54. Chapter 54

“That was something.” Maya sits on the end of the bed before laying on her back. Their day turned out to be quite eventful. Carina comes over and sits down and then lays like Maya is, their legs dangling off the end of the bed.

“Thank you for doing all that. I could tell you didn’t want to have dinner with Tonya and her family.” The Italian pats at the mattress with her left had a few times.

“It was nice. Pleasant. Dare I say, fun. Chad seemed like an alright guy.” Maya was leery of having dinner with complete strangers. Though, now, she doesn’t think they are really strangers anymore.

Carina chuckles and then changes the subject to something that she keeps thinking about. “Do you think Andrea enjoyed Friday fish fry?

Maya thinks he probably did. “If he got to have those drinks they gave me, then yes.” She looks over and smiles for Carina.

She finds Maya’s hand, intertwining their fingers together. Carina feels all over the place with her feelings about the day. And now that they are back in the sanctuary of their hotel room, she can really give herself over to the day. It was a whirlwind. It had it’s up and downs. But really, Carina feels an overwhelming sense of relief and gratefulness.

It had been years and years since she saw the house. And since Andrea’s death, Carina has felt like she needed to hold onto everything about him. She needed to always remember. She never imagined she would see the house again, that she would step foot in the building again. But then Covid happened and then they got married and any honeymoon that they wanted couldn’t happen right away and Carina got to thinking about something else.

And her amazing wife hadn’t shot the idea down, to Carina’s surprise. She thought Maya wouldn’t want to make a cross country trip, that it would be too far, that she would have to take too much time off of work, that it would be frivolous in Maya’s opinion.

Carina rolls onto her side, placing her left hand in the center of Maya’s chest. Maya glances over at her. Carina smiles and presses a kiss to the corner of Maya’s mouth. “I love you.”

Maya wraps her palm around Carina’s elbow and hums.

“And I appreciate you.” Carina nearly purrs. “Always.”

The blonde closes her eyes and lets out a little sigh. But then Carina is leaning into her, and lips are presses against her own. The kiss is needy, heavy. Carina leans harder against her. The hand on her chest moves up to her grip around her ear, tilting Maya’s head further into the kisses.

“Wait. Wait. Wait.” Maya puts a hand on Carina’s shoulder, putting some distance between them. “Wait, how are you?”

“I’m fine, Maya.” It’s the half-truth. She goes in to kiss Maya again.

She tries to not be pushy and speak evenly and calmly. She doesn’t want to upset Carina, or further upset Carina by being annoyingly insistent. “No. Wait.” Maya actually gets up so that Carina isn’t within reaching distance. “Are you okay? Today was a lot. I know it was. So don’t lie to me.”

Carina huffs. They are so good at recognizing and calling out each other’s thoughts and emotions now. It can be frustrating at times. Like now, when Carina just wants to get it on with her wife. But she does have an infinite fondness towards Maya, for asking, for making sure she is okay.

“I just want to know. You don’t need to tell me how you are feeling. And everything doesn’t need to be processed and discussed right now, but you’re good, right? You’re not just using me to avoid something else?” Maya paces at the end of the bed a little.

“Bambina, come here.” Carina holds out her hand. She tips her head to the side. When Maya doesn’t come to her, she stands up and goes after Maya. “I am okay.” She slips her hands around Maya’s waist, stilling her. “Look me in the eyes.”

Maya takes a deep breath and looks directly into Carina’s rich brown eyes. And she knows. “You’re okay.”

Carina nods. “Thank you. Now-” She tucks her hands into the back pockets of Maya’s shorts. “-I want to get my lady lovin’ on.”

Maya rolls her eyes. “If you insist.” She plays.

“I do insist. You know why?” Maya shakes her head. “Because I have the most wonderful wife in the entire world. Who did so many amazing things for me today. Who made me feel safe and comfortable. Who did things that maybe she wouldn’t have done on her own or if I wasn’t here. I have the best teammate in the world. And now I would like us to team up once more today.”

Maya ducks her head a little, shy with all the compliments. “You are so amazing. I don’t know how you have the strength, but you do. Every time you have to confront something from the past or encounter a difficult situation you somehow forge ahead.” She looks up again when she finishes with her words.

Carina shrugs and looks away from Maya for a moment. “I’m not sure how I do it, either, some days. It helps to know that you have my back, though, and that if I can’t do it, you will be there to help. I don’t always have to do everything alone anymore.”

“I love you.” Maya smiles softly.

The doctor reaches up with her right hand. She rubs her thumb over Maya’s cheek before slipping it across her bottom lip. “Baciami, bambina.”

Maya easily obliges. She slips her arms around Carina, holding her close. This feeling is one of Maya’s favorites. Being close, being held close and just sharing quite moments kissing or hugging. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just being close and secure with Carina is the most important and satisfying feeling.

