Love Conquers All

"Alexa Smith. Daughter of Alpha Archibald Smith" The pretty girl's reply was casual but it left a profound effect on the girls in front of her.

"Alpha Smith's daughter as in Smith of Blood Diamond?" Blair enquired, whose eyes were now popping out of her socket.

Every cell in her body regretted her decision to always talk gibberish out in open.

"You guessed it right" replied Alexa with a friendly smile.

"I am doomed" Blair nearly fainted in Sofia's direction who held her body and made her stand upright with her icy glare.

"Sorry. We didn't want to cause such…" Sofia was beyond guilty for her friend's big mouth,

"No that's perfectly fine. I know people have a lot of misconception about our pack and they are not wrong. I mean, we never come out in public. I had to beg my pack for this party. That was the hardest task!" Alexa's smile didn't waver even a bit when she spoke the truth and turned towards Blair,

"By the way, your explanation with coffins and graveyard was too funny" Her laugh was carefree and radiant.

"You heard that too? I didn't really mean it" asked Blair plastering a small smile on her beautiful face.

"Yeah, anyways. Let's be friends. As you know, I am Alexa Smith" She extended her hands towards Sofia and she shook it happily.

"Sofia Dawson and this is Blair Wilkins" Sofia politely introduced herself and turned towards Blair, who also extended her hand for a hand shake.

"Sofia Dawson? The future Luna of Silver Moon?" asked Alexa, and her smile brightened by double intensity.

"You got that right my first babe from Blood Diamond" Blair replied enthusiastically while Sofia was looking at her confusedly.

"You know me?" She asked baffled.

"I have heard about you. You are really pretty. None of those rumors were wrong. Since I came here, every other guy is talking about your beauty and how they envy your mate" Alexa replied smiling like a happy puppy.

"My fiancé. We are not mates but.." was Sofia's nervous reply but Alexa was a bit too excited.

"But love conquers all" She completed her sentence cheerfully while clapping.

"Err… Yeah kind of" Sofia nervously smiled.

"You know, most of the guys from my pack were talking about the ethereal future Luna of Silver Moon. Since you have entered, they have been telling me to talk to you and set up with one of them but now that I have confirmed that you really have a fiancé, that can't be helped!" Alexa informed her and strongly rejected the idea of setting up Sofia with someone.

"Please don't!" Sofia still denied but Blair was more desperate than her.

"Yeah, please don't do such thing. Alpha will beat them to pulp. He really protective, you see!" Blair hurriedly said.

"I understand, who wouldn't be protective if his fiancé looks like this" Alexa complimented Sofia's beauty and everyone knows she deserves every bit of that compliment.

"Where is your fiancé?" Alexa asked with a smile.

Sofia looked around her to search for Liam, and she spotted him and Mateo in a group of young guys. They were standing a few steps away from them. His back was facing them so they could only see his behind and gosh, it was a hot behind!

"Over there. The guy in black suit" Sofia pointed towards Liam's attractive back.

Alexa couldn't see his face but the guy's physique was really attractive. He had a muscular body and the fit of the suit was making his body more defined.

"Oh, I see. He is really handsome" Alexa replied smiling even though she had no idea how he actually looks like.

She jerked her head away from the direction of guys and replied with a small smile,

"Oh yeah"

Sofia, in reality, was not staring at Liam. She stole a glance at the guy with jet black hair wearing a midnight black suit standing next to Liam.

"Oh, I didn't even get to congratulate you. Congratulations for your engagement!" Alexa uttered in a sweet voice.

"Thanks" replied Sofia with a shy smile.

She turned towards the direction of Liam again but the 'mysterious guy' was not there anymore. Her desperate eyes started searching for the guy.

'What the hell! What was that? Was I hallucinating?' thought Sofia in confusion.

"Well Sofia" Alexa called her to start a new conversation.

She waited for Sofia's response but she was constantly looking at the direction of her fiancé.

"Sofia?" called Alexa in a gentle voice but that wasn't enough to grab her attention.

"SOFIA" shouted Blair from the top of her lungs which startled Sofia and she jumped in response.

