76. Chapter 76


Stretching stiff and tired arms out from under her bedsheets, Emily yawns while her eyes open and looks around the bedroom. For the past four nights, she has been working the night shift and today was the start of two days off, before returning to dayshifts. Rolling over and taking a glance at her bedside clock, Emily groans as she realizes that she’s only been asleep for over two hours. She had so much to get done today, there were the final finishes to the nursery that needed to be completed, and she had to take the girls with her to the store, which always meant they came back with more than what they set out to purchase. Once the nursery was completed, they as a family was going to the Earp-Haught home for a barbeque, before heading out on a run, which always meant a puppy pile sleepover.

This past week had been extremely nerving for the Alpha, as her mate had been vigorously making alterations to her nest, which suddenly appeared in the corner of their bedroom, and now with Louise being a week overdue. Emily’s Alpha has been pacing around inside and looking for any sign of her Omega going into labor. Their Doctor had reassured both parents, that, normally, some pregnancies go over their due date, but if the pups were still not born within the next two weeks, they would have to induce Louise. Emily would have a daily talk with her Alpha, reminding her inner wolf that they had to be patient.

As Emily dragged herself out of her bed dressed in a pair of shorts and top, she heard from behind the closed bedroom door a set of cute little giggles, which brought a smile to her face. Before Emily climbed into bed that morning, her little girls promised to be good and not wake their Mama. Louise and the twins were planning on making food to take to the Earp-Haught’s barbeque that evening.

Emily didn’t want to interrupt her girls as they were in the process of helping their Mummy, so she gingerly crept up behind the two blonde-haired girls, as they stood on their little stools. Louise (who was now very heavily pregnant), rested against the kitchen bench and hands Alison and Vicki each a spoon with lilac icing. Just beside the twins sat 12 freshly lilac iced cupcakes with sprinkles dusted on top. Alison and Vicki were so engrossed in licking the icing from their spoons, that they didn’t notice that Emily was now standing behind them. “What do we have here?” Emily's voice boomed, causing the twins to drop their spoons, which landed on the benchtop with a clang.

Squealing loudly with a startled tone to their voice, Alison and Vicki turn around, “Mama!”

A devilish thought pops into Emily’s mind just before hunching her back and stretching her hands out like they were twisted and menacing. With a rough husky voice, “Yum, Yum, it looks like the sweet-tooth monster has found something sweet to eat.”

Jumping down from their perches on their stools the twins, standing in front of the bench they hold out one hand, indicating for Emily to stop.

“Oh, No! You can’t have these. We made them for our friends to have tonight. Sweet-tooth monster, you’ll have to find something else.” Louise brought her hand up and covered her mouth to hide the grin and laugh that was fighting to escape, as she looked on her daughters, each standing with one hand stretched out with their palm facing Emily, and their other hand sitting on their hip.

This was like a red flag to a bull, when Emily saw this and knew exactly what to do next, without any sign or warning the Alpha stalked her prey as she moved slowly and swiftly towards the pair.

“Well, it so happens that I can see two sweet little girls, that look like they might need a good tickle.”

Alison and Vicki take off running, giggling as they raced around the living room, hoping onto the couch when their Mama was about to grab hold of them. When Alison had run into one of the corners of the room, she soon found out that there was no escape. Emily swooped in and scooped her daughter up in her arms, flipping the little girl over her shoulder and moved to the couch. Placing Alison onto the cushions, Emily began tickling the little girl's belly. Kicking her legs and pleading for the Sweet-tooth monster to stop, Alison’s cries reached her sister’s ears and Vicki came to her rescue. Emily was so focused on Alison, that she didn’t realize that Vicki was creeping up on her from behind. It was only when Emily felt a weight on her back and two small arms reaching around her neck, that the Alpha knew that Vicki had outwitted her Mama. All three collapsed onto the floor, where the little girls turned onto their Mama and began to tickle her belly, they only let up when Emily held her arms up and surrendered.

Louise rested beside the kitchen bench and ran her hand over her large belly and whispered, “You’ll going to love playing with your sisters, we just want to finally meet you both.”

