78. Chapter 78

THREE WEEKS LATERNicole and Waverly sit nervously waiting in the galley of the Purgatory Courtroom, both of them were ready to give their testimonies, as the case against the young teenaged girl who crashed into Waverly’s car was to be heard. Nicole sat dressed in her Sheriff’s uniform, although Waverly was annoyed that the redhead insisted on wearing it to the court. The night before Nicole and Waverly had been on two different pages, concerning how they wanted the hearing to go, being the Alpha and protector of her family, Nicole wanted the teen to be punished. Although Waverly was filled with compassion for the teen, wanting a positive outcome, where the teen would be given the chance to turn their life around. This only caused tension between the pair, and was evident, as when normally they would hold hands while they sat next to each other, providing support to the other, but instead, they sat with their hands resting in their laps and refusing to look at each other. Nicole glanced at Waverly hoping to catch the brunette’s eye, but Waverly’s focus was upon the Judge’s bench in front of her. The Alpha’s wolf shrunk off towards the back of her mind, its tail tucked in between its legs, and all Nicole could do was think over the past 24 hours.

THE DAY BEFORENedley had asked to meet Waverly and Nicole at the station, as he needed to talk to them about the upcoming case. Nicole thought that her mentor and former boss, was going to give them some advice, but little did the Alpha know that it would be the opposite.

Since retiring from the force, Nedley had been approached by the local court and asked if he would mentor the various lost and wayward young teens, who were on the verge of choosing a life of crime. Nedley’s role was to provide the much-needed guidance to these youths, and as he developed a level of trust with these youths, Nedley started to become the longed-for father figure that each youth was missing within their lives.

Nicole entered the office with three cups of coffee in her hands, while Waverly carried a basket of her famous banana vegan muffins. Placing the coffee’s and muffins on top of the coffee table that Nicole had placed into her office, Nedley tapped on the wooden doorframe. Once all the hello’s had been given, they all took a seat, with Waverly and Nicole taking a centre spot on the couch, while Nedley felt at home sitting on the visitor chair.

“Nicole and Waverly, how have you been? (Nedley uses two fingers to wipe his moustache) How are those little pup’s going, it shouldn’t be long before you get to bring them home.” Nedley after taking a sip of his coffee sits back in his chair.

“We’re doing alright. We’ve got a system going so that all our pups get equal time with both of us. Now that Nicole’s back at work, the boys are happy to have their Mummy dropping them off at school, while I get to pick them up at the end of the day. And the pups are due to come home in two days. Nicole and Doc have been working hard in getting the nursery ready. You’re going to have to come over and officially meet our little miracles.” Waverly reaches out and places a tender hand over Nedley’s matured hand. Nedley smiles at the gesture as well as noticing the glistering within the brunette’s eyes.

Taking a deep breath, “Nicole and Waverly, you know that I’ve been working with the local court, as a mentor to wayward teens. (Nedley pauses) On the day after your accident, I was asked to meet the young teen girl, who crashed into you.” Nedley rubbed his hands over his knees as he sat opposite Nicole and Waverly, who was seated on the couch in the Sheriff’s office.

“Randy, what are you trying to say? You’re not going to try and talk us into dropping the charges! That girl almost cost me, Waverly, and the lives of our pups. It’s only by the grace of God, that our babies survived and flourished.” Nicole jumps up and begins to pace around the office, while Waverly watched her wife with concern.

“Nicole, I would never ask that of you and Waverly. I know that these past months have been hard for you both. I remember the time when Chrissy was small, she got sick and had to be put into the hospital for two days, those two days were the longest two days of my life as I sat beside her hospital bed. I will never forget that feeling of not being able to do anything to make her any better, for as long as I live. I just wanted to explain why I’ll be at court tomorrow. I’ve suggested to the young girl’s lawyer, that if the Judge approves, the girl will come and live with Chrissy and me.” Nedley sighs and takes in the faces of the two women, who were like his daughters. Waverly blinks back tears as she watches her wife pacing around the room.

“Nicole, come and sit with me. I need to ….” The brunette breaks down in tears, causing the Alpha to rush to her wife’s side. Wrapping a protective arm around the Omega, Nicole cups the side of the brunette’s head, pulling her wife to her side, Nicole whispers, “Shhh, it’s going to be alright.”

Once Waverly begins to calm, she pulls back and looks deep into Nicole’s eyes, “We need to listen to Nedley. He’s never let us down before. Please, Nicole, I need you to not be angry, I know you want to protect me, but we’re in this together, remember.”

