63. Chapter 63

THE NEXT DAYEmily woke and stretched out her legs, sensing that Louise was still asleep, laying on top of Emily, while their legs were intertwined under the sheet. Louise’s head was tucked under her wife’s chin, and her hair was ruffled, from all the previous night’s lovemaking. Making a small circle on her wife’s naked back, Emily thinks over the past 24 hours and is filled with happiness, as memories of her and Louise sharing their feelings in between making love and giving each other mating marks.

FLASHBACKEmily remembers how it felt to hold her wife after they both had reached their climax the day before. She remembers how when she told Louise how much she loves her and that she was still amazed that the blonde woman, had given her another chance at being her mate. What stuck out to Emily were the tears that fell from her wife’s eyes. Just like when they first made love all those years ago, Louise cried and stated that they were tears of joy. Emily stored away these memories so that she could recall them when times were tough so that she could remind herself and Louise of the depth of their love for each other. Even throughout this part of their journey, they were able to find their way back to each other. With declaring their love for each other and seeking permission, Emily started to kiss her way down her wife’s naked body until she reached Louise’s glistering sex.

If you were to ask Emily what she loved the most about her wife’s body, she would reply that it was the area between Louise’s legs, that she loved the most. Every time they made love, Emily made it her focus to take care of her wife’s needs before her own, which meant spending quality time adoring this area of Louise’s body. As soon as she was face to face with Louise’s pussy, Emily began to perform her act of worshipping every area, starting with placing small kisses along each of Louise’s pussy lips before using her tongue to begin licking all the sweet juices, that were dripping from their source.

The moans that Louise released from deep within her throat, let her wife know that she was enjoying Emily’s form of worship, letting a hand drift down to caress the back of Emily’s head, allowed her to convey her need for Emily to start using her fingers. Being in tune with her wife’s needs, Emily moves her lips from devouring Louise’s juices, she moves her lips so she can suck her wife’s clit, while Emily slides between wet folds, two fingers. Louise’s hips begin to buck up off the bed causing Emily to use her other hand to hold her in place, while her other hand thrusts in and out of Louise. With Emily sucking on her wife’s clit and fingers pumping deep between folds, Louise begins to feel the coil deep within her begin to tighten, threatening to explode, letting the Omega know that she is close to falling over the edge.

Emily slides another finger inside her wife, as she begins to feel the velvet walls begin to clamp down and tighten around her fingers, letting her know that Louise is close. Pushing deeper into Louise, Emily curls the middle finger so that she can rub against the ruff wall, as she knows it will send Louise over the edge. Just as she planned, her wife’s walls gripped tight around Emily’s fingers, restricting their movement, while Louise’s body straightened beneath her and the sweetest voice called, “EMIIILLLYYY!”

Removing her fingers from her wife, after Louise had come back down from her high, Emily placed a kiss to each of the pussy lips before her, and then made her way back up to kiss her wife on the lips. With her harden cock twitching and craving to be deep within its mate, Emily pulled back and asked, “Can I mate and mark you?”

“Yes, as long as I can mark you?” Louise stroked a side of her wife’s face. Emily smiled and happily replied, “I’d love you too.” For the next hour, the lovers made love, climaxing with Louise taking Emily’s knot and cum. Just as they both climaxed, they gave each other their mate marks, sealing their love and bond. They both lay in each other’s arms whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears until sleep lured them to drift off to dream.FLASHBACK FINISHED

Their little piece of paradise didn’t last long, as Emily heard the footsteps of her daughters making their way towards their parents’ room. Not wanting to disturb Louise, before trying to move, she placed a gentle kiss on her wife’s head and rolled them over, so that Louise was now lying on her back, with Emily on top. Checking to make sure that Louise hadn’t woke, Emily then gingerly slide out of the bed and quickly got dressed and met the twins in the corridor, closing the bedroom door behind her. Crouching down Emily held her arms out wide and swept up the girls in her arms, then they headed into the kitchen to prepare them all a big breakfast, as they all needed nourishment for the busy day ahead.

“Mummy is still sleeping. But Auntie Hayley and her family are going to join us for Breakfast. Do you think you could help me?” Emily pulls out of one of the cupboards a large frypan and places it on top of the stove.

“Yes, we want to help. Can we make Pancakes, Bacon, and Eggs?” Alison and Vicki jump with excitement and clap their hands together.

“I don’t see why we can’t. Alison can you get for me the eggs and Vicki can you get the bacon?” The girls don’t answer their Mama, instead, they head towards the fridge and collect the ingredients, and hand them to Emily.