But when Carina bites and pulls at her bottom lip, Maya is like putty in her hands. Being led back towards the bed, Maya lets Carina guide their movements.

They fall to the bed in a mess of limbs and giggles. Carina’s hands trapped, still stuck in Maya’s pants pockets.

Maya rolls onto her side, their sides, so Carina can at least get one of her hands loose.

“Grazie.” Carina mumbles against Maya’s lips before lapping at Maya, kissing her slowly.

There’s no rush between them. Maya would be content to just lay here and trade kisses with her wife for hours, but she knows that there’s going to be more than just a heavy make out session. She tilts her head for a different angle and can feel Carina smiling into the kiss.

Maya’s hand wanders over Carina’s back, over her ass, grabbing at it and pull Carina’s hips into her own.

Carina hums, pulling back from their kisses to get a look at her wonderful, amazing wife. Maya looks at her with an almost innocent look, but there is the tiniest hint of a smirk on the blonde’s lips. Carina takes a deep inhale through her nose and then resume their kisses.

After a few minutes of moving their hips back and forth in a bit of push and pull tug of war, Maya moves things along further. It’s clear that through Carina’s inaction that she wants Maya to make all the moves. Or needs Maya to. Which Maya is more than happy to oblige to. She slips her hand between them and presses her fingers to the apex of Carina’s legs. She strokes over her jean shorts a few times and it causes Carina to tip her head back and away from Maya’s lips. Maya takes the advantage of Carina’s exposed skin to press her lips to the delicate skin of the brunette’s throat. She feels Carina swallow against her lips.

“Harder.” Carina moans.

Maya isn’t sure if Carina means her fingers or her lips. She goes with fingers, pressing against Carina again, holding her hand still for a moment.

Carina moans and rolls onto her back away from Maya.

The blonde chuckles lightly and raises and eyebrow when Carina shimmies out of her shorts and undies.

Maya moves to kiss over Carina’s knees and thighs. She pushes the bottom of Carina t-shirt up exposing her stomach, pressing kisses there before sitting back. “Sit up.” She nods at Carina and holds out her hand.

Taking Maya’s hand, Carina sits up and Maya pulls the shirt up and over her head. Then Maya moves to sit on Carina’s thighs, in her lap, and pull her own shirt over her head. Carina watches every move that Maya makes with hungry, half-lidded eyes.

The blonde goes to remove Carina’s bra. Carina hands stroke up and down the backs of Maya’s arms in a distracting fashion as she works to unclasp the bra.

“Take your pants off too.” Carina requests. She sits and waits and watches Maya before clambering into her lap.

They are hugging each other loosely. Face to face, chest to chest, hands stroking over every inch of skin they can reach and find.

“I wish you had your strap.” Carina moans.

Maya smiles. “Well-“

The Italian gasps.

“I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t know how appropriate it was.” She had an idea before they left the apartment. It was one of the last things that Maya grabbed before they left. She knew Carina probably wouldn’t be in the mood with her thoughts of Andrew, especially on the way to Madison but she knew they were going to be gone for a lot of days and that after Madison they were spending some time in vacation mood and not just driving back to Seattle.

Carina bounces in Maya lap like an excited little kid. “Did you bring it?”

“It’s in my suitcase.”

Carina reaches up to Maya’s cheeks, cupping them. “Go get it.” She kisses Maya chastely before getting up so Maya can get up.

“I didn’t know-“ She shakes her head as she rummage through her bag. “I wanted to at least wait. I knew today was going to be the make it or break it day. The deciding factor.”

“Shut up, bambina. Get back here.” Carina is impatient now. Maya takes help but think it’s completely and utterly adorable.

They get all set up and back into a similar position as before.

“Hold me.” Carina requests.

“I will, my love. I will.” Maya wraps both her arms around Carina.

Carina sighs. She sits down in Maya’s lap then, taking a moment to adjust to the feeling.

Maya holds Carina close. She looks into her favorite set of eyes and what she sees in those eyes is pure love and a sense of calm from Carina. “I’ve got you.” She whispers, rocking her hips. Carina is going to have to do most of the work with them sitting like this but if it’s the close intimacy from this position that she wants it will have to do. She waits for Carina to make a move. A nod of the head. Something.

The firefighter presses her lips to Carina’s for a brief moment before moving them to her jaw and then Carina’s shoulder. She presses a series of kisses across her shoulder, finding the clavicle, and then the hollow of Carina’s throat. Carina tips her head back for her and moans. Maya takes the opportunity to lick up the column of Carina’s neck, something she absolutely has become addicted to, finding Carina’s throat and neck beautiful and elegant.