Once Emily had recovered from the attack from her daughters, she stood up and walked over to stand behind Louise, wrapping her arms around her wife’s rather large belly. Emily rested her head on Louise’s shoulder and hummed. Louise knew for the tone of her wife’s hum, that there was something on the Alpha’s mind. Turning her head just slightly, so that she could see Emily’s face, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

Taking a deep breath in and sighing heavily, Emily took some time to find the words to express her thoughts. Slipping her hand into Louise’s, Emily steps to the side and gently pulls her wife towards the couch, on which Alison and Vicki are standing and resting against the back and looking at their mum’s. Once at the couch Emily helps Alison to sit down and then goes and pours them each a glass of Iced Tea. Louise turns and faces Emily, “In the pantry, you’ll find four cupcakes. Bring them with you and we’ll all have some morning tea.” Vicki jumps off the couch and rushes into the kitchen to help her Mama, retrieve their juice boxes. Once all of the drinks and cupcakes had been brought to the coffee table, which sat an arm’s reach from the couch, Emily sat next to Louise and took a sip of her drink. Alison and Vicki sat beside their parents and engrossed in eating their cupcakes while holding their other hands in their juice box.

With Louise snuggled against her side and tucked under her arm, Emily felt brave and decided that there was no better time than now to open up.

“I’ve been thinking about how different this pregnancy has been, compared to our first. We haven’t had any problem with this one, except for you going over your due date. Whereas with the girls, everything was going great until the 7th month and then everything went haywire. I’m just scared.” Emily played with the fingers which were interlaced with her own.

“Mama, what happened at 7 months?” Alison tried to say with a mouth full of cupcakes.

Emily looked at Louise for some sign of what she should say, when Louise turned and faced her daughter, “Baby, your Mama was working and I was at home resting when I felt a sharp pain in my belly. You both were in my belly and I was scared that something was wrong, I called your Mama, and she took me to the hospital. The doctors said that the two of you wanted to come and see us, but you weren’t ready to be born. I had to stay in the hospital for a month, where they could give me medicine and watch me.” Louise wrapped her arm around Alison’s back and pulled the little girl closer to her side, then leaned down and planted a kiss to the side of her blonde wavy hair.

Looking at her daughters, Emily thinks back over how that month all those years ago, seemed like a lifetime. Having to watch her mate be stuck in a hospital bed and hooked up to a drip, was painful for both Emily and her Alpha. For that month sitting beside Louise’s bed, Emily’s wolf paced within its human form, and when it was frustrated the wolf would claw and whimper. Emily found that when the nurses came to tell her that visiting hours were over, her Alpha would howl and growl at the humans that were threatening to separate her from their mate.

“You two decided that it was better to stay in your Mummy’s belly and when the month was over, all three of you were allowed to come home to me. Until you were born a month later, I wouldn’t let your Mummy do any of the heavy things around the house. Then one night and your Mummy was in her 9th month, I took her out for a night dinner at a fancy restaurant in the city. We were in the middle of eating our dinner when I heard a pop sound and then the sound of water being dropped on the floor.” Emily wrapped her arm around Vicki and pulled her against her side and kissed the top of her daughter's hair.

“What happened? Did Mummy drop her drink?” Vicki asked as she looked up at her Mama.

“Your Mummy didn’t drop her drink, she said that her water had broken, and we needed to go home. After paying for our meal, I drove us home. Your Mummy had built her nest in the middle of our bedroom and she insisted that I had to bring her more blankets so that she could make it just right. A whole day and night passed before Alison was born and then you Vicki were born a minute after. Your Mummy and I were so happy and excited to finally have you in our arms.” Emily lent forward and winked at Alison, while she squeezed Vicki.

“Mummy, does it hurt?” Alison asked before sipping on her straw in her juice box.

“Yes, but then when you hold your pup in your arms, you forget about the pain. When I held you both in my arms for the first time, I was filled with so much love that I thought my heart was going to burst open, but it didn’t my heart just grew that much bigger, so that it could hold of the love inside. You both are going to be great big sisters to these little ones, you’re going to teach them so many things.” Louise twinges and holds her hand out to Emily, who recognizes when her wife is needing to go to the toilet and needs a hand to stand up. Once standing, “Now I want you two to go and tidy your room. And you and I are going to have a chat when I come back.” Pointing at her wife, Louise winks.

It wasn’t long before Louise returned and true to her word, she found Emily had changed into a paint-stained shirt and shorts, sitting on the edge of their bed. Walking towards her wife, Louise used her leg to nudge Emily’s legs apart, before stepping in between. Placing her hands on Emily’s shoulders, “Now are you going to tell me, what’s worrying you?”

