136. Revolver

Lord spins a pencil on his hand repeatedly.

"An alien mafia?" asked Lei Zeppeli, who wore a black tank top with a black skirt. She wore black high heels as well and her long black hair flowed behind her back.

Lord and Lei are seen in a cafe in the Grimm Universe Burnham City.

"Yep! A giant alien robot told me so!" smiled Lord.

"A giant... alien robot?" asked Lei. "Well, Lord... For one thing, I'm rather astonished that what normal people call hallucinations are what you call truths.And I thought my Uncle Lei Zeppeli was crazy..."

"Wait... your Uncle's also named Lei Zeppeli?" asked Lord.

"Yeah. Real quiet guy. Greatest troll in all teh forums." said Lei Zeppeli.

"Yeah?! Well! Lei! Don't you know that our Stands are enough proof that something's out there that we don't know about?!" asked Lord.

"What's this Alien Mafia called, anyway?" asked Lei Zeppeli.

"Followers of Do," said Lord.

"Okay... I'm done," said Lei.

"Lei!" shouted Lord.

"First of all, I'm your employer and you're dating me. Miguel could get us fired. That also means that I have the power to fire you. Second of all, unless you give me proof that you're half alien -..." said Lei.

"Oh, right!"


Lord uses heat vision on Lei's tea, as the tea evaporates.

"Hm..." said Lei, looking rather impressed. She then augments more water in her tea using her Stand. "Fine. I'm in. Weeb Town's activities have gone pretty slow, after all, ever since the Jazz Fusion has become popular in protecting the world from threats. Fine... We're going to hunt down this apparent alien mafia called Followers of Do.Stupid that you didn't start with that, however."

"I am an idiot, after all!" smiled Lord.

"Well, you're my idiot," calmly said Lei, as she kisses Lord on the forehead.

"Greetings," said Motorhead, shrunken and standing on Lord's shoulder.

"Oh, dear God," said Lei, backing away looking slightly surprised.

"I am his alien robot butler, Motorhead," said Motorhead.

"I thought he was big," said Lei.

"He shrinks," said Lord.

"Impressive," said Lei. "Okay... very well... I'll be reporting this alien mafia to Miguel JoJo."

"Oh, right!" smiled Lord. "I'm a vigilante, now!"

"What? You've gotten yourself authorized?" asked Lei.

"Yeah!" shouted Lord. "I named myself Lord Marvel... Protector of the World from Aliens!!!"

"Fine..." said Lei. "Just don't do anything stupid. Make sure to tell me the next time you do a hunt, okay?"

"Sure thing!" smiled Lord.



"Kler kureer kler kler kla kler? (You got any fives?)" said an alien resembling a crocodile with slug eyes and a snake body with arms and hands. All of these aliens look the same.


Lord smashes the door open. He wears golden armor. He has a red cape. He also has red boots and red gauntlets. He has no mask, however.

Lord turns on his phone and speaks to it.

"Hey, guys! Today, I'm going to be beating the shit outta these Mafiosos! Hashtag Lord Marvel!" smiled Lord to the camera, which is attached to his shoulder. The camera is an AI created by Motorhead that follows the most important actions of Lord Naga.

"Kler kler! (Get him, boys!)" shouted the alien leader, wearing a funny cowboy hat.




"Aliens found in a slum near Santo Pedro in Metro San Diego have been uncovered by the new YouTube Star and vigilante, Lord Marvel, who works for the Helsing Organization Task Force: Weeb Town!"

Lord smiles as he watched his attack being videoed on Television. He is still spinning the pencil.

"J'Obladi J'Oblada, you should be very careful. I've gotten reports that the Lyconian known as Urbandub is searching to assassinate you," said Motorhead, who sits on Lord's shoulder.

"J'Obladi J'Oblada?" asked Lord.

"That is your full name, Lord Naga," said Motorhead. "Your given name is Obladi Oblada. Your full name is J'Obladi J'Oblada. Your mother's full name is J'Nena J'Nanu."

"Wait... My surname is-?" asked Lord.

"J," said Motorhead. "You merely pronounce the consonant itself. 'J.' You are from the House of J, a lower-class family who worked as a slave to Emperor Spazura. Your mother happened to have escaped Spazura's grasp and mated with the Grimm Arthur JoJo."

"Oof," said Lord.

"How did J'Nena J'Nanu die, Lord Naga?" asked Motorhead.

"Cancer," said Lord guiltily. "That's what they told me."

"Oh. I apologize if I've gotten you distressed," said Motorhead sharply. "I believe vigilantes in this world have been legalized for a reason. For you to avenge your mother, Lord Naga.Such a shame that your mother was killed by disease. A fine warrior she was."

