Baiting The Rats

When he slowly opened his eyes, this warm touch from the fingers caressing his cheeks made him blinked. He slowly swayed his head and made his eyes bigger, taking a view of the handsome man.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Knox's voice tickled his ears.

Neal then almost jumped up from the sofa, finding out that his head was resting on the mafia man's lap. He looked around and when realized that it was only the two of them, he frowned.

"What happened?" he asked. Neal was still wearing his female outfit, so he knew that he didn't stir up that much trouble.

"You fainted," Knox replied. He took the pitcher to the table and poured water into the glass.

Neal gulped, not wanting to believe what he heard. "I fainted?" he asked. His face got filled with confusion.

The mafia man nodded. "Yes, don't you remember anything that made you faint? Mr Thomas found you with Bea in the female's comfort room. You've been out for like an hour." Knox handed him the glass of water to make him calm down.