Staring deep into her wife’s understanding eyes, Emily finds herself swimming in the pool of knowledge that she was deeply loved by this woman, and this was where she was meant to be for the rest of her life. “I worry that sometimes that maybe that I am not enough for you and our family. I’m afraid at times that maybe …. I’ll end up like my parents. That I’ll let you all down, I’ve done it once and I never want to be like that.” Emily lowers her head and tears trail down her cheeks, wet patches begin to form on her thighs.

With her fingers, Louise can lift Emily’s chin, so that she can look her wife directly in the eye. “Sweetie, you are not your parents and yes, you’ve made mistakes, but I love you. You’ve always made sure that I and the girls are kept safe. You almost died proving how much you love us, trying to keep us safe. You’re all I’ve ever needed and wanted.” Leaning down Louise connected their lips in a chaste kiss, that conveyed that no matter what, their love was real and strong.

Before they could get carried away, they were interrupted by two little balls of energy that burst into the room, lunging at their parents. “Well, it looks like we have two eager beavers. I wonder where (Emily places her pointer finger on her chin and her thumb under her chin, and then raises her eyes upward, making it look like she was thinking about something), their so keen to get to? Mmm.”

“You promised that we could come with you, and pick out a couple of things for the nursery, Mama.” Alison and Vicki spoke in unison.

“I’ll just grab my wallet and keys and then we’ll head off. Are you going to be alright here Mummy?” Emily stands and holds out a hand toward Louise, who smiles back at her wife. “I’ll be alright, a morning keeping these two fireballs out of our bedroom has taken a toll out on me. I think I might have a laydown.” waddling over to her girls and placed a kiss to the top of their heads, before smiling at a Goofy-looking Emily.

It didn’t take Emily and the girls to arrive at the hardware store in the main street of Purgatory, with the Sheriff’s station being two blocks over. Outside the hardware store was the usual shopping trolleys, which Emily grabbed hold of the handlebar and pulled out of the stack of trolleys. Lifting each of her daughters and placed them into the cart part of the trolley, Alison and Vicki were too big for the kid seats now, and it was lighter on Emily’s wallet if they stayed within the confined of the trolley.

Passing down the first aisle, the Faye family started their journey throughout the arrangements of various hardware that hung along the shelves. They soon found themselves within the paint and decorations section of the hardware store. Emily knew that she was not going to hear the end of it if she didn’t lift her daughter out of the trolley, she then lowered both girls onto the floor of the store. “Now don’t run off,” Emily smirked as she could already see the excitement in her daughter’s eyes.

Watching her daughters pick off the shelves different wall decorations and begin to look at them, Emily’s mind traveled back over the last nine months. It was a month after Louise’s heat when the Omega started to show the early signs of pregnancy. Unlike their first pregnancy, Louise experienced morning sickness and sore breasts for the first trimester. When Louise told Emily that they were going to be parents again, the Alpha was filled with joy but also a fear that maybe something was to go wrong. Keeping this to herself, Emily made sure that everything that Louise needed, she made sure to supply and fulfill her wife’s needs. Alison and Vicki at first were not too keen on the idea of their Mummy being pregnant, but it was when Louise started to show and the pup’s started to kick, that was when the girls began to become excited at being a big sister.

Alison and Vicki were so keen to be big sisters that they made sure they were the first people to see the ultrasound picture of the pups. When Louise was around 8 months, the girls insisted that they helped their Mama with the painting of the nursery and even assisted with the assembling of the baby cots. Which proved to be more like a scene out of a comedy, rather than reaching the desired outcome, because every time they were making progress, either one of the girls would misplace a screw or hand to their Mama the wrong screwdriver. Eventually, two beautiful cots had been completed and ready for the girls to add their decorating skills under the gaze of their Mummy’s eye.

During the past nine months, the relationship between Emily and Louise had grown that much deeper and stronger than before their trial separation. Emily was more attentive towards her wife through actions that conveyed her love towards the Omega. Emily instituted a new tradition into their lives, where on Friday and Saturday nights, the Alpha and the girls would organize and cook the nightly meals, allowing Louise to rest and enjoy watching Emily rebuild her relationships with their daughters. Then when the girls had fallen asleep in their parent's arms while watching a movie, Emily would take each girl and place them into their beds and kiss them goodnight. Louise and Emily would talk and share their feelings, they would take turns talking while the others listened, they would share their innermost feelings and thoughts. It was one of these nights when Emily shared her fears, which they talked through, and eventually, Emily was able to relax and trust that no matter what might happen, the two of them were stronger and more in love, and could face anything as long as they faced it together.