“Maya.” Carina breathes. She rocks against Maya, humming as she does so.

Maya leans to Carina, her lips next to Carina’s left ear. “Ride me, babe.” She husks. “I’ve got you.” She rubs her hands up and down Carina’s back to let her know that her hands will be there to hold onto her.

Slowly, Carina works up a steady rhythm. One that she gives into after a couple of minutes. One that has her picking up the pace as that coil of anticipation and arousal and need tightens inside her until she’s practically bouncing herself on Maya’s lap.

Maya keeps her promise and holds onto Carina. It’s a loose hold for the most part but she makes sure to never let go. Her lips find anything they can reach without moving away from Carina. Whether that’s Carina’s lips or cheek or jaw or collarbone. Arms wrap around Maya’s neck and Carina pulls them together, still steady in rhythm. Maya knows to roll her hips to be helpful and when she does Carina tips her head back, coming down harder a few times, and groaning out in ecstasy.

“That’s it, babe.” Maya whispers. Carina’s grip on her doesn’t loosen and Maya makes sure to run her hands gently up and down her back as Carina stills. Hands roam a little lower, finding supple ass cheeks, giving them a squeeze, and rocking into Carina a little. The brunette moans and shakes as a little aftershock ripples through her body.

“I wish you could feel me clenching your shaft.” Carina practically mumbles, like it’s just a random thought that floated through her mind. Which, it mostly is.

Maya just shrugs.

They sit like that for a minute or two in an embrace. Maya isn’t sure what to call it exactly. Comfort sex, maybe. It’s tender and intimate and like being covered in a warm fuzzy blanket.

But then Carina is moving again, and Maya feels things again. The position not the greatest for Maya to get off but she’s not far from it.

And Carina knows it. She moves back and immediately loosens the harness and pulls it from Maya’s body before lying on her stomach, flat on the bed.

Maya looks down at her. “You don’t have to.”

“Yes, I do.” Carina smiles, somehow warm and sweet, nothing but caring and kind.

She pets her right hand over Carina’s head, taking a steading breath, and nods.

Carina starts by spreading Maya’s folds with her fingers. Then, she takes a lick.

Maya bites on her lip and lays back, giving Carina better access.

A skilled tongue swirls through a thick amount of arousal. She finds Maya’s entrance dipping her tongue in and making Maya’s hips buck in the process. Carina reaches up with her right hand, putting it flat on Maya’s left hipbone with the intention of holding her still. Instead, fingers find her own and tangle together. The hipbone forgotten for a tight grip palm to palm with Maya.

She doesn’t take too much time. And by the sound of Maya’s panting and moaning she knows she shouldn’t, or she might not have a hand that isn’t damage in the process. Carina needs that hand for surgery, so she knows it’s best to get this done before Maya crushes it.

She laps at Maya’s juice again, moving her way up to find the perfect little nub that she so much desires to give all her attention to. Licking, scraping her teeth over, teasing, before sucking.

“Fuuuuck.” Maya moans.

Carina grins against Maya, flicking her tongue over the throbbing bud.

“Stop.” Maya puts her hand on top of Carina’s head, too sensitive now for more.

Carina releases and looks up with a wicked grin, but Maya isn’t looking at her. She chuckles and moves up a little to lay with Maya.

Maya runs her hands through Carina’s hair with her right hand. The brunette with her cheek pressed to Maya’s stomach while her right hand in grasped in Maya left yet. She watches her own fingers grip and dance and play with Maya’s.

“You know-“ Maya ponders out loud.

Carina hums, letting Maya know that she is listening.

“I never really let anyone do that too much.” Maya admits.

They’ve sort of talked about it before. And Carina isn’t surprised now when Maya brings it up again. It’s clear that Maya still is surprised though.

“I was- for lack of a better term- in charge. Or on top.”

“Si, lo so, bambina.”

“With women I was- and men didn’t usually want to go down on me. Not that I would let them.”

“A shame.” Carina turns her head a little, pressing a kiss to Maya’s stomach.

“But I was comfortable enough with you for some reason.” She thinks back to the first time Carina went down on her and how blissful it felt. How she was able to forget everything else going on in her life. How Carina made her feel more than just satisfied from good sex.

Carina looks up to find Maya’s eyes at that. “It was my charisma.”

“I don’t think so. Not that you didn’t, don’t, have a lot of that. I don’t think I understood it at the time. I definitely didn’t. You were different. The exception to all the rules I had.”

Carina nuzzles her noses against Maya’s skin.

Maya pets through Carina’s hair some more as she thinks back. “I let you do things that I didn’t let anyone else do. I did things that I hadn’t or wouldn’t do. It was so scary.”

“But so worth it.” Carina adds.

