world that Emily knew and trusted was shattered within minutes with a letter from her sister. Causing Emily to place back up the walls she had built at a young age, which were eventually torn down when she met Louise. It was behind these walls that Emily felt secure now that everything she ever knew about her early life was now a lie, but these walls were slowly being lowered with every session with the counselor. It didn’t excuse her for seeking comfort in the form of Mercedes, rather than running to the love of her life.

Louise knew that this didn’t excuse her wife’s affair, but it helped her to begin towards forgiving Emily. Knowing that Emily was going to need extra help with getting around, now that her leg was in a full leg length brace, rendering Emily incapable of bending her leg, as she had a wound which required to heal after surgery, thus preventing the surgeon from placing Emily into a full leg cast. Louise knew that it would be helpful to the healing of their marriage if she suggested that Emily stay with her and the girls.

Walking along the hospital corridor towards Emily’s room, Louise was rehearsing in her head as to how she would suggest to Emily that she should move back into their home. She didn’t want to push her wife into a situation where she would feel trapped, but that she wanted Emily to see that the invitation was coming from a loving place. Once she was standing outside the hospital room door, Louise had formatted the conversation in her head, now all she needed was the courage to go through with her plan. Knocking loudly on the door, she gingerly waited for Emily to ask her to come in.

“Yes, come in.” was Emily’s response as she leaned against the side of her bed. Taking in a deep breath as she pushed off the side and grabbed hold of her crutches and sliding them under her armpits. Leaning on the plastic hard bars of the crutches, Emily grips onto the hand rests and takes all her weight on her good leg. Looking at the door, Emily expects to see her doctor walking in, but she is surprised to see her wife poking her head around the door. Both women share a smile as their eyes lock, causing a blush to creep up Emily’s neck and continued up to take residence all over her face.

“Hi, your up and going,” Louise responds after taking notice of her wife’s bashfulness. She places her handbag on the bedside chair and turns to face Emily, who has not taken her eyes off her.

“Yeah, I can walk up and down the corridor on these things now without stopping.” Emily smiles back at her wife. “The Doctor is due to come around soon. I’m hoping that he’ll let me out on good behavior.” Both her and Louise share a laugh, something that has not occurred in such a long time between the pair.

“Well, I’ve come at a good time then. I wanted to talk with you about where you're going to stay, after leaving here. Seeing that you going to need help with things, I was thinking that the best thing would be that you came home with me and the girls. You can sleep in our bed with me, just so that if you need to get up during the night, I can help you. But if you don’t want to ….” Before Louise could finish her speech, she was interrupted by Emily.

“I’d love to come home and if you're alright with me sleeping in our bed, then I am happy with that as well. It would be great spending time with you and the girls. Thank you, Louise, for wanting to look after me, especially after everything.” Emily’s voice begins to crack as tears well in her eyes, which she diverts her face to prevent Louise from seeing. Although Louise catches the glimmer of tears in her wife’s eyes, she didn’t let on.

Before either of them could say anything, the door was opened by the Doctor holding Emily’s file in his arms, and following him was the physiotherapist close behind.

“Hello Emily, it looks like your physio sessions have been going great. Mrs. Faye, it’s good that you’re here too, as I wanted to talk to both of you, regarding Emily’s recovery. (The Doctor walks over to the bed) Emily could you lie down on the bed for me, so I can look at your leg.” He waits for Emily to position herself on the bed, before removing the brace, and begins palpating the injured leg and checking the wound site.

“Your wound has healed nicely; I have looked at the recent X-Ray and your leg has healed well. So, I have discussed with your physio and we are both in agreement that you can go home today, you will have to keep wearing the brace for another two weeks. Mrs. Faye, Emily is going to need all-round care, as she will not be able to bend her leg at all. , I’ll organise for a nurse to come and see what assistance you might need, such as a shower chair, things like that. Some of my other patients have asked as to how to maintain their sex life, with an injury such as this, and my recommendation is that you wait until you can put your weight on your leg. As you have lost muscle tone because of your injury, I also suggest that you up your intake of protein as well as keep doing your exercises. Now do either of you have any questions?” Placing Emily’s notes back on the side table, the Doctor stands and waits for either Emily or Louise to speak.

Both Louise and Emily don’t know where to look after the comment regarding their sex life, as over the past two months, the pair would every now and again sharing a kiss, but they were still a far way off from being intimate. Emily was the first to speak, “Just when can I go home?”

“Today, right after I’ve filled out your discharge papers.” The Doctor replies before exiting the room.


Nicole has finally finished two days of working 12 hours, as they haven’t been able to secure another officer, to fill in for Emily. So, everyone has been having to do extra shifts to cover the station. Luckily for Nicole, her shifts haven’t been that strenuous, except for having to pull a drunk Wynonna from Shorty’s bar and placing her into the drunk tank. Which the older Earp sister, spent her time making puns of Nicole’s last name. Nicole filled her time sitting at her old desk and completing paperwork while keeping a close eye on Wynonna. Every now and again Wynonna would come up with a quirky pun that caused the Sherriff to chuckle every now and again. Nicole would then drop Wynonna off at the homestead when she knocked off for the night, which showed the depth of her love for the Earp sister, because she didn’t want Doc to have come out in the middle of the night to collect Wynonna, Nicole secretly enjoyed having Wynonna there with her during the shift.