Just before she starts to make the pancake batter, Emily quickly made a call to her sister Hayley. After explaining that Louise was in heat and that they needed some time to attend to that, Hayley was more than happy to have the girls till lunch. Emily fast puts the phone away and heads back to preparing breakfast. Soon two little girls were helping their Mama in cooking breakfast. Between the three of them, plates of pancakes were placed onto the table along with a plate of bacon and eggs. A pot of freshly brewed Coffee rested in the middle of the table, next to a jug of orange juice.

Once everything had was ready, Emily crept into her bedroom, sitting on her side of the bed, facing Louise (who is lying on her back), smiles before leaning down, and placing a gentle kiss. “Good morning, Gorgeous. Breakfast is made and the coffee is hot. We’ll be waiting out at the table for you.” Emily tried to climb off the bed, but Louise would not release her hands that were locked behind her wife’s neck.

“Noooo, I want another kind of breakfast.” Wiggling her eyebrows, Louise says in a sultry voice.

“Now I would be happy to give that to you, but I don’t think our girls will be happy. After all the hard work they're done to get breakfast ready.” Emily eventually can pry herself for her wife’s grip.

“I called Hayley and they are happy to look after the girls this morning after breakfast. We’ll have time for that (Emily traces a finger along Louise’s chin and down her neck) later. It won’t be long before Hayley and her family gets here.” Emily holds out her hand for Louise to take, she then helps her wife to climb out of bed.

It wasn’t long and the front doorbell rang, causing two tuffs of blonde hair racing towards the door. Emily grinned at how excited her daughters were to not only see their Aunty but to finally met their cousins. Since the altercation between Emily and Hayley at the hospital, the younger woman realized with the help of her counselor, that she needed to reach out to her sister and try to make amends. Through talking on the phone and meeting over coffee, the two women began to work on developing a bond.

Louise begrudgingly climbed out of the bed and got dressed, while Emily headed towards the front door to let in Hayley and her family. “Hello, you must be Kevin. I’m Emily and this little girl is Alison and here we have Vicki.” Emily rests her hands on her daughter’s shoulders.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to finally met you and your family. Hayley has told me all about you. This little guy is Cameron, and this little girl is Sarah.” Spoke to a tall brunette haired stocky built man, wearing black boots, blue denim jeans, and a green button-up shirt, under a black blazer. Hayley stood beside her husband holding a black-haired girl toddler while standing in front of Kevin, who was a brunette-haired boy.

A pair of hands slide around Emily’s waist while Louise rested her chin on one of her wife’s shoulders. “Hi, Hayley, and I’m guessing this handsome man is Kevin.” While the adults headed further into the house, Alison and Vicki approached Cameron and Sarah and started to talk to them and lead them towards the kitchen table.

After breakfast was finished, Hayley and Kevin suggested to Alison and Vicki, that maybe they might like to show their cousins around the local park, and then maybe they all could grab some lunch. As soon as the girls heard the suggestion of going to the park, they bounced in their seats and begged their parents to allow them to go. Louise made sure that they were dressed for the weather and promised them that she and their Mama, would join them for lunch at the dinner. Kevin and Emily set about securing the girls' car seats in Hayley’s SUV, then after kissing them on the top of their daughter’s heads, Louise and Emily strapped them securely in their seats.

As soon as the SUV was down the road and out of sight, Louise grabbed hold of Emily’s hand and pulled them inside the house. Emily didn’t need to be told as to what Louise’s motives were, she knew that they would be exploring each other’s bodies and seeing to satisfying their needs.

MEANWHILEWynonna lay in her bed and listened to the sounds seeping into her room from the living room. She could hear the TV playing some cartoon show and Alice laughing at the antics of the character on the show, while she could hear Henry tapping his toy pistol on one of his toy cars, and Wyatt babbling away to Doc. As Black Badge has been looking into several different cases, her days have been long and tiring, apart from the nights when Doc offers to watch the pups as she has a night at Shorty’s. This entails Nicole having to be called to collect a drunk Wynonna from Shorty’s and put her into the drunk tank till Nicole finishes her shift and drops her off at the homestead on her way home.

Waverly had insisted that her sister be available to help with the decorating of the dance hall, but Wynonna stated that she would not be there before 11 am. Looking at the clock beside her bed, she noticed that it was 9 am and she craved some caffeine and doughnuts. As Doc could hear Wynonna’s thoughts, he stepped into their bedroom, holding a generous mug of hot coffee and a plate filled with four doughnuts with sprinkles. Holding onto his pants leg was Wyatt, who ran to the bed and climbed up towards his Mum.

“Mum, donuts.” Wyatt made a chewing motion with his mouth as Wynonna took hold of the plate.