Nedley twiddles his fingers, “This girl’s an orphan, her mother died a year before from a terminal disease, and she has been taking care of herself and living all on her own. The day she crashed into you Waverly, she had just finished working at her 3rd job for the day, the poor girl had worked for over 16 hours and fell asleep at the wheel.” Nedley watched Nicole, who was secretly fuming but keeping it all together for Waverly.

“The poor girl. Didn’t anybody notice that she was living on her own? Why didn’t the school get involved? Nedley, what’s her name?” Waverly caringly asked.

“That’s the thing, she’s a straight-A student. Ever since her mother’s death, she kept her grades up all this time. So the school didn’t have any cause to take any notice. Her name is Rachel Valdez, and her mother’s name was Gloria Valdez, she worked as a scientist for a top-secret organisation. Rachel’s a good kid, who just needs to know that someone cares about her. (Nedley sighs) Nicole and Waverly, I know it’s a lot to take in, but this girl needs someone to care and stand for her, just like I stood for you both, all those years ago.” Nicole stood and walked over to her desk, all the while keeping her back to the older man. Nedley could read the Alpha’s body language, so he decided to say his goodbye’s before leaving. Waverly stood up from the couch and gave the man a timid smile as she watched him leave the office, closing the door behind him.

It was only after when the door had been closed, did Nicole turn around, her hands were clenched into fists which rested down by her sides. Waverly could already tell that the Alpha was fighting to retain control over its emotions. Closing her eyes as the brunette took a deep breath in, as she steeled herself for the conflict that was to come.

Standing opposite each other, staring into the other’s eyes, “Nicole, talk to me.” Waverly relaxes her hands flat and resting beside her side. It seemed like time stood still as she waited for her wife to open up.

“I don’t care how bad that girl’s life has been, or that she’s an orphan. (Nicole’s voice begins to rise, as the Alpha was losing the battle of controlling its anger) I almost lost you and the pups. Her actions almost left our other pups without their Ma. Waverly, she deceives to be punished.” The redhead storms past Waverly, so that she stands on the opposite side of the desk. Without realising that she had placed a physical obstacle between herself and her wife.

Tears have been threatening to flow freely from Waverly, until then she had been able to hold them back, but when she heard the harshness and anger within her wife’s voice, Waverly could no longer hold them in. Streaks of tears streamed down her cheeks, “Nicole, (Sobs) I know you want to protect me, (Sobs) and all of our pups. (Even though Waverly is crying, she feels her anger building deep within her) Even if something happened to me, our babies would still have their Mummy to love and care for them. But this girl has no one to care for her. (Waverly’s hands clench into fists)” Nicole stares at her wife.

“Waves, I don’t ever think about what my life would look like, without you in it. These past months have been hard on you, having to give birth to our pup’s 10 weeks early, and then having to watch them fight for their lives. You were hurt and haven’t been able to care for the other pup’s, the way you like to. I just can’t get the image of you trapped and the paramedics working to get you out. This girl Rachel caused that accident and she has to pay.” Waverly flinches as she watches the Alpha smacks her fists against the top of the desk.

“I don’t like this side of you. Don’t come home until you’ve cooled down. Our pup’s don’t need to see you like this.” Waverly spins in a huff and storms out of the office, the bullpen gate slams hard against the wooden bench. The last thing that Nicole saw was the back of her wife’s brunette hair as she headed out of the station.

Collapsing into her chair and dropped her head into her hands, it is only then that Nicole allowed herself to cry. Nicole cried because she had allowed herself to lose control over the pent-up anger from the last 10 weeks. Mainly at herself for not being able to keep her mate safe, but also at the young girl, who until only minutes ago was nameless. Now that Nicole knew the circumstances which lead to the accident, the redhead had to face her inadequacy. Nedley had been there for her when she was young, all those years ago and has been a mentor ever since, and it only made sense that he would stand up for this girl. Nicole just wished that this girl hadn’t been the one that crashed into Waverly’s car.

Drowning herself into paperwork, instead of heading home to face an angry wife, Nicole failed to see the older Earp sister leaning against her office doorframe. Wynonna held a bottle of whiskey in one hand and two glasses in her other. “Red, I believe it’s time that you and I had a little chat.” With that Wynonna walked in, closing the door behind her before placing the glasses onto the desk. Pulling out the chair Wynonna sat down and proceeded to pour both her and Nicole a shot of whiskey.

“Wynonna, I don’t have time for this.” Nicole kept her eyes fixed on her paperwork, hoping that her best friend would take the hint.

“Oh, you’re got plenty of time for this little chat.” The Earp sister narrowed her gaze, then took a sip of her whiskey.

