77. Chapter 77

“We’re going to need to find somewhere for Louise to place her nest. It looks like these pups are going to be born before I could get us back to our home.” Emily stood beside her mate and allowed the Omega to grab her hand tightly as another contraction took hold.

“Baby, I need you to breathe along with me. Breath in and out, breath in and out.” Emily moved around to Louise’s front and looked into her wife’s eyes. Using her free hand the Alpha brought it up to her chest and when she said breath in, she moved the hand closer towards her chest and when she breathed out, Emily pushed her hand away. The Alpha repeated this action until the contraction passed. Louise was spent and dripping with sweat across her brow, Emily stepped in closer to her wife and embraced her within a tight hug. With her head resting on her strong wife’s shoulder, Louise took a moment to take it all in, Nicole and Waverly were standing just the way off, while she could hear the squeals of her daughters seeping through from the other room.

“You can set your nest up in here if you’d like, or there’s the barn?” Nicole suggested but instead of support from her wife, she received a slap against her arm. “Ouch, what was that for?”

“You offered an expecting woman to give birth to her children, in a barn.” Waverly rested her hands upon her hips and stared with fire within her eyes. Nicole winced knowing that her suggestion was not the greatest, but it was all they had to offer.

“It’s just that the barn has more room for her and Emily to move around, while they wait out the contractions, and they’ll have privacy from prying little eyes. But your right, it’s not the best place to give birth.” Nicole rubbed the back of her neck, all the while Emily and Louise talked between themselves.

Louise screamed as another contraction took hold of her, “Argh, remind me again, why I let you get me in this position” Both Emily and her Alpha cringed. Just then two little blonde-haired girls popped around the side of the bedroom door with Wynonna close behind, “Mummy, are you in pain? Mama, what’s wrong with Mummy?”

“I tried to stop them, but when they heard, the screams, they were too fast for me.” Wynonna tried to give a reason for the interruption.

While holding her wife’s hands, Emily felt her mate’s pain each time that Louise squeezed her hands tightly. “Everything is alright, my little monkey’s. Mummy’s just getting ready to have the pups. I need you to be good for Aunty Wynonna and Uncle Doc for us.” Emily releasing her calming pheromone into the room, with the hope to create a tranquil environment.

“Ok, Mama, we promise to be good. Can we see the pups when they're born?” Alison and Vicki rush over and embrace their Mummy and Mama’s legs. With pleading eyes staring into Emily’s sole, the Alpha found within that moment that she couldn’t say no to the two girls. “Yes, once your Mummy says it’s alright for you to come and see them, I’ll come and get you.”

Waverly walked over to Wynonna and pulled her off to the side, “Wyn, could you and Doc take all the pups back to the homestead for the night. It’s just that it’s either our bedroom or the barn where Louise can give birth, and I don’t want her to go out to a draughty barn filled with hay.” Knowing her sister was right, the only place their friend and member of their pack should give birth to their pups, it’s there in Waverly and Nicole’s bedroom and not the barn. “Doc’s going to love this. He just loves it when we have our puppy pile nights, what is a couple more. (Wynonna turned and looked at her friends and members of their pack) Don’t worry about your girls, I’ll take great care of them. We’d better get a move on, Alison and Vicki, or all those Earp-Haught boys will take all the good spots.” Wynonna moves over and takes the girl's hands into hers before they said their last goodbyes, then they were heading out the door.

“Emily, why don’t you go and bring Louise’s nest in here. I’ll just move some things around and then Louise can decide where she wants the nest set up. That barn can be draughty when the wind picks up and you don’t need that.” Waverly moved over to take over from Emily, allowing her and Nicole to head out to bring in all the pillows and blankets. As the Alpha’s were returning, “Your lucky, Waverly had twice this, but we didn’t get to use them for the first two pregnancies. By the time Waverly had created her nest, I could have sworn that she had bought every pillow and blanket in Purgatory.” Nicole and Emily share a laugh, but it is cut short by a not so impressed Waverly, standing in the middle of the doorway with her hands on her hips. Nicole knew that she was in for it now, with a nervous smile on her face, the redhead gingerly approached the bedroom door.

