55. Chapter 55

The resting stop for the night is Minneapolis; but there are two stops to make before they get there.

Maya drives away from the waterpark hotel with a content sigh. Carina looks out the passenger’s side window as Maya negotiates morning traffic, taking in the sights one final time as they drive out of town. The blonde eventually pulls them into a local coffee shop. “Stay here.” She puts a hand on Carina’s knee.

Carina looks over and furrows her brow at the blonde.

“Just- I’ll get your coffee and something to eat.” Maya amends. “I want to-“ Maya shrugs. “I want to.” She nods resolutely.

Carina pulls her lips to one side while she thinks. “It’s really okay, bambina. I appreciate the gesture. But I can come in.”

“No, stay here.” Maya tries to convince. “Let me do this for you.” She wants to show Carina that she can do things like get her breakfast. As silly as that might seem. Because they both know that Maya can handle most things, including breakfast. It’s a sense of pride and accomplishment and something she should start doing more often. Happy wife, happy life, right? Maya thinks she should start bringing Carina coffee or a croissant at the hospital on her days off when Carina is working. It could be a regular thing for them. Or Maya should surprise her more often. She is terrible at spontaneity, but Maya thinks she should try more at that too.

“Okay, if you insist.” Carina smirks.

“I do.” Maya bites her lip at their little word reversal from the other day. “I love you so much.” She’s not sure why she feels so emotional about it right now. It might have something to do with how great the last few days have been and how happy she is. Maya feels like she should thank Carina or something for being a part of that happiness.

“I love you, bella. So much.” Carina rests her hand on the side of Maya’s face. She’s not sure what’s going on with Maya. But she does like seeing her so happy and carefree and almost grateful.

Maybe it’s the vacation. The getting away from work and their schedules and the stress of everyday life. Maybe it’s being far away from where they live. Maybe it’s the fun that they had yesterday. Maybe it’s Wisconsin, this place. Wisconsin Dells almost seems magical, and Maya is a little remiss that they have to leave today. She still stands by what she said about coming back.

“And we should definitely come back here.”

“Okay.” Carina grins. They stare at each other for a moment. “Breakfast?” She reminds Maya.

“Right. I’ll be right back.”

The Italian’s brow furrows further as she watches Maya walk into the building.

It’s there last day before they head west again. The plan is to make a few pit stops before driving to Minneapolis to stay for the night and then take I-94, the more northern route, back to Seattle. But first, they travel 14 miles south to Baraboo to visit Circus World Museum.

The grounds hold much history and have a plethora of artifacts and interesting information of the circus.

“I didn’t know Wisconsin had so many historical ties.” Maya mumbles when they find out that Baraboo, where they are, where the museum is, was home to the Ringling Brothers and was the circuses headquarters and winter grounds.

Carina hums. She did not know this either.

“This is a National Historic Landmark. It’s on the US National Register of Historic Places.” Maya is in awe.

Carina walks ahead of Maya, viewing the circus wagons, the posters, artifacts. Maya is more of the stop and read every sign type, so she lags behind Carina a little.

They sit and watch the magic show. Carina isn’t too interested in the live circus portion, so they leave before that starts.

Then it’s to The House on the Rock. Maya and Carina spend the entire afternoon walking around the house and the buildings looking at all the unique and eccentric things. There’s so much to see and maybe it would’ve been a better idea to come when they had more time or an entire day to dedicate to the place. But it is what it is, and they make the best of it.

“That was so cool.” Carina climbs into the passenger’s seat.

“So cool? What are you? Twelve?” Maya chuckles.

“Shut up.” Carina slaps playfully at Maya’s forearm as she starts the car.

“It was cool. A bit overwhelming-“ Maya looks around the vehicle. “-but cool.” She backs out of the parking space.

“Bambina.” Carina sighs the term. “You could have said you were overwhelmed. We could’ve gone.”

Maya shrugs. “You were having fun and it wasn’t like a dreadful sort of overwhelmed. It was just a lot to look at. A lot of stuff. I was good. I am good.” She tries to reassure her wife.

