Lifting a rock and hitting yourself

Sunan city's eyes lightly swept a circle on her face, sword eyebrow slightly wring.

It took the woman half an hour to go to the bathroom, but she still looked like a ghost when she came back. This is specially for him, isn't it?

Although she has dealt with it, as long as he is not blind, you can see that the woman just cried hard, so even the powder can't cover up the illusion.

It's fake to go to the bathroom, but it's true to cry. He made it so difficult for her to eat. As for crying for half an hour before going to the bathroom?

"Pa!" Chopsticks fell on the table.

Luo Xiaotian's body shakes uncontrollably, which makes the already fragile nerve unbearable. A pair of red eyes like a rabbit anxiously look at the man opposite.

"Get up." There was no sound of temperature in the box.

"What, what?"

Luo Xiaotian puzzled asked, is it difficult to stand now popular to eat hot pot?

Sunan city didn't even take a look at her. Instead, he took one side of the coat and strode to the door. Luo Xiaotian reflected that the man was ready to leave.

She looked at a table of food that had not moved her chopsticks, and regretfully followed.

When Luo Xiaotian just got into the car, the car rushed forward like a galloping horse, so that Luo Xiaotian, who was not ready, almost didn't have a close contact with the front windshield.

But even if she was frightened by the 10000 points, she didn't have the courage to question the man beside her, because at this time, the temperature in the carriage was like putting people in an ice cellar, even breathing was cold.

Ironically, with her naked eye, she could see the heating coming out of the air conditioning outlet.

Well, she had to put on her seat belt in a hurry, and then she shrank to the window, trying to keep a little more distance from the cold maker beside her.

However, her little action did not escape the sharp eyes of Sunan city. Looking at the little woman who refused him thousands of miles away, his sword eyebrows twisted up again. A moment later, such as ink like eyes flashed a trace of cunning, the original still driving steady car suddenly like a giant snake winding up on the road.

Luo Xiaotian's body fell uncontrollably towards the cab.

Fortunately, unfortunately, this time she was wearing a seat belt and stopped a few centimeters away from the man in time, so she didn't hit the man. But in the blink of an eye, she was bounced back by the seat belt, and hit the bullet proof glass with a bang of her forehead.

"Hiss!" Luo Xiaotian instinctively gives out a painful sound.

Sunan city's face finally overcast to sunny, the corner of the mouth raised a visible radian.

It happened that this radian was caught by Luo Xiaotian.

Damn, this man is intentional!

At that moment, she forgot the pain in her head and the identity of each other. A voice in her body was about to break through her voice.

"Sunan City, can you drive?"

The slender fingers holding the steering wheel gave a slight pause, and the dark eyes glanced to the right at random. When the eyes returned to the front again, the cool voice sounded, "I can't drive, can you?"

Luo Xiaotian glares at the man's eyes. He feels guilty and releases his anger, because the man's words disappear completely.

She didn't remember going to the test room several times because of her driver's license, but the result was the same every time and she didn't pass. However, her accidents are not the same every time she takes an exam. She either bumps into someone else's post when she backs the car and moves to the warehouse, or she directly misses the exam items when she has free options. The most exaggeration is also her best achievement. After n times of re examination, she can finally get to the final road test. As a result, she will never die. When she meets a rural market beside the road that she must pass in the road test, she almost didn't cause a sensation in Z city.

Later, although there were no casualties, it scared the examiner almost to pee her pants. Of course, in the end, her test qualification was also cancelled, and her hard to pass grades were also cancelled, so she had to go back to the driving school to rebuild.

However, every driving school is afraid to accept her application again. Even if she pays twice as much as others, other driving schools are afraid to accept her. Where is teaching students? They are sending themselves to prison with their heads in their hands. Which coach dares to fight like this?

"Even if I can't drive, I know I shouldn't drive like this."

Luo Xiaotian tidies up her mood and refutes without any confidence.

Sunan city gave a cold hum, followed by a few adventurous movements of drifting, which could be regarded as an answer to Luo Xiaotian's question. As a result, the other party screamed repeatedly, almost deafened him.

It's like lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot.

No surprise, someone's face is more smelly, and the pedal on his face is heavier. In less than half an hour, Luo Xiaotian was thrown by a man at the door of her community.

Looking at the luxury car disappearing slowly in the distance, Luo Xiaotian nuzui said, "it's baffling."

Turning around, looking up and seeing a dark house, Luo Xiaotian changed her mind, changed her direction and walked to the busy square.She didn't want to be trapped in a house too quiet. If she went on like this, she was afraid that she would go crazy.

The evening of early winter is already full of chill. The originally busy square is much colder than usual because of the cold weather, but there are still many young lovers dating here.

Luo Xiaotian looks at the lovers who are nestling together in twos and threes. There is a trace of irony in her eyes. Once upon a time, she and Qinhuai were also like these lovers, nestling together and whispering.

It's only a matter of how long it's been.

She took a breath of her red nose and decided to go back home. She was going to blow a cold wind here to wake up. As a result, she was sober, but she was also sprinkled with dog food by these little lovers. This is not a good medicine for a lovelorn person.

Just as she was about to leave, there was a sudden sound in her ear.

Suspiciously, she turned around and looked around. She found that a young man had fallen in the southeast corner. Luo Xiaotian pulled out a wry smile. It seems that some people in the world are just as unlucky as her.

Originally, she didn't want to meddle in this kind of business. After all, doing good deeds now has to pay a price. There are many things on TV that people who do good deeds are wronged. But when she saw the young man clumsily climbed several times, she could not help but move to the other side.

"Are you hurt?"

Luo Xiaotian saw the painful face on the young man's face by the dim light of the square, and asked with concern.

Yunjixi, who was still struggling, instinctively looked up in the direction of the sound after hearing it.

Luo Xiaotian was surprised. She covered her mouth with her hands and looked at him in surprise.

Is he, is he a blind person? Although the other side is looking at themselves with open eyes, but you can see that this is a pair of eyes without smart, just like this pair of eyes is just decoration.