308. Grimmology 101 with Von Stroheim!!! I: Aggress...

"'A Study on Grimm Psychology?'" asked Gabrielle, reading the title of one of the Diaries.

"'Experiment 1: Aggression."


"Apparently they had seven groups of 32 children in each room, each having 16 males and 16 females. One group Humans, the next predator Cryptids, the next prey Cryptids, then Rock Humans, then predator Chimeras, then prey Chimeras, then hybrid Chimeras, then Grimms, then lastly, Schwarze-Augens."


"They were each subjected to watching two models hurting a doll over and over again on television. One model was male, the other is female. The children were given rewards if the doll is attacked since the doll contained candies which they would eat later on. There are different weapons ranging from blunt to sharp melee weapons and even ranged weapons.For Humans, females tend to copy both the male and the female. If they copied the male, they would attack the doll physically. If they copied the female, they attacked verbally. The males tend to copy same-sex models and attack physically. They all used tools to attack and preferred blunt objects like toy hammers. The Human Children did not eat the candy and were rather disgusted by it because the doll resembled a person.For predatory Cryptids, the female predatory Cryptids tend to be more lethal in their attacks, often observing the doll and scratching and biting the neck of the large doll. Males are more aggressive and prefer attacks on the head. They also bit the neck but also clawed the neck. None of them used tools. Strangely, they have a strange pack mentality and most predatory Cryptids invited others to join in for the kill. They ate the candies.For prey Cryptids, the female prey Cryptid did not attack the doll at all. Neither did the male. They played with the doll rather fondly and many even "befriended" the doll. They were hugging and kissing the doll.For the Rock Humans, both females and males vigorously attacked the dolls with their fists. A strange observation is that they were rather territorial with their kill, warning other children who want to join in from taking it. The Rock Human children also began to become aggressive with each other, therefore, they were led into separate rooms. The Rock Humans did not eat the candy, and in fact, played with the candies.For predatory Chimeras, the female predatory Chimeras were far more aggressive than the predatory Cryptid. They showed to be incredibly erratic when attacking. They were attacking with no purpose and only wanted to kill. The predatory Chimeras, both male and female, not only ate the candies but also trampled on the wrappers and danced on the doll's 'body.' The males were more aggressive.For prey Chimeras, they were shown to hit the doll with their own woged hooves. The males were more aggressive.For Hybrid Chimeras, Hybrid Chimeras acted erratic and their attack depended on the dominant woge. If predatory woge is dominant, they exhibit Predatory Chimera behavior. If prey woge is dominant, then they exhibit Prey Chimera behavior.For the Grimms, they were rather peculiar. Rather than killing the doll, they observed the doll and actually spoke with the doll. Mind you, these were young children, and many haven't activated their mystical blood of the Grimm yet. The Grimm's Children observed the doll and did not attack at all.Finally, for the Schwarze-Augens. They were the strangest of the group. The Schwarze-Augens ignored the doll completely. Or... so we thought.So... we decided to put the face of a monster or something terrifying on the doll's head to see if something were to change.For the other subjects, nothing happened. They gave the same reaction, except for the predatory Cryptids and Chimeras acting more violent.For the Grimms, however, they began acting erratically. They stopped speaking with the doll and ended up staring at it. They then began bullying and intimidating the doll after a few minutes, viciously attacking it,For the Schwarze-Augens, they still ignored it.So... we decided to add motion into the picture.We placed a small motorized toy beneath the doll to make the doll move. For the others, they had the same results, only adding some more running and yelling. But Grimms and Schwarze-Augens, they were proven terrifying.The Grimm Children did not attack at first and merely warned the doll. But when the doll approached the Grimm Children, they immediately picked up a sharp weapon like a toy sword or a toy ax, rather than the toy knife placed closer to them, and viciously tried to cut off the doll's head. The females tend to immediately go for the kill, but the males try to reason with or warn the doll first until finally they give up and tried to decapitate the moving doll.The Schwarze-Augens were strange. They still did not attack the doll. Then, I realized something. In all the experiments, the Schwarze-Augens were staring right at me. They somehow knew who their true enemy is: Us.I had to do it. I just had to. For German science is the best in the world!I placed one of my scientists there... armed...The Schwarze-Augens then stared at the scientists for a few minutes. Later, they picked up a weapon and started attacking, scratching, and biting. Their attacks were very different. When the 'doll' played dead the Schwarze-Augens were violent since they couldn't get the candy. So, we had to lie to them. Mind you, they were manipulative, but they are still children. The scientists offered candies to the Schwarze-Augens. The Schwarze-Augens were proud and even bragged to me and the other scientists about their kill. They pranced around the chamber and danced on their kill's 'body'. They did not eat the candy, and saved the candy for later and gave it to their fellow groupmates. The Schwarze-Augens laughed and one even urinated on my scientist. I was sued three months later, but anyway...

Conclusion: Children of Grimms are more aggressive than most Human, Rock Human, Cryptid, and Chimera children. Schwarze-Augens are also more severely aggressive than regular Grimm children and are even manipulative and observant enough to truly know the bigger picture.'"

"Weird," said Narcos. "But kinda cool... And horrifying!"
