Knox's Whereabouts

"How long are you going to sulk there?"

Matthew broke the man's silence, slamming these folders on the desk. He sat in front of his boss with crossed arms. "How long are you going to ignore the chairman?"

Knox ignored him, because he knew that Matthew's scolding would take them forever again. He took the folders and asked. "Is everything included here?"

Matthew rolled his eyes in disappointment. "Do you also need the interval of his breaths? His schedule?" he clicked his tongue. "You're hopeless."

The other man chuckled. "If that's possible then why not? After all, your abilities as an intel is extraordinary,"

At this point, Matthew didn't know if Knox was praising him or making fun of him. These files isn't even in his plans, but because he is the boss, he squeezed the spare time just to find this informations.

There's nothing new in doing these things. After all, as a mafia, they should have the information about their target first, but that vampire isn't even a target. Knox already surrendered him to the police station and just by observing Neal, Matthew noticed that they had the same thought.

They hated Knox down to his guts.

This also his first time to see Knox getting so invested in one person who isn't a human but a vampire. Matthew knew that their hands were already filled with blood. Working underground and being a part of a mafia, Knox never laid his interest to someone aside from rogans.

Yes, Knox was busy unfolding the mysteries about this unknown species. The reason why he's always ditching his old man.

"Could it be that he's a victim too?" He mumbled.

Knox clasped his hands and his black gloves tightened, "Bingo," he uttered.

He continued flipping through the folders, laying everything on the wide surface of the table. He got Neal's picture on his hands and his fingers couldn't help but caressed those rosy cheeks. Knox suddenly recalled the softness of that vampire's skin when he touched him this morning while sleeping.

Matthew gave him a disgusting look. "You look like a pervert."

Knox snorted a chuckle. "A handsome pervert." he corrected.

His assistant's expression changed and he turned serious. There's this thought that's been bothering him since earlier, so he wanted to ask the man.

"Does it sound suspicious?"

"Hmm?" The man clasping his gloves turned to him. "What do you mean?" Knox got piqued by his assistant's question.

Matthew irked an eyebrow. "Rogans usually attack normal humans. They crave blood so it's a given that they attack a human. According to the investigation, the officer was attacked right inside of the house. On the balcony."

He fell silent for a second before continuing.

"Isn't it more dangerous, given that Mr Oliver was there too? How did they get the courage to attack into a vampire's turf? Knowing that the Vespion's 2nd rank vampire is living there."

A cunning smile occupied Knox's lips as he laid down those pieces of papers. Right in front of him was a copy of the investigation about Ren's death. Not only that, but Neal Oliver's identity too.

"You got a point," he agreed. The side of his black slanted eyes lifted up. "Unless they're aiming for the vampire himself."

A string snapped inside Matthew's thoughts. "That's it! Maybe they're aiming for the vampire, but the brother sacrifices himself instead."

Knox's eyes didn't leave Neal's picture. He grinned. "Interesting,"

Those black irises of his cunningly smirked along with his lips. "Now I want to know more about him. State everything, Matthew."

The assistant felt this serious aura around the man. Same when they have important things they need to finish about work. Matthew cleared his throat and explained.

"Neal Oliver didn't really have any memories about him. Where he came from, his parents or why did he have an ability. Everything including his personal information was only limited to the year he came to the Vespion. He was put in the police department as a detective because he can see someone's memory by drinking their blood. Vampires or humans."

Knox's hands tightened around the side of the couch when he heard Matthew said the line about reading memories.

Something inside him flinched from that thought. Neal can read memories, then can he also read his?

Knox shakes his head. "Tell me more,"

The assistant nodded. "According to the reports, he is the 2nd strongest member of Vespion, so I advised to don't underestimate him like your previous toys. The first one was Hellion Cassius." he placed a picture on the table.

Knox scanned the photo. "I saw him earlier. He came to the police station." he said.

Matthew nodded. "Neal Oliver lived 3 years with Ren Oliver, the police officer who he treated like a real brother and only family. Ren was also his companion. Vampires need a stable supply of blood. Vespion selected a few humans for their members. Ren was chosen."

Again, hearing their relationship irritates Knox. "How about the reason why he seemed furious that night and ended up biting me?" He rubbed his neck. "It still stings, you know?"

"I believe it's because of his triggered state. Just like humans, vampires have triggered states too. He lost someone whom he dearly cherished as a family and the police chased him as if he was the real killer. Of course, all of his emotions will lead him to crack his insanity. That night when you saved him, he was hopeless as you mentioned that he's crying and begging you to save him."

Neal's crying face with those pitiful crimson doe eyes of his who looks hopeless as he clings to him that night under the cold rain and thundering sky slowly bang Knox's thoughts. It was a good sight.

He thought that Neal was a rogan because they were chasing one that night too, but he ended up meeting him. Could it be fate?

Matthew cleared his throat loud enough to break the man. "Excuse me, if you're daydreaming you should stop now. You don't even know how strong he is. He won't let you dominate him." He said bluntly.

An evil grin stretched Knox's cheeks. "I will let him dominate me instead."

"He totally lost it," Matthew mumbled.