“I’ll take them, Nicole I think that you should make a fresh pot of coffee.” Waverly fumes only for a moment and when Nicole spun around on her heels and started heading towards the kitchen, Waverly reached out and grabbed hold of her wife’s elbow. Turning around Nicole is surprised to be on the receiving end of a chaste kiss.

Meanwhile, Emily moved past the two lovers and headed into the bedroom, where she presented her pile of pillows and blankets to her wife. The Alpha stood and waited for her wife to indicate as to where she wanted, her to place the pile. Louise pointed towards just where Nicole and Waverly’s couch stood, knowing that it had to be moved, Emily explained that she had to get Nicole to help her. Louise’s inner Omega wanted her Alpha to be beside her at all times, “Don’t leave me. (Louise sniffs) I need you to stay beside me. (Sniffs)”

Upon hearing this Emily’s inner Alpha puffed out their chest and began to purr. Reaching out her arms wide, allowing Louise to bury her head into the crook of her Alpha’s neck and rub her scent gland against her wife’s. The allure of Sandalwood and Jasmine filled the bedroom, causing Louise to relax within her wife’s embrace.

Nicole and Waverly eventually returned to the room and the smell of freshly brewed coffee crept into the room. With all the pillows and blankets finally, all in one place, and Nicole and Emily moved the couch out of the way, Louise was able to create her nest between contractions, which were still 5 minutes apart. Emily would rub circles across her wife’s back as each contraction took hold of her wife. Between contractions, Emily would wrap an arm around Louise’s back, while holding her wife’s hand, they would pace the floor. All the while Emily and Louise took short breaths, as this was to help with bringing the birth along as well as help with controlling Louise’s pain. Nicole and Waverly took it in turns to walk and breathe along with Louise, allowing Emily to have a rest but also to grab the three of them, some cups of coffee, as well as some water for Louise, hoping that it would be enough to get them through the night.

Two hours later and Louise’s contractions were now starting to become a minute apart, indicating that these pups were on their way to come into the world. Waverly hurried to the bathroom to collect more towels but to also wet cloth for Emily to use in wiping her wife’s brow. After handing over the towels and cloth to Emily, Waverly looked at her close friend and smiled before stroking her cheek. “You’re going to do great.” Waverly was about to turn and walk away when she felt Louise grab hold of her wrist. “Please don’t go. I want you and Nicole to stay and help. The only way I got through this last time, was with having Emily holding me. ARRGH. (Louise’s face scrunches up as the pain of her contraction takes hold) …. Please!”

Waverly turns and looks at both Nicole and Emily and when they both nod in agreement, the brunette smiles back at her friend, “We would love to stay and help. We’ll do whatever you need, to make this comfortable for you. I’ll just go and get some water ready so that we can wash the pups after. And then I’ll be back right by your side.” With that Waverly hugged the blonde in a tight embrace and when they both pulled back, each Omega wiped away tears from their eyes.

Nicole along with Emily helping Louise to climb onto her nest, and once Emily was satisfied that her wife was comfortable, she turned around towards Nicole, “I just want to thank you for everything. Since moving here, you and Waverly have taken us in and made us both feel like we were family. That has meant so much to me, I never knew what a real family was until I met Louise. You and Waverly are so much more than just friends to us, (Emily turned and faced Louise, with tears in her eyes and her voice becoming croaky) you’re our sisters. (Emily sniffs as she turns to face Nicole, who now has she has tears in her eyes) Would you do me and Louis the honor of delivering our pups?”

All Nicole could do was rush over to her friend and hug her so hard that they both slightly lost their footing. “Yes, I’ll deliver your pups. And you’re both sisters to both me and Waves.” Without the two Alpha’s realizing, Waverly had been leaning against the doorpost and listening to the two Alphas. Waverly couldn’t contain herself any longer and swiftly made her way over and embraced her wife and friend. Meanwhile, Louise had watched as she practiced her breathing as she felt each contraction.

Emily moved around to the back of her wife and enveloped Louise’s waist with her arms, allowing the Omega to freely grab hold of her mate’s hands to squeeze during the birth. Waverly grabbed hold of the wet cloth and began to wipe the sweat that was beading across her friend’s forehead. Nicole hurried into the bathroom to wash her hands before returning, where Nicole proceeded to crouch down between Louise’s legs, just before lifting the light blanket which covered the blonde’s thighs and taking a glance, “I’m just going to have a look to see how dilated you are.” Nicole lifted the blanket and took a look, all the while Emily held her breath until she saw the top of Nicole’s head appear.

