65. Chapter 65

Arriving back at the station Wynonna, Waverly, Jeremy, and Emily's head inside to update both Nicole and Dolls with what they had discovered out at the hiking trail. Jeremy was the first to speak as they all stood in the Black Badge office around the table in the middle of the room.

“From what I’ve seen out at the crime site and the photos of the teeth marks on the severed head, I believe that we are looking for a Wendigo. And I think it’s going to keep on killing if we don’t stop it.” Jeremy places onto the table the mold casts of the footprints and other bags of evidence recovered at the site.

“We’ll have to check to see if there are any more missing persons in the system,” Nicole says as she tries to get herself more comfortable, cause the boner in between her legs is making it difficult for her to stand and walk.

“I’ll get right onto that, as I have to add to the initial report and get these (Emily holds up the bags of evidence in her hands) off to the lab for testing.” Emily gathers up the evidence and starts walking over into the bullpen, to take up her seat at her desk.

“Mmm, I’ll go and collect the pups, and when you finished up here, why don’t we go and try out that new diner, ‘Mama Olive’s’ tonight?” Nicole stands with her hand pressed against Waverly’s lower back, then she leans down and places a kiss on the side of her wife’s cheek.

“I’ve been wanting to try that place out since it opened last month. I won't be too long.” Waverly leans into Nicole’s side.

“Oh, you’ve got to try out their cheeseburger. It’s the best, even Dolls here, who doesn’t do Dairy, just can’t get enough of them. Why don’t I call Doc and get him to pick up the pups and we all can have a family night out.” Wynonna doesn’t wait for a reply, as she pulls out her phone and calls Doc.

“Look, Jeremy and I will look further into his theory of it being a Wendigo. We’ll all met back here tomorrow morning to discuss this more. And I would recommend the Cheeseburger, it’s the best in town.” Dolls smirks.

Wynonna and Waverly quickly attend to their reports, before heading out to meet their mates and pups at ‘Mama Olive’s’ diner. From the outside, it looked like any other diner, but when you walked inside, you were transported back to the 1950s. Apart from the neon ‘Open’ sign in the window, everything else cried the 1950’s, with the long bench counter with round swivel seats and brown vinyl booth seats, which sat about 3 to each. Even the waitresses were dressed in baby blue double-breasted style, their dress has short sleeves with a cuff and side pockets, with elastic back waist. And an apron with scallops and a tie in the back along with a pin-on hat to make it all look that more authentic.

Nicole slide into one of the booths with Waverly seated on the other side, and alongside, they both sat their pups. At the window end of the booth on the table sat a miniature jukebox, which all the pups wanted to play with. Nicole told them all that they would all get to pick a song, they just had to take their turn. Which meant they had to sit on either Nicole’s or Waverly’s lap to access the jukebox. In the booth behind them sat Wynonna, Doc, and their pups. Once they all had the chance to read through the menu, Nicole signaled for a waitress to come and take their order.

“What’s up, Waverly? I never see you.” The golden-haired waitress stood next to the end of their booth with her order pad in her hand and a pen in the other.

“Yeah, um, I know. Well between working at the Wyatt Earp Museum and looking after these little ones, I just don’t get the time to …” Waverly tries to justify her lack of interaction with the golden-haired waitress.

“We’d like to order if that’s ok, Hetty.” Nicole looks at the woman’s name badge as she holds the menu in her hands. Meanwhile, Waverly is trying to keep all 7 of her pups from climbing all over the back of the booths. Hetty sees that the pups are becoming a handful for her old friend, so she takes down their orders and heads over to take Wynonna’s family's order.

“How do you know her?” Nicole asks to point towards the waitress retreating to the kitchen to place their orders.

“We used to go to school together, her family owns Tate’s farm, which also runs as a cattle farm under the name ‘Tatenhill Farms’, totally organic operation grass-fed Cattle farm.” Waverly’s eyes light up when Hetty brought back to their table, two plates of chips and nuggets for the pups, and the biggest cheeseburgers she had ever seen, for her and Nicole. Just like all her other pregnancies, Waverly has taken to eating meat along with large amounts of Dairy products, being part of her cravings.

Once all their food had been eaten and all the pups had a turn at picking a song, or in the case of the youngest pair, being allowed to push the bright buttons which made the music come out the little speakers. Hearing the music, both the little girls squealed and clapped their hands, Nicole spent most of her time, shuffling in her seat, as her hard cock was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Knowing that she would be able to reap the reward for taking her punishment, was the only thing making her uncomfortable situation possible.

Noticing her wife’s shuffling, Waverly raised her foot and gently pressed it against the hard rod in between her wife’s legs. Giving the hard cock a rub with her foot, caused Nicole to groan as she hit her head back against the back of the booth seat. Smirking to herself, Waverly took great pride in knowing that her wife, was taking her punishment and that if she was going to secure a very pleasurable outcome later that evening.

“It looks like you’ve been a very good girl, for me.” In her sexiest voice, Waverly leans over the table towards Nicole. “You know me, I could never say no to you,” Nicole replied.