"My mom was a fighter?" asked Lord.

"Your mother is Captain J'Nena J'Nanu, former slave-turned-captain of the rebel fleet," said Motorhead sharply. "Your mother was a fine warrior with amazing skills with the art of Spin."

"What the heck is 'Spin?'" asked Lord, confusedly.

"Spin is an energy source that exists all over the Universe. It is the art of perfect rotation which allows anyone to manipulate the Universe in various ways," said Motorhead, sagely.

"Like Hamon, but instead of life energy, it's gravity?" asked Lord.

"Pretty much," said Motorhead, shrugging.

"Is this the reason why I've been spinning this pencil for two weeks now?" asked Lord.

"Yes..." said Motorhead. "You will soon sense its existence in the world. You must move that pencil to a medium speed where its rotation is completely perfect, thus bringing an infinite amount of energy into the palm of your hands. The ratio is 16:9... the Golden Ratio."

The next day...

A bus driver eats his fries but drops them on the floor. He tries to grab it, but suddenly, the bus goes off the road and drops down a bridge.

"AAAAAAAAAAA-!!!" yelled the voices.




(theme begins)

Lord lifts the bus and the people are shocked by his appearance and surprising speed.

Lord smiles at the camera and does a peace sign.

"It is I, Lord Marvel!" smiled Lord. "I'm here to save all of you dudes, alright?"

Lord slowly life the bus upward and slowly flips it right side up. He slowly puts the bus down on the ground as the people look in amazement.

(theme ends at 0:26)

The people cheer for Lord as he puts his fists on his hips akimbo.

"Citizens!" smiled Lord. "Good citizens of Burnham, I am glad to tell you that I have saved you from dying an untimely death! Live on and stay strong, just like me!"

Lord then flexes as the people cheer for him.


"Huh..." said Ryle, watching Lord's YouTuber channel, now having gained 1.5 million views.

Ryle clicks the bell icon at the bottom of the video and gives a soft smirk.

"Yo," said Yang, eating dried seaweed. "Watcha doin' there?"

"Dude," said Ryle, drawing an image of Lord Marvel. "Lord's been getting views like crazy. Ever since Miguel brought back the Universe, Lord came out of the blue and started to make this YouTube thing of his an actual thing!"

"Lemme-see this," said Yang, leaning closer.

"Yo, guys," said Zed.

"Zed," said Yang. "Look at this."

"'Lord Marvel?'" asked Zed. "Who is he? Some new dumb popular YouTuber?"

Zed then sees Lord on the screen.

"WHAT!?" asked Zed.

"I'm surprised you didn't think that, Zed," said Ryle. "It's in his name."

"Who names themselves with a superhero name after their given name!? Doesn't he have a secret identity?!" asked Zed, vexedly.

"Well," said Ryle, still drawing. "Technically, Miguel doesn't have a secret identity anymore..."

"Geez..." said Zed. "We used to make fun of Lord and now look at him."

"No... You used to make fun of Lord," said Ryle. "We were there to support him."

"I'm neutral, by the way, since I don't care," said Yang, finishing his seaweed chips.

"What are you idiots doing?" asked Celine, looking rather annoyed and approaching them from behind.

"Lord's a superhero now," said Zed. "And he's getting millions of views on YouTube."

"Great," said Celine. "At least Lord is doing something for society."

"Yo," said Van, a man who wore a cowboy costume, walking in.

"Hey, Van," said Ryle. "Check this out -..."

"Whoa! Is that Lord!?" Van asked. "Bruh... This man be the best!"

With everyone gathered on Ryle's computer, Lei Zeppeli II, annoyed, stomped toward the crowd and spoke up.

"Hoy!" she yelled. "What are you idiots doing!?"

"Right!? Haha..." Celine said, guiltily.

"Get back to your desks!" shouted Lei.

"Uh... Ms. Zeppeli... Is it okay that our field would become an assassination field again instead of just guys on desk duty?" asked Zed. "Our talents are being wasted here, Ms. Zeppeli!"

"Well, for one thing, Jonathan Calamansi, there is no need for protection in the Grimm Universe. The Crusaders are now handling everything Supernatural," replied Lei. "It's not like anything else other than the Supernatural could endanger the mortal race of Grimm's Earth as a whole!"

"Right..." said Zed, as everyone bowed their heads and returned to their desks.


Lord waves at his fans as he flies around Burnham City.

"Hahaha!" laughed Lord, as he gave peace signs.

"Lord Marvel... You have earned enough money for you to finally buy that cool CPU you always wanted in SM Super Mall," said Motorhead.

"No, no, Motorhead," said Lord. "I wanna do somethin' else..."

