Blood Thirst


"Is he okay?"

Hellion's last words echoed in Ava's ears. She was Vespion's doctor, a human. Specialist when it comes to vampires. A prodigy of her family. She's been working here for almost 5 years and putting Neal into a sleeping state isn't new to her.

They both turned their eyes to the guy sleeping on one of the hospital beds there. She clicked her tongue. "I already told him to take care of himself. He's been very stubborn ever since he got permission to work under the police."

Seeing the frowning eyebrows from her, Hellion understood what the lady wanted to say. Even though Ren was still alive, Neal rarely drank his blood. The reason why is because he kept on saying that he didn't want to treat his brother like a blood bank.

Neal felt being treated like a human only from Ren, and the more their connections deepened the more he didn't want to abuse his companion. Where the truth is, it's Ren's job to give him the proper amount of blood.

Companions were well selected humans getting examined before submitting themselves to their vampire partners. Ren undergoes strict examination in order to pass as Neal's companion. Well, vampires really all like that.

Neal's condition is different. In order for his metabolism and immune system to be stable, he needed to build a deep connection to his companion to not be disgusted by their blood. Maybe because his ability is to read someone's memory by drinking their blood. And drinking different kinds of blood will really leave you traumatized.

Unless, Neal marked someone to be his companion forever. But according to Ava, it's impossible because the vampire had no interest in dating or taking any relationship and he is hot tempered.

Marking someone for Neal is like asking for marriage and other stuffs.

Hellion put his hands in his pockets. "When will he wake up?"

The doctor adjusted her glasses. "He will wake up soon, but better call me quickly because he will surely crave for blood."

She waved her hands and the hem of her long white coat swayed along with her moves. "I'm going now, better keep an eye on him. He's vulnerable in that state."

Hellion's forehead creased. Observing the sleeping beauty in front of him. Sometimes he still can't believe that Neal is a male species. His eyes went down to the sleeping guy's arms with an IV fluid tube.

He looked so white under the bright light so Hellion pulled the curtains. Neal didn't like bright places that much. Then his gaze went to his face, pointed nose, small soft ears and his reddish lips like his crimson eyes.

Hellion swallowed. "What the heck am I thinking?" He scolded himself. "If he can read my mind, he will surely kill me."


Neal slowly lifted his eyelids and the looming curtains covering half of the light welcomed his consciousness. He felt this tube connected to his veins so he realized that he was in the hospital.

Slowly lifting his upper body and leaning on the edge of the bed, Neal massaged his head a little. He roamed around and saw Hellion sitting on a chair while scrolling through his phone.

"Oh, you're awake." Hellion reached for something. "Hold on, I'm going to call Doctor Ava," he pressed the button and the speaker gave them an answer.

Just in a minute, Doctor Ava already entered the room with her usual things, folder and a pen. She didn't have her glasses right now.

Seeing the sight of the lady, Neal felt the shivers as he made a small wave. "Hello, Doctor Ava."

The lady walked closer to the bed. "You finished the IV fluid. I'm going to remove it now." She pulled chair and carefully aid Neal's arms, removing the tube and plastering a bandaid.

"What happened to me?" Neal asked.

Ava put her hands on her waist. "Really, Neal?" She clicked her tongue. "You just collapsed because of blood thirst. Are you planning on killing yourself? I can't believe that the 2nd rank of the Vespion was like this."

Neal averted his gaze. This is why he didn't want to be hospitalized because Ava will scold him until the next day. His lips pouted and he mumbled while frowning. "I'm sorry, I really got occupied while preparing my things since I'm moving out."

"And do you think you can use that as an excuse?" Ava bonked his head softly with the folder she's been holding. "How many times do I need to tell you to take care of yourself? Should I just cut off your ears since you're not listening? Hmm?"

"I'm sorry, okay?" Neal snorted.

Ava was hopeless because that's not the real deal. After examining the results, she found out this unbelievable analysis. Even her was left in agape after repeating it a couple of times.

Her expression became serious. "Neal, we need to discuss something." she said.

Both Hellion and Neal jolted from the tone of her voice. The atmosphere stiffened and they knew that Ava wasn't joking this time.

Neal gulped. "Yes, Doctor."

The lady glanced at Hellion then back to him. "Is it okay for him to hear what I have to say? This is a private matter."

Neal felt his chest skip a beat and he suddenly felt nervous. "It's fine." He clenched the blankets. "The higher ups will still find this out anyway. You need to report everything to them, right?"

Ava nodded. "I'm sorry, but it's my job." she said.

"It's fine. Please tell me. Hellion helped me a lot so it's fine if he heard."

Ava looked Neal straight at his eyes. She breathed first before saying. "Neal, you marked someone, didn't you?"

Neal's jaw dropped open as he covered his mouth with his surprised doe crimson eyes. His cheeks turned red and he blushed hard. He is sensitive when it comes to this topic. Because marking someone is not like a companion.

It's like a red string of fate. Bonding them until the day they died.