“Mama, I want to pick this one.” Vicki tugged on the hem of her Mama’s paint-stained shorts, pulling Emily back into the present. Looking down into the bright eyes of her daughter, the Alpha melted and nodded, “Alright.”

“Mama, do you like the unicorn’s rainbow horn?” Vicki held a 3D rainbow-horned unicorn in her hands.

“Yes, I love it. Where do you want to put it on the wall? Baby.” Emily knelt so that she could look directly at Vicki. “Above the cot, I painted. That way the baby can look at it.” Vicki rested so that she lent into her Mama’s front. “I think that’s a great place to put it.”

Alison was having a hard time choosing between a 3D Beaver with a Police hat on its head, and a 3D puppy black-haired wolf in a pounce stance. The blonde girl looked at both items in her hands and held them both up, trying to see which one she liked the best. Ten minutes later, Emily and the girls were standing at the checkout with a 3D Rainbow horned Unicorn and a 3D Black haired puppy Wolf, along with all of the other items they needed for the room.

Back home and ready to go, both girls rush in and jump up onto the couch and sit beside their Mummy, who shows her delight in the girl's choices for the nursery. After having a snack, Emily, Alison, and Vicki head into the nursery, which their Mummy had been told she was not allowed to go in, not until everything had been finished. With the help of Emily, Vicki and Alison placed their 3D decorations onto the walls of the nursery, and then the girls helped to move the furniture into place.

Alison and Vicki approached their Mummy and asked her to take their hands and then close her eyes. Leading Louise towards the nursery, the girls giggled as they were so excited to be a part of the unveiling of all their efforts in making and designing the nursery. Standing in front of the bedroom door, Emily took hold of the door handle and once the girls and Louise were standing before her, the Alpha said, “You can open your eye’s now.”

Before she was two beautifully rainbowed painted cots were placed beside each side wall, on each of the top wooden panels was a 3D puppy wolf running after each other. In the middle of the room underneath the window, were four chests of drawers which were filled with all of the baby clothes, that Louise had been collecting over the months. Along the door side wall, was the changing table with a trolley that had three shelves underneath, which was storage for diapers and baby wipes. Besides the table and trolley was a light pastel-colored wardrobe for storing the baby’s clothes and toys.

Inside the cot’s there were stuffed toys that rested upon a mattress covered in puppies jumping printed material. Above the head of each of the cots, was where both girls decided that they wanted their 3D decorations to be, the puppy wolf was above the cot nearest to the door and the unicorn was above the cot furthest for the door. Louise walked around with tears in her eyes, touching and smelling each of the clothes, the Omega held within her hands one of the pup’s onesies and looked at her wife. “It’s just the way I’ve always dreamed it to be. Thank you all for all your hard work. I love it. Now, all we need is two little pups to sleep in these.” Louise waved a hand towards the cots.

Emily’s Alpha sensing that her mate was emotional, approached Louise and wrapped her arms around the Omega’s waist, and pulled her back into her front. Resting her chin on Louise’s right shoulder, Emily whispered, “When I pictured the nursery, I could see it through your eyes. I love you and all of our pups.” The girls hugged their Mummy’s legs and rested their heads against Louise’s puppy bump.

It was later in the afternoon and Emily had just finished playing with and chasing the girls around the backyard when she entered the house exhausted. Not that she would complain about being tired, but today she was feeling the past couple of weeks beginning to catch up to her. Knowing that she still had to go to the Earp-Haught’s tonight and as a pack, they would be heading out on a run, so a quick nap and then a shower would help to see her through the next couple of hours. Heading into her bedroom, she stripped off her clothes and headed into the bathroom for that much-needed shower. As she stood under the streams of warm water, Emily’s body starts to relax, and she soon feels the lure of sleep beginning to creep up on her. Stepping out of the shower and reaching for her towel, Emily dried off the last drops of water that lingered upon her naked body. She then proceeded with her usual routine within the bathroom, when she felt two hands wrapping themselves around her naked body. Turning around Emily’s eyes almost popped out of her head, as she took in the sight of her wife standing before in a matching lacy red bra and underpants. “Do you like what you see?”

