Just Be Here

Hours ago when they arrived at the Vespion agency, Neal was already restless. You can see it in his face. The nurses assisted them and treated their wounds. Hellion went with Alice and he also talked to Doctor Ava.

"Where are you going?" The woman asked him. She just put a bandage on his arms and he needed to rest.

Seeing Neal suddenly rushing outside was not a good sign. The vampire needed to rest. He was the one who fought a lot here.

"I'm going to check him," Neal replied, turning the knob of the glass door.

Hearing this, Doctor Ava sighed. "He will be fine," she replied. She put her folder down and pinched her nose. "You should be resting, Neal."

"I'm not that tired. I can walk." Neal insisted. "Can I go and visit him? I wanted to make sure that he's fine,"

The tone of his voice made the woman shake her head. She has no choice but to allow him. They were bonds after all, and it's not her right to stop him.

"Okay, but after you see him, take a rest." She added.