A New Toy?

'BREAKING NEWS: A police officer was found dead in his apartment at street 6A. The police officer was connected to a detective named Neal Oliver. It is said that the detective immediately flew instead of calling for some—'

The noisy television got turned off by the man who was sitting on the long couch with his morning coffee. He threw the remote and his expressionless face didn't change even after hearing the morning news.

"A wanted huh," A smirk escaped his lips. "Interesting,"

Footsteps outside of the living room slowly resonated in his ears and when he looked up, Matthew was already in front of his eyes.

"So?" The newly arrived man slumped on the sofa across from him. "What's your plan? You should surrender him to the police. He's a wanted criminal," he snorted.

Knox chuckled at this, exposing that deep dimple on his right cheek as he caressed his jawline. "What are you saying?" He lifted his gaze towards his assistant. "I picked him up like a puppy. I will decide what to do with him,"

Matthew sighed and pinched his nose. "Don't tell me, you're going to make him another torture subject in your basement?" He crossed his arms. "Can you just stop that disgusting hobby of yours, Knox?"

"Chill," Knox scornfully laughed. "Why are you even here? Did the old man nagged you again to drag me towards the company?" He leaned his back and that slanted eyes of his gave chills towards his assistant.

"Tell him to drag me himself," he added.

Matthew gave up. He took out his phone and with a straight face he made a call. "Yes, hello secretary Lim. Thank you for answering my call. Can you please tell the chairman that the young master was very sick today that he needed me to carry him just to make his morning poop,"

He gave a sneering look at Knox while listening to the secretary's reply. "Yes, please. Thank you so much."

Matthew ended the call and stood up. "This will be the last time, Knox. I will not tolerate you again." He stormed out of the room.

Meanwhile Knox also stood up and left the sofa. There's a more important thing he needed to check than wasting his time at the company of his old man.

He headed upstairs and headed to the corner of the hallways. A room which only he was allowed to enter. He pushed the doors gently and closed it back.

His footsteps echoed in the silence as he approached the king sized bed that bounced as soon as he took a seat.

The first thing that met his eyes were the frail arms of that someone laying on the bed. His arms wrapped in bandages, and the cuts on his cheeks that looked so smooth gave him a frowning expression.

Knox leaned forward, enjoying the sleeping vampire in front of his eyes. He wasn't mistaken, his eyelashes were long and thick. Small oval face with pointed nose and reddish lips. Wavy light brown hair suits his pale skin and his pinkish ears.

He lifted his palm and touched the vampire's cheeks. "Wake up, sleepy head." he grinned. "You're not snow white, but I can kiss you."

The thin curtains of the open balcony doors swayed with the morning air, grabbing Knox's attention. He stood up and was about to close it when his wrist was forcefully grabbed.

His body stumbled and they rolled towards the side of the glass doors. Knox felt his head hit the table there. He winced.

The blankets on the bed were already scattered on the floor and the one laying on it was missing. Knox was pressed down and he felt this heavy thing on top of his stomach, finding out that the sleeping beauty on the bed was already awake.

He was pointing a gun straight at Knox's head.

At that moment, Knox got drawn by those fierce red eyes sucking his soul out. But as soon as he realized that the vampire was sitting on top of his stomach, he felt suffocated.

The guy put one hand around his neck. "Raise your hands."

Knox followed the beauty and put his hands behind his head. He's sure that if this vampire ordered him to jump out from the second floor, he would do it.

A smirk occupied his cheeks. "Why are you so angry, sweetheart?"

That endearment gave the vampire a grumpy expression. He pressed the gun more at Knox's head and unlocked it. "Say one more word and your head will explode," he warned.

The man below him snorted a chuckle. His black slanted eyes remained indifferent as he mumbled. "You're beautiful,"

The vampire tightened his hands around Knox's neck. "Shut up and answer my question," he snarled. "Where am I?"

Knox gulped, feeling the tightness of his Adam's apple. "You're at my place." He replied. Getting pinned down by this beautiful man didn't give him any fright. In fact, he will still adore him with his hands around his neck.

The thin curtains closer to them swayed along with the morning and the rays of the warm sunlight penetrated through the glasses, giving glow to the vampire on top of him.

Knox got a full view of the guy only wearing his white polo, unbuttoned on the collar and a boxers, exposing his thighs.

He smirked and in one move, Knox swiftly grabbed the guy's hands. They rolled back to the side of the bed and the gun was thrown somewhere. He grabbed the vampire and lifted him up, pushing him down on the mattress with his hands behind.

"Let me go!" He wriggled and his feet stomped. But no matter what kind of strength he used, Knox was much stronger than him.

The vampire crawled up on the bed and as soon as he reached the edge, Knox pulled his legs down. He yelped when his hands were restrained above his head.

Knox's shadow loomed over him. "Don't you dare touch me!" he snarled.

The man above him grinned. "Pointing a gun at someone who saved you, huh?" His sharp eyes traced that half exposed chest and it made the vampire flinch as if he was being eaten alive.

"I'm expecting a nice reward at least," he whispered with his raspy deep voice.