“So worth it.” Maya sighs. “You’re the love of my life. Easily.”

“Oh, bambina.” Carina pushes herself up onto her elbow and then moves herself so that she is sitting up a little.

“Come here.” Maya flexes her wrist a few times to wave Carina to come closer.

“We are going to have sex every day for the rest of the trip.” Carina tells Maya.

“Oh?” Maya tilts her head to the side.

“Si, bambina.” Carina says like it’s a well known fact. “Now that I’m not- there hasn’t been enough.”

Maya gazes at Carina. Her beautiful woman full of complex emotions and puzzles. She knows that Carina has been preoccupied for the most part, about today and what it might reveal or hold, but now that today is over Carina seems less burdened.

“Che cosa?”

Maya shakes her head. “Nothing. Nothing to worry about, my love.” She runs her knuckles over Carina’s cheek. “Come.”

Maya sits with her back to the headboard, her arms wrapped loosely around Carina’s shoulders. Carina lays between Maya’s legs, her hips turned to the side, so she’s slotted in perfectly. One hand is pressed to Maya’s chest, the other tucked under Maya’s side, her head against Maya’s shoulder.

“I love you.” Carina whispers into the still air. The only sounds she hears are of occasional people out in the hallway and the air conditioning unit in their room.

Maya hums, rubbing her hands up and down Carina’s bare back. “Ti amo.”

It’s quiet for many minutes before Carina starts to yawn and Maya convinces her to get up and go to the bathroom and get ready for sleep. They run through the itinerary for the following day while they wrap up the day and before they wrap up under the blankets for the night.

On Saturday, they visit the state capitol and then walk down State Street to the University of Wisconsin and walk around the campus. They end the afternoon at Lake Mendota.

“You remember State Street?” Carina asks as they lay on beach towels on the sandy beach after taking a dip in the lake. Maya hums, acknowledging. “Andrea said that everyone gathers there for Halloween. The Saturday of Halloween. The whole street is filled with people, totally crowded. He said it is one of the biggest parties in all of the nation on Halloween. Everyone is drunk. One year one of his buddies climbed a tree and got stuck up there. He had to wait until the end of the night when the crowd dispersed, and the fire department could bring a ladder truck in and get him unstuck.” She chuckles at the memory that Andrew had told her. “Every year he would call me and tell me about what happened on State Street during Halloween.”

“Was this good?” Maya rolls onto her side and then stomach. Propped up on her elbows, she looks over at her wife.

Carina holds her hand over her eyes, even though she’s wearing sunglasses, it’s easier to look over at Maya with the sun beating down on them. “Yeah. I think I needed this.” She wasn’t convinced before their trip here or even yesterday.

But when Carina woke up today, she knew that coming to Madison had been therapeutic and healing in some ways. To be able to go to the places that Andrew had walked and stayed and lived has made Carina feel both more connected to him and satisfied that he lived a good life. So much of the focus following Andrew’s death had been on about how young he was, and how he hadn’t met his potential as a doctor yet, and how much of life he was going to miss out on. This trip reminded Carina that his life had been good and solid, and that he had lived and grown as a person. Did he have his struggles? Yes. But everyone does. And coming to Wisconsin has given Carina more perspective on his life as a whole and not just the last few years and months of it.

“Bene.” Maya nods and Carina grins over at her wife. She leans over and gives Maya a quick peck on the lips. Maya lingers after the kiss, humming.

“We should probably find some shade or get inside soon so you don’t turn into a tomato.” Carina teases.

Maya rolls her eyes. “Very funny. I have sunblock on, remember.”

“Oh, I remember.” Carina smirks. “I remember you moaning when my hands rubbed over your lower back and down to your ass.”

“My ass doesn’t need sunblock.” Maya counters with a little pout.

Carina shrugs. “It might.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

Maya can barely see it with the sunglasses in the way. She reaches out and wraps her arm over Carina’s midsection, sliding over towards her.

“It’s hot, bambina, I don’t want you hanging all over me.” Carina whines.

“You are very hot, yes.” She tickles her fingers over Carina’s side.

Carina squirms. “That tickles, Maya.”

Maya tickles harder and Carina squeals and hops away from Maya. She, then, sits up and glares at Maya. The blonde doesn’t bother with the glare. She gets to her feet and holds out her hand. “Come on.” She helps Carina to her feet and then gathers up their things into her arms.

“Where are we going?” Carina asks, though she knows the answer.

“There is only so long I can stare at my wife in a bikini without doing something about it.”

Carina chuckles knowing that they are going back to their hotel room to have sex.

It’s back on the road on Sunday, except that the journey for the day isn’t all that far. They head north out of Madison, getting off the highway at Wisconsin Dells. The sign for the town reads Welcome to Wisconsin Dells. The Waterpark Capital of the World.

