64. Chapter 64

5 Months Later

Emily yarned as she stretched her arms behind her head while leaning back in her chair, her legs brushed against the wood of her work desk. Lining the top of her desk were reports which she was in the process of entering the details into the Police computer system. Cracking her neck from side to side, Emily began to start to feel the tiredness of the past couple of weeks, with Louise being now in her fifth month of pregnancy and her sexual appetite increasing during the last month, has seen Emily lose hours of sleep while keeping her wife sexually satisfied. Thinking how different this pregnancy is compared to the last, Emily noted that Louise’s cravings have also been different, whereas with the first pregnancy, Louise couldn’t get enough of spicy food, but this time she is continually craving sweet things, such as musk sticks and ice cream during the middle of the night.

The doctor during their last visit commented on how well the pups were growing and that from the ultrasound, everything was on schedule. Alison and Vicki were thrilled when they were told about them becoming big sisters, so much so that every night before they go to bed, both girls take turns at laying their head against their Mummy’s belly and talking to the pups. Alison likes to rub her Mummy’s round belly as she sings to the pups her favourite song, while Vicki has taken to trying to read stories, or at times show them drawings she had made that day, all of which requires their Mummy to lay on the couch, with her shirt raised, so that Vicki can hold up her drawings while she describes the picture.

“How’re those reports going? Deputy Sheriff Faye.” Pulling Emily’s thoughts back to her job at hand.

“On it, Sheriff.” Emily jumps in her seat and begins to type away at the computer, trying to make it look like she hadn’t been slacking off on the job.

“Mmm, How’s a cup of coffee sound?” Nicole smiles as she watches her Deputy flusters with a handful of paper reports. Before the Deputy could answer, they were interrupted by the sound of little feet clambering along the station’s corridor, but as soon as Emily’s Alpha smelt a familiar aroma that had a hint of sweetness, she knew exactly who it was.

Preparing herself for the barrage that was to come in the form of two blonde little pups as they searched the building for their Mama. Emily climbs out of her chair and moves so that she could crouch down away from her desk and extends her arms, ready for her daughters to run into and she can then kiss them to the top of their heads and a tight hug. Right on cue, the swinging door to the bullpen opens and all the black-haired woman sees is a sea of blonde before hitting her chest. After embracing her daughters, Emily stands and pulls into a passionate kiss, a very pregnant Louise.

What Emily didn’t pick up was that following her little family was Waverly, who was just showing a baby bump beneath her clothes. Her bosses face changes before her Deputy, and the look is one of pride, as the redhead Alpha admires the brunette Omega carrying their pups. Making her way towards her wife, Nicole slides her hands to the brunette’s hips and leans in for a kiss, but Waverly turns her face away and pushes the redhead back.

“I have to pee, again.” Waverly rushes off towards the bathroom, just as Wynonna makes her way into the bullpen with a pink doughnut with rainbow sprinkles on top in one hand and the other a cup of coffee. Taking a bite out of her doughnut, the older Earp smirks and points her doughnut at Nicole, “I see that you're still in the doghouse, hey Red.”

Rubbing the back of her neck, Nicole doesn’t answer instead looks at the floor, then moves to stand in her office doorframe. Waverly returns and glares at the Sheriff and gestures for the taller woman to enter her office, which Waverly closes and locks the door before closing the blinds. Turning her attention back to her wife, the brunette closes the distance between them and pushes the Sheriff against her desk. Running her hands up Nicole’s uniform shirt, Waverly connects their lips as her hip starts to grind against Nicole’s crotch. With such a kiss and attention has Nicole becoming hard with her cock forming a tent in her pants. The taller woman releases a groan from deep within her. Nicole uses her hands to push Waverly back so she could look deep into her lust-filled eyes.

“Waves, hold up. You’ve had me in the doghouse, ever since we found out your pregnant. You won't even let me do anything more than kiss and hug you. And now you're grinding yourself against me, getting me all hard and wanting to nail you so hard against the door. What are you up to?”

