43. Chapter 43

Emmett stands off to Carina’s side, taking picture after picture on his phone as everyone congratulates the couple and gives them a hug. He already went around and photographed the setup, the chairs, the whole room, the lights, all the flowers and decorations.

Once he had a chance to speak with Travis about the wedding, Emmett didn’t know what to get the couple as a gift. Travis told him that he was in charge of decorations and Vic setting up the venue and Andy is the maid of honor/coordinator on the day. That the whole team and chipped in in some way. He suggested that Emmett could be the unofficial photographer.

He has taken his role very seriously.

Vic comes over to the newly married couple. She wants to let them know that the meal will be served in five minutes. She puts a hand on Carina’s shoulder. “How do you feel?” She grins.

Carina closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m glad that’s over.” Her anxiety about the nuptials ebbing away.

Vic laughs. “You guys are funny.”

Maya chimes in. “I agree with my wife.” She grins like a fool, using the word wife for the first time after they’ve been officially married. She reaches for Carina’s hand, interlocking their fingers. “I’m glad that’s over.” There’s all that build up before the wedding, the planning, the preparation, the stress. The worry and anxiety of the ceremony has now slipped away and been replaced with calm and a sense of security, relief. Now no one will be able to separate Carina from her, so that adds to the relief too.

“Okay, the food is going to be served shortly.” Vic tells them with a smile. “So, if you’ll take your seats.” It will be an indication for everyone else to take a seat at a table.

They are about halfway through their meal, which Carina has complimented and congratulated Maya on every time she tries something new from her plate. Maya chuckles and tells her she didn’t cook it, every time. She knows what Carina means to say though; to thank her for getting everything set up and the menu planned and set.

“So, tell me how your mamma is here?” Carina asks between bites.

“Well, you know how I said I wasn’t going to go and come out to my dad.”


“Well, I did.” Maya shakes her head with an idiotic little smile. She still can’t believe that she did it. They were just talking about it this morning and she really thought that it wasn’t something that she needed to happen. But the closer it got to the ceremony, the more she thought about it, and then she was in the car with Andy and Andy brought it up. Maya felt like, at that point, she had to do it.

Also, it felt good afterwards. It was off her chest, and she could go into her marriage completely free. And she did. She does.

“Wow, bella.” Carina puts her right hand over Maya’s left. “I’m really proud of you. So, then did you invite them to the wedding? What happened? Your mom is here but not your dad.”

“No. I didn’t.” Maya chuckles cynically. “I was so focused on just getting those words out that no other thoughts went through my head. I may have said that we would take my mom in if she decided to leave my dad for good.”

Usually, they would talk about things like this before they happened, but Carina has offered in the past, and so it’s not a big issue for her. “So, is your mom coming to live with us?” She thinks it will be an interesting way to start their marriage.

Maya shrugs. “I, honestly, don’t know. There was no discussion about it. I said what I said and then I went to leave. She followed me and Andy out to the car and we brought her here with us. I have no clue if she has any intention of leaving my father or if she just wanted to be at the wedding.”

“You should probably talk to her.” Carina chuckles.

Maya pouts. “Will you come with me?”

“Yes, dear.” Carina pats at Maya’s hand. “After we eat.” She really wants to finish her meal. The eggs they had this morning have long past left her system.

Maya comes over to Carina, sometime after they’ve finished eating and are mingling about with guests, pulling the glass of wine from her hand and setting it on the bar. Carina gives he a questioning look. “Come with me?” Maya whispers. Carina nods. Maya has a little something for Carina, so she guides her to the office that has Maya’s outfits and bags of stuff in.

“What we are doing, bella?” Carina looks around the small room. “Is this a sexy wedding hook up?”

Maya starts shuffling through one of the bags that she brought, ignoring Carina’s questions. “Where the fuck did those do? I know I put them in here.” She about ready to go get Andy to help.

“What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.” Carina offers with a gentle hand on Maya’s back.


Carina wrinkles up her face and crosses her arms over her chest at Maya’s rejection of the idea for help.

Maya can feel Carina’s reaction, even with her back to the brunette. She turns slightly, giving Carina a guilty smile. “Sorry. What I meant was- no you may not help because I have something for you, and I need to look for it, and find it, so I can give it to you.”

