House of dead?

Before she could enquire who that well mannered person is, a male's voice came from the other side of the door.

"May I come in, Sofia?" asked the guy really respectfully.

"Yes, come in" She politely after recognizing his voice.

The door opened slowly and a handsome guy entered. The guy was tall with fair skin, blonde hair and honey brown eyes. He was ready for the event in a dark blue fitted suit defining his lean muscular body.

"Um. Hello, I was sent to check on you" replied the guy with nervous smile.

"Oh, so it's you, you little piece of sh*t!" Blair uttered looking at the handsome guy with disgust.

"Shut up, brat!" replied the guy with same intensity.

Both of them were busy glaring at each other that forgot the existence of the owner of the room. As their glaring competition didn't come to an end, Sofia had to interrupt.

"Hello, Mateo. Why are you standing there? Please come inside" She said politely.

Mateo smiled at her then narrowed his eyes at Blair before taking a few careful steps inside her room.

"Thank you. Almost everyone is ready just Alpha Liam is taking his sweet time. He sent me to check if you are done" Mateo said in a tone which sounded more obedient than sweet.

"Ugh! He always takes forever to get ready!" Blair commented frustratedly from behind.

"Mateo, what is up with that tone? I am still Sofia and you are still my childhood friend. why are you suddenly behaving this way?" Sofia was beyond disappointed to hear him behaving like subordinate.

Sofia noticed that ever since their engagement was announced, everyone started treating her differently. Like she was a completely different person, and personally she didn't like that change.

Mateo was silent for a few seconds like he struggling to decide if he should really say the next thing that he was about to inform her.

"Uh, well. The elders do not really want us to be causal. They say we should.. uh.. keep a healthy distance. Although, Liam didn't agree to any of this but I think it's for the best" He replied with a hesitant smile.

"You agree to such b*llshit! I am okay with you behaving like a robot in front of our elders but please behave like the older version of you when it's us and no buts! Okay!" Sofia raised her voice for the first time as she had enough of elders controlling their lives like they own them.

"Okay. I will…" Mateo tried to speak but the door of her room opened again and obviously the person didn't bother to knock.

Liam entered the room and froze at his place when his eyes fell on Sofia.

"What about a little knocking?" asked Sofia with a sarcastic smile putting her zirconia crystal white teeth on the show.

He blissfully ignored her comment and his eyes were still stuck at her.

"Woah! You are looking stunning baby!" He complimented with a wide smile while checking her out from top to bottom.

"Can someone pinch me?" asked Liam extending his hand but his eyes were still worshipping the goddess standing in front of him.

His sentence was meant for Mateo. He was so immersed in checking out his fiancé that he didn't notice that a psychotic killer was sitting on the bed.

But as they say, 'One shall pay for his mistakes', Liam was no exception.

Blair's smiled widened and she didn't waste a precious moment of life to grab the golden opportunity which directly knocked on her door.

"With pleasure" replied Blair with a smile of an alpaca and dug her claw at his hand nearly tearing his skin apart.

"Ouch! What in the heavens are you doing! You scratched the hell out of me!" shouted Liam, frantically taking his arm behind from the claws of the she wolf.

"But you asked me to pinch you. I always pinch like that. Don't you know?" Blair asked innocently with puppy eyes which made Sofia and Mateo chuckle.

"That's true, man. She always pinches like she is going to rip your meat apart" Mateo couldn't help but agree to her honest reply.

"I went easy because your outfit should not be ruined and, for the records, you are looking exquisite dude. I didn't know you were so manly" She said punching his shoulder lightly.

"Thank you very much, darling" Liam's mood was instantly brightened up by the compliment and he turned towards the person, he was dying to hear compliment from,

"What do you think, Sofie?" He asked standing in front of Sofia flexing his muscles.

He was wearing the black suit snuggling his body and complimenting each and every muscle of his exquisite body. The darkness of the suit was making his dusky brown hair and light brown eyes shine like they have engraved diamond in it. With his fair angular space with chiseled jawline sharper than knife and divine muscular body, he was looking like a whole damn meal.

"Very handsome" replied Sofia smiling.

"Oh, that smile. You are killing me, Love! I really can't believe I am so lucky that I am going to marry you" Liam said in a flirty tone and went towards her for a hug.

"Shut up!" Sofia hit arm but ended up in his warm embrace.

"You are one lucky b*stard" replied Blair, who couldn't miss the chance to hype up her best friend.

Mateo cleared his throat to grab the couple's attention. But Liam wasn't ready to leave her, Sofia was the first one to part but Liam still kept her close to him.

Even though they were not mates, only her scent was enough to drive him crazy. Every time they are in close vicinity, he could feel himself craving for her. He couldn't wait to mark her and get the chance to taste those luscious lips and indulge her enchanting body.