Maya wiggles back and forth in her seat. Carina is driving so Maya takes the opportunity to fill herself with excitement. “What should we do first?”

“Check into our hotel. And then I want you in a bathing suit.” Carina pulls up to a red light at that moment. She looks over and winks at Maya.

The wink sends a shiver down Maya’s spine. She might never get over how attracted Carina is to her. It’s like it doesn’t compute in her brain.

“Will you wear the one with the zipper in the front?”

Carina’s words pull her from her thoughts. “Sure.” Maya knows that Carina likes that particular swimsuit as the zipper provides easy access for the things that happen after the swimming and sunbathing.

As promised, bathing suits are put on and they grab towels and head out to the outside waterpark at their hotel. Maya convinces Carina to take a trip on the lazy river with her; after the sunblock is applied, of course. The blonde gets them a two person tube and holds it so Carina can hop it first. The Italian gets into the back position. Maya then pops underneath the tube and up through the hole from the bottom. She faces Carina, between her legs, and grins. “Hi.”

“Hi, bella.” Carina loves how excited and cute Maya is right now.

A tube with two medium sized kids bumps into them and Maya looks over but they are gone before Maya can even say anything about it. She hooks her arms over the top of the tube and lifts her feet off from the bottom and lets the current take them.

Carina shakes her head. “You’re not doing it right. Turn around.” She spins her finger around in a little circle.

“Then I can’t see you.”

“I’ll be right here, bella.”

Maya stands up, stopping them, and turns around. She pulls her legs up through the hole and sticks them over the front of the tube. They float along just taking everything in. The sun is shining. It’s very warm. Not as hot as it had been the last two days but still plenty warm.

“This is really relaxing.” Carina comments and Maya nods in agreement.

They take three full laps around the lazy river before getting out.

There are a bunch of slide and waterpark features for kids. There are only really a few waterslides that adult can use at this hotel. There are plenty of other hotels and waterparks with slides and rides and games and lazy rivers. Splash pools, wave pools. So, this isn’t the only one but it’s where they are right now.

Carina takes Maya’s hand before climbing the stairs to the top of the water slide. It’s the one slide that is outside. The other two are at the indoor waterpark that is attached to their hotel. It’s straight down with a few little bumps in it. “Do you want to go first?” She asks when the line comes to a stop near the top.

“You can.”

“Are you scared?” Carina bumps her shoulder into Maya’s, teasing.

“No, I just want to see you go first and watch you.”

Carina pouts at Maya’s cute and honest reply. “Okay, I’ll go first. And then we’ll come up a second time and you can go first.”

“Deal.” Maya squeezes Carina’s hand.

They get to the front of the line and it’s Carina’s turn. She sits down and grins at Maya as she leans back before shooting down the slide. Maya watches as she hits the water with a splash. She gets in position and starts her descent, making a splash of her own at the bottom. She surfaces and stands up to see Carina standing a few feet in front of her with a huge smile on her face and her arms held out. Maya wades over and lets Carina wrap her in a hug. “That was fun.”

“It was.” Carina agrees.

“Andiamo. Voglio-“ Maya loses her confidence as she can’t think of the right words.

Carina raises an eyebrow. “What do you want?”

“I want to go again.”

Carina squeezes Maya tightly before releasing her. “You’re so precious.”

After a few more trips down the water slide, it was time head back to the room and change. Maya has lots that she wants to do. Carina too. But Maya wants to go to the really cool looking mini golf place that they passed on the way to the hotel.

“I’m not so sure about this.” Carina eyes the putter wearily.

“What’s not to be sure about. It’s mini golf.” The blonde shrugs like it’s no big deal.

“I’m not- I’ve never been the athlete type, Maya. That’s you. This isn’t really my thing.” She chews nervously at her lower lip.

Maya thinks Carina trepidation about mini golf is adorable. “It’s not serious.” She moves to stand in front of her wife. “It about having fun. Look at this place. It’s amazing. The pirate theme. The giant waterfall. 91 holes of golf.” Maya points behind herself.

The excitement in Maya’s voice is palpable. Carina grins. She will admit it’s a gorgeous set up. She just doesn’t think she’s going to be very good at mini golf. She’s only ever tried once before, and it was a terrible experience. A guy she was dating took her on a mini golf date. She had been terrible at the golfing, and he huffed and hummed the whole time about how terrible she was. So, maybe it’s that experience that she’s dreading having again now.

But then Maya’s fingertips press into her stomach and the blonde leans closer to her. “Just have fun. I will try to not make it a competition, but you know me. Competitive Maya.” She smirks a little. “But, babe, we can’t pass this opportunity up.”

“We’re not playing all 91 holes, though, right?”