Carina tilts her head to the side. “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

“Ohhhh, but I did.” Maya fishes around and finds the little box wrapped with a bow at the bottom of the bag finally. “Ah, ha.” She pulls it out and holds it up in the air above her head like it’s a secret treasure that she’s just found. After a moment, Maya pulls it down and turns to Carina. “This. Is for you?” She holds out the little box.

“What is it?” Carina wonders quietly.

“Open it.”

Carina carefully unwraps the ribbon, setting it aside, before lifting the lid off the box. She gasps at what she sees inside. Safely, in Styrofoam, rest two little angels, one male and one female, as they look up at Carina.

“I know they couldn’t be here today. And I know that makes you sad. And I know that you don’t want to bring it up and make anyone pity you or be sad about it too on our wedding day. So, I thought what if I get something that you can keep as a reminder of today, but also in their memory and a reminder that they are probably watching us from somewhere right now and grinning like fools cuz you married the sexy fire captain.”

Carina chuckles as tears fill her eyes. “Oh, Maya.” She reaches out and Maya catches her as she falls into her arms.

“You’re welcome.”

Carina laughs. “Thank you, bambina. I love them.” She looks at the little figurines over Maya’s shoulder.

“Good. We can put them on the mantle or bookcase or somewhere when we get home.” Maya rubs her hands up and down Carina’s back. “I wish they could have been here today, and I know it sucks that it’s just my crew, and Bailey, and I guess my mom. But if things were different, I would want your family here too. If we weren’t in a pandemic and this wasn’t rushed.”

Carina pulls back and locks her eyes with Maya’s.

This has been brought up before, but Maya wants to make sure that Carina hears it again. “Maybe when things settle down, we can have another wedding. Well maybe not another wedding, but a party, or reception, or something like that where we can have people from the hospital. Like, planned out ahead of time so people can take off, and some of your family in from Italia can fly in. And Gabriella.” Maya suggests. She doesn’t want to do another wedding. But a party she thinks she can handle.

“That would be wonderful.” She sighs at how much thought Maya has put into today. Not just today but about their future and possible plans for another gathering that has better timing and planning. She looks at the angel figurines one more time. Shaking her head, a little in disbelief.

“They had, like, little blonde ones. I don’t know why but they were mostly all blonde. These were the only pair that I found that had darker hair.” Maya knows it’s silly, but she feels like a silly little anecdote is what they need right now.

Carina hooks her left arm around Maya’s neck and pulls her into a searing kiss. “You’re amazing.”

Maya shrugs. “You’re more amazing.”

Carina closes her eyes. “We’ll have to agree to not agree.”


There’s a knock on the door. Maya knows that it’s likely Andy. “Yeah?” She calls out.

“It’s time for the first dance.” Andy says through the door.

“First dance?” Carina asks with a raised eyebrow.

Maya shrinks a little in her place. “I know, I didn’t tell you. I kind of wanted it to be a surprise. I hope it’s okay.”

“It’s okay, bella. I like dancing with you.” Carina runs her hands up and down Maya’s arms.

Maya groans. “I hate people watching me do stuff.”

“But you wanted this.” Carina grins. “I like watching you do stuff.”

“I’ll let you watch me do stuff whenever.” Maya shrugs. Carina is the exception to just about every rule. Plus, she wanted to do this for Carina, despite her hatred for eyes on herself.

Carina presses her lips to Maya’s quickly. “Then pretend it’s just you and I. And mine are the only eyeballs on you.”

Maya takes a deep breath, chuckling as she lets it out. “We’ll be there in a minute.” She calls to Andy.

They go out and Jack turns the playlist off that had been playing as soon as he sees them. He volunteered to get the music for the party and dancing all set up. Maya only had one request when he came to her and asked to be the ‘DJ’. And it was the song for their first dance as a married couple.

The notes of Billy Joel’s Just The Way You Are starts up. Jack grins and nods to Maya. Their little surprise. No one else knew until now.

Maya takes a few steps backwards, holding out her hand for Carina. Carina smiles and follows after Maya to the little area between the tables where they can dance slowly together.

They wrap around each other, swaying together. Maya whisper-sings the words to Carina as they dance. She has no idea if Carina knows the song or not, but sings to her, nonetheless.

The saxophone solo starts about three quarters of the way through, and Carina lays her head on Maya’s shoulder. Maya holds the brunette a little tighter. The song starts to come to a close and Maya says one more thing.

“Remind me to add this song to my Carina Playlist. I haven’t yet.” She mostly hasn’t had time and she also didn’t want Carina to see it if she looked at the playlist and have that ruin the surprise.

