253. Made in Heaven Part I

The Prime Arks chose... Stefan...



"I want you to give me unlimited power... The power to destroy everything..."

Here you go.

A bowl is offered to Stefan, as Stefan grabbed it and drank from it.

"Thank you, Author... But..."

But what? What else do you need?

Stefan's eyes quiver as he remembered Reigen's words... "You're being a child."

"It is only fair... to equalize the playing field..." said Stefan. "Don't give me infinite Stats in all... Leave one State weak..."

And that is?

"My... Durability... Standing... Dial it down..."

A noble decision... You truly are-...

Stefan sneers as a golden-striped white Stand galloped above Stefan. "MADE IN HEAVEN!!!"

What a stupid child...


Stefan blasts away out of the planet as a large crater forms from it.

"MADE IN HEAVEN!!!" cackled Stefan.

Stefan galloped his way into the Purple Dimension.

"Morty?" asked Rick, as he stops in the middle of the battlefield. Morty drops to the ground, shaking.

"Oh... Geez... Oh... Reality's pain..." Morty wept in Rick's arms. "Oh, wow... Oh, Geez... I'm not feeling okay, Mr. Stark... Wait... Did I say that right?"

"M-Morty... What's wrong?"

"Come on Rick... Do you know Joe Pera? Well... he once said... if you're so tiny and insignificant, and you are able to find someone who cares about you, why would you want to disappoint them?Haha... That's what I feel right now... Oh Geez..." Morty began to age rapidly. "Oh Geez, Rick... I think I'm dying... Sorry for disappointing you, Grandpa Rick..." Morty's body wrinkled and melted in front of Rick's face.

"M-Morty?" he wept. "What just happened!?"

"And so it begins..."

Eobard's eyes widen. "Barry... I'm sorry..."

Barry trembled in fear. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? WHAT DID YOU DO!!!?"

"It's not me... It's Stefan..." said Eobard. "He achieved unlimited power... The world's most powerful Stand. Made in Heaven."

Soldiers begin to age rapidly and melt. 

"There's a way to undo this," said Eobard.

"Why should I believe you!?" asked Barry.

"Why shouldn't you!? In this time!?" asked Eobard.

Barry's anger disappears.

"Take these people..." said Eobard.

"Who?" asked Barry. 

"Frank Castle, Lord Naga, Zed, Jessica Polnareff, Miriam Avdol, Van Hol Horse, Star Butterfly, and Ryle Karne... Two of them are somewhere on Earth Grimm.." said Eobard. "Find them... Get them outside the Omniverse...Here are their images..."

Eobard shows a picture of each of their faces.

Barry sees that everyone begins to melt. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you were right... Stefan will kill us all...Now...Run, Barry..." said Eobard. "Run!"


Eobard sighs. 


Van snipes several soldiers as he begins to melt.

"Van?" asked Ryle. "What's going-?"


Barry had taken Ryle and Van from their spots.

On another spot... Star blasts the remaining soldiers with various spells...

Zed hugs Star.

"Whoa..." said Star.

"I just wanna say..." said Zed. "I-..."


Lord sees Lei melting in his arms.

"No, no, no, no, no... Lei..." sobbed Lord.

"Hey... It's okay... As long as -..." Lei's last breath puffs while her face melts in Lord's arms.

"NO!!! NOOOO!!!" sobbed Lord.


Barry takes Lord away.

Clark lands on the ground and begins to melt. "Shit... Should've gone on a diet-..."


Clark melts in front of Wade.

"Well... shit..." whispered Deadpool. "Maximum Effort..."

Deadpool splats on the ground, melting into nothingness.

Quill sighs as he shifts into pieces of molecular dust. "Fuck..."

Yang melts in Celine's arms as she sobbed.

Anne, Kariel, and Yoshiko give each other weepy smiles as they each melt away.

"For Miguel..." smiled Anne.

The others nod...

Ghost Jedan hugged Celine, as they both died at the same time. Celine melts while Ghost Jedan dusts into ectoplasm. 

Finn, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Gumball, and Darwin all huddle up together as they each melt into nothing more than hot sauce and mustard.

Motorhead topples to the ground. So does Bumi. So does Steven. The two of them melt into blood, bones, and flesh while Motorhead turns into liquid metal.

Diana sighs. "Come on, Bruce..." she whispered, as she turned old and melted into liquid flesh, blood, and bones.

Rick sobs as he melts into pieces as well...



Barry Allen, Lord Naga, Frank Castle, Zed, Jessica Polnareff FAW, Miriam Avdol, Van Hol Horse, Star Butterfly, and Ryle Karne all end up on Bruce's invisible jet.

"What the hell is going on!?" asked Miguel. "What... I told you to stay put-?"

Miguel meets eyes with Lord.

"H-Hey..." said Miguel.

"H-Hi..." said Lord, with tears in his eyes.

"They all died... didn't they?" asked Miguel, with voice breaking and looking like he's about to break down to tears.

"Wait, what?" asked Prince Josuke. "Already? N-No! That can't-!"

Lord nods softly.

Everyone bows their head, with weepy eyes.

Even Dark's eyes went teary. "Tch-!"

"Miguel?" asked Lord.

"*sniff...* H-Huh?" asked Miguel.

"Now... Now what?" asked Lord, trembling.

"I-I-I... I don't know..." whispered Miguel. "I don't know..."

Everyone stares into the nothingness of the space before them.

"I don't know."

To be continued...