Maya shakes her head. “I’ve only paid for the one course. So eighteen. And it’s the medium difficulty course, so we should be fine.”

Carina doesn’t know about them being fine. Maya might be fine, but she doesn’t think she will be fine.

“I’ll buy you an ice cream afterwards.” Maya whispers.

Carina raises an eyebrow. “Are you bribing me?” She smiles.

“Maybe.” The blonde grins affectionately. “But I already paid for both of us to golf eighteen holes so-“

Carina slips her hand to Maya’s hip. “Maya Bishop.”

“Carina DeLuca. Why are we saying each other’s full names?” She chuckles.

Carina closes her eyes and shakes her head softly. Maya takes the opportunity to lean in and press a gentle kiss to the corner of Carina’s mouth.

“Okay.” The Italian sighs happily, ready to golf no matter the outcome.

In the end, Carina isn’t as terrible as she remembers. And she has fun. Just like Maya said. The blonde tries to keep her competitive streak on the down low, but she can’t help but tally up the score in the end and let Carina know that she beat her by nine strokes.

“Do I get to pick out my own ice cream?” They walk by the ice cream freezer to return their putters.

“Whatever you want, my love.”

Carina rocks forward on the balls of her feet in front of the chest freezer, looking over the options. “What do you want?”

“I’m not having one. I’ll just have a few bites of yours.”

“You will not.” Carina folds her arms over her chest. “It is my ice cream.” She pouts.

Maya laughs. “Okay, fine. Get two of whatever you’re having.” Carina’s pout turns into a happy grin again and Maya can’t help but grin along. The day has been amazing so far.

“I feel like a slouch.” Maya looks down at her outfit as they get ready for dinner. “I don’t feel very attractive.”

Carina clicks her tongue and moves towards Maya. “You are very attractive.” She turns Maya’s words around.

“But I’m just wearing nice jeans and a fitted t-shirt.”


“And it’s not the most attractive.” Maya tries to reason. She feels like she should be wearing something fancier, flashier.

Carina wraps her arms loosely around Maya’s waist. “Oh, bella. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what you wear. You know that I am always attracted to you.”

“Yes but-“ Maya thinks about it. She’s not sure why she feels so insecure right now. Earlier she was in a bathing suit in front of tons of people and it wasn’t an issue. But now it’s different, like, now that she’s not wearing what everyone else is and they are going out to dinner she doesn’t feel adequate enough. “There’s a difference between feeling attractive yourself and feeling someone’s attraction for you.”

The brunette hums. “What can I do?” She wants to help out.

Maya isn’t sure. “You look wonderful.” She tries to deflect.

But Carina doesn’t let her. “What can I do?”

Maya sighs. “You’re doing it. Hold me. Tell me I’m pretty. Hold my hand as we go to dinner. Walk confidently like you’ve got the most amazing wife in the world. That will help.”

“Consider it done.” Carina seals her words with a quick kiss. “Now, I just have to run a brush through my hair, and we can go.”

Their dinner is amazing, the food is amazing. Maya tops it off with a local beer, Spotted Cow, and an order of cheese curds. She burps, full. Carina chuckles. “This is great.” Maya mumbles with her mouth full. She indulges. It’s not something she would usually eat. It was never something Lane allowed her to eat. She was worried about what people might think about how she looked, but as soon as they sat down at their table and in their own little world, that worry faded away. It helps that Carina’s eyes are always on her. It helped that Carina would softly run her foot up the inside of Maya’s ankle. It really helped when Carina took the lead, and spoke with the staff, and held Maya’s hand as they were led to a table.

Maya enjoys taking the lead and being ‘in charge’. It made her a good captain. Planning and organizing and overall, just having control, but she’s learning that it’s just as wonderful when Carina takes control. Carina is smart, and capable, and a good leader and Maya trusts her beyond anything. She can willingly hand control over to Carina and relax. It’s one of the best things that has happened in her life with Carina. That she didn’t have to be in control all the time and at the same time when Carina was in control it didn’t feel controlling. It isn’t like strict diet and five in the morning runs. And it is wonderful.

Carina looks across at her wife and she knows she’s happily maybe sappily smiling over at the blonde. She’s only seen Maya this laid back and relaxed a few times. And it is a sight to behold. It’s beautiful and she feels lucky to see and experience it.

“Sei bellisima, bambina.”

Maya is preoccupied with her thoughts and her remaining cheese curds. She swirls one around in ranch before looking up at Carina’s words. She stares over at the wife. Carina lips curl up at the sides, her simple smile becoming more lively.

“Sei bellisima, bambina.” She repeats.

She’s just eating cheese curds. She’s not sure how Carina thinks that is beautiful, so she shrugs.