Looking up at Nicole through her eyelashes, Waverly has a devilish smirk on her face, “I’ve been thinking about you all day, and it’s gotten me all hot and bothered. Now just relax and let me have my fun.” Waverly slides her hands down to the front of Nicole’s pants and unzips the fly, she then reaches in and pulls out the hard cock, which she kneels in front of Nicole and takes it into her mouth. As Waverly is pleasing Nicole, the redhead throws her head back in ecstasy as her knuckles turn white from gripping the edge of her desk so hard. Being in such bliss, Nicole fails to notice Waverly retrieving an item from her handbag, it was only when she feels the coldness from the plastic cock ring being fastened to the base of her cock, that Nicole knew she was in trouble now.

“What?” was all Nicole could get out, as she looked down and saw the black cock ring squeezing the flesh at the base of her cock.

“It’s your punishment for getting me pregnant. I want you to stay hard all day and not take this off or try to get yourself off until I can have my way with you at home tonight.” Waverly tucks Nicole’s cock back inside the redhead’s pants, then zips the fly back up. Flinging her handbag over her shoulder, Waverly sways her hips as heads out the office, leaving a very flustered Nicole in her wake.

Once she has gathered herself, Nicole exited her office after making sure that her erection wasn’t so noticeable, especially if Wynonna was still out in the bullpen. Wynonna was talking with Waverly when Nicole finally surfaced.

“Well, I did tell you that I catch Calamity Jane chewing on Doc’s condoms. It’s your own fault if you left them lying around.” Wynonna smirks.

A week before Waverly’s heat, Wynonna had told her sister how one day, she found Calamity Jane sitting on Doc’s bedside table, chewing on something, and when she discovered what it was, Wynonna made sure that Doc threw out his packet of condoms and purchase fresh new ones. As it came to be time for Waverly’s heat, in between sessions of lovemaking, Nicole and Waverly were busy taking some time out for food. The ginger fluffy cat pranced her way into her owner’s bedroom and made her way over to the bedside table, where Nicole had left a couple of condom packets out. Unknown to the lovers in the other room, Calamity Jane began to chew on the packets, only stopping when she heard her owner’s footsteps coming towards the room. Dropping the packets back onto the table and scampering out of the room before they knew of her actions, Calamity Jane purred as she pressed against Nicole’s leg on her way past. A month later Waverly was experiencing the effects of morning sickness, causing the brunette to have a meltdown the day when her Doctor confirmed her suspicions, that she was expecting and both Nicole and Calamity Jane were now in the doghouse with the brunette.

Before Wynonna could hassle the Earp-Haught’s anymore, a pair of hikers appeared at the Station counter, looking like they had seen a ghost. Their hands trembled and shock on the wood bench, after a short period of silence, one of them drew in a deep breath, “We'd like tttoo make a report.” Trying to reign in their nerves, the hiker’s voice was shaky and stuttered on particular words.

Emily walked over and placed a reassuring hand of support on both hiker’s hands. “Just take your time. Whatever it is, your safe.” The Deputy Sheriff waits for the pair to relay their tale.

The quieter hiker disappears below the bench counter and the sound of rustling came from what Emily guessed was a backpack on the floor. Just then the hiker reappeared holding in ghostly white trembling hands, a plastic bag holding what seemed to be a severed head. Emily turned around, “Um, Louise, I think it might be best that you and the girls head on home.” Nodding her head in the direction of the bloody bag sitting on the top of the counter. Picking up on her wife’s thoughts, Louise smiled and placed a quick peck on Emily’s cheek, telling the girls, “Say goodbye to Mama, she’s got to help these people.” Hugging their Mama’s legs, the girls bid Emily goodbye and tell her to come home later.

Now that left only Nicole, Waverly, and Wynonna in the station, along with Emily and the two hikers. Nicole makes her way to stand next to Emily, “Where did you ….”

