62. Chapter 62

SIX MONTHS LATERHands running through her now long hair, Nicole let out a frustrated sigh, as she read another misfiled report. Nicole was frustrated not because of the report, but because at the last staff meeting, she had explained as to which report to fill out, when a citizen come in with details relating to a missing dog. With the door to her office closed, Nicole was relieved that no one was able to see her reaction to the latest file, which now was lying on the floor, where she had sent it flying, due to her irritation.

A knock on the door made Nicole tidy up the floor and her desk, before walking over and opening the door. Standing waiting to see her was Emily, who had returned to work only 4 months prior, much to Nicole’s delight. Nicole has always felt that Emily was hard working and with her back on the team, she could relax, knowing that Emily would lead by example, just like Nicole.

“I just wanted to say Goodbye, before heading home.” Emily leant against the wood panelled doorframe, yawning, and scrunching her eyes.

“You had better head home; we can’t have you falling asleep here on the job. It wouldn’t look right.” Nicole says with a chuckle.

“It’s just been a long week, with Louise and her employees putting the final touches to all the outfits, ready for Saturday night’s Wyatt Earp Birthday Dance. The band and I have been practicing and between that and looking after the house and the girls, who are rather a handful. So, by the time I finally get to bed, I’m exhausted. Before I can get to bed, I make sure that Louise has eaten when she comes home.” Another yawn escapes Emily’s mouth.

“Come on in and have a seat. I wanted to check in with you, about how your finding returning to full active duties. This being your first week of night shifts.” Nicole steps aside and motions for Emily to enter and take a seat.

Once both women had sat in their chairs, Nicole took a sip from her mug of cold coffee. Looking up at Emily, Nicole says, “How are you handling being back to full duties?”

“Thank you for all your support over the past months. At first, I was a bit nervous, but as soon as I got back into the cruiser, it felt like I was home. I’ve enjoyed the past week, cause when I get home, I get to take the girls to day care before heading back to sleep during the day. This week’s shifts have been rather quiet, letting me catch up on paperwork.” Emily stretches her arms behind her head and locks her fingers together. After loosening her arm muscles, she rests her hands in her lap.

“Your still up for tomorrow’s practice? Me and the band will be at the ‘Wyatt Earp Barn’ around 3, so just come over about 4pm. That’ll give us enough time to get ready for the dance and time to escort our families to the “Wyatt Earp Barn”. Not that you’ll have far to go.” Emily and Nicole share a laugh before the Deputy exited the office.

Emily headed home with a smile on her face, as her thoughts were focused on watching her daughters eating their breakfast, milk drippling down their chins, while they ate their cereal. Without realising Emily had driven the short distance from the station to her home and was now parked in the driveway. Sprinting up the stairs to the front door, she smells freshly brewed coffee, before opening the red painted door, which lets her know that Louise is up and in the kitchen. For the past 6 months, they have been working hard on their marriage, with dates in between. Even though they had been very affectionate with each other, they had yet to intimate, although they had gotten halfway before putting a halt to their actions.

Since returning and living with her family, Emily has made a point to be more active in her daughter’s development, which meant that she would collect the girls from Day care, while Louise dropped them off in the morning. Although with the family being back together under one roof, the girls still were nervous when either Louise or Emily were late in coming home, mostly because they were afraid of either parent not returning or leaving them. Even the times when their parents would go out on their ‘dates’, the girls would not settle until they knew that their parents were home. Which resulted in the next morning, Louise and Emily would wake and find that the girls had snuck in and climbed in bed with them, and little hands gripped tightly wrapped around their arms.

Emily hoped that this morning the girls would be easy to dress and get ready for Day care, so that she can come home and get some sleep before the girls came home and woke her up. As the next day was going to be Saturday and it was going to be hectic, as Emily and the band were going to be at the ‘Wyatt Earp Barn’ setting up the equipment for the music and their instruments. Louise was going to be busy attending to the clients who had rented the outfits for the dance. Emily suggested that the girls spend the day with her and the rest of the band.

Keeping with the theme, Louise had created a Wyatt Earp style Sheriff Deputy outfit for Emily to wear to the Dance. This outfit included: fully lined long black sheriff's coat, western styled black brocade vest, white wing tip shirt, black tie, and black Wyatt Earp wool felt hat. All Emily had to add to the ensemble was a western gun belt, black twill pants, six shooter, western boots, and sheriff's badge. As for the six shooter, she borrowed one from Doc, who was only to happy to assist, and to make the outfit that more official, Emily used her old Sheriff’s Deputy badge from Quebec. Owning a pair of western boots Emily didn’t have to search far.

Louise had chosen a purposefully blue, two-piece Lucille Walking Suit, which is a bold, beautiful, and blooming with ladylike 19th century style. This femininity of this Victorian-inspired ensemble is readily apparent from the full bell sleeves and yards of delicate black lace to the ruched jacket back that creates a beautiful, bustled effect. The jacket buttons up with lots of dainty buttons, a dozen to be exact. The skirt features a comfortable elastic waist and falls 40-inches to the hem, with an Edwardian hoop underskirt.