Carina lifts her head. She moves one hand from Maya’s waist and brings it up to graze her knuckles against Maya’s cheek. “Grazie, bambina. Ti amo tanto. Così come sei.”

Maya nods. “I love you.” She sighs and Carina leans in and kisses her. They receive a few wolf whistles from their friends. A few claps too. Maya’s cheeks tinge pink. She’s never felt more love than she does today. By Carina and by her team, her friends. She never thought she could be content with love but here she is taking in as much as she can.

Jack puts his wedding playlist back on, a modern upbeat song, and Carina and Maya slip away from the ‘dance floor’.

Carina pulls Maya over to the table Katherine is sitting at. “Hey, guys.” She addresses the table. Katherine, Inara, and Miranda. “Can we have a moment with Maya’s mamma?” She gets two nods in reply.

Carina takes the chair that Miranda was occupying and Maya sits in the chair that Inara had been in.

“Congrats, again.” Katherine smiles at Carina. She still can’t believe her daughter is married, and to Carina.

“Grazie, mamma Bishop.” Carina reaches out and puts her hand on top of Katherine’s on the table, giving it a pat, before pulling her hand back to her lap. “I was pleasantly surprised to see you-“ She waves over her shoulder, referring to the ceremony. “-earlier.”

“It’s a bit of a tale. I’m surprised too. I’m surprised to be here. I’m surprised I left the house. I’m surprised that you two are married. I’m surprised that-“ She was going to say something about Maya and how Maya is even open to the idea of marriage, but doesn’t. “I’m just surprised.”

“I’m glad you were here.” Carina smiles genuinely. Even if Maya doesn’t voice it, Carina knows that Maya is happy to have her mother here, thus Carina is happy about that.

“So, Maya told me that she offered for you to stay with us, if you would like. I wanted to let you know myself that the offers stands. And that it wasn’t just Maya saying it. It comes from both of us.”

Katherine nods. “Thank you girls. I was thinking of getting a hotel for a night or two. Since you just got married. I don’t want to step on any toes.”

Carina wrinkles up her face, not getting the idiom.

“It’s really not a problem, mom.” Maya makes this moment to be heard. “We want you there, even if it means-“ Carina shakes her head and narrows her eyes at Maya and Maya doesn’t finish that sentence. “We mean it.”

“That’s very generous of you.” She looks between Maya and Carina. “I was speaking with Dr. Bailey and she has informed me of some programs that she knows about through the hospital that help-“ Katherine ducks her head. “-women like me.”

Carina nods. She knows about those programs too.

“We want to help too.” Maya gets agitated about this. She wants to ‘fix’ it. She knows now that not only was she abused, and held prisoner by her father, maybe not in the same ways, but so was her mother. And her brother.

“I know, dear.” Katherine sighs.

“Maybe we could get the hotel and you could stay at our apartment.” If her mom doesn’t want to stay in a hotel, then they could stay in the hotel, and she could have their apartment.

“Maya.” Carina looks over at her wife and shakes her head.

Maya frowns. “What?”

“That’s very generous.” Katherine says.

What Carina understands right now that Maya doesn’t is that not only does Katherine not want to encroach on their wedding night, she also doesn’t want to bring a lot of attention to her situation, or want to or ask for help. For whatever reason, Carina doesn’t know that part, but Katherine doesn’t want all of the attention, or any attention.

“We can set you up with a hotel for tonight and tomorrow night.” Carina offers.

“Your friend Dean also offered.” Katherine keeps her head low as she speaks, unable to look at either Maya or Carina.

Maya looks over at Dean. She doesn’t know what’s going on. Or how Dean found out. Maybe word has spread about her mother throughout the room. Her crew can never keep their mouths shut about anything. Or maybe her mother spoke to Dean one on one. He could have asked about Maya’s dad and Katherine could have filled him in. The possibilities are endless as to who knows what in this moment. All Maya knows is that she’s been in her own self, her own head, living her own little fairytale day with Carina. She also knows that, above all else, Dean is a great man.

“He’s going to get me a ride and he’s already set everything up at the hotel. I don’t know how I’m ever going to thank him, but I didn’t want to ask you two for help. He’s very generous. He showed me pictures of his little girl. She’s very cute.”

