Who Is He?

As soon as the vampire closed the door, he immediately noticed that shadow next to the entrance. That tall figure lifted up against the wall.

"Stop waiting for me like a dog." He walked faster while the mafia followed him.

A grin stretched across the mafia's cheeks, putting his hands in his pockets. "How did it go?" he asked.

Neal halted in front of the elevator, waiting for it. The side of his eyes roamed, making sure that there was no one eavesdropping. Knox knew about the joker card, and they were accomplices so not telling him is like cheating.

He had no choice. The mafia was telling him everything he needed to know too. "She said I can keep it. As for their reasons, I still don't know."

His eyebrows frowned, thinking if he joined them will they stop? He still had a lot of questions and making them so interested in him was one. "Why the hell they want me anyway?" he mumbled.