Lord is shown to be drinking Milk Tea happily at the table with Motorhead, now the size of a human, being in front of him.

"Lord Marvel, I believe that a visitor is nearby," said Motorhead.

"Wut?" asked Lord, smiling.



The milk tea store is destroyed as Lord slowly stands up from the rubble.

He breathes heavily and looks up to see an 8-foot-tall giant of a wolfman. At first, he thought this was some sort of Lycan, but it didn't look like a Lycan from any of the Books. This wolfman had yellow eyes, gray hair, a more humanoid body. He has no ears. His snout has three jaws as his upper jaw divides into two. He has a long cat-like tail.

"J'Obladi J'Oblada," said the Lyconian, pointing a highly advanced revolver at Lord. "Prepare to be eliminated."


A small spinning bullet curves its trajectory towards Lord's face.

Suddenly, Motorhead pushes Lord to the ground.

Motorhead turns to the Lyconian.

His hand transforms into a blaster as it shot at the Lyconian.

The Lyconian growls and shoots at Motorhead.

Lord grabs Motorhead and flies upward away from the Lyconian.

Motorhead sees an L symbol on its palm.

"Eliminator," said Motorhead. "Lord Marvel. He is an Eliminator. He is the assassin I was speaking of."

"YOU THINK!?" asked Lord.


Lord dodged the bullets as the bullets are shot into the sky.

Lord blasts the Lyconian with heat vision of up to 40,000 Kelvin in temperature.


The Lyconian, however, shot the blasts of heat with small spinning bullets that immediately made the heat vision bounce upward into the sky.

Lord trembles in fear.

"Uh!" shouted Lord.

The camera attached to his shoulder turns to Lord.

"Uh... Of course!" shouted Lord. "I can uh... I can-!"

Lord blows cold breath at the Lyconian, who blasts the cold breath away like a fan somehow with the small bullets once more.

"He is using... Spin," said Motorhead.

"What!?" asked Lord.

"Yes," said Motorhead. "You must use Spin, Lord Marvel."

Motorhead's throat begins to swell as he vomits out a slimy steel ball. Lord grabs the mucusy Steel Ball.

"Ugh!" shouted Lord. "What the hell, my guy!? What is this!?"

"That is a Steel Ball, the famed weapon of the Fortisites," said Motorhead. "The Fortisites are the ones who invented Spin, after all. You will be going to the Kingdom of Naples sometime to learn more about Spin. But not now, for you are not ready.Medium speed, Lord Marvel. Medium speed.Do you feel that energy, Lord Marvel?


(theme begins)

Lord, with eyes closed, nods.

"Imbue the Spin in that ball to a medium," said Motorhead. "Then... launch it."

The ball is miraculously already spinning and glowing like a small star around Lord's palm without him touching it.


Lord's eyes open.

"WHOA!!! How long was I out!?"

"A second," said Motorhead.


The Steel Ball is launched in the air toward Urbandub.

Urbandub dodges as the Steel Ball drops to the concrete, crushing it as it bounces back to Lord's palms.

"Uh!" shouted Lord.

Crazy Diamond appears and grabs the Steel Ball, as the concrete that was destroyed is restored.

"Extraordinary," said Motorhead.

Crazy Diamond keeps the Steel Ball in its hands as it throws the ball toward Urbandub once more.





A large explosion came after the three spinning balls came in contact with each other.

Urbandub shoots several bullets toward Lord.

"DORARARARARARA!!!" shouted Crazy Diamond, as Crazy Diamond moved around and spun the Steel Ball to block all of the bullets.



Crazy Diamond's arm is paralyzed, and therefore, so is Lord's.

"Tch-!" yelled Lord, as the Spin is lost since his left hand is paralyzed, thus, the Spin's imbuement is now unequal.

"Lord Marvel... your Spin imbuing is unequal," said Motorhead. "Find a way to stabilize the Spin."

Crazy Diamond puts its palm over the Steel Ball, stabilizing the energy.


*pew, pew*


Crazy Diamond yells, "DORA!!!"

Annoyed, the Lycorian kept on shooting at Lord Marvel.

Lord has an idea.

Lord begins spinning the Steel Ball around Urbandub the Lycorian.

*zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom*


Lord spins it fast as his limbs begin to shift and get stuck with one another. Morphing into a deformed body, Urbandub's arms are twisted and reformed into some sort of flesh rope around his torso. His arms' flesh, blood, and bones completely fuse with his torso.

(theme ends)

Now "armless", Urbandub falls to the ground, completely immobile. Lord grabs Urbandub and Motorhead then jumps upward, flying away. The broken concrete from his leap restores back to normal.

"I'm taking you to Lei Zeppeli," said Lord.