The remaining survivors of the Omniverse depressedly stare into the abyss of space.
"Now, what?" asked Peter.
"For the very first time, I don't know," said Miguel. "I don't know what to do at all..."
"So... that's just it... huh?" asked Dark. "We lose... huh? After everything that we've ever been through... Stefan beats us... huh?"
"Yes," said Miguel.
"What the hell ever happened to 'having faith in everything?'" asked Lord. "What happened to the guy who had faith in the whole world? That we will get what we deserve in the very end? Everything we've ever earned! What happened, Miguel!?"
"Who the hell even called you?"
"You did! Your kids said-!"
"Wow, Lord. You believed children who were scared that their Dad would do something rash?"
"Well, they were right! Look what happened now, Miguel! Everyone we EVER LOVED IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!YOU SHOULD'VE CALLED ME TO FIGHT OFF STEFAN!!!"
"How would that have worked, Lord!? Either way, we'd lose!"
"I don't know!"
"If Lord was there, he would've been chosen to be worthy by the Ark instead of Stefan."
Everyone turns and sees Eobard in the jet.
Everyone prepares their Stands and/or their weapons.
"What do you want, asshole!?" asked Miguel.
"Same as you do. Stefan killed," said Eobard.
"Really? Now!? After everyone in the world is DEAD!?"
"ORA!!!" Miguel's Star Platinum prepares a punch.
"Because I realized too soon that he'll kill me too after all this is over."
Jotaro clenches his fist in rage.
Prince Josuke angrily stared at Eobard.
Barry clenched his fists.
"You killed our families," said Miguel. "My mother..."
"My mother and daughter," said Barry.
"My entire family," said Prince Josuke.
"I know... But do realize that I'm the only one who could get you out of this!" yelled Eobard. "I am the only one who knows how to beat Stefan!I'm the only one who can destroy this event that was-..."
"Prove it," said Bruce.
"Okay... There's a way for us to survive," said Eobard. "There's a way for us to get out of this situation. So all of you stop raising your stupid sob stories and listen!Miguel... Lord... the reason why everyone lost is because of the two of you!Bill made you listen to your ego rather than your rationality and your common sense!Josuke Higashikata!"
"Yes?" asked the three Josuke's.
"The Prince one! Your fear is making you act out of your damned instinct! Which is something you shouldn't be doing! Stop being afraid of me! I promise I won't bite!Giorno Giovanna! Your stupid fatherless voyage had made you too emotionally attached to wanting to kill Stefan! I saw you on that battlefield!!! Angrily clawing at him without thinking or strategizing except when JoJo told you to!AND BY JOJO I MEAN MIGUEL!!!Bruce Wayne! By God! Your anger with Stefan made you act out of emotion instead of your usual intelligent form!What happened to the Goddamned Dark Knight that I've heard of when I was a child in the 23rd Century!?John Stefanio! Stop being such a fucking teenager!"
"Whatever," said Dark.
"Now all of you stop being fucking children and grow... the fuck... UP!!! Unless you idiots would want to try and kill me right now... Me: Your only Goddamned chance for survival!"
Everyone stares at Eobard Thawne, The Reverse-Flash.
"Fine," said Miguel. "Talk."
"The only way you'd get out of this is by rewriting your destinies."
"Stefan made it pretty clear that it could never happen."
"That's only because Stefan cheated."
"What do you mean?" asked Jotaro.
"He used the Central Finite Curve... Walling off every possibility where he lost. The Central Finite Curve was first invented by Rick Sanchez C-137 to wall off every possibility where he isn't the Universe's most intelligent man," said Eobard.
"There are other Omniverses?" asked Miguel.
"Have you ever wondered why in every Universe, the Joestars are the Messiahs destined to lose against the one and only Stefan?"
"So... this Central Finite Curve... It's a collection of Universes where Stefan wins and we lose?"
"Yes... Basically, the worlds where we win are walled off. But that could only be theoretical if we destroy Stefan's main weapon that walls every possibility of us winning."
