Peace-loving Three-Body Monitor

Video advances.

The picture came many years later.

The development of the three-body civilization has passed for a long time.

Finally, they went from being unable to resist the disaster at the beginning to ushering in a big explosion of technology!

Trisolaran technology has exploded!

They made space battleships.

Created cutting-edge technology weapons, far more than nuclear bombs.

It even received a signal from a blue planet in the universe.

Seeing this, the human beings in the three-body universe looked at each other in dismay.

Isn't this blue star the Earth?

And it is the earth of their universe!

In other words, it is precisely because of this information of the earth that the coordinates of the human planet are exposed, and the Trisolaran civilization is targeting?

At the same time, the three-body monitor who was in charge of monitoring in the video, after he received the information, when he learned that the earth is such a beautiful place, he did not want the beautiful earth to encounter war.

So, he replied to Earth's message.

A heavy voice-over sounded.

[Monitor No. 1379 of the Trisolaran world, he is a peace lover. ]

[So, he replied a message to Earth. ]

[Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer! ]

[However, the human beings on Earth did not understand the meaning of this sentence, and they were still captured by the Trisolaran civilization. ]

The narration ends.

In the video, the trisolaran monitor of the peace lover, he was caught by the trisolaran and exiled.

The coordinates of the earth were also captured by the Trisolaran civilization.

Three-body, staring at the earth.

Seeing this, the human beings in the Trisolaran universe were all cold.

It turned out that their coordinates were only revealed because they sent random signals.

It turns out that there are also peace lovers among the three bodies.

"If only we humans hadn't responded to the message at the time." -Luo Ji the Wallfacer.

"You humans? What do you mean??" - Xiadou.

"We are the Earth civilization in the same universe as the Trisolaran civilization, that is, the human civilization that has sent a message and is locked in coordinates by the Trisolaran civilization." - Luo Ji.

"Maybe in the universe, we are just an ordinary human civilization." - Luo Ji

"?? Such a coincidence?" - Spider-Man Parker.

"The weak perish, the strong survive, this is the survival rule of the universe." - Thanos.

"I don't think the weak should be perished. Don't the weak have the qualifications to live?" - The kind-hearted god of death.

"Since ancient times, the fittest have survived." - Emperor Shitian.

"The Three-Body Problem is going to invade human civilization? They also seem to be just for survival." - Megatron.

"@Luo Ji, online, etc., who is stronger between the three-body and the human?" - Lilith.

"It must be the Trisolaran civilization. After all, the Trisolaran civilization is already on the list, and the human civilization is just the invaded."

"Don't you know if you keep reading?"

The video continues to play.

A long time has passed since the Trisolaran monitor who wanted peace was exiled.

[After eighty-five thousand three-body time. ]

[The head of state ordered an emergency meeting of all the consuls of the Trisolaran world. ]

[Twenty thousand three-body time ago, the three-body fleet set sail. They only know the general direction of the earth, but they don't know its distance. Perhaps, the target is thousands of light-hours away, or even at the other end of the Milky Way, facing the vast sea of ​​stars ahead. This is an expedition with little hope. ]

[The consul's meeting was held under the giant pendulum monument. ]

[Yuan Yuan chose this venue, which confused most of the attendees. ]

At this time, the video advanced and came directly to the interior of Trisolaran.

The era of chaos is not over yet. A very small sun has just risen in the sky, and it may fall at any time. The weather is so cold that the participants have to wear fully enclosed electric heating suits.

The huge metal pendulum swung majestically, impacting the cold air, and the little sun on the horizon cast its shadow long on the ground, walking like an indomitable giant.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the head of state stepped onto the pedestal of the giant pendulum, flipped a red switch, turned around and said to the consuls:

"I just turned off the power to the giant pendulum and it will come to a slow stop under air resistance."

"Führer, why is this?" asked one of the consuls.

"We all know the historical meaning of the pendulum, which was used to hypnotize God. Now we know that God is more awake for the Trisolaran civilization, and he begins to bless us."

Everyone was silent, thinking about the meaning of the words of the head of state. After the giant pendulum swung three times, someone asked, "Earth civilization called back?"

The head of state nodded, "Yes, the report I got half an hour ago was in response to that warning message."

"So fast?! It's just over 80,000 hours before the warning message was issued, which means, that means..."

"That is to say, Earth civilization is only 40,000 light-hours away from us."

"Isn't that the closest star to us?!"

"Yes, that's why I said: God blesses the Trisolaran civilization."

The ecstasy spread in the venue, but it was not fully expressed, like a suppressed volcano.

The Führer knew that it was harmful to let this fragile emotion erupt, so he immediately poured cold water on the "volcano": "I have ordered the Trisolaran fleet to sail to this star, but things are not as optimistic as you think, As things stand, the fleet is heading for its own grave."

The Führer's words calmed the consuls immediately.

"Does anyone understand what I mean?" the Führer asked.

"I see," said the Science Archon. "We've all scrutinized the first Earth messages we received, most notably their civilizational histories. Consider the following facts:

From the hunting age to the agricultural age, human beings took hundreds of thousands of earth years; from the agricultural age to the industrial age, it took several thousand earth years; and from the industrial age to the atomic age, it took only 200 earth years; After dozens of Earth years, they entered the information age.

This civilization has a terrifying ability to accelerate evolution!

In the Trisolaran world, none of the 200 civilizations that have existed, including us, have experienced such accelerated development. The scientific and technological progress of all Trisolaran civilizations is uniform or even decelerating.

Every technological era in our world requires essentially the same lengthy development time. "

The head of state went on to say: "The reality is that when the Trisolaran Fleet arrives in the planetary system where the Earth is located after 4.5 million hours, the technological level of that civilization has already surpassed ours in accelerating development!"

"After such a long voyage of our fleet, with two interstellar dust belts in the middle, it is likely that only half of the spacecraft will reach the solar system, and the rest will be lost in the long voyage. At that time, our fleet will be in front of Earth civilization. Will be vulnerable!"

"—We are not going on an expedition, we are going to die!"

There was an eerie silence.

All Trisolarans fell silent.

"If this is the case, the head of state, there are even more terrible things..." After a long time, the military consul spoke.