“Let me guess, Waverly sent you.” Reaching out her hand that held the papers, dropping them onto her desk, then Nicole sighed deeply before picking up the glass of whiskey. Bringing it to her lips, the redhead closed her eyes and knocked it all back, scrunching up her face as the hard liquor hit the back of her throat. “Arrgh, that burns.” Without waiting for Nicole to tell her to fill their glasses, Wynonna poured more of that brown gold liquor into the redhead empty glass, while topping up her own.

“Look, Baby Girl didn’t send me, she just told me what happened. I’m here of my own accord. I think you need to hear what a difference that old man, Nedley made in my and Waverly’s lives.” Wynonna braces herself by taking a swig of her whiskey, then refills her glass. Nicole leans back into her chair while nursing her glass of whiskey, taking sips now and then.

“Nicole, you know the story of what happened the night, when our Daddy was killed. Nedley could have let them take me away and charge me with murder, but he didn’t, Nedley took it upon himself to watch out for me and Waverly. Every time I got in trouble for a break and enter, or causing trouble at school, Nedley would keep me in one of the cells, while he made it look like he was processing my record. Then he would bring me into his office and try to talk to me, giving me advice on how to alter the direction that I was heading towards. (Wynonna throws back the contents of her glass) At the time I didn’t want to listen, but it wasn’t till after I left town, that I realised just how lucky I was to have Nedley on my side. Nicole, out of all of us, you know just how devoted that old man is to you and your family, he would never take on this young teenager, if he didn’t think he could help turn her life around.” Wynonna half smiled at her best friend, hoping that she was getting through to her.

“I know that Wynonna, it’s just that I’ve failed Waverly. I’ve let my anger towards this poor girl take control of me. I lost my cool with Waverly and made her cry and fear the thing I’ve become. I don’t know how to fix it. Wyn? Do you think that Nedley could make a difference in this teenager’s life?” Nicole swallows the last of her whiskey and holds the glass out for a refill.

“Look at me. If it wasn’t for Nedley, I wouldn’t have been able to get into BBD. After meeting Dolls and having him pursue me to apply to join BBD, I filled out the application form and it’s then that I realised that I had to have a person to vouch for me, the only person that I could think of was Nedley. And to my surprise, the old man gave a raving reference in my favour. And as for my baby sister, she’s always going to love you, but you’ve got to get a grip on how to control that anger. Knowing you, you’ll come up with a solution concerning how to cope with the outcome of tomorrow’s hearing. Now I promised my Baby Girl that I’d have you home in time for Taco Tuesday. Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry.” Wynonna and Nicole finish their drinks before Wynonna drove them back to the Homestead.

By the time they had arrived at the Homestead, all of the alcohol that Nicole had consumed was beginning to go to her head, which was evident by the swagger in her walk as Wynonna and Nicole headed to Nicole’s house. Opening the front door was proving to be a task for the redhead, as she tried to pull the door, instead of pushing it open. It took all of a second for the whiff of Whiskey to hit Waverly’s nose, “Wynonna, when I asked you to bring Nicole home, I didn’t say take her out and get her drunk.” Turning in a huff, the smaller brunette walked over to the bench where she had been cooking the Vegan mince for their Taco’s. With a smirk on her face, Nicole wandered over and stood behind Waverly, sliding her hands onto her wife’s hips and her front pressed against the Omega’s back, Nicole leant down to plant a kiss on her wife’s exposed shoulder. Instead of welcoming the gesture, Waverly turned and stormed off towards the table, while carrying the vegan mince. “Dinner is ready.” Without acknowledging the Alpha’s deflated frame, Waverly sat at the table and proceeded to plate up Taco’s for the younger pup’s, leaving Nicolas and Alberto to make their own.

Acting as if nothing had happened, Wynonna sat at the table with Doc and Alice seated on either side of her. “Haught dog, you’d better come and get some before it all goes. I’m so hungry that I could eat ten of these lovely devils.” The Beta was about to chow down into her second Taco.

Stumbling towards the table, Nicole eventually found her seat beside her youngest daughters, who were giggling at how funny their Mummy looked. Wynonna took pity on her friend when she realised that Waverly wasn’t going to help the intoxicated Alpha, so the Beta put together three Taco’s and handed them to Doc to pass onto the redhead. As soon as the tacos were in front of her, Nicole devoured them within seconds. Leaning back in her chair and resting a hand on her stomach, Nicole let out the loudest belch to which she clasped her hand over her mouth. “Sorrrrrey, thessse are realllly gooddd Babby.”