Carina reaches over, setting her palm on the back of Maya’s neck, rubbing lightly against at the skin with her thumb. She massages over the shoulders too before just resting her hand there. It’s no secret that she has a thing for her wife’s neck. Whether it’s wrapping an arm around it playfully, or to bring Maya into a searing kiss. Or if it’s to massage the muscles of her shoulder and neck area after a long day or a long shift. Or even to kiss and lick and taste when things turn sexy.

The blonde tries to focus on the road but it’s difficult with Carina’s hand on her. She doesn’t say anything though because she doesn’t want Carina to remove said hand. It’s pleasant and lovely, even if it’s distracting. It’s better when Carina stills her hand though, just leaving it there.

It’s late when they get to Minneapolis, and they just check into the hotel for the night, find something to eat, and then cuddle up watching some nonsense on the tv before falling asleep.

The drive from Minneapolis to Fargo, where they stop for lunch, is not all that exciting. There is lots of good scenery but most of their time is spent jamming out in the car.

Maya knew that Carina loved listening to Italian ballads and was familiar with the most popular songs from the sixties through today but what she discovers during their road trip is that Carina has a knack for certain rock groups. Eighties rock groups, more specifically. So, they spend a lot of time listening to the rock and classic rock stations and jamming out.

She is more of a top 40s hits kind of gal but loves that Carina can rock out and rocks out with her. They sing and scream songs at the top of their lungs for large portions of their drive time. Sometimes there are quiet hours. It can’t be all high octane all the time, but Maya feels closer to Carina somehow with this newfound knowledge. It wasn’t like they were ever sitting at home and just listening to radio stations. Sure, there are playlists on computers, but there’s something so organic about listening to something where you don’t know what the next song is going to be. There is a certain anticipation felt with that and it's invigorating.

They make a stop about halfway between Fargo and Bismarck to visit a sculptor of The World’s Largest Buffalo.

“Come on.” Maya tries to wave Carina over towards the giant buffalo. “Vieni qui.” She uses the words and that gets a smile and Carina’s feet moving. Carina thinks it is a silly thing to stop and see a big buffalo but likes Maya’s enthusiasm.

“Sir?” Maya tries to flag an older gentleman down. “Would you take our picture in front of the buffalo?”

Carina grins at the fact that Maya is going out of her comfort zone to ask someone to take their photo. Captain Maya Bishop can command a scene and delegate orders with no effort, but Maya isn’t someone who easily asks for a favor or help. She doesn’t want to be an inconvenience, but here she is, and Carina couldn’t be prouder of her.

The man comes over and Carina smiles kindly at him.

“Thank you.” Maya says and holds out her phone. “Just a few. Some up and down and then sideways.” She instructs.

“Yes, ma’am.” The guy smirks.

“Sorry.” Maya ducks her head, knowing that she sounds bossy.

Carina clicks her tongue. “She’s a fire captain. So, she likes bossing people around.”

“Carina!” Maya looks over at her wife with horrified eyes. Not only are Carina’s words not true, but Maya also can’t fathom how she could just blurt them out like that in front of a stranger.

The man smiles finding the pair funny. He stands back and aims the phone camera at the couple. Carina wraps her arm around Maya’s shoulders and Maya slips her arm around Carina’s waist.

The man takes a few photos and then turns the phone sideways to get wide angle shots before handing the phone back to Maya. “There ya go.”

“Thank you, again.” Maya nods and looks at the photos. They look like they turned out alright, so she pockets the phone.

“Have a good one.” The man smiles and waves as he walks away.

“I can’t believe you said that to him.” Maya grumbles, annoyed. “I’m not a captain anymore.” She huffs, the feelings of failure coming back. She had let them go and forget about them for the majority of their vacation so far. Maya starts to walk away from the giant buffalo.

“Hey.” Carina reaches out and catches Maya’s wrist but the blonde tugs trying to get Carina to let go. “Bambina.” She sighs. “You’ll always be my captain.”

Maya stops and closes her eyes. Her ridiculous wife and her ridiculous words and how they always make her feel things.

Carina takes the opportunity in Maya’s pause to move closer to her again, and wrap her arms around Maya’s shoulders from behind, draping herself over Maya’s back. “I love you. You are a strong and capable captain. I want you to remember that.”

The blonde simply nods. It’s hard to remember sometimes. It’s hard to not dwell on the event that got her demoted or fired, or whatever she is, from being captain. It’s a hit on her self-confidence and her abilities to lead and be a captain. It makes Maya feel shaky about how good of a job she did or didn’t do as captain. Makes her question everything. Gives her a complex.