“Oh, you want to share Mum’s doughnuts. I think one won’t hurt.” She hands her son the doughnut on the top of the pile. Then she tucks on Doc’s waistcoat and pulls him towards her and kisses him on the lips.

“Wyn, you know that Wyatt takes more after you every day. Not that I’m complaining.” Sitting on the edge of the bed next to Wynonna, who leans into Doc’s side and rests her head against his shoulder. For the next couple of minutes, the pair stay like this, watching Wyatt eating his doughnut while lying on his back and resting his head on his mother’s legs.

“I had better get going. I promised Miss Waverly to help with setting up some of the decorations. All the kids have been dressed and feed, the only thing you need to do is head over when you’re ready. I reckon that we’ll have it all done and dusted by lunch, with all of the help, that little firecracker has rounded up.” Doc gets up off the bed and walks over to a chair with a high back, picks up his Cowboy hat, and places it on top of his hat.

“If there’s going to be plenty of help, then I won’t need to be there. I could spend some quality time with my babies.” Wynonna moves her coffee over to put it onto the bedside table along with the now empty plate. She then leans down and begins to tickle Wyatt under his arms. Wyatt’s laugh is contagious as Wynonna and Doc begin to laugh along with him. Wyatt reaches out for his Dad, pleading for him to rescue him from the onslaught coming from his Mum.

Once he had rescued Wyatt by picking him up and placing him on the ground, as soon as his feet touched the floor, Wyatt sprinted off out of the room, Doc raised a corner of his mouth and squinted his eyes at Wynonna. “You and I both know that Miss Waverly will be over here to drag you over there to help, and she won’t mind if you are kicking and screaming all the way.”

Wynonna groans and drops her shoulders, “OK, I’ll get dressed and round up the monkeys and head on over.”

“I love you.” Doc smiles as he tips his hat at Wynonna before walking out of the room, he says, “Goodbye” to the kids and heads out the front door.

Climbing out of bed, Wynonna grabs her ‘Drinks well with others’ shirt and black jeans. After she finished dressing, she then rounded up all the pups, double-checking that they were all clean and toileted, before they all headed over to assist with the decorating of the Barn, for the Dance. A very excited Alice was the first to rush over to Waverly when they all arrived at the Barn, “I want to help, Anti Wavly.”

“That great, I have a special job just for you. Come with me.” Waverly holds out her hand and waits for Alice to take hold. Once their hands are linked Waverly leads Alice over to a table, which has big red bows, made from silk ribbon. “Alice I would like you to help me with sticking these bows, to the ends of the tables and then we can place a couple on the Barn doors. Do you think you're big enough to help me?”

“Yes, I’m a big girl now.” Alice’s face beams with the brightest smile as she looks up at her Aunty, who is grinning back at her.

Waverly decided that the ‘Wyatt Earp Museum’ would be closed over the weekend, mainly so that the staff could assist with the preparations for the dance, the cooks from the restaurant were in the kitchen, preparing the night’s meal, while the bar staff from the Salon, were setting up a makeshift Bar at the back of the Barn. It doesn’t take long before all the decorations and tables and chairs are set up and ready for the Dance, later that night. Both families head back to Nicole and Waverly’s house for some much-needed lunch.

Nicole and Doc are left to supervise all the boys, while Waverly, Wynonna, and the girls head off into town so that they can their hair was done up for the Dance. Nicole insisted that Waverly and Wynonna make a hair appointment so that the sisters could have some much-needed bonding time together and it was also a ruse to get her wife out so that Nicole could head over to the Barn and practice her surprise with the band, without Waverly knowing.

Leaving her boys to help Doc attended to the horses, Nicole heads over to the barn in her truck. She holds beside her leg a large rectangular case as Nicole walks into the barn, which is filled with the sounds coming from the band, as they play one of the numbers for the dance. A nervous Nicole waves a hand at her friend, Emily (who is playing her purple guitar) gestures for her to come on up onto the stage and start setting herself up. Nicole opens her case and begins to remove the contents, she fumbles with her sheet music, which falls around her feet. With her nerves already on edge, Nicole runs a hand through her red hair as she releases a frustrated sigh.

“Nicole, there’s nothing to be worried about. You’ll be alright, you’ve just got to get through the first note, and then it will all fall into place.” Emily tries to give her friend and boss some reassurance.

“Are you sure? You all make it look so easy.” Nicole looks at her friend and notices the mate mark on her neck and begins to grin.

“Is there something you want to tell me?” Pointing at Emily’s mate mark.