“She is.” Carina agrees before Maya can say anything about the arrangments. They divulge into talk about little Pru and forget about the situation that Katherine is in. Except that Maya can’t forget. She’s not listening, not paying attention. She in her own head thinking of what she can do to fix the problem.

“What are you going to do?” She says at an apparent pause in the conversation between her wife and her mother.

“What do you mean, dear?” Katherine asks in confusion.

“About da- Lane.” Maya’s eyes flick to the left and then to the right, anxious about saying her father’s name.

“I don’t know yet.” Katherine shrugs. “One day at a time. That was what my therapist told me when I went.”

“You don’t go anymore?” Carina catches the way Katherine worded the sentence. She might not get idioms or American phrases and she might forget words in English sometimes. Maya tells her that even she forgets English words sometimes and English is her first language; but Carina knows how a sentence can be restructured to mean something that you are not saying.

Katherine shakes her head.

“I go now.” Maya, ever the child in her mother’s eyes, ever the people pleaser, needs to blurt out.

Katherine smiles softly at her daughter. “Your father found out.” She doesn’t blame Maya. Her appearance at the spaghetti dinner and then her attempt to move out and Lane finding out and approaching Maya about it had repercussions. She stopped going to therapy and Lane convinced her to move back in, promising her things. More freedom to go places, to spend more time outside of the house on her own, more than just grocery shopping. Him promising to be a better and more understanding husband. That lasted all of a week before Lane was back to his old ways and she was stuck again.

“I need some time to think. To see if this is really what I want. Unlike you, I don’t have a job, no money, no discernable skills, other than keeping a home. It’s not just something that’s easy.” Katherine is smart enough to understand the position that she’s in. It’s an entirely different thing to commit to jumping into the unknown. She knows little of how life works. She’s very much stuck in the role of housekeeper and mother, even though her children have grown up and long since left the house. She’s still kept a house for them all these years, especially a place for Mason if he were to ever show up at the door. She’s always known that Maya would be fine. And seeing her here today, Katherine would say that’s she’s doing more than just fine.

“When I make a decision, I’ll let you know.”

Maya nods, sadly.

“It’s scary, Maya.” Katherine says.

Carina puts a hand on Katherine’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “We got you.” She uses the words Vic used on her earlier. “Let’s dance.” She stands and coaxes Katherine to her feet as well. “Come on, bella.” She winks over at Maya.

Maya looks up and gets to her feet, very much still thinking about everything. She follows her mother and wife to the dance floor. Carina starts dancing in a goofy manner. Maya shakes her head, knowing she’s doing it to get a smile or laugh from Maya and it works.

Carina holds her hand out towards Maya. Maya locks their hands together. Carina pulls Maya into her body. “Stop thinking about it for right now. You can think about it all you want tomorrow. Think about me and all my sexiness.” She grins, taking a step away from Maya, still holding her hand but busting a move away from her, showing off, shaking her hips for Maya.

It doesn’t take much for Maya’s brain to switch. She grins at Carina and her sexiness and dance moves. The take a few songs to dance it out before Vic’s mom is calling them over to cut the cake.

They sit down to have cake, after Emmett has taken about one hundred pictures of them with the cake. That’s when Carina says she was afraid to get married because of all the wedding drama. How her Aunt Stella had a heart attack at her parent’s wedding. And that at her cousin’s wedding her mom stabbed her dad in his hand.

Emmett comes over, showing them some of the photos. Some of his favorites from the day. He tells Carina and Maya that he can put together an album and that he can sit down with them at some point so they can pick out what photos they want printed.

The excitement is waning for everyone. Most being all danced out, gather around to chat in small groups. But not Maya. She’s ready for more dancing. Not fast, upbeat dancing. Not dancing with her friends and co-workers. Other than a couple of dances to a couple of songs Maya has mostly spent the afternoon dancing and talking with other people than the most important person.

So, when Andy excuses herself from them for some water and the song At Last starts through the speakers; Maya takes Carina by the hand and pulls her over to the corner of the room for some one on one time, some alone time together. She spins Carina around before pulling her into her body.

Carina rests her forehead against Maya’s. “I love your dress, bella ragazza.”

“I had hoped you would like it.” That insecurity still there for Maya.

Carina reaches for Maya’s hands, but as soon as their hands are connected Maya pulls Carina’s hands to her backside. Carina knows that Maya has put everything else aside as she stares into the beautiful blue eyes. Maya has stopped thinking about her mamma and is just enjoying their day again.

“You could have worn a trash bag today and I would’ve been happy.”