Seeing their Mummy acting and talking strange, caused her pups to begin to laugh, Winona tried to mimic her Mummy by placing her hand on her stomach and letting out a little blech of her own. All of this was funny to Doc and Wynonna, but not for Waverly who was quietly fuming at her wife’s antics. After everyone had been feed, Wynonna offered to help Waverly with the cleaning up, while Doc helped a drunk Nicole with bathing the pups and getting them ready for bed. “Baby Girl, she’s going to come around to the idea of Nedley helping this teen, you’ve just got to give her time. And I’m sorry about getting her drunk.” Wynonna leant against the kitchen bench as she wiped a dish.

“It’s not that I’m angry with her being drunk, it’s just that back at the station, it was like I was looking at Daddy when he was angry. It scared me.” Waverly stared out the window as a tear fell from her eye. Sensing her sister’s concern, the older Earp looked in the direction of the squeals of laughter coming from the bathroom, in that moment Wynonna knew how luckily, they were to have found mates, that were nothing like their Daddy.

“Baby Girl, Nicole loves you and she would never hurt you like our Daddy. The both of you have been under so much pressure these last months since the accident. Nicole’s been keeping it all together so well, she was bound to blow at some stage. I’m not saying that raising her voice and hitting the desk is alright, it was better she did that than to do something stupid like taking it out on that poor teen tomorrow. I’ll be here early tomorrow, that way you both can head off to the court and not worry about these little monsters.” Hugging her sister, Wynonna planted a kiss on the top of the brunette’s head. After Doc and Wynonna had rounded up Alice, Henry, and Wyatt, they headed back to their place, leaving Nicole and Waverly on their own with their pups.

Waverly and Nicole tackled the younger pups and slipped them into their beds, while all of the other pups climbed on top of the blankets and waited for their Ma to read them a story. Waverly wiggled her way in beside Padma, leaving Nicole to worm her way into beside Jagna, Waverly began to read ‘The Dinky Donkey’ and then ‘Feathers,’ before the youngest gave up the fight and gave into falling asleep. As Nicole was not so stable on her feet, Waverly took the rest of the pups and tucked them into their beds. Wavery and Nicole kissed them goodnight before turning off the lights.

After going into the kitchen to place the kettle on the boil, Waverly watched Nicole slump down onto the couch, pulling out two mugs the brunette started to make herself a cup of tea, while she made Nicole a black coffee. Making her way around to the couch, Waverly found the sweetest sight, a drunk Nicole had fallen asleep and was hugging Padma’s teddy bear. Waverly disappeared into their bedroom but soon returned with Nicole’s pillows and a handful of blankets, it didn’t much time for the brunette to make Nicole comfortable by laying the redhead down and covering her with the blankets. Waverly knelt beside her wife’s head, tucking some loose strands of hair from her face, Waverly leant forward and pressed her lips against her wife’s. “Nicole, I’m mad at you, but I still love you.” Waverly placed the coffee cup on the table next to a glass of water.

As Waverly headed towards their bedroom, she heard the redhead mumble, “I love you, Waverly.”

BACK TO THE PRESENTNicole watched as an attractive mid-teenager, with black long straight hair that reached past her shoulders, and light olive skin with the darkest brown eyes entered the courtroom flanked by her lawyer by the teenager’s side. Upon reaching the small table, the lawyer spoke something to the teen, whose hands were handcuffed sat down in a chair and waited for further instructions from her lawyer, a Mr Johnny Smith.

Nicole’s head was sore from her hangover, but she was determined to not let it interrupt what she was planning to say when she had her turn on the witness stand. One thing that Nicole noticed about the teen, was how brave she looked in the face of possible time behind bars. This only made the redhead more single-minded in going through with her plan, all she needed was the chance to pull it off because she could have sworn that she was looking for a younger version of the older Earp sister.

Just like Nedley had promised, he was seated in the section of the gallery, behind the teenager, who would now and then turn around to check that he was still there. Just after when the Prosecutor had arrived and placed all the paperwork on his table, was when the Judge arrived in the courtroom, causing everyone to stand and focus on the proceedings.

“Today is the hearing of the case of Rachel Valdez, who has been charged with driving while unlicensed, causing a motor vehicle accident which lead to injury to a Mrs Waverly Earp-Haught. And due to the nature of this accident, lead Mrs Waverly Earp-Haught’ pregnancy to be brought forward by 10 weeks. Mr Smith, how does your client plea?” The Judge stares at the young teenager, trying to get a gauge of her character.