Pulling up in front of her home, Nicole paused before exiting her truck, she looked over at the van that Waverly drove. Nicole thought to herself that if they went through with their plans of expanding their family in the next couple of years, then they were going to have to get rid of Nicole’s truck. It’s not that she was attached to her truck, it’s just that it held so many memories for her and Waverly, it was in the truck that they brought home Nicolas and Alberto for the first time. And there were the numerous times that before there were any children, she and Waverly had made love on the back seat, down a deserted side road. Maybe they could keep the truck and get another van, Nicole just would have to talk with Waverly about it at some other time, now all she wanted was to kiss her wife and hug her babies.

With her hand pressed against the front door, Nicole could hear the faint sounds of little giggles coming from within the house. A smile forms upon her face as Nicole opens the door and walks inside, before having the chance to take off her shoes, Nicole was quickly surrounded by 7 sets of little arms being wrapped around her legs, almost causing her to fall, but she was able to keep herself upright.

“Morning my babies. I’ve missed you so much.” Nicole leaned down and embraced all her children with her arms. Once she had finished giving each of her children hugs, Nicole stood back up and stretched her arms towards the ceiling and loosening her tired muscles.

“Mummy home, Ma.” Came from the little faces looking up at Nicole, who was searching for her wife and her eyes fell upon a half-asleep looking Waverly standing in the kitchen, pouring two cups of hot coffee. Upon hearing her children informing her that Nicole was home, Waverly turned around and beamed a radiant smile towards her wife.

“We help Ma make pancakes.” Walden pipes up as he tugs on Nicole’s leg.

“Well I had better go and get changed and we all can have some breakfast.” Nicole grins down at her pups before moving towards Waverly. Placing her hands on her wife’s waist and presses her front against Waverly’s back. Planting tender kisses along with Waverly’s shoulder blades which were barely covered by her light pink cotton nightshirt. Leaning back into Nicole’s embrace, the brunette released a small moan before rotating her head around, so that she could plant a kiss on Nicole’s cheek.

“Morning my angel. I’ll just go and get changed.” Nicole moves around to Waverly’s side and connects their lips together in a passionate kiss. Moving towards their bedroom, Nicole gave a quick glance towards Waverly with a smirk on her face, she now needed to change and give her wife the anniversary present, she’s had secretly hidden in her gun safe. Nicole had purchased a Navajo Sterling Turquoise and Coral Belt Buckle, as Turquoise was a gift given on a sixth wedding anniversary. Nicole found the belt buckle in the local antique shop. The belt buckle was a vintage Navajo buckle and has been set with Kingman turquoise nuggets and natural branch coral and large sterling leaves, curls, and blossoms as embellishments to the stones.

As soon as she had changed out of her work clothes, Nicole picked up Waverly’s gift and put her hands behind her back, as Nicole walked out of their bedroom. Waverly had gotten Nicolas and Alberto to help set the table, Nicole noticed in the center of the dinner table was a vase of purple Lilies, one of the flowers which are linked to sixth wedding anniversaries.

“Happy Anniversary, my angel, the love of my life,” Nicole announces as she approaches Waverly, who is standing next to the table and assisting Padma into her highchair. Nicole hands over her gift and then capturing her wife’s lips with her own. They kiss until they were interrupted by Padma tugging on Nicole’s Pink jacket. “Oh, are you jealous, my little moonbeam.” Nicole leaned down and placed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead before ruffling up her hair.

Ever since Padma developed teeth, Nicole made comment how her little smile, looked as bright as a moonbeam, hence the little girl’s nickname.

“Open it MA.” Were the cries coming from the pups around the table. Waverly smiles as she begins to open the envelope which held Nicole’s card, that reads:

To my love, on this the sixth year of our marriage. When I look over the years, what I have found is that I have grown more in love with you. Waverly Earp-Haught, thank you for loving me and being the mother to all our pups. I love you with all my heart.

Your Nicole

Tears fall down the sides of Waverly’s cheeks and her hands begin to tremble. Nicole pulls her wife into her arms and holds her tight, whispering into her wife’s ear, “You mean everything to me. I love you.” Waverly places her still wrapped gift on the table before turning and placing her hands around Nicole’s neck before passionately kisses her wife.

“I love you too Nicole Earp-Haught.” Waverly looks at the gift on the table and begins to unwrap the paper carefully. The look upon the brunette’s face showed how much she loved the buckle as she squealed in delight.

“Oh, Nicole it's beautiful. Now it’s my turn.” Waverly moved away from the table, moving towards an item that was positioned next to the fireplace, this item was covered by a blanket. Waverly made a come here sign with her finger to Nicole, who walked over to her wife.

“This is only one part of your gift, my love. You’ll have to wait till later to get the other half.” Waverly lifted the blanket to reveal a Large Patinated Steel Plate Brutalist Fire Pit Log Holder. The log holder had a Large patinated iron Brutalist fire pit log holder with a twisted design. As Iron was another suggested gift for six years of marriage. Nicole’s smile beamed brightly as she reached out and touched the iron log holder, before leaning over and placing a kiss on Waverly’s lips.

