
The next morning, Knox woke up earlier. He had a lot in his hands today. He put on his black robe in front of the mirror and when the soft fabric accidentally scratched his neck, he flinched.

The spot where Neal bit him didn't fade, in fact it left a mark. And every now and then, the mark will feel hot and sore for a reason he didn't even know why.

Knox ignored it for a couple of days, but the longer he ignored it the more it would feel painful. And everytime it will feel painful, there's this emotion that will surge up in him that keeps on longing for that vampire.

His forehead creased. It must be because he was just taken aback by his beauty, right? Knox wanted to explore these feelings he felt for the first time. Usually, he will get interested in someone when they're a target or a future subject waiting in his basement.

It seemed like he really got fucked up after meeting that vampire.

"How long are you going to stay there? You're already past the appointment time."

Knox can already imagine Matthew's disappointed expression behind that door. He took his black coat and walked towards the door.

The moment he opened it and walked through the corridors going downstairs, Matthew's scolding already rang in his ears.

"You know that you got an appointment because of the chairman and yet you don't even show your face in the company," He checked his wristwatch. "The car is ready outside."

Knox put on his coat and fixed his collar then he walked faster to the front door. "I know, I know. Quit your nagging, Mr assistant." He grinned after seeing the car and the men in suits greeted him.

The weather was good today and his mood was much better because he's on his way to the Vespion facility. Because of his old man, he got an appointment. Since he was bitten by the Vespion's 2nd rank vampire, they told him to come and let them examine the bite mark.

The ride didn't take that long. They quickly reached the facility and just like another building, it looks like a company. The design of the veranda was pretty. Glass walls and friendly employees. Everyone was welcoming.

"Hello, sir. Are you Mr Knox and Mr Matthew?" a pretty lady greeted them in the lobby.

Matthew stepped forward and shook hands with the lady as he introduced themselves. After that, she accompanied them all the way to the upper floors.

The lady showed her I.D to the guards and with that they opened the door.

"This is the farthest way I can accompany you. Please have a seat and wait for the doctor." She smiled at them before walking away.

Knox already felt very at home sitting down and twirling the chair. This palace exceeds his expectations. The interior design is amazing and very modern. Employees even needed to be scanned before getting permission.

In the middle of their silence, the door on the right side of the office opened and a tall lady wearing a white coat walked towards the desk. She had this intimidating expression as she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm Doctor Ava, the one who will examine you,"

Matthew stood up. "Hello, doctor my name is Matthew and this is my boss, Knox. We came here–"

"I know," Doctor Ava cut him off. "Because he was bitten by the Vespion's 2nd rank vampire, right?" she lowered her glasses and glanced at Knox. "Mr Knox, can you please move over here so that I can take a look?"

Knox nodded his head and moved to the closer chair. Doctor Ava left her desk and asked the man to remove the bandaid on his neck. As soon as she saw the mark, she furrowed.

The printed mark was very clear. The droplet-like lines forming a circle with a flame petal in the middle. It's indeed Neal's mark of possession.

"He's hopeless," she mumbled, pinching her nose. "Mr Knox, would you mind explaining why this happened?"

A smirk formed on Knox's lips. "It's strange that you needed to ask me, Doctor. Did your 2nd rank little vampire didn't tell you how he seduced me with his beauty?"

Matthew almost got choked after hearing Knox's boldness. And before he could speak up, Doctor Ava chuckled scornfully.

"You got a nerve there, Mr Knox. Do you even know where you got yourself into? Let me put it this way since you already assumed, but the one who seduced you was the Vespion's 2nd rank vampire." she clasped her fingers and cupped her chin.

"Do you want to know the consequences of getting marked by this beauty you're talking about?"

Knox handsomely chuckled. "If it is going to cause my life, then I guess it's my pleasure, doctor." he said.

Doctor Ava sneered. "Well, I don't really care about your life. I worked here because I want to study vampires more. If there was someone that needed to lecture you then I guess it's not me,"

The door suddenly clicked open and their eyes went to that someone who just entered.

"You're late. I told you to come here 30 minutes before the exact time," Doctor Ava scolded.

Neal froze when he recognized the visitors inside, but that surprise expression of his didn't last when he clearly saw the exposed neck of Knox having the mark Doctor Ava was talking about.


He stormed towards Knox, grabbing him straight on the collar. The chair fell down along with their bodies together and the man below winced when his back hit the cold floor.

Seeing that Neal was sitting on him again, an evil grin occupied Knox's lips. He adored that beautiful face looming in front of his eyes along with the bright light.

"Do you like climbing on top of me that much? How cute~"

Neal's eyebrows meet between his nose. "Shut up!" He tightened his grip on the man's collar. "You shouldn't be sticking your nose everywhere. Why didn't you push me away that night?"

The atmosphere got filled with Knox's giggles. "How could I push you away if you wanted hope so bad?"