Which century are we living in?

"Answer me son, do you want that kind of future?" he asked again but Liam was unable to answer.

"You caused it!" Sofia's mother exclaimed in rage while pointing an accusing finger towards her.

"What did I cause? I had no idea that having a dream is a sin nowadays? I wanted to study in that university since I was a kid. If you would have given even a slightest bit of attention to your own daughter's wishes, you would have known!" Sofia replied in anger and her delicate face turned as hard as granite.

The saga continued and it was her mother's turn to reply. She didn't displease the viewers and shouted in a tone resembling as she is spitting fire from her mouth,

"Enough, young lady! Don't use such tone in front of me! You are not going anywhere. Throw that damn idea out of your mind before we will throw you out. You caused such ruckus between Alpha and his son! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Sofia didn't reply as a knight in shining armor stood between her and her mother protecting Sofia from the misery, she casted upon herself. But for everyone's disappointment, it wasn't Liam, it was his mother, the Luna with ultimate power of manipulation.

"Julia, calm down. She is just a kid. She doesn't know what is good for her" Phebe Brown intoned politely. Her tone was a perfect combination of elegance and politeness. She was the epitome of gracefulness.

Her words rang her in ear like a freaking siren. In normal condition, Sofia would have been thankful for her for coming to her rescue. But this was about her future and she couldn't let anyone's sugar talking ruin it.

"I am almost sixteen years old. I know what is good for me. According to you, I can rule a pack as a Luna but cannot decided a college of my choice!" Sofia was dumbfounded.

She couldn't understand how these elder's brain works! But before she could manage to give it a thought, a deathly growled forced her to turn towards her left.

"Shut up at this instant" shouted Joseph Dawson, Sofia's father, with expression of an explosive lava.

"This is not how you are supposed to talk to your Luna!" added her mother loudly, right after his father, copying his burning tone perfectly.

"You guys told me that you won't pay for my fees, if I keep on insisting on taking admission on that college. That's why I had to give their entrance test and I also went through their interview round. I topped both of them. They are giving me full scholarship. My complete studies until graduation is free of cost including stay. You or our pack doesn't have to pay a penny for my studies. What's the problem now?" Sofia exploded. She couldn't keep things inside her anymore.

She is not someone who talks back to their elders but her patience was wavering. She is been agreeing to everything they order since birth like a f*cking puppet. It's like she owes them her life.

She couldn't control the fire inside her and erupted like a volcano. She was tired after being tortured mentally for years. Hence, she couldn't let them toy with her life anymore.

"The problem is.. if you will attend that college then who will learn and take responsibility of Luna here?" asked Julia, her tone completely changed to gentle when she saw the hint of rebel in Sofia's eyes.

Another sly wolf took over the case in her sugar plum voice.

"Sofia dear. I know you are angry and you feel that we deceived you, but think about it calmly. We have a reason for not sending you there. You are our last hope. You and Liam need to take our burden soon so that I and your father-in law can finally take some rest. We are old and tired" said Mrs. Brown while keeping one hand on Sofia's shoulder and other hand on her cheek gently and continued her manipulation after turning towards her best friend,

"And Blair, I am certain Liam and Sofia are going to choose you as their Beta. And there is no doubt that you are worthy of that title. The Beta's responsibility is also really great. You can ask your Uncle Dawson here. How tiresome it can be sometimes. You also need to focus on your training more and make everyone proud" Mrs. Brown patted her head and Blair nodded.

"You gave that exam behind our back?" asked Nancy Wilkins, Blair's mother in an enraged tone while moving towards her daughter like a predator marching towards its prey.

"Mom.. that…" Blair didn't get to finish her statement and a loud noise echoed in the room.

Sofia raised her head and turned towards Blair's direction. She was holding her bright red cheek in shock.

"Don't you dare to repeat this mistake again!" uttered Mrs. Wilkins glaring at her like a typhon who was supposed to spit fire from every head of hers until Blair turn into ashes.

Tears started to fall on Blair's cheeks. She wiped it immediately and nodded in response.

"This is all your fault. You should also get a slap" Mrs. Dawson marched towards her own daughter but Mrs. Brown stopped her.

"Please don't hurt our Sofia" said Mrs. Brown holding her arm and turned towards Mrs. Wilkins like a fuming dragon,

"Nancy, you also should not hurt our daughter. They are too young. This is the age for taking impulsive decisions. But you guys are mature. Let them be for a while. They will understand their mistake soon. Violence can never be an option when our kids are concerned!"

Even though at times Mrs. Brown is fake and manipulative, she really cares about the daughters of her pack. She always treats them as her own kids.

Everyone in the room was either angry or depressed except for one person sitting calm and comfortably on the giant seat of the Alpha, observing every single drama without making a sound. Only a bucket of popcorn was missing in his hand.

"Girls, go to your room" Mrs. Brown commanded to end the suffering for the girls and also to spare them from seeing their parents getting scolded in front of them.

Liam was standing there like a mountain unable to move or make a sound.

The girls started leaving the room quietly but a freezing cold voice echoed in the room which made them stop in their tracks immediately.

"Before you leave to your room let me make this clear. Liam and Sofia will get engaged as soon as Sofia will turn 18 and I want no further discussion or argument in this matter" Alpha Cole announced with authority and he made it clear that he is not going back on his words.

"What a great news!" Mrs. Brown clapped her hands happily.

It was like the dream come true moments for her.

"Ooo, I am so happy" Mrs. Dawson jumped in Mrs. Brown but she still couldn't believe her ears,

"Is it really true? Our Sofia will be engaged to Alpha Liam?"

"After doing such a grave mistake, you are still considering her as your daughter in law? You are so merciful Alpha Cole. You have such a big heart!" Mr. Dawson showed his gratitude by bowing but Alpha Cole hugged him instead.

"We are going to be in laws soon" Sofia heard Alpha Cole's proud voice.

'Since when studying became a grave mistake? Which century are we living in?' thought Sofia in disbelief.

She saw Liam from the corner of her eyes, who was still looking down but the corner of his lips twitched into a genuine smile.

"Congratulation, Mrs. & Mr. Brown and Mrs. & Mr. Dawson. Your long awaited dream is finally coming true" Mr. Wilkins congratulated them with a bright smile.

"Congratulations" Mrs. Wilkins added smiling.

"Thank you" was the last word Sofia heard before she stormed out of that room.

****End of Flashback****

Sofia was still looking at the admission form in her hand with teary eyes and was so engrossed in the past that she didn't notice that someone entered her room.

"You can still apply for it, if you want to"