Nicole reappeared with a grin on her face, “It’s showtime. Louise on your next contraction I want you to push until I tell you to stop. And when you stop, I want you to breathe short breathes. Emily will help you with the breathing.” Nicole glanced at Waverly and noticed that the brunette was beaming, although Nicole thought that she heard a slight growl coming from her wife. Maybe it was a good thing that Waverly was helping with the delivery as a jealous wife is not a good thing to have.

Before long Louise clutched Emily’s hands in a vice tight grip, “ARRGH” her face contorted as she was now in pain and beginning to push. Nicole returned to her position and waited for the first signs of the pup’s head. For the next 15 minutes, Louise would push when the contractions came, and then when they subsided, she’d relaxed in her wife’s arms, all the while the Alpha pressed tender kisses to the side of her wife’s temple. Emily was fighting with her inner wolf, as it wanted to be the one to deliver their pups, but her mate wanted their mate, helping them through the birth. When Louise and Emily heard Nicole say, “Your first pup is crowning. It won’t be long now. You’re doing great.”

Emily could sense her mate’s need for reassurance from their mate, she leaned her head forward and kissed the side of her wife’s head, “You’re amazing my love. I love you so much. Just a bit more and they’ll be here, in your arms.” With those words filling her heart with more love for the Alpha behind her, Louise felt another contraction and pushed as hard as she could, while Waverly wiped her brow and released pheromones into the air, creating a calming atmosphere.

“The head’s born. Now I need you to stop and don’t push until I tell you to.” Nicole sat cross-legged on the floor as she held the pup’s head in her hands. When Louise screamed in pain and stated that she wanted to push, Nicole moved a hand to guide the shoulders out, while her other hand continued its grip on the pup’s head. Waverly made sure that there was fresh warm water in a basin close by, for her to clean the pups after their birth

“Louise, you can push now.” And without needing to be told a second time, the blonde pushed with all the energy she had within her. Nicole looked happily up at both Louise and Emily, “Congratulations, met your baby boy.” Nicole lifted the now screaming pup up into his mother’s waiting arms. Waverly quickly grabbed a towel and covered the bloodied body of the pup, while Louise held him against her chest. Emily was so overtaken with emotions, she found that she was lost for words, as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Kissing her wife’s cheeks as she took in her son for the first time, he was all covered in blood but even still she could make out the jet-black set of hair on his head. Gathering all her emotions, Emily eventually found her voice, “He’s so beautiful. He’s perfect, just like his Mummy. I love you.” Nicole clamped the umbilical cord and held up a pair of scissors, “Mama, the honor is all yours.” Emily gingerly took hold of the scissors in her hands, nervous that she would muck it up, but once her son was freed from the cord, Emily was able to take a step back and breathe. Meanwhile, Louise held her son against her breast, whispering all along, “You are so beautiful. My little man. Your Mama and I love you so much.” Louise bent over and placed a peck on his little nose, while her fingers ran through his thick hair.

About four minutes later, the tell-tale signs that Louise was about to deliver the next pup, Waverly tenderly approached her friend holding a fresh towel, “Let me freshen him up for you, while you bring your other pup into the world?” With some hesitation from the blonde, Waverly was able to embrace the little boy with the towel, making sure to support his head with her hand, as she carried him over to the basin of warm water and proceeded to wash him free from all the umbilical fluid and blood. With each wipe of the water against his body, the little boy waved his arms within the water, causing small splash sounds. Once he was clean and all dried, Waverly bundled him up in a fresh warm blanket, which the pup seemed to enjoy being kept warm and dry.

About 4 minutes later, their second baby boy pup was born and screaming louder than his brother and sporting a set of thick jet-black hair. After the umbilical cord had been cut and her son was handed over to Louise to hold, Emily sat beside her wife while holding their other son in her arms. It wasn’t long after when Nicole delivered the afterbirth, which she inspected and from her training, found that it was all there. Nicole sat back on her haunches and beamed with joy for the little family that sat before her, “It’s been a pleasure for both me and Waverly, having shared this moment with you both. (Sniff) Let me take a photo.”

