

"Why are you frowning?" Elijah broke the silence upon putting back his eyes at the vampire who's still sulking.

Hellion used this chance to lean closer to the man. "He's very pissed about that mark, captain." he whispered, then from the side, he saw Neal glaring at him coldly.

He sweetly smiled and cleared his throat. "What's wrong? I'm just telling the truth," Hellion averted his gaze. "You kept on glaring at me since this morning." he mumbled.

Elijah chuckled at them. "You two really have a weird relationship, eh?" he said. "Neal?" he called out. "You know why I called you here, right?"

Neal nodded. "Yes, captain." He clenched his fist under the table and felt the atmosphere turn stiff. There's only one reason, it's about his mark.

Truthfully, he really didn't want to tell it to the captain but as the vampire under Vespion's care, they needed to know every little information about him. Doctor Ava won't even let it pass. The woman was very dedicated to her work.

He wasn't even expecting that this day would come. When it comes to romantic relationships, Neal didn't know a single thing. He thought that these kinds of stuff were only troublesome. Given that he has a short temper, he thought that no one would like that.

"The higher ups have already decided." Elijah broke his thoughts. He just received this petition about Neal and the decision was already written on the paper.

Heating this both Hellion and Neal flinched. They know how crazy the higher ups can decide. There's once this one time when Hellion accidentally beat the shit out of an innocent civilian and he was immediately sent to another island.

He spent 2 months on that island reflecting on his mistakes. Recalling this, Hellion felt gloomy. Now that it was Neal who received their verdict, he couldn't help but sympatized.

"I'm going to read it now." Elijah said, clearing his throat.

The two vampires nodded and gulped.

The man with long gray hair up to his shoulders, Elijah, opened the folder and took the first page.

"Neal Oliver. Vespion's 2nd rank vampire, marked a human; was going to be detained at Mr Knox's house, his new companion. The facility will make sure that Neal Oliver will receive proper assistance and safety under Mr Knox's care. Given that the mentioned name was already under Neal Oliver's possession, both party should agree,"

After hearing what Elijah said, Neal's jaw dropped and he totally lost it. "Captain, you can't do this to me~" he whined like a child. "Just throw me into a faraway island,"

"Neal, you will die there. You need Mr Knox's blood." Elijah corrected him, closing the folder. "Do you want to die?"

Neal gulped and put his hands down. If he died right now then he won't be able to avenge his brother. It's true that he needed Knox's blood, but he didn't want things to be in that way. He wanted something he could get in return too.

It's not like he's insane about blood. Back then, he could hold himself from drinking Ren's blood. Doing it to Knox wasn't that hard. It's just a mark anyway. He really can't understand why that mark seemed very important as if it would affect his life.

If only his brother didn't die, he wouldn't take such a risk.

"You want to continue investigating about rogans, right?" Elijah spoke again, pushing the contract to Neal.

Neal nodded his head, he won't deny it right now. He didn't know that Hellion secretly talked about this with Elijah yesterday and because of him, the captain came to a conclusion.

"I asked the higher ups in return, Mr Knox will help you with anything you want to know about rogans," he said.

Neal's doe crimson eyes sparkled and his pouting lips curved up. "Really, captain?"

Elijah nodded. "Yes, but make sure to not be so clumsy. You are still under surveillance even if you're going to stay out, so be careful."

"Yes, captain!" Neal exclaimed, finally getting his hopes up. "When will I leave?"

Hellion almost gasped after hearing that. He looked at Neal's expression and then sneered. "You changed your mind like a lightning." he clicked his tongue while shaking his head. "This rogan maniac vampire,"

Neal heard him but he just ignored and put his gaze in front. "Can I leave tomorrow?" he asked.

Elijah wanted him to go as soon as possible because he knew how Neal was so into investigating rogans, but there's one problem.

"Uhm, about that. Neal, can you do that on Saturday?"

Neal paused, "Eh? Why?" he asked.

Elijah clasped his fingers under his chin. "It's just that–Theo,"

"Aiya~you didn't tell me that he's going back, captain." Hellion immediately snorted. "You are so bias,"

Elijah frowned. "I just received a notification. Why are you so angry then? Do you want me to kick you out, Hellion?" He snorted too. "Aish, this kid." he mumbled, dismayed.

"Oh, is he done with his exams?" Neal asked.

Elijah turned his eyes to him. "Yes, the moment he knew that you're coming back, he already wanted to dash here." he rubbed his head after recalling how stubborn Theo was.

"I told him that if he finished his exams you would see him. You know that kid only favors you." He added.

"It's because you two were always tolerating him," Hellion butt in from the sides. Seeing these two hopeless, he stood up. "By the way, I'm going now. You guys continued."

He bowed his head at Elijah. "I'm going, captain."

The man gave him a wave as he watched Hellion step out of the door. When it was only him and Neal, he asked.

"Can you consider my suggestion? Theo really wanted to see you."

Neal quickly nodded. "Sure, it's not a big deal. I want to ask Theo about his exams and how he's doing at school too. He can send me off if he wanted,"

Elijah smiled at this. "Okay, I'm going to tell him later. You're dismissed now."

The vampire stood up and bowed his head. "Yes, captain."