328. Hello! Announcement! Spin-Offs! Spin-OFFS!!! W...

Uh... Hi! Hello! I just wanted to do an update. 

First, I kinda wanna apologize for being gone for like... a week? I mean, it's not that bad, but the reason is that... well, Spin-Offs! I've decided to make at least three Spin-Offs: Made in Heaven Saga: Christmas One-Shots Duology, The Dark Knight: Origins Trilogy, and finally JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Gospel Truth Trilogy!

The first story, Christmas One-Shots, is two simple stories about the Secret Crisis group and the Jump Force group both teams enjoying their Christmases. Just two Chapters, basically in the spirit of the Holidays! And I'm Filipino. We basically start our holidays in September, so...

The second story is The Dark Knight: Origins, which is Bruce Wayne's origins before around 17 years prior to Secret Crisis and 7 years prior to BvS. This shows a trilogy around the 7 years of his life before he fights Superman and introduces why did he start killing his enemies around 10 years before Secret Crisis began. The first Part has him battling against Deathstroke, the second against The Riddler, and the third against The Joker (again).

The third story is The Gospel Truth, which includes the origin of an essential character that will be introduced in Part 13 of this series, which is the next Part after the current Part, JoJoRun. The character will be joining the Universe and will be receiving his own Part in this series. He is the Chosen One and is literally one of the three people that are destined to save the world from who we now know to be Bill Cipher. He will be one of the two main protagonists of the tentatively named JoJoVerse, formerly known as JoJoSpace.

Not forcin' you guys to read them! Just saying that they exist and you are free to read them if you wish! 

Also, thank you guys so much for reading my content so far, and thank you so much for 600+ Hits! Whoever you guys are, I really am grateful that you guys enjoy my content! Hopefully unironically. Welp! Buh-bye! Hope to see you soon!