A Date With Me

The meeting was finally over and Neal was on his way down the lobby when he saw someone. His eyebrows immediately rose as soon as he saw the silhouette of that someone.

"What are you doing here?" He snorted, walking past by the man.

Knox smirked and then caught up with the vampire's pace. "I was waiting for you," he replied.

Neal halted and then he crossed his arms. "Didn't I tell you that I will go home on my own? Why are you even here? Vespion is not a playing place for a human like you," he rolled his eyes, walking forward again.

Walking towards the door, before he could open it, Knox already pushed it for him. Neal just clicked his tongue and ignored the man following him. He clearly told him that he can go home alone after the meeting.

Well, he should've expected this mafia man to follow.

He saw the black car parked in front of the agency building, and when he was about to open the car door again, Knox opened it.