“We were hiking along the hiking track that runs along the back of Tate’s Farm when we came across this (pointing to the bag). At first, we thought it was part of a dead animal, but as we got closer, it became clear that we had stumbled across a human severed head.” The first hiker tells Nicole and Emily, who are taking down their statement. Realising that the hikers are shaken by their ordeal, Waverly suggests, “Would you like to come and sit down?” placing her hands on the back of two chairs beside Emily’s desk.

Looking at each other, the hikers decide that it would be best to take up the offer of a seat and the possibility of a hot drink to calm their nerves. Moving towards the swinging bullpen gate, allowing Waverly to give the pair a well-needed hug. “Now while you tell Deputy Faye and Sheriff Earp-Haught your account, let me and my sister go and get you a hot cup of coffee and maybe something to eat.” Wynonna protests as Waverly begins to pull her out of the bullpen.

“Hey, I want to stay and hear more. Why does Big Red get to stay?” Wynonna whinges at Waverly.

“She gets to stay because Nicole is the Sheriff. Now come on, we have some doughnut and coffee purchases to make.” At this Wynonna’s attitude changed.

“Alright, just as long as I get a dozen.” Wynonna gladly says. Waverly just nods as they headed out along the streets of Purgatory.

Wynonna and Waverly return with boxes of iced doughnuts and coffees in their hands. Emily and Nicole had already finished taking their statement and have been able to ascertain the location of the crime scene. The hikers had told them that they placed a tent structure over the site, to prevent any tampering with any evidence that could be collected. Once the hikers had finished their coffee’s and eaten a couple of the doughnuts, Emily escorted them to the front door and saw them on their way, while Nicole with Wynonna and Waverly entered Black Badge’s office, with the bag containing the severed head in tow.

Handing over the head to Dolls and relaying the hiker’s account, Nicole leaves Wynonna and Waverly to assist Dolls and Jeremy to analyse the cause for this person’s death. Which meant Jeremy and Dolls to determine if they are looking for humans or a supernatural creature as the killer.

Dolls took a mould of the bite marks on the rotting flesh, the very pungent smell sent Waverly running out of the room, leaving Wynonna to tilt her head back and cover her mouth and nose with her shirt. There was something about the head that drew the older Earp to want to know exactly how it was separated from its body, and where was the body. Wynonna waited for Dolls to finish up his examination before Jeremy took over to try and ascertain as to who this was, by running his own tests and scans.

Meanwhile, Waverly was with Nicole in her office, the taller woman sitting in her chair, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the boner between her legs. Waverly wasn’t going to make it any easier for her, as she straddled the Sheriff’s lap with her back pressed against Nicole’s front. Leaning back and resting her head next to Nicole’s head, using a sultry voice Waverly said, “Now I want you to stay hard for me. The baby later tonight, I’ll make it worth your while.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat, at the very mention of Waverly’s command of staying hard all day, caused her hips to buck and press hard against the firmness of Waverly’s ass, triggering the brunette to release her own petite moan. Wrapping her long arms around her wife’s now round and firm baby belly, Nicole pulled Waverly tighter against her and nipped at her wife’s mating mark.

“That’s enough of that.” Waverly gently slaps at her wife’s hands on her belly before climbing out of Nicole’s lap and arms. “Oh.” In a high-pitched whinge voice, Nicole reveals her protest at her wife’s extraction of her body from her embrace.

Dolls test has revealed that the bite marks had been made by a female, aged about in her late 50’s to ’60s, which was all he could get from the mould. As he was due to meet with his and Jeremy’s surrogate, as the pair want to have a child of their own so that Jessica could have a sibling to care for and love. This meant that Jeremy would have to accompany Wynonna to examine the crime scene and collect whatever evidence they could. On their way out of the building, Wynonna and Jeremy collect Emily and Waverly to come along to the site, as Emily could perform her Police duties and add it into her report.