“Come here and find out.” Emily wiggled her eyebrows as she felt her hard and erect cock twitch at the sight of her pregnant wife. Louise closed the gap between them, and they embraced each other in a heated kiss. Emily’s hands made their way up to unhook her wife’s bra, but before she did, “May I?”

“I love how even after all this time; you still ask permission. It’s so hot. Yes please.” Louise grins, while she kisses her way down her wife’s jaw until she reached the mating mark. Licking the scar, Louise’s hands cup the back of Emily’s neck while her wife removes her underwear. “Wait, what about the girls?” Emily nervously looks behind her wife’s shoulders.

“It’s alright, they're gone for asleep. When they came in from outside, they sat on the couch and started to fall asleep sitting up. Take me to bed and make love to me.” Louise takes Emily’s hand and leads them towards their bed.

For the next hour, they made love and once each of their needs were satisfied, Emily lay on her side and held Louise’s back against her front. Laying with her wife in her arms, Emily felt the lull of sleep and felt herself drifting off. It wasn’t till later in the afternoon when Emily woke and found that Louise had already gotten up, and was attending to their daughters, while Emily lay on the bed draped in a blanket, hiding her naked body.

It wasn’t long after she and Louise had reconnected, that Nicole and Waverly approached the pair and conveyed how much the pair were a part of their pack. And so ever since when it’s been nights when the pack got together on the nights when they ran, Emily and her family were a part of these outings. The girls loved these nights because as a family they all slept over at the Earp-Haught home, and the Faye girls and the Earp-Haught children formed a pup pile in the living room, which warmed both sets of parents.

Emily rose from the bed and dressed in a fresh pair of navy shorts and white polo shirt and headed out into the living room. Realizing the time, Emily knew that she needed to start packing the car with all the food that Louise and the girls had made for the barbeque. While Louise rested on the couch, Emily was making trips between their bedroom and the car outside, with piles of pillows and blankets clutched in her arms. Even though they both wanted their pups to be born in their room, Louise insisted that her nest be taken with them to the Earp-Haught home this evening just in case their pups decided to make their presence into the world.

Just as Emily was entering the house after her fourth trip out to the car, she found both her daughters sitting on the couch, in clean clothes and waiting for her to tie up their shoes. Louise was coming out of their bedroom with a hand pressed against her lower back and groaning. “Lou, are you alright? Are you in pain?” An anxious and concerned Emily stood waiting for Louise to answer, as her inner Alpha scratched and clawed her insides, wanting to get to its mate.

“It’s all alright. I just had to pee again. Can you tie the girl's shoelaces, please?” Louise replies as she rubs her lower back. Alison asks, “Mama, can you tie shoelaces, please?” while Vicki kicks her feet as she waits. Once everyone’s shoelaces had been tied, they all piled into the car and headed off towards the Earp-Haught home.

Once arriving at the Earp-Haught home and the car was cleared of all the bags and nesting pillows and blankets, Emily finally was able to take a breathe as Nicole offered her a beer. “You look like you could do with one of these?” Resting against the banister rail that surrounded the porch, Emily with thankful eyes, took the offered beer and began to take a sip.

“Just been busy with putting the finishing touches to the nursery.” Emily takes another sip. Louise and Waverly make their way out onto the porch, each holding a glass of Iced Tea and wrap their free arm around their partners. Smiling down at Waverly, Nicole checks in on her wife, “How are you now Baby?”

“I’m alright, it’s just hard to hear your sister, call your baby boy a ‘Chubby Bunny’.” Waverly lays her head on Nicole’s chest and her free hand played with Nicole’s buttoned-down blue shirt. “You know that she wouldn’t have meant it nastily, Wynonna loves little Lucas and his sisters.”

“What did Wynonna do now?” Emily asks as she finishes her beer.

“Oh, Wynonna offered to spend the day with the triplets at the hospital, so that we could have a day with the other pups. We asked the nurse to video Wynonna if she did or said anything, that could be used as blackmail later on. What we didn’t count on was receiving a video of Wynonna talking to Lucas, just after she had changed his diaper and dressed him into his onesie.” Waverly held up her phone and pressed play, and the video showed Wynonna holding Lucas’ legs and saying, “Now, who’s Auntie Wynonna’s chubby little bunny?” Lucas kicked his legs and waved his arms as if he was trying to say, ‘I am.

