The Vespion Agency

The turning off engine of the car woke him up. Neal squinted his eyes and let out a small yawn. He tried to stretch but then realized that he's already inside a car.

"Good morning," Hellion's voice reached his ears so he met his gaze.

"What is happening?" Neal mumbled, looking outside the car. Just by scanning those familiar veranda and those people walking in and out wearing the same uniform, gave him the real idea.

"How did we come here?" He asked, but couldn't recall moving out of the apartment he used to live in.

"You sleep all the way." Hellion took out the car key. "Don't worry, I packed everything in the back of the car and in the trunk. As for the big things, the agency truck took it."

With still a wonder in his eyes, Neal blinked. "How long have I been sleeping?"

The other guy chuckled. "Almost 3 hours, I guess? I didn't wake you up until we emptied the apartment. You look very tired." He unlocked the doors, and stepped out of the car.

Neal unbuckled his seatbelt and noticed the coat on his body. Hellion must put it on him. A slight smile stretched across his face. Sometimes, he still can't understand how that bastard thinks, but he thinks that it's okay.

He exited the car and threw the jacket back at the man. "Thanks," he said.

Now that he's in the open space, Neal stretched his arms widely. The feeling of being here brings back some memories to him. His eyes traced that skyscraper building with a grin.

"Feels like I runaway from here," he giggled and headed to the entrance first.

Hellion followed him and the employees on the first floor greeted them. They're so surprised to know that Neal was going to live here again.

"It seems like you're still everyone's favorite," Hellion whispered to him when they took the elevator.

"Maybe because I'm special," Neal said back with a cunning grin. He was the second and yet everyone's attention was on him. He felt bad while standing next to the top 1 in the Vespion.

Nothing changed that much. Everything was still in order and the floor's appearances and walls remained the same. If there's something that changed here, he can say that it was the new employees.

They reached the top floor and the ones watching the door gave them their uniform and their I.D pass.

Right behind this door were the other members of the Vespion. Neal really didn't know if they were all here, but he needed to report back to the captain.

He slid his I.D pass and the silver doors opened. The scanning system analyzes his being before turning green. The same happened to Hellion as they both successfully entered the room.

The walls glowed and welcoming letters slowly curve the thought, catching Neal's attention. For him, who just got out of a distress situation, it was enough to touch his heart.

"Thank you, captain." He said.

The room's atmosphere went back to normal and the desk in the middle of the room slowly showed itself. There was someone who's sitting on the desk with his fingers clasped under his chin.

His black hair was already gray. Red eyes with a scar on his left side. "You finally come back, Neal."

The vampire bowed and gave his respect. "Nice to see you again, captain."

The one sitting on that swivel chair was Elijah, the captain of the Vespion. He was the one managing each member. The one who knew them all and their abilities. He may look old and serious, but he has a soft spot for cats.

Hellion cleared his throat. "Uhm, should I leave you two?" He awkwardly asked.

"It's fine, you can sit too." Elijah ordered.

The two members pulled a chair and sat down. Being here after a long time made Neal nervous and excited. Knowing that he was called, for sure, Elijah will tell them something.

He kept his guard up, hoping that it was about rogans.

"How are you, Neal? You look tired." Those were the first words that came out of the captain's mouth.

Neal smiled. "I'm just a little tired from packing my things, captain." He replied.

Elijah glanced at Hellion. "I told you to help him, right?"

Hellion flinched from those calm eyes. Because he knew the real meaning behind those. He waved his hands up. "Captain, I helped him all the way. I swear. I let him sleep and he woke up when we're already here."

Neal raised his hands. "It's true, captain."

From his clasped fingers, Elijah put his hands down, squinting his eyes at Hellion, still doubting because he knew this man's nature very well.

"Captain! I swear. I'm not lying here," Hellion snorted. His lips pouted while Neal just giggled.

Elijah cleared his throat. He didn't want to take this any further that's why he quickly announced.

"I would like you to take a month of break starting today, Neal Oliver,"

Both Hellion and Neal were taken aback and their jaws dropped open.

"Ca–Captain?" Neal stuttered. "Are you sure about that?" he seemed not very pleased by what he heard.

Elijah nodded immediately. Waiting for the male to praise and thank him, but it didn't happen. He tilted his head to the side and glanced at the second rank vampire. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Neal averted his gaze and gulped. "No–Nothing! Thank you so much, captain." He secretly felt devastated by hearing that. He wasn't expecting it at all.

He thought that Elijah was going to give them a new mission. Neal was speechless that he didn't want to ruin the good atmosphere.

He just promised Ren that he'll going to seek justice and yet here he is, failed already. How will he be able to find clues if he can't work with the police department?

Elijah cleared his throat again. "If you don't have anything to say, you're dismissed. Don't worry, even if you're on rest you can still use the facility as you please."

The two vampires stood up. "Thank you so much, captain!"

And just like that, the silver door closed and they walked forward the corridors. Neal kept on sighing all the way.

"What will I do now? I feel like I'm a failure. What the heck am I supposed to do with a month of rest? I don't need it. I want to investigate," he whined.

Hellion furrowed his brows at him. "Then, why didn't you tell the captain?"

"He won't listen to me. He will surely just tell me that I'm just sad." Neal said, brushing his face.

His eyes widened when he sniffed this familiar smell from his palm. The red substance spread on his hand and Hellion exclaimed.

"You have a nosebleed!"

Neal glanced at the guy and he stumbled, losing his consciousness in Hellion's embrace.