"I know that you and Liam are really lovey dovey but he is all yours. You can stare at him all you want when we go back home, hmm?" She added teasingly with a wide grin.

Alexa chuckled in response but didn't comment any further as Sofia's cheeks were already pink with embarrassment.

"Still thinking about him? Couples these days!" Blair showed fake frustration like an older woman scolding couple for making out in her garage.

"I think you need to stop. She is really embarrassed!" Alexa replied, Blair teasing Sofia was even making her shy.

Sofia looked at the direction of guy in midnight black suit one more time and shook her head.

'What is wrong with me!' She brushed the thought of that mystery guy away.

Alexa noticed the change of expressions on Sofia's face and asked in a concerned tone,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just. Everything is new to me. I always need some time to adjust in new environment but thankfully you are here" Sofia smiled. She was still confused by what just happened.

"Aww" replied Alexa listening to her kind words.

"Yeah, Sofia is a slow turtle" Blair commented grinning like a Cheshire cat and in result, rewarded with Sofia's cold gazes which were enough to freeze a volcano.

As Alexa was spending more time with them, looking at them supporting each other and bickering non-stop, she felt empty for not having a friend like them.

"I really envy you now. You guys have each other!"

"You have us now" Sofia replied almost immediately.

"Thanks" Alexa took her hand with a smile.

"Um. You mind if I ask you something?" asked Sofia trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Sure, anything. We are friends now" was Alexa's excited reply.

"Earlier you said that you had to beg your pack for this party and you came here from somewhere. I am not being nosy but that caught my attention" Sofia carefully put her curiosity in words that didn't sound nitpicking or offensive as Blood Diamond was known for keeping grudges.

"You have really keen ears, my girl" She replied in an admiring tone and continued to answer her question.

I don't stay here usually. I study at Grand Imperial. I only come here once in a while to meet my family"

"What? Grand Imperial? It's my dream college. How is it like? Tell me everything about it! Please" It was now Sofia's time for being excited. She held Alexa's both hands and started jumping like a bunny at large.

But that was enough to awaken the fan girl inside Alexa and she bombarded with countless compliments towards the university,

"It's a Royal Fortress, to be honest. They have everything you need, Every freaking thing! You can study anything you want. You can take extra subjects and it will be credited to your marksheet as extra marks and they have academics, sports, extra curricular literally everything! You get your own personal helpers if you want. Personal attention in every subject. You are right, it's a dream university. Everything about it is just luxurious! If I start talking about it, I am afraid we will need whole night to discuss every aspect of it!"

'She is sounding like Sofia's long lost cousin. How can someone be so excited over a university?' thought Blair dumbfounded.

"Wow. Just as I imagined! The 'Grand' in the name suits its reputation!" Sofia and Alexa started jumping together and then stopped immediately when they felt people staring at them weirdly.

Blair looked at the two excited bunnies and sighed. After the slap, she wouldn't dare to think about that university anymore.

"Why don't you apply? I am sure you can make it. There are still vacancies for senior year students. Just by looking at you, I can tell you have potential! You will crack the entrance in no time" Alexa said cheerfully.

The moment she mentioned applying for the university, Sofia's smile disappeared and her face turned gloomy.

"No.. I.." Sofia tried to deny but a familiar voice cut her off,

"She is right. You can still make it" came Liam's voice from behind.

"Oh, Liam. We have talked about this" Sofia replied, she didn't have to look behind to recognize her best friend. She can recognize him even by his aura.

On the other hand, Alexa froze at her place. Her eyes widened when she glanced at the handsome guy with the shiniest dusky brown hair standing behind Sofia. He had the physique of the model and his extremely symmetrical heavenly face was a piece of art. His porcelain skin was like a newborn baby with no visible pores.

He was looking like a damn meal in the black fitted suit which was complimenting his pale complexion. His chocolate brown eyes were boring into the beautiful girl next to him, that he didn't notice Alexa checking him out.

Alexa's face turned red. She felt tingling sensation in her entire body and her temperature started rising up. The moment Liam entered their circle, the atmosphere around her changed. She couldn't manage to look away from the handsome guy like she was hypnotized by him.

'Who is he and what is happening to me?'