Wynonna pulled the Black Badge SUV into the parking lot which edged onto the walking track, the hikers had previously ventured that morning. The gang climb out of the SUV with Jeremy complaining at Wynonna, “Dolls is not going to like the way you just treated his baby. I mean he won’t even let me take it 5km’s over the limit. Oh NO! you even put a scratch on Baby.” Jeremy crotches down by the driver’s side back passenger’s door, pulling out a handkerchief, he uses it to wipe at the tiniest of scratches on the door.

“Jer, Dolls doesn’t really call this (Wynonna runs a hand over the door of the SUV) baby? He needs to get help. And what scratch?” Shaking her head, Wynonna doesn’t wait for Jeremy’s reply, instead, she turns her attention to Waverly holding a hiking map in her hands. Once the group had assembled beside Waverly, instead of waiting for her sister to lead them, Wynonna stomps through the thick snow towards the opening between two rows of Black Spruce trees. “Wynonna, where are you going?” Waverly calls out to her sister.

“I’m just following the sign.” Wynonna points to a slightly faded wooden sign that is partly hidden behind one of the brushes beneath a Black Spruce. The sign read, ‘Hiking trail’ with an arrow pointing in the direction that Wynonna was heading.

Noticing her surroundings, Waverly starts to match the different land markings to those on the map, realising that they would be approaching the area of the trail, where the hikers came across the severed head. Just as they came around the bend in the trail, the reflection of the sun, shining off the top of the red tent, let them know that they had reached their destination.

Waverly was missing her Alpha’s warmth and made it know to Nicole by way of their connection, ‘Babe, I’m missing your warm arms being wrapped around me. I wished you were here with me.’

‘Waves, I wished I was there too, but it won’t be long before your home, where I have several ways of keeping you warm.’

Once at the crime scene Emily and Jeremy, first check the site is still secured and hasn’t been tampered with by clarifying that what they are seeing matches with the hiker’s photos of the scene. As the hikers reported, there was no sign of a body, but by erecting a tent over the ground, it had assisted in preserving the crime scene. Stepping through the tent flaps, Emily notices that the tent’s base has been removed, giving them clear access to the site. Before entering the tent, Emily removed the Police camera from its case, she now began to take shots of where the hikers had placed a marker, indicating the position of the severed head in the snow.

“Look, these must be the person’s footprints before meeting their end. The only problem is that there doesn’t seem to be any other footprints, except for the hikers that reported the crime.” Jeremy is crotched down and using a twig to try and work out the length of the person’s feet. Emily takes photos of the footprints before Jeremy pulls out from his backpack, a solution that is used to make a mould. Pouring the mixture into the prints in the snow, Jeremy sets an alarm on his phone.

Waverly and Wynonna are looking around in between the trees while lining the side of the hiking trail, looking for any sign as to who or what committed this crime. What they were able to find was that some of the lower lined branches on the left side of the trail had been broken. “Doc always says that when they are broken and pointing in this direction (Wynonna is pointing to the broken branches and then towards the trail), it usually means that the person or creature was crouching down before lunging fast and fierce at their target.”

“Wynonna, I would never have taken you as being someone to take an interest in Doc’s tracking skills,” Waverly smirks while wrapping an arm along her sister’s shoulder.

“Waverly, I’ll have you know that I take everything that Doc does as being very interesting.” Wynonna wiggles her eyebrows. Waverly fakes a gagging motion.

“Now the direction this creature or human is moving towards would take them directly in line with the Tate’s Farm. We had better go and find out what Jeremy and Emily have been able to find out.” Waverly tries to see if where they were standing, that they are maybe able to get a glimpse of Tate’s farm.

Emily and Jeremy had finished their investigation of the site and Jeremy’s moulds had set and been removed to be taken back to Black Badge. On the way back to Black Badge, Jeremy shares his thoughts on what could have committed this sort of crime. “Dolls sent me a photo of the teeth marks on the base of the head, and from the marks made by this creature, it looks like we are looking for a Wendigo. It’s a creature is half human and half beast and is known to be never satisfied with it’s killing. This creature lives on eating the flesh of its victims, meaning that it is never full and will never stop hunting its prey.”