The Law of the Dark Forest

In the heavens and the world, many civilizations are shocked by the planetary life of the three-body civilization.

Unexpectedly, the life of the Trisolaran civilization is so miserable.

And in such a miserable life, how could they even make the list?

why is that?

Because the video is from the beginning of the Trisolaran civilization, the audience of the heavens continues to look down.

Especially those humans in the three-body universe.

national leaders.

All are watching this scene.

"So, is this the creature of the Trisolaran civilization?"

Humans looked at the appearance of the Trisolaran in the video, and for the first time they saw the appearance of the enemy.

It turns out that the three-body man looks like this.

Luo Ji frowned, feeling even more apprehensive about the Trisolaran civilization.

And he has a bad feeling about this video.

The description of the Three-Body Problem is so tragic... Those human traitors who were originally inclined to the Three-Body Problem will even more publicize the pitiful nature of the Three-Body Problem, thereby making humans relax their vigilance.

This is bad news for humans!


Great world.

"Planet, technology... It's really a magical power system."

"Yeah, technological civilization is something we have never come into contact with in the prehistoric world."

"Sister, do you say that the technological civilization is strong, or is our cultivation better?"

"This...I don't know."

Sanxian Island.

Three beautiful fairies are discussing the new list.

These three fairies are Sanxiao, the eldest sister Yunxiao, the second sister Qiongxiao, and the third sister Bixiao.

They are just one of the few beings in the prehistoric world.

All beings in the prehistoric world are amazed by this new power system.

Since the appearance of the universe network of the heavens, the changes in the prehistoric times have also been great.

There are more battles among the tribes.

They all want to improve their strength and want to be on the leaderboard.

Be rewarded for making the list!

Even the sage fluctuated slightly.

Because above the saints, there is also the myth Daluo!

The myth is prehistoric! !

It was a world that completely crushed the prehistoric world.

In that world, even the Great Luo Jinxian can crush the saint.

When the "Mythical Battle Power List" appeared, the prehistoric tribes were shocked for a long, long time...

The saints were even more subverted.

I thought that when I reached the realm of saints, there were ants under the saints.

But since reading the mythical power list, the saints have no such arrogance anymore.

Their pride as saints has been completely shattered.

More all-day viewers are still immersed in the aftermath of the video.

Because the disaster experienced by the Trisolaran civilization is too shocking.

Hundreds of reincarnations and destructions.

Even if he struggled to the end, he could not escape complete destruction.

The three-body civilization is miserable!

Humans in the Trisolaran universe also understood why the Trisolaran civilization would madly invade other civilizations.

Because they need a suitable planet to live on!

Earth, no doubt suitable.

If they were Trisolaran civilization and experienced such a cruel disaster, they would definitely do nothing to invade and find a planet suitable for survival!

Of course, understanding means understanding, but if you are being invaded, then absolutely not!

There is no good or evil in the universe.

The world is not black and white.

All living things are just for survival.

Avengers Universe.

Tony Stark drank several glasses of whisky in a row, which suppressed the shock in his heart.

"The technology of the three-body civilization is really powerful." Tony Stark couldn't help but marvel.

He has always firmly believed that technology is no worse than cultivating immortals!

Even if I don't have such a powerful technological force today, the future of technology must not be bad!

Until the Trisolaran civilization was on the list, the star-like cosmos-class battleship appeared.

Although I didn't see the three-body battleship attack, just the size is definitely not something that ordinary cultivators can shake!

Of course, if the saints on the prehistoric list, and the great emperors on the fantasy list, it would definitely not work.

Their power is too terrifying, and can no longer be measured by the technology of ordinary civilization.

Maybe the sci-fi list is ranked higher, and there may be a chance to catch up with the saint?

Of course, in addition to the saints, there is also a mythical power list.

The strong people on that list have completely surpassed everything.

The sages of Honghuang and the great emperors of Xuanhuan often compete with each other, and audiences in the heavens and the world often tore over whether Xuanhuan is stronger or Honghuang is stronger.

But no one has ever used the mythical combat power list to compare.

The mythical battle power list is currently the absolute strongest list recognized by all the worlds.

Those who can make it to the top ten are absolutely undisputed powerhouses.

Three-body universe.

The creatures of the Trisolaran civilization looked at each other in dismay.

They also did not expect that their own civilization could actually be on the list.



All have.

But more of a bad feeling!

Because this list was released in the heavens and the world.

In other words, even in the universe where their three-body civilization is located, all civilizations can also accept it.

There are pros and cons to being on the list.

The bad thing is...they're exposed!

The law of survival in the universe is called the law of the dark forest.

Once civilization is exposed, it will definitely be hit by higher civilizations.

In particular, this video was recorded from the home galaxy of the Trisolaran civilization.

Coordinates, galaxies, all exposed!

What kind of catastrophe will Trisolaris usher in next?

The head of the Trisolaran civilization stood on top of the mechanical high-rise, looking at the two strange stars in the sky.

The three-body galaxy has been exposed.

They must leave.

If you want to live, you have to leave the home planet.

"Military consul, immediately mobilize all warships and enter the speed of light preparation!"

The head of state immediately issued an order to the consul.

The entire Trisolaran civilization moved.

at the same time.

In the video, the picture about the Trisolaran civilization continues to advance.

What appeared this time was the technology of the Trisolaran civilization!

Technology that amazes many civilizations.