Vespion's Baby


"Make sure to call me if anything bad happens. You know I'm only one call away from you. And also, the captain told you to be more careful." Hellion repeated.

"You are so noisy," Neal snorted. He understood that this man was just worried, but he knew that he wasn't a kid.

His eyebrows furrowed while reading those papers. Those papers contained the latest information about the rogans. Thanks to Hellion, sneaking it out from the agency's top intel. He really could get everything he wanted.

"What? I'm just concerned about you," Hellion snorted, raising an eyebrow after noticing the other vampire's focus. He sighed and pinched his nose. 'This rogan maniac,' he mumbled.

The door finally opened and as soon as the figures stepped inside, Neal quickly closed the folders and acted as if he wasn't doing anything. He knew that Ava would scold him. After all, their captain told him to keep everything about rogans a secret.

Neal stood up with Hellion and they greeted the doctor, but as soon as the side of his eyes noticed the other man, his lips sneered. He almost forgot that today was the day he was going to live with this man, in exchange for helping him.

The atmosphere immediately lightened up when the cute boy dashed to him. Theo hurried to Neal, snuggling onto him.

"Neal! I miss you!" Theo chuckled and hugged the other vampire who looked like a big brother to him. He didn't let go and stood next to him with a big smile on his face.

Neal looked at him and seeing those dimples forming side by side of this little boy's cheeks made him flutter. "How are you?" he asked.

Theo lifted his chin and his bright face met the vampire. "I passed my exams." He turned around and waved his hands to Noah, gesturing to give the takoyaki they bought on their way here.

"I bought your favorite!" he added. Noah stood next to him and then bowed to Neal. "Young master wanted to give you a present before going here so we bought a takoyaki," he said.

Hearing the word lightened up Neal and a smile formed across his cheeks. "Thank you, Sir Noah." he pinched Theo on the cheeks too. "Thank you,"

In the corner of that room, everyone who already knew Neal remained still, except that man who's been staring at him since earlier. Knox's face changed as soon as he saw those thin pinkish lips curved into a sweet smile in front of his eyes.

He felt that everything turned to ice and the only thing he could see was Neal smiling in his own world right now. Knox gulped and felt his throat dried up all of a sudden. "He can smile?"

Meanwhile, Matthew who could hear his mumbling nagged his shoulders. "What? Are you saying something?" he whispered back.

Knox jolted and then he came back to his senses. He lowered his head and stood straight partly adjusting his tie that suddenly felt tight. "Nothing," he replied.

"Are you guys done talking now?" Ava broke the silence and the cute reunion as she pulled a chair and sat down, crossing her legs and putting down her glasses.

Everybody looked at her and then it was Hellion who spoke first. "I feel like I should not be here," he said.

Ava gazed at him with a straight face. "And you're just noticing it now? You should have walked away earlier, Hellion."

Hellion snorted. "Ha?! I was just joking!" he clicked his tongue and then stood from the desk, glaring at Theo. "Even this little one didn't even give me a hug. You guys are so cruel!" he grabbed his coat.

Theo flinched. "And why would I give you a hug?! It's so gross!!" he exclaimed.

Hellion glared back at him, drawing a lightning between them. "Did you just call me gross! You child-like old vampire! Who's the gross one here?!" He said with a mocking voice.

Hearing the words, it made Theo flinched like a cat hissing with his tail up. He raised his fist and was about to make a move when the woman on the side stopped him.

"Not today, Theo." Ava said. "Put your hands down, unless you want me to dissect it too." she said in a calm voice.

Theo's glowing red eyes calmed down and then he put his hands down. Noah also tapped his shoulders with small words. "Young master, please stop."

"Hellion if you don't get the hell out of here I'm going to make you my experiment subject," Ava said.

Hellion stomped towards the door. "Why is it always my fault?! Goddamnit!" he snorted, slamming the door closed.

After finally kicking the one vampire out, Ava turned her chair and looked at everyone. "Take a seat and don't just stand there."

Matthew moved and offered a seat to Knox before sitting beside him. The chair was not that far from the doctor and they were all ears. Ava's face turned serious too, just like her mode while working.

She began introducing Matthew and Knox to Noah and Theo and then said what needed to be said in the meanwhile. Since Theo was also interested in knowing about rogans and he came here because he wanted to share a piece of information too, Ava let him talk.

"Why can't Neal just come with me?" He asked.

Ava glanced at him. "Theo, you know it's against the rules and Mr Knox and Neal have a different bond." she explained.

Theo's eyebrows furrowed. "Different bond?" He turned to Neal and then to Knox and then back to the woman.

Ava nodded. "Yes, they have a different case. Neal needed to stay closer to Mr Knox all the time." she added. "Neal's case is different from yours and taking two vampires as a companion is against the vespion's rules, right?"

Theo flapped down like his imaginary ears fell down too. His expression turned sadder. "I know," he mumbled.

Neal felt a little shy about that. He didn't want to tell anyone that he accidentally marked this mafia man and now he couldn't live without him. The embarrassment building inside his body was enough to make him silent.

Meanwhile, he could see from the side of his crimson eyes that Knox was smirking quietly. He glanced at him and their eyes met, then Neal rolled his eyes as he looked away.