True Motive

When Neal headed down the stairs, a maid smiled at him and accompanied him in the dining room where he saw Knox sitting already, having his coffee.

He was wearing glasses and scrolling on his phone. When Neal sat down, the maid started to put food in front of his plate before leaving them.

The delicious smell immediately reached his nostrils and he found himself digging in. He got exhausted from the events that happened so fast that his hunger overtook him right now.

Seeing his cheeks bulging and wearing that yellow pajama, Knox paused from scrolling through his phone and the only thing that hitted his eyes were the vampire eating in front of him. His chest felt this ticklish sensation that brought a grin on his lips.

"Do you like it? You can ask for more if you're hungry," He said.

Noticing that presence of the man, Neal nearly choked. He got so excited from eating that he forgot that he wasn't alone at the dining table. He gulped a half glass of water.

His cheeks blushed. "Thank you for the food," he mumbled just audibly enough to be heard by the other man.

Knox flicked his fingers and from the kitchen, another man walked towards him. Matthew was already frowning from this man's command. He bowed his head. "Good morning," he greeted the vampire.

Neal just gave him a nod, which made Knox grinned by feeling that he's more special than Matthew. "You just received a nod while he pointed a gun at me."

His assistant's eyebrows furrowed. "And you're happy with that? Are you a masochist?" he snorted. "Why the hell did you bring a vampire to your place? You know the chairman won't let you slip this time."

Knox rolled down his glasses. "At least he will have a reason to drag me out of here." he mumbled, still eyes on Neal.

Matthew was so lost for words. He just rubbed his head in disappointment.

Knox clasped his hands below his chin and the aura around him changed. "Matthew, did you find what I asked you?"

"Of course," the assistant whispered back.

"Okay," the man clapped his hands. "Neal, this is Matthew. He is my personal assistant. Feel free to ask him whatever you like to know." He put down his glasses on the table. "We were going somewhere so tell him what kind of clothes do you like,"

Matthew lost it and his clenched fist while glaring at his boss. "Don't just say whatever you want. Geez!"

Neal noticed that they really weren't in a good relationship as assistant and master. Even him can tell himself that he won't waste his patience if Knox is his boss. He swallowed the last piece of his steak.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "He's sharp. I thought he's not interested." he said.

Knox chuckled and tapped his shoulders. "I told you. He's different, right?" He stood up and glanced at Neal. "That's a secret. If you don't come with me, I'm going to lock you down in my basement forever." he said.

Neal rolled his eyes. "At least make sure that your basement is well sanitized, pervert!" He snorted, turning his head.

Matthew nearly laughed, but he didn't want to break the first impression he just made in front of this vampire.

After eating and filling himself, Neal followed Matthew into the living room and told him the clothes that he's comfortable to wear. The assistant was amazed by his senses, since whenever he will try to ask a personal question, Neal will dodge it quickly.

'He's impressive and well guarded,' he thought.

When they headed out, the blue sky welcomed Neal and he felt the warmth of the sunlight once again. He saw men in suits again in front of the house while waiting for the car.

At this moment he observed the surroundings. The house looks like a modern mansion with a beautiful garden in front that's well maintained along with the fountain.

This place is not bad at all. Everything is beautiful. Even the pathways were made of cobblestones.

A black car finally parked in front of them. The windows rolled down and it revealed Knox's handsome face smiling at Neal. "Hop in," he said.

Matthew moved and opened the door for the vampire, and when he was about to enter, Knox cleared his throat.

"Matthew, this one is important and private. I want you to stay here. I'm only taking Mr Oliver with me,"

The assistant closed the door and nodded his head. Neal didn't say a word until the ride went on. He put his eyes on the window and tried to memorize everything on the way. In case he needs to escape from this man, he can find his way out.

"Enjoying the view?" Knox peeked from the front. "Do you want me to play music?" He asked.

Neal sneered at him. "I don't need it. If you're not going to tell me where we are going then shut your mouth."

The driver only gulped after hearing this and tried to focus. He thought that his boss would explode and will beat the shit out of that vampire's mouth, but Knox only smirked and put his eyes back on the road.

"I see. I'm sorry, Mr Oliver but I'm not going to tell you where we're heading. Just stay still and don't ever jump out of the car." Knox said. He took out his phone and a grin showed on his face when he finally received the reply he's been waiting for since earlier.

He was glad that Neal wasn't looking at the rearview mirror and only had his eyes on the road. He didn't find it hard to hide his real motives and plans.

After a long ride, Neal finally felt the car stopped. But the one who surprised him was the people who greeted him when he opened the car door.

He instantly froze on the spot after finding out that he was in the police station.

"Neal Oliver, you are under arrest and the primary suspect of killing Officer Ren,"

Handcuffs were put on his wrists.