A Wanted

Neal felt the chills when he felt that voice tickle his ears down to his neck. His breath tightened and he felt nervous. Threatening this man won't work. He didn't even flinch when he pointed the loaded gun he secretly took from the drawers earlier.

He was planning on jumping down the balcony but he saw these men in black suits roaming around this house. The coldness from the morning suddenly traced and tickled his exposed legs, remembering that he is only wearing a boxer and this white polo that isn't even his.

He gritted his teeth and tried to yank his hands while stomping his feet. He was cornered and being in this position for too long wasn't good for him. He can feel that this man was just preparing to eat him alive.

Just by looking at his hungry gazes down to his chest was enough to give him chills. Neal let himself bounce on the bed and used his knee to hit the man on his balls.

Knox groaned and he rolled to the edge of the bed while Neal successfully escaped his retrains. His eyes quickly scanned the room and a glint of hope spark in his eyes when he found the gun.

Meanwhile, Knox sat up, still wincing and before he could move.


The part of the mattress between his legs fumed when it got shot by the gun. He lifted his head and he met those angry crimson eyes.

"Move and I will fucking shot your balls!" Neal threatened out, pointing the gun back at the man.

He's still not sure why he's here, but according to this unknown man, he saved him. The last thing Neal can remember was when he was about to give up his life in that dark alley under the loud thundering sky and pouring rain.

"What's your name?" He asked.

The man on the bed sighed. Finally giving up by raising his hands up for real. "Knox," he mumbled.

Neal didn't let his guard down. "Why am I here? Did you save me?"

"I won't lie about that. You're clinging to me last night. Crying and telling me to save you." He explained with a smirk on his face. He put his hand on his neck and pulled his collar. "You bit me too, here"

Neal gulped when he saw the band aid on Knox's neck. Did he really bite him? He had no memories of it at all. Everything was still fuzzy to him the moment he woke up.

"I don't believe you! Why did you save me? You don't even know me." He remained firm to his beliefs.

Knox mischievously chuckled and his dimple once again resurfaced. "It's true that I don't know you, but the moment I saw those beautiful eyes of yours I got drawn into you,"

Neal didn't want to believe it at all, but he can't deny that it tickled something from him. "Stop lying!"

"But I'm not lying. I am a very honest man." Knox said.

Neal holds the gun firmly pointed between Knox's legs. Now that he looked down, that bulging thing got his attention. It's not even aroused, or is this man aroused?

He got conscious and put the gun down, covering his exposed thighs. "Stop looking at me, pervert!" he snarled.

Knox was hopeless. He stood up and pulled the blanket from the bed.

Neal felt his presence and to his nervousness, he stepped back hitting the side of the cabinet. He closed his eyes and yelped. "I said don't touch me!"

A warm soft thing enveloped his thin shoulders and when he opened his eyes, the blanket was already wrapped around him. The gun fell from his hands, which was immediately caught by Knox.

Neal gave up and enjoyed the soft clothing around his body. He can now breathe, knowing that his thighs aren't exposed anymore.

Knox took out the gun's bullet and put it back in his pocket. "Have you calmed down?" He asked.

Neal jolted, and his line of sight turned to the tall man in front of him. He collapsed with the blankets. "Pervert."

Knox found it adorable that he giggled. "Aren't you hungry? Interrogating a person with a hungry stomach won't lead you to any results," he said, walking to the cabinets.

He got busy finding clothing that would suit the small body of the vampire who seemed to love the warm blanket. This is his room, so he knew everything. He scolded himself by not putting the gun away from the drawers.

He's thankful that this beauty didn't commit suicide after finding the gun. If that happened, he will surely lose it. He finally found a small pair of pajamas.

Knox tossed it on the bed. "Try that pajama. That's the only small clothes I have here. I'm going to ask my assistant to buy some clothes for you later." he casually said.

Hearing this, Neal jerked up. "What do you mean buy something! I won't stay here! I will go home," He said.

Knox closed the cabinets and glanced at him. "Really? Can you go home all by yourself, Neal Oliver?"

Neal flinched and his doe red eyes turned sharp again. "How did you know my name?!"

The man didn't want to answer this question, but he needed to. "You're wanted now. You're all over the news." he pinched his nose. "Number one suspect of killing a police officer,"

Neal shuddered with those words and he slumped on the floor. "It's not true!" he gasped. Looking at his trembling hands. He recalled those blood that wasn't his, flowing continuously on his skin last night.

"I don't kill anyone. I will never kill my brother!" He exclaimed, tearing eyes. "A rogan did it!" he kept on mumbling. "I saw it,"

Knox approached him and lifted him back to the bed. "I believed you, so wear this and eat breakfast. We will settle things after that," he said.

"Neal, you can trust me. I saved you once." He added before walking out, leaving the room.