“Yeah?” Maya smiles.

Carina smiles back. “I can’t wait to peel this off of you later.” She spins Maya around, turning her so that her back is facing Carina. She runs her hand over Maya’s hip, across her thigh, feeling the fabric of the dress before Maya is turning back around and pulling their bodies tight together, pulling Carina’s hand to her backside again. She loves that Maya loves her hands on her ass, even here, even now. They sway together, eyes locked together, nothing outside of the other mattering.

They don’t hear the dinging of everyone’s phone with being off in their corner, off in their own little dreamland. Everyone in the room stares at them though. The next song comes on and Maya keeps dancing with her newly minted wife.

Jack whispers it first. “Should we tell her?” He’s standing next to Travis, who whips his head around. He was silently asking Vic the same question.

“Nooooo.” Travis whispers. “And ruin their day? Nooooo.” He looks around the group. They can’t. He knows they can’t.

Jack looks to Andy for a different answer. “It’s on all of our phones. I’m sure she got the same message.” He whispers.

Sullivan shakes his head and takes another drink of whatever he’s drinking.

The mood in the room has soured. Everyone looks around at each other in disbelief and with questions in their eyes. Then, it turned to everyone avoiding eye contact with anyone else, eyes downcast.

Jack is the one that moves from his position first. He goes over to Andy. As lieutenants, he feels like they are probably the two that need to handle this, to deliver the news. They whisper to each other and Sullivan tries to interrupt them. “Just let it be. She’ll find out when she looks at her phone. The way it was intended to be delivered.”

Andy glares at him and pulls Jack away from the group, away from her husband.

“You have to tell her.” Jack says a little louder than a whisper now that they are farther away from Maya.

Andy frowns. The guilt eats away at her. She worries about the repercussions of this. She worries about Maya. She worries about herself, as selfish as that is right now. She questions whether she should have held Robert’s discussion with the chief from Maya. She knows it wasn’t her place as a co-worker, but as a friend didn’t she have a responsibility to, at least, give Maya a heads up about what was happening. They all know that there was going to be an investigation. But this. To be stripped of her captaincy in an email.

“Andy?” Jack tries to get her attention. He puts a hand on her shoulder. “You have to.”

“I know.” Andy swallows.

But before Andy can make a move there is a smashing sound, the sound of glass breaking, a shriek from someone in shock. Andy looks over and sees the broken glass around Ben and Miranda’s feet.

“Sorry.” Ben slurs. He’s the drunkest out of all of them. Dad Ben has had himself a good afternoon. He was trying to hold his phone and read the email again, and hold onto his wife, and hold his glass all at the same time and it didn’t work.

The crash pulls Maya’s attention over to the main throng of guests. She takes Carina’s hand, and they walk over to the group. She notices their faces. Something’s off.

“Nobody move.” Vic’s dad comes over with a broom and dustpan. He starts sweeping up the glass.

Maya looks at everyone. There’s something wrong, she can see it. Some won’t make eye contact; some do and then look away. “What’s going on?” Maya thinks it’s a fire or an accident and that the crew has been called in and that none of them want to be the one’s to tell her that.

Everyone looks to Andy. The Latina rolls her eyes at them. She knows that she’s the one that has to do it though. “Where’s your phone?”

“In the back office. Why?” Maya hasn’t looked at her phone in hours.

Andy moves before she says anything else. She goes and stands in front of Maya. “Okay.” She looks around at their team. “Everyone here just got an email from the chief. And I’m sure there’s a message on your phone as well.” Andy sees the color drain from Maya’s face.

“About?” Maya asks, her voice coming out sounding weak. She clears her throat trying to make it stronger. Her stomach twists in knots though. Her hands start to get clammy. She stiffens. She knows, she thinks she knows, what it’s about. It’s got to be about her, about her breaking protocol the other day.

Andy’s lips twitch up on the left side. Maya can tell that Andy doesn’t want to say whatever the message is. “Look, Maya, I don’t want to-“

“Just tell me.” Maya grinds out.

Carina squeezes Maya’s hand, trying to get her to look over at her, to move, to unclench her muscles, to release the now too tight grip on her hand.

“You are no longer captain.” Andy whispers the words.

“What?” Shock. It’s Carina that says it.

Maya furrows her brow, confused.

“Maya is no longer captain of nineteen.” Andy looks from Maya to Carina and then back.