For the girls, Louise created for them both, a Cotton dress with a features Lace adornment in the front and Twin bows on each side at the waist. Vicky’s was a dark shade of blue, while Alison’s was Lilac, and to top off their outfit, each were to wear Little Cowgirl Boots. Louise had also created for them each bows to wear within their hair, the colour of the bows, matched their dresses.

Stepping into the kitchen, Emily was greeted with a kiss to her lips and a mug of hot coffee placed into her hand from Louise. “Morning, baby. Did you have a good night?” With a smile shinning before her, Emily replied, “Yep, and its just gotten that much better.” Leaning in for another taste of her wife’s lips, Emily moaned as she felt Louise’s fingers brush against her belt, causing her cock to twitch against the fabric of her boxer shorts.

The morning moved without any hassles and the girls reached Day care on time, leaving Emily time to grab those last-minute items, Louise asked for as she was going to work from home. Before opening the front door, an aroma which Emily knew quite well, twitched at her Alpha’s senses, Louise was in heat. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Emily knew that she had to put away the items in the shopping bag, so she pushed open the door and stepped inside the house.

Emily was not prepared for the onslaught that waited for her as she closed the front door. Louise stood with her dressing gown draped over her shoulders with it gapping open to reveal she was wearing nothing underneath. “You’re in heat.” Was all Emily could get out of her mouth.

“Yes, and I need you.” Louise reached her hands out and removed the shopping bag out of Emily’s hands and placed it on the floor after she removed the milk, which she quickly rushed into the kitchen to place it into the fridge. Louise returned and started to undo Emily’s belt and unzipped her pants, allowing them to drop to the floor, before she looked at Emily, seeking her consent, which a nod of Emily’s head, gave her all the permission Louise needed. With her boxer’s laying on the floor, Emily’s cock was now fully erect and the coolness of the air around her cock, sent a sensation to her core.

Louise wrapped her arms around the back of Emily’s neck and brought their lips together in a heated kiss, which led to Emily lifting Louise off the floor, so that the blonde could wrap her legs around Emily’s waist. Allowing the black haired woman easy access to her wife’s sex, which was dripping with want, as Emily’s cock entered Louise, they both let out the loudest groan, a groan that said, ‘Finally we’re home.’

For the next 4 hours, the lovers reconnected both physically and emotionally as they made love to each other. Emily and Louise reaffirmed their connection with ‘mating’ marks to each other’s necks. After satisfying each other’s needs, Emily and Louise fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was only when the girls were due to be collected, that Louise slid out of their bed, leaving Emily to catch up on her sleep. Leaving the house that afternoon, the smile on Louise’s face continued throughout the rest of the day.

AT THE EARP-HAUGHT HOUSEWaverly was busy checking the schedule for the ‘Wyatt Earp Dance’ and found that everything was right on track. The only thing that needed to be done, was for Nicole to come home and help her with the pups. Now that all their pups were able to change into their wolf form, they have started to switch especially when they were playing rumbles in the yard. Nicole arrived in the driveway and found 7 little wolves running around, chasing after each other. Upon seeing their pups playing, Nicole’s wolf felt the urge to change and join them tumbling around through the knee-high grass. Then the thought came into her mind, she sent a thought message through to Waverly, ‘Baby, come and join me and our little pack, playing in our wolf forms.’ Nicole sheds her uniform, leaving it neatly folded on top of her truck’s hood, before she shifted into her wolf’s full height, as she waited for Waverly to join them. Nicole didn’t have to wait for too long, as she was rewarded with being able to land her sight upon a brunette wolf standing on the front porch.

Chasing after their pack through the grass, Nicole and Waverly revelled in the moments of spending quality time with their little ones, without the fear of any kind of danger looming over them. Nicole ran ahead of the pack making sure that the path was safe. Waverly took up the rear, making sure that Padma and Jagna didn’t get left behind.

When Padma and Jagna changed, their fur was a blend of both brunette and red, the only way that Nicole and Waverly could the difference between the little wolves, was that Jagna had a red streak along her muzzle, while Padma’s tail was a dark red. The smallest of all their wolf pups, loved to chase after their older brother, Nicolas, while Walden, Bach, and Winona would follow Alberto. When Nicole watched her pups running around and playing on the back lawn, she was filled with pride, as the older pups showed the younger ones, how to stalk and catch their prey. For the little one’s it meant trying to catch either a frog or bird, but each time when they caught their victim, either Nicolas or Alberto would indicate for them to release the prey.

Now that all their pups were either attending Kindergarten or Day care, Nicole and Waverly had begun to discuss the idea of expanding their family. They both concluded that during Waverly’s next heat, they would try to fall pregnant. But for now, they were happy just practising and looking after their family.