“Let’s go.”

Carina shakes her head. “We have to race.” Maya tries to look back at Carina. “Around the buffalo. Three times and then back to the car.” The blonde raises an eyebrow. “To give our legs exercise. We’ve been sitting in the car all day.” Maya nods, going along with the silly idea. “On three.” Carina moves to stand next to Maya, crouching down a little in a runner’s stance. “One. Two.” The Italian takes off running before she says three. “Three.” She yells and laughs as she runs, leaving Maya standing behind her.

It doesn’t take long for Maya to catch up. She passes Carina and then starts to lap her. “You’re not even trying.” She sees that Carina is merely jogging as she comes up behind her.

Carina just wanted to be silly. She wasn’t serious about actually racing. She wanted to have a laugh. And she does. She laughs when Maya comes up next to her. “Just jog, bella. Go slow.”

Maya groans. She doesn’t think she can go slow. It’s not possible for her. It’s not in her DNA. But Carina somehow always gets her to do the impossible. So, with a pout and a pretty please from Carina, she jogs along with her until they make three complete passes. Carina then takes her hand and drags Maya away from the buffalo statue over to a grassy area and they sit down.

“What are we doing?” Maya questions as she sits across from Carina. She mirrors her position, knees out, ankles crossed in front of them, pretzel style.

“Just taking a minute. You can call it meditating or whatever you want. Here.” She holds out her hands, palms up. “Take my hands.” Maya does. “Now close your eyes and just focus on your breathing.”

Carina closes her eyes and Maya does too, at first. She opens them after a minute and watches Carina. Stares at her, taking in her features in the sunny light. The sun is behind Carina, and it makes her sort of glow. And with her eyes closed she looks absolutely peaceful and radiant.

“You’re so beautiful.” Maya whispers.

Carina chuckles. “You’re so stubborn.”

Maya rolls her eyes. “This isn’t my thing.”

Carina opens her eyes then. “It’s not really my thing either. I just thought we could try it. Have a peaceful few minutes before we set out in the car again.” She rubs her thumbs over Maya’s knuckles.

“I think the kids screaming and yelling in the background prevents it from being peaceful.” A family of five argues over placement for their picture in front of the buffalo.

“Should we go?” Carina asks, seeing that any peace they may have had is now gone. They can find peace somewhere else. In the car or at their next hotel.

They get back on the road a few minutes later, leaving the screaming children behind at the giant buffalo and make it to Bismarck before dinnertime.

Carina is driving. They are somewhere between Bismarck and Billings. There was just a stop for coffee and a bite to eat.

“This is the best coffee ever.” Maya exclaims and takes another sip.

Carina looks over at her very briefly. She takes Maya’s cup from her hand and has a drink, tasting it carefully. “No, it’s not.” She hands the cup back.

Maya looks at Carina. She’s not deaf to the annoyance in Carina’s voice. The Italian is driving and keeps her eyes on the road.

“So, you know what my tastebuds are telling me?” Maya smirks. This could be a fun playful teasing.

“Yes.” Carina nods once, resolute, serious.

Maya laughs. “Look, I know you are serious about coffee, but this is great.”

“No.” Carina grips at the steering wheel tighter.

Maya takes another drink. “I really think it is.”

“That’s so offensive, Maya.” The brunette groans.

“It’s just coffee, Carina.”

“It’s not ‘just’ coffee.” Carina’s lips twitch in annoyance, wanting to say more. She knows she shouldn’t though. She doesn’t want to fight about something as silly as coffee. The road trip might be getting to her. Carina wonders if this would be a ‘fight’ if they were at home. It wouldn’t. She knows it’s wouldn’t.

Maya thinks she better leave it because Carina does seem annoyed. She doesn’t want to upset her. It was supposed to just be a little teasing.

It’s quiet between them for a few minutes. Carina pulls over at the next rest area. “Get out.” She keeps her eyes straight ahead.

“Excuse me?” Maya gapes over at Carina. She can’t believe what Carina just said. Are they going to duke it out over coffee in the rest stop parking area?

“I said get out.” She slowly turns her head, venom in her eyes.