“Of nineteen or at all?” Maya asks.

“At all.” Sullivan steps up behind Andy, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Andy tries to shrug the hand off. “Let go.” She’s furious with him. She doesn’t want him touching her right now.

Sullivan frowns but removes his hand.

Carina looks between the couple, knowing something isn’t right. She wants to ask about it, but it’ll have to wait for another time. She has to figure out what’s happening with Maya right now. Or what’s going to happen to Maya. Carina wonders if her wife just got fired.

“What do you want to do?” Andy asks Maya.

Maya hums. “We’re going down there.”

“Where?” Carina asks.

Andy shakes her head. “No. No, Maya. Don’t. You can’t.”

“I can and I will. I’m going to fight for my captaincy.” She stomps past Andy, leaving Carina standing there.

“Where?” Carina whispers and looks around.

Andy spins on her heels and follows after Maya. “Are you sure about this Maya?”

“I’m sure.”

“Maybe you should wait. It’s the end of the day. Wait until tomorrow.”

Maya walks passed everyone. Dean reaches out and catches her wrist. “Don’t drive.” He mumbles. Maya looks down at her wrist and then up at see who it is that has her stopped in her tracks. “Don’t drive.” Dean says again when Maya’s eyes meet his. “I’ll get a car.”

“Fine.” Maya grumbles and pulls her hand free. She continues her march to the back office to find her phone.

Andy continues after her. “Maya.” She calls out her name. She thinks Maya needs to stop and think and not just react.

Maya gets to her phone, pulling it from a bag, unlocking it, seeing the email. She reads the words herself. Then she reads them again. Her thumb hovers over the reply icon, ready to push it and start typing out a nasty email in reply. Someone comes through the door and Maya looks up. Andy is already standing behind her so it’s Carina standing in the doorway. Maya frowns as she looks at her wife. Her wife. Her poor wife whose day has been ruined. Her wife who looks confused and alarmed. Her wife who Maya can’t just give a damn good day. One single day. That’s all she wanted, for herself, and for Carina. Her eyes shift back to the phone. She pulls it down to her side.

“Let’s go.” She mumbles. She goes to the door, trying to slip passed Carina, but Carina stops her.

“Where do you want to go? This is our wedding reception.” Carina says quietly.

And Maya’s heart tears in half. One half is Carina and the other half her career. Carina is asking her not to leave their wedding, not to go anywhere. She ducks her head, unable to look at Carina. “I need to go talk to the chief.”

Andy watches the two, waiting for a confrontation, an argument, and the fallout.

“Now?” Carina asks softly.

Maya nods.

Carina wrinkles her nose. “Maya, look at me.”

Maya looks up into Carina’s eyes. Carina studies her for a moment and then nods, allowing Maya to go. Maya nods, knowing that Carina understands on some level. The blonde glances over at Andy. “Ready?”

“Oh.” Apparently, Maya wants Andy to go with. “Yeah.” She doesn’t give it a second thought.

Maya moves to let Andy exit first. Andy does and starts to walk to the door, before she gets out of earshot, she hears what Maya says to Carina. It’s not what she expected. She also expected them to argue about Maya running off right now, but that didn’t happen.

“Are you coming?” Maya holds her hand out; a pleading look on her face.

Carina takes a deep breath, expelling it dramatically. “Let’s go.” She takes Maya’s hand and they march out of their wedding reception into an awaiting car.

The drive over is in silence. Anxious silence. Maya tries to think of what she’s going to say. Andy thinks about how this could backfire. She knows the chief isn’t going to like being confronted about his decision. And Carina hopes that their wedding day isn’t a total loss after this.

Maya knows exactly where she is going. She leads the way. There are a few people around, but Maya doesn’t stop to say anything to them on her way to the chief’s office. She doesn’t even acknowledge the people they pass as they give the three of them weird looks.

Carina waves at a few people as they pass, noting their expressions, but she focuses on keeping up with Maya.

Maya pushes the door open. No knock. Just enters. Carina and Andy file in after her.

There’s Chief McCallister’s shock at how they are dressed. And then there’s Maya ranting and opening her mouth and saying things about sexism. The chief tells her exactly why she was ‘suspended’. For insubordination and breaking protocols.

Then there’s Andy; bringing up her father and the chief really has had it with theses women. He doesn’t appreciate being ambushed like this. He doesn’t like that they’re here screaming about sexism and how male fire captains within Seattle’s Fire Department have gotten away with insubordination for years or decade and none of them were stripped of their jobs, their captaincy, their rank. But the chief lets them rant.