Later that morning after dropping off Nicolas and Alberto at School and the triplets at daycare, Nicole and Waverly headed back to their home with Padma and Jagna. “Babe, why don’t you go and put the girls down for their morning nap, while I get the other half of your anniversary present ready.” A wide-eyed Nicole looks longingly at her wife, realising what she was meaning. Nicole picks up the two tired girls in her arms and heads off towards their bedroom, so that she could change their nappies before tucking them into their cots.

Meanwhile, Waverly had lit several candles and arranged them at different spots around the bedroom, along with drawing the curtains. When Nicole appeared in the doorway, she was greeted with a beautiful sight, her wife standing wearing a lilac-colored teddy and nothing else at the foot of their bed. Moving slowly towards Waverly, Nicole smiled as she reached out her arms and placed her hands-on Waverly’s waist.

“Is this my present? If so, I very much like the wrapping!” In a low husky tone, a desire filled Nicole spoke.

“Yes baby, now I think you're too overdressed.” Waverly begins to remove Nicole’s top and discarding it onto the floor beside her feet. Then she began to work on her bra before heading south. It didn’t take too long before Nicole was standing naked before the brunette, with the biggest grin on her face.

“Now that’s not fair, I think it's time to unwrap my present.” Nicole begins to pull on the ribbon at the top of Waverly’s teddy until she could slide it off her wife’s shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

With a movement of her finger as if to say come here, Waverly notices the change in Nicole’s eyes as they turn from their normal brown to black. The brunette slides her arms up along Nicole’s chest until they find their rest at the back of her wife’s neck, where she links her fingers. Joining their lips together in a heat of passion, while Nicole’s hardened cock brushes against Waverly’s thigh, causing her to release a groan of pleasure at the feel of her lover’s arousal.

Later after they had collapsed from exhaustion, Nicole found herself being cradled in Waverly’s arms and feeling her wife stroking her hair. As she was tired from her long shifts at the station and from making love to her wife, Nicole felt herself beginning to drift off. Waverly knew the moment when Nicole fell asleep, so she held her wife for a while longer. It was only the noises from her babies in the other room that pulled Waverly away from Nicole.

Climbing gently out of the bed and making sure that Nicole didn’t wake, Waverly pulled the sheets over her wife’s naked body before getting dressed herself. Walking into the girl’s room, Waverly found two very awake babies, who have learned how to remove their nappies, which is what she found. Luckily for Waverly, these nappies were only wet, and they hadn’t made a mess. Once she put them into new nappies, Waverly took the girls out into the living room and set about getting them some lunch.

Padma kept looking around and found that the door to her parent’s room was closed, she decided that it was her right to go and bang her hand against the wood. “Padma stop Mummy is sleeping. Come and have some lunch. Mummy will wake up and play with you and Jagna later.” Waverly tried to not yell, but she still spoke in a stern voice. Grabbing her daughter’s attention and redirected the little girl back to her lunch at her and Jagna’s little table.

THE FAYE HOUSELouise had gotten Emily into the passenger seat with some effort, as they realized that the seat needed to be pushed back, to give Emily room for her legs. Then it was off to the pharmacy to fulfill the prescriptions that Emily had been given by the doctor. Once everything was taken care of, the two women headed back to their home, so that Emily could get some rest, before the onslaught of their girls, who were at day-care for the day.

With some shuffling and grunting, the pair were able to maneuver themselves inside the front door and then over to the couch in the living room. Emily looked around and noticed that nothing had been changed, since last being there. Although the memory of being attacked in her own home came flooding back to haunt her, Emily didn’t realize that she was crying until she felt Louise’s arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her into her chest. Emily tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come out, only sobs.

“Shh, it's all right.” Louise cooed as she rubbed Emily’s arms, allowing her wife time to regain her composure.

After what felt like ages, Emily eventually pulled back and looked into Louise’s eyes, “It’s just that the last time I was here, I was attacked by Tucker. He wanted me out of the way, so he could have you for himself. All I remember is that the thought of losing you forever broke my heart.”

Reaching out and rubbing her fingers against her wife's cheek, Louise stared directly into Emily’s eyes, “You will never lose me, I love you. Your safe now, he is not going to hurt you or harm you.” Louise then leaned in and captured her wife’s lips with her own. Kissing Louise was one of Emily’s favorite pass times if you ever asked. Their make-out session was interrupted by Emily pulling back and gave her wife a smile. “I love you too. Will you let me woo you, by taking you out on a date?”

“Yes, to both,” Louise replied as she returned her wife’s goofy expression.

“How does Saturday sound? It would be great to go out as a family if that is alright with you. It’s been so long since we did anything together.” Emily takes hold of Louise’s hands and interlocks their fingers together.

“That will good, the girls will love it and so will I. Being able to spend time with you and the girls in a setting other than the hospital will be great.” The pair spent the rest of their day in each other’s presence until it was time to collect the girls.