Why one less?

"Did I scare you?"

Yun Jixi smiles bitterly at Luo Xiaotian. Although he can't see it, it doesn't mean that his heart is blind. He can even imagine that when the other party first sees him, his face is full of sympathy.

He is a congenital blind person, from birth to now, he has never felt the brightness of a ray of light, but he is not discouraged, all normal people should learn, do, he has never fallen behind.

Just now, he accidentally tripped over something and fell to his leg, which made him so embarrassed.

Luo Xiaotian's heart was stung by something, especially by such a pure smile. She held each other up in a hurry, "I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else, just..." It's just an accident. Would such a handsome man be blind?

Yunjixi stood up smoothly with her help, but the pain from his feet made him wring his eyebrows.

"What's the matter? Did you fall somewhere?"

Luo Xiao, who has come back, looks at Yunji Xi from the sky, but she doesn't see anything unusual under the heavy coat.

Yunji Xi shook his head with a smile, "I'm ok. Thank you for helping me up."

As soon as the voice fell, a dull hum rang out in Luo Xiaotian's ear again.

"You're injured. There's a chair over there. I'll help you sit there for a while."

Luo Xiaotian saw the brave cloud Ji Xi, no reason for heartache, regardless of each other's opposition, directly helped him to the side of the bench to sit down.

After the other party's reaction, she can conclude that this gentleman must have fallen on his feet. Regardless of the difference between men and women, she squatted down and rolled up the other party's trousers.

"No, miss, I'll be fine."

Yunjixi keenly feels Luo Xiaotian's intention and wants to stop it, but it's not as fast as Luo Xiaotian's.

When Luo Xiaotian saw his bloody knee, she couldn't help taking a breath.

How much did you fall just now?

Luo Xiaotian, who has always boasted that she has no compassion, is in a soft mess at this time, with the aura of Virgin Mary all over her body.

As she took out a tissue from her bag, she comforted, "Sir, your knee is bleeding. I'll wipe it for you now. It may hurt a little. Please bear it."

After that, her expression tangled for cloud Ji Xi to deal with the wound.

In fact, she is afraid of blood

Waiting for her to deal with the wound, her face was pale, but she still said, "Sir, the blood has stopped. Where do you live? I'll take you home. "

"Cloud season."

Luo Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, which reflected that this man was telling himself his name.

She gently smile, "Mr. cloud Hello, my name is Luo Xiaotian."

Instinctively, she stretched out her right hand and then recalled that she couldn't see her partner. She then withdrew her hand with a smile.

Of course, yunjixi can't see her action, but he shows a bright smile to Luo Xiaotian, "Hello Xiaotian, nice to meet you."

Luo Xiaotian was not a hypocritical person. He immediately said with a smile, "Ji Xi, where do you live? Shall I take you home?"

It was not until she returned home after sending Yun Jixi that she found that her gloomy mood had dissipated a lot.

It seems that good work can also make people feel better.


In the twinkling of an eye, Luo Xiaotian has been in the company for more than a month, and her experience in the company has not improved with the passage of time. On the contrary, her situation could not be described as worrying.

"Xiaotian, you know, the boss is going to be promoted."

Li Zimu is Luo Xiaotian's only colleague who can speak well in the company, and her boss is the supervisor who interviewed her at the beginning.

When she heard that the boss was going to be promoted, Luo Xiaotian was very happy for him. After all, the boss took good care of her for a month in the company, but she didn't expect that this would be the beginning of her disaster.

The promotion of the supervisor made the original position vacant, but it didn't take a few days for the new supervisor to take office, which also indicates that Luo Xiaotian's situation is more difficult than before.

"Luo Xiaotian, is this your work? I don't understand how you got in at the beginning What's in your head, grass? "

Luo Xiaotian can't remember how many times she has been scolded today. Since Dong Qian took office, it's a common practice for her to be scolded, but the number of times today is more than usual.

"I'm sorry, director Dong. I'll go back to revise it now."

She sniffed hard, picked up the manuscript on the table, and backed out with her head down.

Other colleagues see Luo Xiao Sirius retreat from the office of the director, their face is full of ridicule, let you rely on the relationship to go through the back door, this evil is rewarded.

Luo Xiaotian is not blind. She knows the mood of her colleagues at this time. When her former supervisor was still there, her colleagues still had some scruples. They just made trouble for her in private and secretly.Now we have a director Dong who specializes in picking bones in eggs, which directly encourages their arrogance and bullies her without any weakness.

"Xiaotian, are you ok?" Li Zimu saw Luo Xiaotian sitting back in her seat, and then asked in a low voice.

She didn't dare to be too close to Luo Xiaotian, so she could only care about it in secret occasionally.

Luo Xiaotian knows Li Zimu's worries, but she doesn't blame her. In this case, people with a little brain will choose to be wise and protect themselves. Moreover, Li Zimu is very docile in this fierce team.

"I'm fine, thank you."

She keeps a distance from Li Zimu, which is regarded as a reward to the other party, so that the other party will not be ignored by other colleagues because of herself.

Luo Xiaotian's situation of being excluded and suppressed in the company has been going on until something happened, which directly led to her emotional collapse.

"Luo Xiaotian, why don't you have enough paintings this week?"

Dong Qian, who is full of pockmarks, looks at Luo Xiaotian angrily. His sharp eyes are like a bright knife, shooting at her.

The company stipulates that each person must hand in five drawings a week. At the morning meeting every Monday, everyone will discuss the anonymous drawings, and the best one can be used as the assessment of the bonus at the end of the month.

And this week, Luo Xiaotian is not enough?

Enough is only the minimum requirement.

Luo Xiaotian puzzled to see the director, "director Dong, I have handed in five paintings."

Dong Qian sneered and threw the painting directly on her face, "five? Luo Xiaotian, is your math taught by your Chinese teacher? Do you have five drawings here? "

Luo Xiaotian can't help but feel embarrassed. She takes up the scattered paintings and looks at them. Her eyes turn unbelievably. How come there are only four paintings?

"Is it clear now? Don't tell me you can't count five or four? "

Dong Qian, whose face is full of pox and print, looks even more ferocious. The eyes that outline the thick eyeliner are more angry and staring. The appearance of this question is like a rural shrew.

Luo Xiaotian clenched her lower lip and looked at the opposite Sister Zhang. There was a hesitation in her eyes.

She gave the last painting to Xu Huangli on Friday, but now she has only one less painting.

Why one less?