Maya opens her mouth to say something but then smartly shuts it again. She sees the annoyance and, apparent, anger that Carina has within her. She reaches for the door handle, opening her door slowly, thinking that Carina will eventually renege on her demand. But Maya gets the door open all the way and Carina just stares at her.

“Okay.” Maya holds one palm up in the air, the other unbuckles her seatbelt. “I’ll get out.” She’s not really sure what else she’s supposed to do and she’s not sure what Carina’s idea is either. Maybe Carina is going to make her drive as punishment for saying the coffee was great. Or maybe Carina just needs to be alone in the car for a minute.

Maya gets out of the vehicle. “Okay-“ She ducks her head down to look back in at Carina. “Now what? You’re not going to-“

Carina hits the accelerator and speeds off.

“Drive off.” Maya mumbles, the rest of what was supposed to be a sarcastic sentence, in disbelief. She watches as the car and Carina pull out of the rest area and back onto the highway.

She looks around. There are a man and women in a car a few spaces away watching her. Maya assumes they saw everything that just happened. She gives them a tight lipped smile and a small wave before ducking her head in embarrassment. She curls her shoulders inward and moves towards the little building that houses some vending machines and bathrooms. She doesn’t have her phone or her wallet. And she’s stranded at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere. Maya was insistent to prove her point and that she was the correct one in their ‘argument’ but at what cost?

She uses the bathroom and then goes to sit at a little table inside the building. There’s not much else she can do. Carina will come back for her. Right?

Carina drives down the highway, irritation coursing through her body. She realizes her grip on the wheel is so tight. She takes her left hand off, stretching it out, and then switches hands doing the same with the right hand.

She doesn’t understand how Maya can say that some random coffee is the best in the world. When she finds safe spot to turn the car around, she does.

She parks the car and marches into the building. She doesn’t see Maya anywhere and starts to panic. She couldn’t have gone anywhere, right? Did Maya hitch a ride with a stranger? Has she left the rest area? But just as the panic starts to set in it eases as Maya rounds the corner.

Carina walks quickly over to Maya, grabbing her face in her hands and kissing her fiercely.

“You’re so frustrating sometimes.” Carina growls through gritted teeth, a mere inch from Maya’s face.

Maya tilts her head to the side. “But you love me?”

“But I love you.” Carina says, accompanied with another kiss.

“So I was right?” Maya ventures.

Carina shakes her head. “You were not right.” She takes Maya by the hand. “Come on.” Carina leads them out of the building and back to the car.

They get on the road again and Maya looks over with teasing grin. “Did you really leave me at a rest stop?”

“Si.” Carina nods. “I needed a minute.”

Maya looks at her watch. “Or thirty.”

“I thought you loved my coffee. That it was your favorite.” Carina lays out her hurt.

Oh. Maya realizes that is what this is really about. Not just some other coffee that Maya was comparing this great cup to. Carina’s coffee. The blonde reaches over, laying her hand on Carina’s thigh. “I do love your coffee. It is the best.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Carina gives Maya a warning look, telling the blonde she better not placate her.

“I’m not. This coffee-“ She picks up the cup and takes a drink of the now cool liquid. “-is the best coffee that I’ve had that isn’t yours. When I say that this is the best, I’m comparing it to all other coffees that are not made by you. That are not yours. Yours is far superior. So yes, it is the best I’ve had from somewhere or someone that isn’t you. You gotta know that yours is always the top of the list.” She tells her wife sincerely.

Carina huffs. “It better be.”

“It is and always will be.” She rubs her hand over Carina’s leg.

“Don’t do that.”

“Why not?” Maya smirks.

“You know why not. You’re very naughty today. Offended me and my coffee. Making me irrationally irritated at you about it. And now trying to distract me from driving and your offense by touching me and making me think about sex.” Carina lays it all out there.

Maya just smirks knowing that when they get to their destination for the night that they are going to have some crazy amazing sex. She keeps her hand on Carina’s thigh, just resting there, not trying to be too distracting, just reminding.

The drive from Billings to Spokane is a long eight hours but as they approach the city Carina speak up. They’ve been in the car since eight in the morning. There was a stop for lunch for an hour to break up their travel.

“I just want to be home.”