“No shrugs.” Carina shakes her head. “Sei bellisima.”

Maya blushes but then holds out a cheese curd across the table to Carina. The brunette leans forward, opening her mouth, and Maya slips the curd carefully in.

They can’t dawdle at dinner though, because they have tickets for the DUCK boat river cruise. Carina might be most excited about this part of their day. A tour in a vehicle that drives on land and water. She knows about the Duck boats from history, from Italian history, from World War II. The Duck boats first use was in Sicily. Carina knows this and is interested to see if the tour company will bring this fact up.

Everyone gets on board and the vehicle starts rolling and the tour guide starts with her monologue.

Carina sits against the outside wall of the vehicle with Maya to her right. The blonde slips her arm through Carina and leans into her side and looks out in the same direction that Carina is looking as their tour guide drives them away from the Duck boat company building. They get on the road with all the regular traffic. Maya thinks for a moment if it’s safe, but it must be because this company has been doing this since 1946.

They stop at a red light and the guide asks a question. “The Duck boats were used by the US military in World War II. Does anyone know why?”

A man responds. “To deliver troops and supplies from ship to shore during amphibious assaults and invasions.”

The guide nods. “Correct. They were vital to transport. They were used on D-Day at Normandy when the troops stormed the beaches there. But does anyone know where the Ducks were first used?”

“I do.” Carina speaks up when no one say anything after a beat.

The tour guide looks up into a big mirror above her to look at the crowd. “Go ahead.” She’s a little surprised that a woman has the answer to this question. Most of the time, unless it’s a big World War II buff or Duck boat buff, people don’t know the answer to this particular question.

“Sicily.” Carina says with a smile.

Maya pulls her arm out from Carina’s and leans away from her in surprise and shock. “How do you know that?” Maya whispers, rhetorically.

“That is correct.” The tour guide grins. “I don’t get too many people that know the answer to that one.”

“I’m from Sicily.”

“Ahhh.” The guide nods. “A world traveler.”

“Well, I live in Seattle now.” Carina grins.

The whole group seems to take Carina in with awe and intrigue now.

“The Duck boats, as our Sicilian guest has said, were first used in the Allied invasion of Sicily in Operation Husky on July 9th, 1943. It was the largest amphibious operation of World War II in landing zone size and number of divisions put ashore on the first day. The weather conditions were horrible, and the Italians were surprised because they didn’t think anyone would try to land in such poor conditions. They also didn’t plan for any battles on the beaches. So, the landings themselves were met in most places with little resistance from the Italians; but once the Italians knew the Allied forces were there, battles took place.

“I didn’t know any of that.” Maya whispers to Carina, tucking herself into her wife’s side once again. Carina hums and nods.

The tour continues as the vehicle dips into the river. The scene is gorgeous. The sun is low in the sky. Not to sunset yet, there are still a few hours before it dips below the horizon, but the light that the sun provides in the tree-lined valley on the river is absolutely beautiful. It’s like a painting by Bob Ross but in real life. Lots of people take photos with their phones so Maya gets hers out. Carina is looking out over the water so she snaps a few shots of Carina in the foreground with the river and trees in the background.

“Bella, stop.” Carina grins after she hears the shutter sound from the phone clicking a few times. She swings her head around. Maya snaps a few more photo, this time of Carina’s smiling face and not just her profile.

Carina reaches up and wraps her palm softly around Maya’s wrist, pulling the phone down gently into Maya’s lap. Maya grins like she has a secret when, really, she’s just happy and proud to be with Carina. They are surrounded by strangers, but Maya could care less. She’s only got eyes on Carina, for Carina. Their tour isn’t so much romantic, but it is very lovely and beautiful. It’s a unique experience, that’s for certain.

After the Duck boats, Maya practically begged Carina to go to the indoor waterpark in their hotel. The slides were better than the outdoor one. The lazy river was just as great. The hot tub was a wonderful plus.

That’s where they find themselves now. It’s close to closing time and most of the parents and children have vacated the premises. There is a woman in the hot tub across the way from them. She has her eyes closed, and if Carina had to guess, she thinks the woman is taking advantage of this time in the hot tub by herself while her spouse looks after the kids.

“We should come back here. I like this place.” Maya speaks softly next to her. “We didn’t have time do all the mini golf courses at Pirate’s Cove. And there’s so many other waterparks than the ones at our hotel.” Maya whines.

Carina laughs. “You’re like a giant kid.”

“I never got to do stuff like this.” Maya never got to do many fun things as a kid. They went camping as a family for a few summers before her running training started. But they were never far away from the house. Not more than an hour or two at the most. And never out of state. There were never any other family outings. They didn’t go to amusement parks, or waterparks, or the fai,r or anywhere really that had fun kid activities.