Maya says she’s not going to accept her demotion, and that her team won’t either.

The chief nods. If that’s how Maya wants to do this, then he’s not going to back down either. “Okay.” He folds his arms over his chest and leans against his desk. “You can keep nineteen, Bishop. Herrera, I’m reassigning you to twenty-three, effective immediately.”

“What?” Andy turns around. This is ridiculous. She can’t believe he’s doing this. But she knows not to argue with him, otherwise, she could be reprimanded further.

“Bishop, if your entire team is incapable of respecting the chain of command, then they need to be reminded about how this department works.” McCallister challenges.

Andy turns to Carina, trying to hold her tongue.

“I will have all of them reassigned within a week.” He threatens.

“Sir.” Maya won’t stand for that. He can’t dismantle her entire team.

“Or, you can step down and I’ll appoint a new captain pending completion of the investigation surrounding your insubordination and protocol defiance.” He lays it all out in front of Maya.

Carina’s head is spinning. She’s not exactly sure what is happening. She tries to calm and comfort Andy though, as Andy steps back and forth trying to keep it together.

Maya gaps at him. She can’t believe it. This is worse than just being relieved of her duties until an investigation can be done.

“And just for the record, I’m glad that kid lived. But if he had died, on your engine, the lawsuit could’ve put the whole station out of business.” McCallister adds.

Maya hadn’t really thought about that part of it. She knows the risk was there. She knows there could’ve been a lawsuit if things had gone sideways. But to close the station down. She didn’t think about that part of it.

The chief waits for Maya’s decision, rather impatiently. He needs one now. This isn’t a situation of let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.

Carina glares at the man for her wife. She knows Maya can’t. She’s not exactly sure what’s happening, but it sounds like no matter what the outcome, it isn’t good. She keeps quiet even though she wants to tell Maya her input.

“I’ll step down pending investigation, sir.” Maya utters the words, knowing she doesn’t have another choice. It’s her or her whole team.

Andy can’t believe Maya just rolled over like that.

“Good call.” McCallister tells her. “Congratulations on your nuptials.” He throws in as an afterthought.

Maya turns and Carina tries to take her hand, but she turns back around. She just can’t let this happen without saying something. She tries to vouch for Andy to be captain at nineteen during the investigation, but the chief makes Andy’s transfer to twenty-three final. He also makes a note on Andy always using her father to try to get ahead or get out of trouble.

The trio leaves the office in stunned silence. The ride back to Kaminski’s is quiet at first. Similar to when they rode over, except this time there’s no anxious energy. It’s all disappointment and confusion and anger.

“Maya, are you-“

Maya looks over at Carina and shakes her head. “Later. Okay?”

Carina takes a deep breath and nods.

Maya reaches over and wraps her hand around the inside of Carina’s right knee. Carina lays her left palm on Maya’s forearm. The car pulls up to the restaurant quicker than Maya would like. She just wants to wrap everything up and get home.

Maya isn’t expecting everyone to still be there. She thought they would all go home, disperse. The party’s over. Except, when she steps in the door everyone is still sitting there. Everyone looks in Maya’s direction as she enters, clearly, they had been waiting to find out what happened with the chief.

“It was a misguided decision-“ She clasps her hands together, to occupy them, so they aren’t swinging around angrily. “-to storm the chief’s office.” Carina and Andy come in slowly behind her as she tells her team the bad news. She turns to Carina. “So, yeah.”

“Yeah.” Carina says in agreement.

“But that-“ She turns back to her team. She gets the remote for the speaker system and turns the music back on. “-does not mean he gets to steal our joy.” Maya just wants to forget what just happened with the chief and get back to the dancing. Especially since everyone is still here. If they had got back and only found Sullivan that would have been better for Maya. Now she puts on a happy face and continues the party.

She reaches for Carina as their guests get up to dance. Even without a command as captain, her team will do as she says. So, she dances next to Carina and her friends, her family.

It doesn’t last long though. After a few songs, Ben and Miranda come over to Maya and let her know that they are heading home and to have a good night.

Dean comes over after that. He tells both Maya and Carina that he’s arranged rides for everyone and that they will be arriving soon. Maya wonders if this was something that everyone discussed while she and Andy and Carina were gone or if Dean took it upon himself. “Okay, Dean. Thank you so much.”