Maya hums. They’ll be home tomorrow. Tonight is the stop in Spokane and tomorrow is a short, just over four hours, drive to Seattle. “I know. Me too. Tomorrow.”

“No today.” She looks over at the driver. Carina sees Maya turn her head slightly and look at her out of the corner of her eye. “Can we skip staying overnight in Spokane and go straight home?”

“That’s over twelve hours driving.”

“I’ll do it. I just want to be home tonight. I want to sleep in our bed. I don’t care if we don’t get there until ten.”

Maya thinks about it for a moment. It would be nice to be home a day or a half of a day early. The road trip has been amazing. But there’s such a sense of comfort being back home. The few trips she’s taken with Carina have been amazing but there’s such a sense of security being back in their apartment. It’s become a sacred place for herself and for Carina. “Okay.”

And like Carina said, it’s nearly ten at night when they get back to the apartment.

Carina drags her suitcase into the house, leaving it by the door, she removes her clothes as she walks towards the bedroom. Maya laughs and follows her. Carina faceplants onto the bed. “I’ve never been happier to see our bed.”

Maya sits down and takes her shoes and socks off. “We made it. We didn’t kill each other.” She grabs at Carina’s ankle, giving it a gentle shake.

“We made it, bella.” She turns her head to the side. “I love you.” She watches Maya undress. The simple act mesmerizes Carina.

Once she’s down to just her undergarments, Maya crawls up onto the bed and lays next to Carina. “I love you, Carina. So much. And I love this bed so much.”

Carina giggles and turns towards Maya. “We’re home.” This is their special place and it’s good to be back here. Carina pulls Maya into a quick kiss. “I’m going to wash up. I’ll be right back.”

Maya goes to get them some water and check around the apartment before moving back and getting into bed. Their trip was wonderful and amazing, but Maya feels better now that they are home. She had this little bit of underlying anxiety the entire time they were on the road. She did relax though when they were in Madison and the Wisconsin Dells, most of the trip. It’s just something about driving that gives her a touch of anxiety. But there’s just something so secure and calming about being at home.

“You’re not naked.” Carina comes back into the bedroom.

Maya shakes her head, a little bit of a smile.

“Naked.” Carina points. “Now.” She moves towards the bed.

Maya shimmies out of her undies and then unhooks her bra.

“So much better, bellisima.” She sits on the edge of the bed and makes grabby hands for Maya to come to her. Maya moves to stand in front of Carina. Carina places her hands on Maya’s waist lightly as she looks up into wonderful blue eyes. She breathes in a deep breath. “Thank you.”

Maya doesn’t ever bother to ask why. She simply nods. “Thank you for letting me accompany you. For showing me the place where Andrew and your mamma lived. For allowing me to be apart of that.”

Carina closes her eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” She pulls at Maya’s waist and leans back, falling onto her back.

Maya leans over Carina, her right hand pressed into the mattress. She presses her lips to Carina’s cheek to let her know she’s there before moving slightly to press a soft kiss to Carina’s right eyelid, before doing the same to the left.

The Italian sighs and smiles as Maya moves about in micro kisses. One to the forehead, temple, nose, chin and finally lips. “Let’s go to bed, my love.” She mumbles against Carina’s lips, before kissing her again.

And nothing has ever sounded better to Carina. Skin on skin contact as Maya holds her in her sleep, in the bed that they share, in the home that they’ve made. It’s the picture of perfection and comfort that Carina craves, so she moves easily into her spot and Maya saddles up behind her.

Maya nuzzles her nose against Carina’s cheek, placing a kiss there before settling down. “Ti amo, amore mio.” She mumbles. “Buona notte.”

“I love when you speak Italian.”

“Only for you.” Maya’s mind does flash back to Chad for a brief moment before wrapping her arm tighter around Carina. “I’m glad we went. It was fun.”

“It was fun.” Carina agrees. “Would you do it again?” She lays her arm on top of Maya’s around her waist.


“Then maybe we’ll have to go see Tonya and Colton and Chad every year.”

Maya chuckles. “Whatever you want, my love. Whatever you want.”

They were gone a total of twelve days. They cut it one day short. The trip was planned originally planned for thirteen days and they both took two full weeks off work. Maya is glad that they have the weekend to recuperate and do laundry and clean the car and just be lazy around the apartment before moving back into real life.