Louise started to cry, “Oh, he’s so adorable and those cheeks, I could just pinch them all day long. Oh, my bad.” Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, “I’m so sorry Waverly. I didn’t mean it sound the way that it did, it’s just that they’ve grown so much, it looks like it won’t be long before they’d be allowed to come home.”

Before Waverly or Nicole could comment, all four of them were interrupted by the sounds of Alice, Henry, and Wyatt talking as they made their way across the grass between the two homes. It was then something within Waverly snapped when she caught sight of her sister strolling towards her, the younger brunette stormed across the porch and down a couple of stairs and then made a beeline for Wynonna. Without any warning from Waverly, the spitfire brunette released her fire upon the unbeknown Wynonna, “How dare you call my baby boy, a Chubby Bunny.” And to make sure that Wynonna got the hint, Waverly punched her sister’s left arm so hard that even Emily, Louise, and Nicole heard the contact between Waverly’s fist hitting Wynonna’s arm.

“Ouch, alright I get the hint. Boy, I know now not to make you angry.” Wynonna rubbed her arm while wincing in pain. Nicole shakes her head as she takes in the scene, Waverly standing staring at her sister with her hands on her hip and tapping one of her feet. The redhead fell more in love with her firecracker of a wife, “Oy, Big Red, put those lovesick eyes away. You’ve got enough pup’s running around.” Wynonna stomps up the stairs and makes her way over to Nicole, ripping the beer out of her hand, Wynonna gulps the rest of the beer before handing it back to Nicole. “Looks like you need a refill. Big Red.” With that Wynonna slaps Nicole’s back.

“Have you heard from Jeremy and Dolls?” Emily asks hoping to change the subject, but also to see if there was any news yet. Jeremy and Dolls had headed to the big city the day before and was meeting with the adoption agency. They had been trying to adopt another child and had to go to an interview regarding if they wanted a girl or a boy. Jeremy and Dolls wanted to have a little boy, but if they’d be happy to have another little girl.

“Yeah, they called this afternoon. The interview went well, and they just have to wait now. Dolls said that they were going to the Zoo tomorrow, but should be back the next day.” Waverly smiled as she was happy for her friends that things were working out for them.

Doc had been attending to the barbeque and walked around to announce that the meat and mushroom burgers had all been cooked and ready to be eaten. Rounding up all the little pups and herding them out towards the backyard, where picnic blankets and a table with six chairs had been set up. The pups were each handed their hamburgers before the adults sat down to eat their food. Louise’s potato vegan salad was a hit, even with Wynonna.

The time came for them all to go on their run, and once everyone had changed except for Louise, who stayed behind to look after Padma and Jagna, as they were too young to shift. The pack headed out with Nicole and Doc in the front, with Waverly and Wynonna taking their position on the outer sides, and then Emily took up the rear, with all of the pups tucked within the secured circle. They aimed to only be away for an hour, as Emily didn’t want to be too far away from Louise and if she went into Labour, her Alpha needed to be close by. Emily sensed halfway through the run that something was not right with Louise, after conveying this to the other adult wolves, the pack returned towards the Earp-Haught home.

When the pack returned, they found Louise hunched over holding her stomach and Padma and Jagna looking rather scared. Emily shifted and rushed up the stairs to her mate, not caring that she was naked, she just needed to get to Louise. “Baby talk to me. What’s happened?”

Louise looked at Emily in excruciating pain, “My…. waters…. broke.”

“Oh no.” Emily leads Louise towards a chair to sit, before rushing inside to dress. When she returned, “How long ago.?”

“Just after you left. The pain was so strong that I couldn’t reach you. The contractions are every 5 mins apart. I need my nest.” Louise grabs Emily’s hand and squeezes it hard as a contraction takes hold of her body.

Nicole and Doc sense the situation and take the pup’s around to the front of the house so that they could shift and then inside to dress. Waverly and Wynonna shift in the backyard and head inside and dress, and take over from Nicole and Doc looking after the pups, allowing the Alpha’s to shift and dress. Waverly and Nicole head out to the back porch, “Tell us what you need?”

“We’re going to need to find somewhere for Louise to place her nest. It looks like these pups are going to be born before I could get us back to our home.”