“Not a problem, Maya. I’m happy too.” He gives her a tight-lipped smile.

Slowly, the crowd disperses until it’s just Dean and Maya’s mother, and Vic’s parents.

Maya swallows the last of her bourbon. She had been drinking wine and water during the reception. One glass of champagne at the beginning of dinner but nothing hard. That was, until they got back. This is her second splash of bourbon in the last hour. It makes the rough edges surrounding everything a little softer.

When someone puts a hand on her shoulder, Maya jumps.

“Sorry, sweetie.”

“It’s alright mom.” Maya turns to her mother. “I just didn’t know you were there.”

Katherine nods. “I’m going to head out now. Are you alright?”

Maya knows she isn’t. “I’m all good.” She tries to smile, but it’s nothing but fake.

“Where’d Carina go?” Katherine doesn’t comment on Maya’s fake happiness.

“The bathroom, I think.”

Carina peeks out then. Katherine sees her and waves and Carina comes over to them. “Are you departing?”

Katherine nods. “I just wanted to check in with both of you. And wanted to thank you for having me here today and for your offer. I will call you the day after tomorrow with my decision.” Maya nods, her brain just again reminding her that her mother has her own crisis going on. She had completely forgotten about that.

“Have a good remainder of your evening.” Maya says on autopilot.

“Ready?” Dean comes up to the three of them. Maya gives him a questioning look. “I’ve offered to bring your mom over to her hotel, get her checked in, and to her room.”

“Dio mio, sei un uomo meraviglioso.” Carina steps forward and wraps Dean in her arms as best as she can.

“Thanks, Dean.” Maya looks around the room. It’s slightly eerie to her now that it’s nearly empty. Like when they roll up to a fire at a kid’s birthday party, or a Christmas party, or some kind of party, and everyone has evacuated. There is evidence that fun and happiness had been had, but now all she sees is the sadness that the fire and rush to end the party caused.

“Grazie mille.” Carina says as she takes a step back.

“Goodnight, girls.” Katherine nods at them.

“Night, mom.”

“Ciao, mamma Bishop.”

Dean escorts Katherine out and then it’s just Carina and Maya and Vic’s parents who are cleaning up in the kitchen.

Carina turns to Maya. “So?”

Maya heaves a big sigh. The music still plays in the background. Maya thinks she should probably turn it off. They should probably start cleaning up all the decorations and everything, even though Vic said it could wait until tomorrow. But Maya wants to do something to stay busy so she goes over to one of the tables and starts collecting the table centerpiece and table decorations.

Carina sighs and watches her wife for a minute before going over and putting a hand on her back. She knows what Maya is doing. “Bambina.” She whispers. The hand not on Maya’s back reaches for Maya’s hands, telling her to put the decorations down, to stop.

Maya sighs, her shoulders slumping, and Carina is able to turn her and pull her away from the table. Carina moves them a few steps away from the table and pulls Maya into her arms. “Dance with me, bambina.”

Maya shakes her head. She doesn’t want to dance.

“Just one more. Then we’ll go home.”

Maya sets her hands on Carina’s waist, giving in to ‘just one more’.

Carina starts swaying and Maya follows. She reaches up, cupping Maya’s face in her hands, brushing her hair back, tucking some of her hair behind her ears. Maya has her eyes closed and won’t look at her. Carina knows why. She knows that if Maya does. If she allows herself to look at Carina, that she’ll break down and Maya is avoiding that at all costs. So, Carina rests her forehead against Maya’s, holding her close. She pulls back when Maya squeezes her waist. Maya tips her head back, opening her sad blue eyes. They trade looks for a moment and then Carina nods, letting Maya know that it’s okay to break down, that she’s got her, that she’s not going to let go. Not now, not ever.

Maya shakes her head and looks up at the ceiling. Carina, her wife, holding her and keeping her close on their wedding night. On the night that is supposed to be filled with happiness and joy and then sexiness. But right now, Maya feels anything but those three things. She lays her head against Carina’s bare shoulder as Carina cradles her head and pets her hair gently. She wraps her arms around Carina more, holding her tighter, holding on desperately, holding onto any part of her. Holding onto something solid, something real, something tangible because everything other than Carina doesn’t feel real or possible right now.

The song finishes and they stand there together for a few more moments before Maya’s lifts her head and looks into Carina’s warm brown eyes. “Take me home.” She whispers, her jaw trembling.