“Wait, Nicole. Let me clean this little guy before you take his photo. And it’ll give me time to fix Louise’s hair a little.” Waverly once again took the little boy from her friend, who watched her every move as Waverly washed their son, before returning with him wrapped in a blanket, all snug and warm. Then Waverly rushed over to her dresser and collected her hairbrush, which she used to brush Louise’s hair, just enough that she could look great for her photo.

Nicole grabbed her phone and snapped a couple of photos, of the new family and then shots of Emily and Louise holding both twin boys, separately, and then one with Waverly standing with the new family. Emily insisted that she took a couple of photos of both Nicole and Waverly holding the boys, who were happily sleeping in the arms of their Aunts.

Nicole and Waverly then left the new family to have some time to them alone and headed towards the guest bedroom to catch some sleep. Louise was tired by this stage and it was the middle of the night, so Emily arranged the pillows in such a way that it accommodated her, Louise, and the two boys, who lay between them. For the rest of the night, Emily and Louise would sleep only waking to attend to their babies when they woke.

Like always Nicole was up before Waverly, who she greeted in bed with a big grin and a hot cup of coffee. “Morning my beautiful wife.” The redhead leaned down to kiss her wife, but before their lips connected, they were rudely interrupted by the slamming of the bedroom door hitting the wall and then the clambering of little feet on the floorboards.

“Mummy, where are the babies? Aunty Wyn said there would be babies?”

Sitting up as the bedsheets and blanket fell around her waist, “There are babies, but we all have to be very quiet. Why don’t we get some breakfast?” Waverly knew that was all she had to say, as the herd of children that crowded the room headed out and towards the living room.

Nicole, Waverly, and a begrudging Wynonna started to work on cooking eggs, bacon, and mushrooms for Waverly, while Doc attended to overseeing the cooking of the toast, which was being attempted by Nicolas and Alberto. Alice, Walden, and Winona looked after setting the table. Emily heard movement within the house and decided that a cup of hot coffee would go down a treat, right about then. Louise had also begun to stir and was checking on the pups who were fast asleep within their little cocoons. “You’d better go and bring in the girls and introduce them to their baby brothers.” Louise sat up and made sure that she was presentable and waited for the arrival of her daughters.

Emily opened the door and walked out into the kitchen, upon seeing their Mama, Alison, and Vicki rushed to her side and clung onto Emily’s legs. “Mama, where are the babies?”

“The babies are with your Mummy. The babies are still asleep, so we have to be very quiet. Do you want to see them?” Emily knew the answer, but she still waited for her girls to respond.

Jumping up and down on the spot, “Yes.” Emily took their hands and led them into the bedroom, where they found their Mummy sitting on a pile of pillows and blankets, with two babies laying beside her. “Mummy, we missed you.” Carefully climbing up onto the pile, the two girls wrapped their arms around Louise’s neck and peppered her face with little butterfly kisses.

“Alison and Vicki, I want you to meet your baby brothers. Your Mama and I haven’t named them yet. We wanted to see what you would think about if we called this little boy (Louise pointed to the twin on the left), Peter and this little boy (the one on the right), Simon?”

The two girls whispered in each other’s ears, “Mummy, their great names. We like them. We are having breakfast, are you going to have some?” Louise and Emily shared a chuckle as they embraced their daughters in a tight family hug. Gently Emily lifted Peter and placed him into his Mummy’s waiting arms, before lifting Simon into her arms, and as a family, they all walked out into the living room to join all the others.

They were all surrounded by the other pups who were keen to get a look at the newest additions to the pack, and then it was Doc and Wynonna’s turn to kiss and caress the tops of the babies' heads. It was then that Emily and Louise formally introduced Peter and Simon Faye to the pack, which was met with cheers of joy that caused the pups to stir, but they didn’t cry. Alison and Vicki made sure that they sat beside their parents at the table, as Emily and Louise held onto their bundles of joy. And as a pack, they all sat around the table eating and retelling the less gory parts of the delivery.

Emily sat back in her chair and looked over all those present at the table, and she felt a part of something bigger, something that she could finally call a family. At that moment the Alpha was happy and wagging its tail, and she knew that her family was now that much larger and more the better for all the members that make up this pack.