“Was Mummy bad? What did Mummy do, Ma?” Nicolas asks, wiping his face.

“Oh Mummy, was a bad girl and um.” Waverly looks at Nicole for support, which the redhead replied, “I forgot to put something away and Calamity Jane chewed it.”

“Is Calamity Jane in trouble too?” Alberto asks.

“Yes, but it was Mummy’s responsibility to put this thing away. Mummy’s been a very good girl and makes it up to Ma.” Waverly winks at Nicole, causing her wife to blush. It wasn’t till Nicole noticed that Padma and Jagna were starting to rub their eyes, indicating they were tired, she decided that they would take their pups home and into bed for the night. Saying their goodbyes to Wynonna and Doc, the Earp-Haught family bundled up into Waverly and Nicole’s vehicles before heading to the homestead.

Nicole always took charge of the bathing of the pups, before Waverly dressed them in their pajama’s, Nicole then would prepare the milk bottles for all the younger pups, Nicolas and Alberto had cute little mugs of milk to drink as Waverly read bedtime stories, while the rest had bottles. The whole family would sit on either Nicolas or Alberto’s bed, with Nicole sitting with her back against the wall and on her lap, would be one of the baby girls, while on Waverly’s lap would be the other baby girl. The rest of the pups cuddling into their parents as they listened to their Ma, who read bedtime stories in a different language each night.

With all their babies now tucked in their beds and sound asleep, Nicole’s resilience to maintain her erection was now growing thin, as she was needing a release, something only Waverly could give. As it was Waverly who handed out the punishment, it was only right that she be the one to give Nicole her reward for lasting the day. Watching her wife walk in front of her towards their bedroom, it was like Waverly knew that by swaying her hips before her wife, was just adding fuel to the fire deep within Nicole’s groin.

Placing her hands-on Waverly’s hips from behind, Nicole lead the brunette towards their bed, leaning down she nipped at Waverly’s mate mark on her neck, as her hands started to work their way around to the front of Waverly’s jeans. “Baby, I’ve been really good all day. I’ve taken my punishment. Can I now get my reward?” Waverly turns around and sees the urgency in Nicole’s eyes and knows that she needs to see to Nicole’s needs first, before hers. Seeking Nicole’s permission, which she gives by the way of a nod, Waverly unzips the taller woman’s pants, revealing her wife’s boy shorts and that was when Waverly could see the outline of the hardened cock, through the shorts. Pulling on the top of the shorts, Waverly allowed Nicole’s cock to be free, standing erect, still with the cock ring in place. Taking hold of the device squeezing tight around the cock, Waverly removed it, which caused her wife to release a loud moan and the hard cock to twitch in anticipation.

Removing her jeans and underwear, Waverly pulled her wife towards the bed, where she lined Nicole up to her own sex. Knowing that Nicole had been restricted from releasing herself all day, Waverly knew that Nicole wouldn’t be able to last as long as usual. All it took was half a dozen thrusts from the redhead before she cried out her ecstasy from reaching her high.

For the rest of the night, the pair made sure that they satisfied each other’s needs until they were completely spent. Before falling asleep Waverly rested her head on Nicole’s chest, while her hand ran up and down her wife’s well-toned abs, stopping to playfully with the little reddish hairs which begin an inch above and run down to Nicole’s belly button. “I love this.”

“Having your body being nailed to our bed?” Nicole playfully jests at the wife.

“No, Yes, but I mean this (Waverly points to the hairs on Nicole’s belly), Nicolas and Alberto have the same on their bellies. It just makes me love you so much more.” Waverly leans up on her elbow and tries to gracefully kiss her wife, but her baby belly makes it all that more difficult, but she is successful in the end.

“Mmm, I’ve been thinking that we should start to show the pups how to protect themselves and how to hunt for prey. I know you worried about them getting hurt, but if we show them then we can know that they have been taught correctly. What do you think?” Nicole holds Waverly closer to her side and runs her hand up her wife’s back.

Waverly lays there thinking about how much her babies have grown into little people, and how they need to learn the correct way to hunt, and how to protect themselves and others from harm. Knowing that Nicole would never put their children in danger, and if Doc, Dolls, and Emily helped, then all the pups, including Wynonna and Doc’s, Dolls and Jeremy’s, and Emily and Louise’s could all be taught at the same time.

“I think it would be a great idea, that way Doc, Dolls, and Emily can also teach their pups at the same time. I think all of them will love being able to have fun with their friends and cousins, while they learn and train. But for now, I think we both need some sleep because I’m tired and you have to get up early in the morning.” Waverly yawns as she snuggles further into Nicole’s side, finding her space against her wife’s body.

Silence fell on the Earp-Haught household, as its occupants slept soundly and safely. Seven little heads rested heavily upon fluffy pillows as they dreamed, knowing that their parents were only down the hallway. Since becoming pregnant this time, Waverly had taken to using Nicole’s stomach as her own personal pillow, as it was soft, firm, and provided the right amount of warmth for Waverly to rest her own head upon. Nicole didn’t complain, the only thing was that it provided to be slightly difficult to slip out of bed in the morning, without disturbing her wife and future pups.