Take You Home

"Mr Knox, are we all clear now?"

The woman asked, still not looking away from the man's eyes. She wanted to make sure that this mafia understood everything. She wouldn't let Neal slip away if this man backed out after a few days.

Knox just chuckled handsomely and then leaned his back on the chair. "I understand everything, doctor." he said.

Ava was still not convinced. Even her, didn't know how Neal met this man and accidentally marked him. As far as she knew Neal, the vampire would not dare to touch someone if it's not his business. The only human that she saw Neal was comfortable with was Ren.

Since Neal was outside with Theo, she grabbed this chance to give a medium box to the man. "Mr Knox, I would not advise you to be in this kind of thing, but if he suddenly got out of his character because of his thirst, I will let you use that."

She pointed at the medium box on the desk. With a confused face, Knox stared at the box. "What's this, Doctor?" he asked.

The woman smirked. "See for yourself." She replied.

Knox slowly opened the medium box and his eyes got surprised a little after knowing what was inside. "Handcuffs?" with a smirk on his cheeks, he closed it. "Why would I need to use this?"

"Just in case, he turned into something else." Ava warned. "Don't underestimate the Vespion's second strongest vampire, Mr Knox. You don't know how much he can do with that ability." she said with a serious face.

"I will put that in mind," Knox stood up, tucking his coat and giving the box to Matthew who immediately put it in the small paper bag.

Then the door opened and Neal peek from the other side of the door with a question. "Are you guys not done yet?"

Ava smiled at him, standing from her chair as the hem of her white gown fluttered. She walked towards Neal and tapped him on the shoulder. "I already talked to them and gave them warnings. You're free to go." she said.

Theo appeared from his side, pulling his shirt. "Are you going now?" he asked.

Neal lowered his gaze and nodded. "Yes, we can meet some other time if you want. I'm only one call away." he assured.

Before they melted from each other's gazes, a warm arm wrapped itself around Neal's waist and it made him flinch. His ears turned red by the sudden skinship and as soon as he was back to his senses, Knox was already enjoying the expression he saw from the vampire.

"Are you guys not done yet with your reunion?" Knox emphasized those words while looking at Theo.

Neal tried to push the man in a good way. He didn't want Theo to see how violent he was. He was always the role model for him because he was proud to be called as the Vespion baby's big brother. However, the mafia man didn't even budge.

He was used to this kind of thing because he has a ticklish body and sensitive touch so he really didn't want to make a skinship that much. Though it feels like being with this man will make him lose his patience because of how clingy he was.

Matthew cleared his throat and then he waved his hands at Theo. "I'm sorry for suddenly breaking in, but we need to go now. My boss has a meeting and we are in a hurry." he explained in a mannered way.

Noah tapped Theo on the shoulders and mumbled. "Let's go too, Young Master."

With his curved down lips, Theo nodded and hugged Neal for the last time. "Make sure to bake some cake for me, okay?" he said.

"I will," Neal said, smiling and trying to hide the uncomfortable feeling he has because of that snaking arm around him. He secretly glared at the man.

Knox chuckled. "Since we are all clear now," he glanced at Neal with a smirk and said. "I am taking you home." he said.

The vampire got surprised, and it made him quiet with his red ears as he looked away from that handsome face. He walked faster until they reached the parking lot and saw Theo and Noah enter their car.

Matthew opened the car door for Knox but as he was about to call him, Knox was already opening a door for Neal. It made Matthew sighed and ended up pinching his nose.

Neal quickly stepped inside the car with a frown on his face. He hugged his bag and then looked out of the window while the man sat in front next to the driver's seat.

Matthew didn't say a word and turned down the engine. He would just choose to be silent between this awkward atmosphere.

"I didn't know that you can bake," Knox adjusted the rearview mirror to check the vampire.

Neal raised an eyebrow. He looked back and then clicked his tongue. "It's a code," he said. He wanted to admit that he knew how to bake too. Ren and he used to bake a lot. Baking became their bonding time too and thinking of it again made him sad.

He clutched his bag tighter and then lowered his head. Neal suddenly missed his brother who was already at peace. Funny how he thought that Ren can really rest in peace now while his heart will remain full of wrath and regrets.

Now that he was just one step to know more about rogans, Neal didn't even budge to stop. He will find out the truth and the one behind all of these.

Thinking all of this, his eyelids slowly blinked. Now that he was sitting here, he realized that he hadn't gotten a proper sleep these past days because of his plans. With this, his surroundings started to feel quiet and blurry until he finally fell asleep.

Neal felt the rest his body was craving for, finally.