

The students walking in the hallways were busy chatting with each other. The exam is finally over and everyone can now breathe. One of them was this guy who was freely swaying his hands while making big steps.

"Aiyaa~Finally, I can see Neal!" He giggled and his thin pink lips curved up into a smile. When he was about to turn to the corner of the stairway, he paused.

A female student carrying a lot of books was on his way and she was about to stumble because the height she can see is only higher than the stock of books in her arms.


Before she could even breath, a swift gush of wind blew onto her and it surprised her. It touched her like a gentle breeze and the moment she blinked her eyes, the books that were on her arms were now in the other student's hands.

"Do you want me to help you?"

That sweet smile stretched his face. He tilted his head to the side. "It seemed like you were carrying a lot of books," he added.

The female student gulped and blinked. She didn't know what to say because what happened was so fast that she didn't feel the presence of someone. She looked around and then flinched.

"N-No! It's fine," She waved her hands in the air. "Thank you!" Her cheeks blushed.

"Let me help you," the guy replied. He turned around and the strands of his silver hair swayed along, leaving a fragrant smell. The female student felt her heart skip a beat. This guy is cute and a gentleman.

She didn't talk all the way until they reached the library. The guy waved goodbye and headed to the front gate.

A car was already parked there and his eyes beamed as soon as another man in black suit opened the car door. "Greetings, young master Theo,"

"Hello, Noah." He giggled and put his bag in front. "How's your day?"

Noah, his personal butler, nodded. "Things are always the same, young master." He took the bag. "Please get inside the car." He also got in the driver's seat and drove.

On the way, he couldn't help but notice Theo's smile through the rearview mirror. They stopped when the red light turned on.

Watching the people crossing the street, he asked. "It seems like the young master is very happy today."

"Hmm?" Theo turned to him. He couldn't hide the grin on his cheeks while looking outside the car window. It's been so long since he last saw Neal, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Can we buy takoyaki on the way before going to Vespion?" He asked.

"Yes, young master. No problem." Noah replied, giggling softly. He was fine with it too. It's Theo's nature to bring takoyaki every time he visits the Vespion Agency. Knowing that Neal was there, he won't forget it.

"Noah," the guy sitting in the backseat called out. "Do you think Neal is okay?" he asked, worried eyes.

Noah glanced at him through the rearview mirror before putting his sight on the road as the green light turned on. Even though Theo looked like 15, this vampire already lived for years and he's one of the reasons why the family he was working under continued to get the spotlight in the business world.

Theo's companions were a couple who lost their child. Well, since Theo didn't like to drink blood directly from skin, they put it in a blood bag. Well, it's not that hard for the vampires to survive in this world because unlike in the past, they can eat normal foods too.

However, getting blood is much better for them. Ordinary vampires needed at least to drink blood 4x a week, while for Theo. As someone who has an ability, blood is more needed especially if he needed to fight.

"Young master, please don't worry that much. I know Mr Oliver wll be happy to see you." He said, making a U turn.

Theo hummed and leaned his back. "Should I give him a whole store of takoyaki?" she beamed, clueless.

Noah sighed. "Young master, it's not what I'm talking about. How will Mr Oliver finish it at all?" he said.

Theo turned gloomy with his pursed lips. "But I heard that his brother died, right?" his crimson irises sadden. "I'm just worried." Then his fist clenched tightly because deep inside, he already wanted to kill whoever made Neal feel this way.

He also had another reason why he wanted to visit the Vespion Agency. Theo wanted to investigate too since the sighting of rogans is slowly getting more attention. In the news, there were a lot of cases happening these past weeks.

Finally, the car stopped and when Theo turned his gzae, he immediately met the familiar veranda in the front of the tall building of Vespion.

Noah turned off the engine. "We are here, young master." he stepped out of the car and dashed to the other side to open the door for the other guy.

Theo hopped out of the car and scanned the surroundings. He suddenly missed the vibes around here. It took him two months before finally getting some free time. He promised the couple that he will pass the exam for them.

"Let's go inside, young master." Noah led the way.

The guards let them in and as usual, the receptionist smiled and waved her hands to Theo. Who couldn't resist that cute boy? Everyone here adored him.

While on their way on the elevator, someone who's surely not from there caught Theo's eyes. There were two men waiting for the elevator too, but the one who took his attention was the man with black slanted eyes.

He looked intimidating even though he is quiet. Theo scanned him from head to toe before ignoring him.

The empty elevator opened and when he was about to step in, someone moved too and their eyes met.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You can go first." The man with black slanted eyes said, moving backwards. Then the one next to him whispered, "Don't start a fight with a kid."

Hearing them, Theo's eyes twitched. "I'm not a kid," he snorted.