
As soon as Neal closed the door, he slid down against the door and then snorted. Just by remembering what happened earlier was enough to make him blush. That was very close and he wasn't even in his right mind.

Also it made him a,so recalled that time when he bit Knox because he was already hungry for blood. He didn't want to jump at him because even though the mafia man would not mind, as a vampire he also had some circumstances when he would tremble and feel embarrassed.

Just by wearing this outfit and pretending to be a young lady to catch that agency's attention was already making his blood boil. He wasn't expecting that this trick would really work though. As Knox said, those people with high positions got intrigued after seeing him with the mafia.

It was the hotel owner who prepared the dinner for the chosen people. Now that he was thinking about it, Neal then got the hunch that maybe the hotel owner was one of those villains or worse a vampire.