"What weapon?"
"The Antimatter Cannon."
"The one we destroyed when fighting Anti-Monitor?" asked Barry.
"Yes," said Eobard. "He found it, reverse-engineered it, and used it as a Finite Curve Reviser."
"How do we destroy this Finite Curve Reviser?" asked Bruce.
"The Holy Corpse Parts," said Eobard. "Do you still have it?"
"Polnareff-..." Jotaro immediately brings out Turtle Polnareff. "Polnareff!"
"Yo, Jotaro," said Turtle Polnareff.
"The Holy Corpse Parts..." said Jotaro.
Polnareff brings out the nine Parts.
"With those objects, they can destroy what the so-called Abrahamic God considers unholy in this Universe..." said Eobard.
"How the hell are we supposed to do that!?" asked Vegeta.
"Make the Eyes touch the Reviser. It stays on the south of this world. It's simple, right?" asked Eobard. "We just place the eyes on the machine, then it gets destroyed.Then, the Prime Arks will find Lord worthy, and he'll be able to fight Stefan. Then Miguel shall take the Prime Arks and use them to bring back our Omniverse."
"But... Stefan will defend the fuck out of the Reviser and the Prime Arks," said Zed. "This is-..."
"Yes... A suicide mission... I'm sorry... But that's all I could say... I could help you with the fight..."
"Why only me?" asked Miguel.
"Because you're the one who destroyed the Multiverse... Thus... it is ingrained in your soul that you are the only one destined to bring everyone back...All of you protect Miguel and Lord...This... This is the ending... Fuck everything else... Fuck it if it's a bad story... Fuck it if we'll die... We're just God's objects at this point... meant to each have a purpose... Okay?You could go ahead and say your personal goodbyes..."
Miguel, Lord, and Miriam all stood in a circle.
"Well?" sighed Miriam. "What do you two want to say to each other?"
Lord sighs. "How do you do it?"
"Do what?" asked Miriam.
"Dad... I mean... Mr. JoJo... He was never there for you. Why aren't you angry at Miguel and Kariel?"
"Because it's simple... It's not their fault, Lord. You can't blame other people for your misfortune... The only person you could truly blame... is yourself..."
"For being abandoned!?"
"For even thinking of hating someone for your own misfortune.Lord, everyone in this world hates Miguel for what he had tried to do, and everyone praises you because they think you're the Superhero... Everyone praises you because you're a heroic figure...Miguel gets shit for trying to help the people he cares about.People hate Miguel because he's different... Because he couldn't do what his ancestors could do...Everyone hates Miguel and everyone loves you... Be thankful that you have something that Miguel doesn't..."
"Uh... Ouch?" asked Miguel.
"And you..." said Miriam. "Why do you hate Dad so much?"
"Are you kidding me!? I am not his son! He put me in his kid's body!" yelled Miguel. "He never loved his kids! He experimented on his kids!"
"Do you even know what he was trying to do back then?"
"He wanted to build a weapon! He did it to both me and Josuke-..."
Miriam shook her head. "You were both sick, Miguel."
"What do you mean?"
Miriam sighs. "Have you ever heard of the Stand's Curse? A Stand-User... who isn't strong enough to have a Stand... will get sick for 50 days... then they will die..."
"What?" asked Miguel.
"You were very sick... so Dad tried to cure you by exchanging Stands with a much stronger User, Giorno Giovanna... Didn't work... In the end... You two fused... He tried to do the same for Josuke... It also didn't work...Third time's a charm, right?"
Miriam pointed to herself. "Didn't work..."
"Who were you fused with?" asked Miguel
"A bird..." laughed Miriam. "It didn't work because he lost his kids... He didn't bother going to you, Lord, because he knew that you were a strong Stand-User..."
"Wouldn't hurt to call..."
"J'Nena J'Nanu... Your Mom... She made our Dad promise to never go to you."
"Why?" chuckled Lord.