As a blush begins to rise from her chest and works its way all the way up her neck and then her face, Emily coyly says, “Um, Louise’s heat hit yesterday, and we gave each other mate marks.”

“Good for you. I knew you two would get back together. Alright, let’s get this done.” Nicole turns around now that she is all set up and faces the rest of the band.

Once all the songs had been rehearsed by the band, it was time for everyone to head back to their accommodation and begin getting dressed. Emily and Nicole headed off towards their homes to assist their wives in getting their pups ready and dressed. Emily found that it was easier to get the girls ready, as they were very keen on being all dressed up. Although when it came to getting dressed, it was rather a difficult procedure when she had a wife in heat, and the sight of Emily dressed in her Old West Officer’s outfit seemed to drive Louise wild with desire. There were several times when she had to remove her wife’s hands from around her groin, just so that they could make it to the dance on time.

Arriving at the Barn later the Faye family head in and find that the Earp-Haught family had already arrived, Nicole and Waverly were talking with the few guests that had arrived, while their pups were off racing in between the decorated tables. With a gentle touch on her daughter’s shoulders, Emily nods her head towards the Earp-Haught pups and smiles. This was all it took as the girls race off to join up with their friends. Joining Emily and Louise was Hayley, Kevin, Cameron, and Sarah, Vicki came back to her parents and asked if Cameron and Sarah could join them.

“I think they would love to. Cameron and Sarah, do you want to go and play with your cousins?” Hayley crouches down in front of her pups. Cameron replies, “Yes” while Sarah nods her head. Vicki knows that Sarah being smaller must be watched and she tells her Aunty, “I’ll look after Sarah, Auntie Hayley.” Emily and Louise are filled with pride as they watch their daughter take care of her cousin.

As Louise was still in heat, Emily didn’t want to leave her side, until she could be guaranteed that Louise would be protected, while she was playing with the band. During the afternoon, Emily had asked Kevin to watch over Louise, as well as asking Nicole, Doc, and Dolls, for one of them to be around Louise always, when she was not. It wasn’t the most ideal situation, but it was the best thing that she could come up with, other than having her hard cock permanently deep within her wife’s pussy, even while playing on stage. With this being a family function, it would not be the right thing to be doing in front of all the pups, so this was going to be a plan, Louise being surrounded by Alpha’s until her mate could return to her side.

Emily’s band begin to play songs which were from the 1870s, such as Good-bye, Liza Jane, There Is a Green Hill Far Away, Trabling Back to Georgia, and The Blue Alsatian Mountains. All the while adding in amongst these songs, they also included barn dance songs, in which the singer instructed the dancers as to the dance steps. Emily looked out at the crowd and noticed Mercedes Gardner making her way through the crowd towards the front of the stage.

Mercedes was dressed wearing a taffeta top skirt, which was ruched up via satin draw ribbons, which revealed her feminine under layers. A Burgundy bodice featured black lace insets, decorative front satin ribbon, and functional lace fastening in the rear, with a discreet side zipper. Upon reaching the front of the stage, she stood directly in front of Emily, the band began to play, Princes, ‘Kiss’, to which Mercedes began to swing her hips to the beat of the song. Now and again she would seductively look at Emily, causing the black-haired woman to quickly turn around and mouth to the drummer, ‘HELP’.

Hearing her wife’s voice over the music, brought Emily to turn around to face the crowd. She came face to face with Mercedes and Louise deep in a heated and loud shouting match.

Louise had been watching the band from her seat at the side of the barn, when she noticed a scandalized dressed Mercedes trying to seduce her wife. The sight of Mercedes trying to lure her wife was the last straw, it didn’t help that Louise was in heat, and the thought of another woman touching her wife and mate, caused the blonde to launch herself up off her chair and race across the dance floor. Grabbing hold of Mercedes's shoulder and spinning her around and forces herself into the redhaired woman’s personal space.

“What do you think you're doing? You slut.” Louise’s anger gets the better of her.

“I’m just dancing.” Mercedes smirks at the blonde.

“She’s mine, so just walk away,” Louise responds.

“The last thing I heard, was that my crazy brother cut out her mate mark, and that means she is back on the market.” Mercedes points in Emily’s direction.

“Well, you had better have a closer look. We marked each other yesterday, and we consummated our bond several times.” With that Louise pushed Mercedes, who fell onto her ass. A furious redhead clambered up off the floor and lunged at Louise with her hand stretched out and grip around Louise’s throat. Watching all of this play out before her, Emily knows that her wife has every right to declare her ownership over her mate, but she shouldn’t have to fight for her life in the process. Jumping off the stage and racing to her wife’s defense, Emily uses her hands to push Mercedes back and releasing Louise from within her grip.