“We can spend more time at the water parks than just a few hours or go multiple days in a row. And the amusement parks. And the Duck boat was fun, and the scenery was beautiful, but I don’t know if I need to do that again unless there was someone else with us. I didn’t know you knew about Duck boats. Or that they were first used in Sicily. Or that-.” Maya trails off, thinking about their day. She thinks Travis and Vic would love the waterpark, amusement park, the shops, and the food. They would be two people that would enjoy a vacation to Wisconsin Dells. Maya knows, logically, it’s a long way to go from Seattle for these trivial things and that they could find them in the state of Washington or on the west coast somewhere. But this place feels really unique. “I really like the food. And everyone seems so nice and hospitable. There are families everywhere. There’s so much to do.” Maya floats around until she is in front of Carina. She reaches down and finds Carina’s thighs, rubbing her hands over them before resting them near her knees.

Carina sighs wistfully. She feels bad for Maya’s repressed childhood. Carina watches as Maya speaks now with excitement. And she could certainly see herself bringing her family here. Her and Maya and a couple of their own kids.

“And I think I saw a sign earlier for adult entertainment in the evenings.” Maya continues with a little naughty smirk on her lips now.

“We can certainly come back.” The brunette grins. She’s not sure if she wants to go out to ‘adult entertainment’ with Maya or if she wants Maya to be the adult entertainment.

“Bene.” The blonde nods. She looks around. The place is pretty empty now. It’s getting near closing time. Maya floats around in front of Carina for a bit. She smiles as she appraises her wife. Carina’s easy smile and the way her hair is slicked back wet. Or the way Carina’s fingers find her waist under the waterline.

Carina gives Maya a little wiggle of the eyebrows. A secret, playful little look to let Maya know that she is done being innocent. Maya shakes her head before nodding towards their third wheel. Carina chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Sit next to me.” The Italian whispers for only Maya to hear.

Just as Maya moves, their third wheel does too. The woman moves to the stairs and steps out of the hot tub. Either, getting the hint or having come to the end of her alone time.

It only takes Maya a second to move to sit across Carina’s lap, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Carina’s hands find Maya’s waist, arm slipping easily around Maya, hands clasped together on her opposite hip. They waste little time in finding each other’s lips, leaving teasing little kisses on each other’s lips and cheeks.

They stay cuddled together in the hot tub until the lifeguards blow their whistles and make everyone that remains in the waterpark leave for the night.

Maya follows Carina back to the room. The brunette seems to be moving at a quicker than normal clip, Maya realizes that Carina is in a hurry for something. Once they are back in the room, Maya finds out why as Carina turns on the shower.

“Let’s get these tette rinsed off.” She cups Maya’s breast, standing behind her. Maya leans back against Carina, basking in the touch.

After a shower, and a little shower sex, Maya wraps up everything for the day, coming to bed. Carina is already laying down, tucked in under the blankets. The blonde takes a big deep breath before climbing into bed.

“What was that for, bella?” Carina smiles.

Maya cuddles into Carina’s side. “I’m just really happy.” She whispers.

And Carina is really happy that Maya is happy. Things have been so difficult for Maya in the last nine months to almost a year now with her job and Carina has seen the toll it’s taken on Maya. It isn’t ever anything big but it’s like this slow, one day at a time, day by day, chipping away at Maya’s armor. That shield that Maya has and puts up to protect herself is slowly getting weaker with every blow that it is forced to take.

She presses a kiss to Maya’s head. “I’m happy you’re happy.”

Maya tries to look up to find Carina’s honey brown eyes. “Aren’t you happy?”

Carina chuckles. “I am, bambina. I just said I was.”

“No. You said you were happy that I was happy. There’s a difference.”

Carina can’t help but smirk. “You are right. There is a difference. But I am both. I am happy that you are happy. And I am happy. I am happy that we made this trip. I’m happy that you wanted to and agreed to join me. I’m happy that we went to Madison. I’m happy with how that turned out. I’m happy that the place where Andrea and mamma lived is in the hands of a good, growing family. I’m happy that I could see it and go inside. That was beyond amazing, and I think super helpful. I’m happy to be here, with you, right now. I’m happy that we are taking some time away from Seattle.” She’s not sure if she should have said the last one because she knows Maya will think about work now. “I’m happy, Maya. I’m with the love of my life. My wife. We are having a good time. There are no worries. I’m happy.”

Maya hums. “Good.”

Carina chuckles. “Dormi ora.”

Maya nods. “I’m going to stay just like this. Buona notte, amore mio.”

“I fucking love you.” Carina sighs feeling incredibly grateful.

Maya squeezes at Carina’s waist. “And I fucking love you too.”

They both laugh. “Buona notte, bella.”