"Because she loved Dad, okay? And she didn't want Dad's life to be ruined by the multiple kids he had..." said Miriam. "What happened to both of you wasn't fair... and I am not trying to excuse Dad... Just please... understand him... and stop being so angry with him... You both know that in there... he loved you... and you were everything to him."
Miguel and Lord sigh.
"Wanna..." asked Miguel. "Wanna play Minecraft after all this?"
Lord stares at Miguel, dumbfounded. He begins to chuckle... then laugh... uncontrollably.
"Whoa, whoa! Dude!" yelled Miguel.
"I'd... love to, man..."
Miguel sigh. "I didn't mean it... when I said you didn't deserve to carry the family name... I'm proud for you to be a fellow JoJo."
"What made you change your mind? Everyone being dead?" Lord sighed.
"No. You look. You didn't treat me well after learning who I was to you. Your half-brother. You didn't treat me like an equal. You treated me as some idiot unworthy of your name."
"I know. And I'm sorry. But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that we either work together or get fucked over. This feud caused all this. Probably it caused some random seemingly insignificant event to change our fate. We can change it again. But to do it we have to work together."
"Because the motherfucking Universe is telling us to."
"And... I was wrong for treating you that way. I'm sorry."
"Well... I'm sorry for throwing all my insecurities toward you. I shouldn't have acted out like that."
"To be fair... We were both acting like that..."
"Children," chuckled the pair.
"Bruthas forever?" Lord offers his brofist.
Miguel hugs Lord. "Brutha from another mother..." his eyes went teary. So did Lord's.
Miguel eyes Prince Josuke, who looks away from him out of anger.
Prince Josuke stared into the stars.
Miguel sat with Prince Josuke.
"Why'd you accept his offer, Mr. JoJo?"
"Knew it... You're pissed about that."
"Well? He killed our families... Mr. JoJo... At least Kira has a weird new personality that took over her body... Eobard? He's still the same slimy guy that tried to kill us for his own personal gain..."
"Josuke... He's not Satan... He's just a guy who wanted to save his daughter."
"By killing millions!?"
"Sometimes... I recently learned that... sometimes...You just gotta swallow your pride..."
"But you said that I should be more confident in myself! You taught me to love myself! To not be scared... To be brave!"
"Self-love isn't arrogance, Josuke... Arrogance is poison... Self-love is the weird... fertilizer if you were a plant or whatever."
"Everyone I ever knew is gone... and I'm more scared than ever..."
"Fear... Fear is just a drawback... Every Stand has a drawback... But every Stand can be utilized properly despite that...You're a force of nature, Josuke... You have the power to control your actions..."
Prince Josuke nods. "Okay!"
Peter approaches Bruce, who steers the jet.
"What!?" asked Bruce.
"Stars are pretty," said Peter.
"That sounded wrong, Parker."
"Look... Mr. Wayne... You gotta let go of this anger... Remember what Damian said..."
"Jet... Autopilot..."
"My Uncle Ben... used to say, 'With great power-...'"
Bruce stands up and turns to Peter.
"Look, Parker! I don't care about anything you'll say! Anything you're trying to tell me is idiotic because I know what it's like to lose everyone I've ever loved! Stop trying to tell me something your dead Uncle said whose own death is what you caused-!!!"
Peter gains teary eyes.
"Hey... What-? Tch-! Hey... Calm down!"
Peter wipes his tears.
"Hey... Come on, kid..." Bruce hugs Peter. "Fuckin' hell... I apologize... for my... indecency..."
"Nice goin'... Dad of the year over here..." Frank said, sarcastically, as he watched the whole thing while leaning on the wall with crossed arms and legs.
"Tch-... Hey..." Bruce wiped Peter's tears. "Hey, kid... Okay, fine... that was uncalled for... Now, calm the fuck down..."
Peter just kept crying.
"Hey... If we survive this... We'll go... We'll go uh... visit your Earth, huh? And... we'll... I don't know... Probably have fun in a hotel or whatever... I don't know... And..."
"You're awful at this Mr. Wayne," said Peter.