Mr Smith brush a hand over his suit as he stood from his seat, clearing his throat, “My client would like to enter a Guilty plea, Your Honour.” Nicole almost fell out of her chair, as she had moved forward to get a better look at the teenager, as her lawyer stood. Needless it took the redhead by surprise, but a sense of relief filled her heart. Nicole turned towards her wife and noticed that Waverly was holding her head in her hands, and the sound of tiny little sobs could be heard. Apprehensively the redhead lifted an arm and brought it around her wife’s small frame and pulled her close to her side, the redhead thought that her Omega would pull away, but instead, the brunette buried her head into the crook of the redhead's neck. They sat holding onto each other until they heard the Prosecutor call out, “I’d like to call Sheriff Nicole Earp-Haught to the stand, as she would like to make a statement. Your Honour.”

Retracting her arm from around Waverly, Nicole pried the clinging brunette from around her tall frame, as she began to stand to make her way towards the witness stand. Waverly looked on confused, as she couldn’t understand why Nicole would need to make a statement, especially when the teen had pleaded guilty.

After taking the oath, Nicole took the stand and rearranged the microphone, so that it sat just in front of her. “Your Honour, I would like to make a statement, partly on behalf of my position as the Sheriff and as the wife to Waverly Earp-Haught and parent to three little pup’s had were born ten weeks early. Firstly I would like to say to Miss Valdez, as the Sherriff, I am sorry for letting you down, no child or teen should be left to live on their own and fend for their livelihood. That day when the accident happened, I never checked to see if you had been hurt in any way, my thoughts were focused on my mate and unborn pups. For this I am sorry, could you please find it within you to forgive me. Secondly, (Nicole takes a deep breath as she locks eyes with Waverly, a half-smile appears upon her face) on behalf of my wife and myself, we don’t hold any hard feelings towards you. We forgive you and would like the court to place you into the care of Randell Nedley, instead of placing you into jail. In addition to this, I would like the court to request that Miss Valdez cease her three jobs as of today. No teenager should have to work three jobs, they should be living and enjoying their youth. On the behalf of the Purgatory Sherriff’s department, I would like to offer Miss Valdez a part-time job, where she would not work more than 20 hours a fortnight, that’s if the court sees fit to approve. That is all I wanted to say. Your Honour.”

As Nicole walked back to the gallery, she glanced over at Rachel and noticed the tears rolling down her olive cheeks. The sight tugged at her own heart, causing tears to well up and threatening to fall, it was when Waverly embraced her in a tight hug, was when Nicole allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks. “Oh, Baby, Shhh, I’m so proud of you.” Leaning back and staring into each other’s eyes, Waverly kisses Nicole, “What made you change your mind?”

“A certain Earp sister told me how Nedley made a difference in her life. And this teenager resembles a younger-looking Wynonna. I mean if you dressed her in Wynonna’s leather pants and jacket, she could be her twin. And I hate the fact that because of my actions, I let you down, something I promised that I would never do. Please forgive me.” Nicole pressed her forehead against Waverly’s, while her hands rested on the Omega’s hips.

The Judge made his ruling, by placing Rachel Valdez into the custody of Randell Nedley and suggested that the teen should cease her three jobs, and take up the Sheriff’s job offer, as it would give the teen some income, but it would also allow her to have some form of life.

“Umm, I just wanted to say thank you, for what you said up there. I’m sorry for causing the accident, that made you give birth earlier than planned. I’d like to take you up on that job offer, Sheriff Nicole Earp-Haught.” Rachel stands beside Nedley, she shuffles her feet, in hope of hiding her nervousness.

Nicole extends out her hand towards the teen, while her other held her Sheriff’s Stetson hat. “Hello Rachel, let me introduce my beautiful and amazing wife, Waverly Earp-Haught, the last time you met it was under different circumstances.” Nicole turns towards Waverly with the biggest grin on her face. Waverly offers her hand towards Rachel, “Hello, it’s nice to met you.”

“We’d love to have you working with us. How about you come in on Monday afternoon, after school and we can go over the finer details, like what you’ll be doing. It may be boring as most of it will be filing paperwork, but at least you’ll have some kind of life, and more time to focus on your studies. Now the only thing I need to know is, what flavour milkshake you like and if you like doughnuts?” Nicole grins as she feels Waverly caress her back.

“Monday after school sounds great. And I like Chocolate Milkshakes and I love doughnuts, but why do you need to know that?”

“It’s just that Monday afternoons is when I pick my boys up from school and we always stop and grab milkshakes and doughnuts to bring back to the station. They stay with me for the afternoon before we head home. I just wanted to know what type of Milkshake to pick up for you and I’ll grab some extra doughnuts.”