Mateo again cleared his throat. When Liam narrowed his eyes at him, Mateo looked away suppressing a smile.

"Um. Alpha, Sofia wants me to be frank with her when no one else is around. I mean the elders" Mateo asked for Liam's permission nervously.

"Then do that. Why are you asking me?" Liam replied casually as he really didn't care.

"Oh, okay" a genuine smile curved on Mateo's face when his best friend didn't show any hesitation when replying to him.

Blair pushed Liam and Sofia lightly, parting them in process and went towards Mateo.

"Mr. Mateo Williams, do not forget to address me with respect as I am going to be Beta of this pack soon" Blair uttered with a proud smirk.

"Over my dead body" Mateo gave her his signature fake smile.

"Let me turn you into a living corpse then" Blair removed her sharp claws and moved towards him but Sofia held her arm tightly.

"If you do that, your make up will be ruined, Blair" She reminded her and saved Mateo's a*s for today.

"Oh, yes. Wait till we come back, you pig!" Blair gave him a frosty glare.

"I will be counting every minute" replied Mateo with a wide grin.

"If we are done bickering, can we leave? I don't want to hear my mother nagging me with one hour lecture on being punctual" Liam's annoyance about the lecture was another level.

"Okay, let's go!" replied Sofia on everyone's behalf.

Liam extended his hand and Sofia took it happily. The four of them left in Liam's car and others in the pack left in their respective cars. Sofia was way too happy to travel with friends than her family as she didn't need to listen to their 'to do list' that her parents prepared for her. They just saw her leaving with Liam and smiled with proud.

They reached the revenue 'The Blood Diamond Pack House' in nearly an hour and half. It was really different than what they imagined. As they entered the pack house, they were greeted by the Beta and his wife of Blood Diamond pack with a warm welcoming smile.

The pack house was no wonder giant and lavish, something Sofia didn't imagine. The entire great hall was decorated with premium wood and antique wooden furniture and accessories showing their Alpha's interest in luxurious antiques. There were three gigantic yet beautiful crystal chandeliers on the roof. The complete house was screaming luxury and extravagance.

"Psst! Pssttt!" Blair gave a sign to get Sofia's attention who was currently saying goodbye to Liam who was joining the guys for a drink.

"Bye girls" He kissed Sofia's cheek, smiled and went away. The girls smiled back at him and waved their hands.

"Pssst, Sofia!" Blair nudged on her shoulder roughly.

"Ouch! Call me by respect. I am not a dog to reply to your Psst Psstt" Sofia copied her signal in annoyance.

"Oh, you are being unreasonably sensitive today" Blair looked at her with weird expression.

"Thank you very much" replied Sofia and pressed her lips into a tight smile.

"This place is extremely different than I thought" Blair pointed out while observing her surroundings.

"Yeah, I imagined Dark place with mysterious vibe but it is really bright and lively. What about you? What did you imagine?" asked Sofia and fixed her curious gazes on Blair.

"House of dead, trained spider and reptiles, torturing weapons, graveyards and coffins everywhere" Blair dramatically pointed towards the whole place while talking.

"Graveyards and coffins everywhere? House of dead? Torturing weapons? Isn't your imagination a bit too wild and I was called the weird author of the pack!" Sofia scoffed in disbelief.

"I didn't tell you half of my imagination!" Blair replied with a small chuckle.

"Half? God! Don't tell me! Even if they do have such things, do you really think they will showcase everything during a party and that too a peace keeping one?" asked Sofia, shaking her head in disapproval.

"I don't know. Maybe. Are you seeing all these?" asked Blair pointing towards the grand living area with luxurious wooden furniture, gold chandeliers, antiques and beautiful paintings.

"All of these are here because of the aid of royals. I don't know what kind of sacrificial act they did in the past for royal to be so touched!" Blair uttered in a dramatic tone, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"I don't think that…" Sofia was in the middle of denying her theory when another female voice from behind cut her off which made both Sofia and Blair jump in response.

"I don't think royals are that much charitable!"

They immediately turned behind to see a beautiful girl standing with a small smile.

She was tall nearly same height as Sofia. Her dark brown shoulder length was complimenting her fair white skin. She had a thin nose and v shape jawline. She was thin but not too petite. She had the slightest curve. But her most distinct feature was her sparkling amber eyes like her eyes holds the rays of sun. Over all, she was really pretty with friendly aura.

She was wearing a purple A line dress having V neckline. It was synched at the waist and was having half sleeves showing her thin airbrushed arms.

"I am sorry. She didn't mean that. She just talks nonsense all the time" Sofia replied with an apologetic smile.

"Who are you? Why are you so sure about that fact?" Blair asked with narrowed eyes and Sofia took a sigh in frustration.

But her reply shocked both of them to the core.

"Alexa Smith. Daughter of Alpha Archibald Smith"