"Probably why... Damian got so tense with me every time I ground him nowadays... Look... I'm not the best guy you could call a Dad... or Uncle... Or a Stark... I can't... ever be someone as great as they were... And Damn am I the worst guy for this job... But I sure damn well care about you, okay?I promise that even you lost Stark... You'll Goddamn well avenge him. All of them. Because you're better than I'll ever be... You're an Avenger."
"I'm just so tired... of losing everyone around me..."
"Me, too, kid... Me, too..."
Frank sighs, staring at the two. "If you come over here and hug me, too, I'll blow both your brains out."
"Fuck off, Castle," said Bruce.
Giorno stared at the cosmos.
Jotaro sighed, approaching Giorno. "Yare yare... Your eyes aren't burnt by any of that cosmic radiation?"
"I was angry..."
Duwang Josuke, Gappy, Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, and Shigeo all stared at Giorno.
"I was angry... that he killed DIO... I can't believe that I still urge for a father... I lost everything... and everyone... and I was still angry about something so insignificant."
"Hey," said Jotaro. "I didn't have a Dad, too... After I beat DIO... One night... Dad just left for another world tour... Never came back...I mean... I would hear about him on the news and shit... but... Dad didn't contact me or my mom ever again."
"And how do you cope with that, Signore Jotaro?" asked Giorno.
"I just think about the people I have now..." said Jotaro.
"You just lost your daughter..." said Giorno.
"Yeah... I did..." said Jotaro. "But I knew that I could still bring her back. Because we deserve a happy ending... Even for a moment..."
"There are no happy endings, I believe," said Giorno. "Because after every happy ending, the story ends..."
"But its feelings never disappear," said Shigeo.
Everyone in the Jump Force turns to Shigeo.
"Our feelings? They will never disappear... because we deserve to live on through those memories... We're not special... I don't believe that..." said Shigeo. "But we deserve to live on... We deserve to give the audience a happy ending... That's why Reigen kept us alive...So we could find a way to bring Stefan down!"
Vegeta sighs. "I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree with Moe Howard over here."
"Count me in," smiled Goku.
"Me, too!" laughed Saitama.
"I'll make a Polnareffland after this!" yelled Turtle Polnareff.
"I'll kill Stefan if I have to," said Gappy.
Dark sighs. "Well! Yuki's dead..."
"Yeah..." said Hercules.
Dark sighs. "Is it even worth it to be a Superhero where no one is here to hear about what you've become?"
"Well..." said Hercules. "A Superhero isn't a title, Dark... It's who you choose to be."
Dark bows his head. "I think... I kinda get that... Just a little bit..."
Ryle and Van look in the distance.
"Hey, Ryle?" asked Van.
"Yeah?" asked Ryle.
"Your drawings are nice."
"Really!? That's it? No, 'You're my best friend' or whatever?"
"Fine. You're my best friend, Ryle."
"Thanks. You shoot good."
"...Why do you patronize me?"
Star looks at the stars.
"Hey, Star?" asked Zed. "I just... want to say... that I'm in love-..."
Star sighs. "I... don't... like you."
Zed's eyes widen. "Oh..."
"I'm sorry... But... My heart belongs to Marco..."
"Oh! Oh..."
"I'll still be your friend!"
Miguel and Jessica looked into the distance.
"And..." said Miguel. "It ends with us, huh? Started with us..."
"Ends with us..." said Jessica. "I shouldn't have tried to save you, Miguel... I caused all of this..."
"Well... We'll undo what you did."
The pair stared into the cosmos.
"I'm sorry," said Miguel. "For falling for you."
"Why are you sorry for that!?" she laughed.
"Because we wouldn't be here in the first place if I didn't... You never loved me, anyway."
"I did..."
Jessica nods. "It's just that... I don't know... Wasn't meant to be..."
"I see..."
The two stare into the cosmos.
"Yo," said Miguel.
"What do you call a Jewish Cow?"
"A Mew!"
"...Fuck off, Miguel."