Emily turns her back on Mercedes and checks her wife for injuries, and once she was satisfied that Louise was unharmed. “Baby, are you OK.”

“Yes, it was just that she was dancing seductively in front of you, and when I told her to back off, she stated that because you were unmarked, then you were back on the market. I saw red and I can’t lose you again to her.” Louise begins to cry on her wife’s chest.

Rubbing her wife’s back, Emily held on tight to her mate as she turned them around to face Mercedes. “I think you need to look again.” Emily by this time has undone her tie and opened the first three buttons on her shirt, revealing her mate mark on her neck.

“I am her property now. Mercedes, there is someone for you out there. You just have to give them the chance to come to you.” Reaching out a hand to place on Mercedes's forearm, Emily tries to comfort the woman.

Rosita had been watching along with all the other guests, but she realized that someone needed to go and make sure that the redhead was cared for, rather than just gossiped about. Moving her way over to the group of three at the front of the stage, Rosita says, “Are you alright, Mercedes? Would you like it if I saw you home?”

Looking at the dark brunette woman before her, Mercedes saw genuine care within the Latin woman’s eyes. “Yes, I would like that.”

Emily stays with Louise for the next half an hour, making sure that she was alright and not still stirred up by her confrontation with the redhead. Once Emily was certain that her wife was able to let her go back to playing with the band, was when Nicole followed her up onto the stage. This caused Waverly to become intrigued as to what Nicole was up to, her questions were soon answered when Nicole stood on stage with a strap around her neck and attached to a saxophone.

The first notes of the Bruce Springsteen song ‘Born to Run.’ Nicole hit all the notes during her solo throughout the song. She didn’t realize how much it turned on her wife, the fact that she was displaying how skillful she is with her fingers and hands, made Waverly think about all the times those fingers and hands had played her and made her sing sweet notes. Wynonna waltzed up to her sister, “If I didn’t already know about how much you love to ride that Haught rod machine, I’d be thinking that you’re thirsty and need a drink from the Haught fountain.” Wiggling her eyebrows at the younger brunette.

“Wynonna! It’s not like you’re the same about Doc.” Waverly slaps her sister on the upper arm.

“Hey, that hurt.” Wynonna rubs her upper arm before turning around to face Doc, who was slow dancing with Alice.

Waverly stood staring at Nicole and watched her finish up with the band, before heading towards her at the side of the dance floor. “Well hello, Pretty Lady. Are you here on your own?” Nicole tips her Stetson hat at Waverly.

“Why yes, Sheriff Earp-Haught,” Waverly replies shyly.

“May I have this next dance?” Nicole smiles causing her dimples to appear, making Waverly weak at the knees.

“I would love to.” Waverly gently reached out and touched Nicole’s right arm, then looping their arms together, Nicole leads them out onto the dance floor. Placing her right arm around the back of Waverly’s back and holding Waverly’s hand in her other hand, Nicole begins to move them around to the beat of the music. Waverly slides her arm that was resting on Nicole’s shoulder to around the back of her neck, where she began to play with Nicole’s baby hairs.

“You know Sheriff, I didn’t know that you were so good with your hands. I would like to see what other things those fingers can do, at some time. Maybe later tonight when you escort me home.” Waverly says in a husky tone as she presses her body hard against Nicole’s front.

Nicole grins down at the brunette in her arms, feeling the pressure building in between her legs and pressing against the fabric of her pants. “I most definitely love to show you how skillful these fingers and hands are.”

The lead singer announces that the next song was going to the last for the night, causing Emily to remove her guitar from around her shoulder and make her way over towards Louise, “Would you allow me the honor of having the last dance?”

“I thought you would never ask.” Louise held out her hand for Emily to take and led them towards the dance floor. As the last song played the lovers danced with their bodies pressed tight against each other as they made their way around the other couples.

As the Museum had been making a great profit since it had begun, Waverly had chosen to close the Museum for the whole weekend, allowing the staff to assist with preparing for the dance, either in preparing the food or decorating and then they would be free to join in the festivities of the evening. Both Nicole and Waverly knew that without the money coming in from the Museum, they would not be able to afford to live just on Nicole’s wage. So, with the Museum being closed, it meant that there would be a group that would look after the cleaning up the next day. Once the band had finished and all the guests had left for the evening, Waverly and Nicole locked up the barn and made sure that everyone headed safely home.

With both Waverly and Louise being so worked up, it was that both Nicole and Emily had a busy night ahead of them. Once the different couples reached their individual homes, and all the pups were tucked away in their beds, was when the lovers took advantage of the quietness to pursue other bedroom activities.