The Permission

Neal was surprised when that sudden someone grabbed his arms. He looked up and met those black slanted possessive eyes. "Where are you going?"

Knox tightened his grip around Neal's arm, "And who is he?" he asked.

The vampire backed away, taking his hands back. "What are you doing here?" he snorted.

The other tall man both glanced at them. "Am I bothering something?" he asked.

The mafia man glanced at the man and then he squinted his eyes. Knox then let go of Neal completely. "I was just wondering what he is doing with you." He replied.

The vampire quickly stepped in, taking their attention. "Wait a minute. Listen to me," he looked at Knox, "I want to talk to him."

The mafia man turned to him and then slightly squinted his eyes. "I just leave you for a second, what do you mean talk to?"