Different Scent


Bea waved at Neal with a smile before turning her face to the big mirror. She focused on her face while making different expressions until the side of her eyes noticed the other young lady glancing at her.

Bea turned to Neal. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I bother you?" she giggled. "I was just practicing my facial expression because I'm nervous."

"It's fine," Neal replied. "Don't mind me." Though a string snapped his thoughts as soon as he noticed Bea's wrist. The edge of her sleeves have a red liquid smudged on it. It looked like blood.

He scanned the female secretly then he asked. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" Bea turned to him. "Yes, why?" she asked with a confused expression.

But before Neal could speak, the female scooted closer to him. "What's the brand of your lipstick?" she asked with a bright face.