Try it

Luo Xiaotian understood the meaning of peace and shook his head helplessly. "Xiaoning, what do you say? My relationship with Sunan city is not what you think. Besides, I don't have time to avoid him. Why would I want to have one? "

In her opinion, she and Sunan city are not the same world at all. Although they have a physical relationship, they are all accidents. She didn't mean to continue these accidents. Now she just wants to pay back the money she owes Sunan City, that's all.

Anning hates iron but not steel and pokes Luo Xiaotian's forehead with her finger. Is she stupid? Is it stupid? Don't be a good son-in-law. What are you doing here? How much is affectation worth?

"Xiaotian, you don't know a man very well. If Sunan city is not interested in you, he won't lend you money. He's not a savior. As long as someone asks him to borrow money, he will borrow it. So this time, you must listen to your sisters and seize this opportunity to deal with Sunan city at one stroke. You are so angry with the dog men and women of Qinhui and Luo Xiaoyu. "

See Luo Xiaotian also a pair of disapproval of the appearance, she continued to make persistent efforts, "you think, Sunan city is Qinhuai's cousin, if you really marry Sunan City, Qinhuai is not to call you a cousin, you guess this cousin will disgust Qinhuai?"

She was excited to think that Qinhuai would be like eating excrement.

Luo Xiaotian laughs. He quickly changes the topic. If he continues to talk like this, he may have to pack himself up and send him to the city hall in southern Jiangsu.

Fortunately, they were deeply in love. As soon as she interrupted them, they began to talk about other topics. After all, they haven't seen each other for two months. Many interesting things happened in Anning where the birds don't lay eggs.

As soon as they chatted, they forgot the time. When Luo Xiaotian came home, it was nearly nine o'clock in the evening.

Luo Xiaotian went home by bus. The cafe didn't have a direct bus to the community, but could only get to the square near the community.

When she passed the square, it was already sparsely populated, and only a few couples were still in the cold.

Passing the corner, she was startled by the sudden appearance of a figure.

When I had a close look, I found it was an acquaintance.

"Ji Xi, why are you here?"

She patted her little heart, which almost jumped out of her throat.

Under the dim light, yunjixi's face looks a little pale, and his eyes are still blank, but it doesn't affect his overall handsome. If his eyesight is normal, he is definitely a hot spot for fans.

Cloud Ji Xi toward Luo Xiaotian showed a big smile, showing a row of neat teeth, "Luo Tian, sorry, did you scare just now?"

Hearing the familiar footsteps, he was a little worried for a moment, ignoring whether he would scare people when he suddenly appeared in the evening.

Seeing the guilt on his face, Luo Xiaotian quickly denied, "no, it's just some accidents. Why are you still here so late?"

Yun Jixi smiles shyly and touches her hair shyly. "I'll come out and have a look..." See if I can meet you again.

He didn't say the last sentence, for fear of being abrupt.

Luo Xiaotian picks an eyebrow, and a blind man comes out to have a look in the evening? After a while, she was relieved that day and night were no different for the blind. Instead, there was only darkness in their world.

"It's getting late. Although the public security in this area is OK, we still need to pay attention to safety. Why don't I take you home?"

For Yun Jixi, she has more pity. Such a white and simple boy can easily arouse a sense of protection.

Yunjixi shook her head and said, "can I buy you coffee?"

Luo Xiaotian is dumb. Do you drink coffee at this time? Can you sleep at night?

But when she saw the expectant face of the other party, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she had to put forward her opinion, "it's so late, we'd better not drink coffee. Let's go to have a snack."

Yunjixi, who had been carrying a heart, immediately pulled out a big smile and nodded happily after hearing Luo Xiaotian's proposal.

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian felt that the whole person was infected by the smile.

Two people went to a roadside shop, although the scale is small, but the room is installed with heating, so it is still very warm.

"Oh, Xiaotian, bring your friends to dinner?"

Luo Xiaotian and Qin Huai used to come to this shop for dinner, so they are familiar with the boss. When they see Luo Xiaotian, they say hello to her.

Luo Xiaotian nodded with a smile, "boss, it's the same as before." After ordering, he bowed his head to yunjixi and explained, "Jixi, the wonton noodles here taste good. Try it."

I don't know why, although they only meet for the second time, they are familiar with each other for a long time. This kind of atmosphere makes Luo Xiaotian very comfortable.

Yun Jixi nodded, took out her mobile phone from her pocket and put it on the table. He said cautiously, "Xiaotian, can I ask you for the number?"

Luo Xiaotian a Leng, immediately reaction, well, the original two people even basic contact information are not.She smiles and reports a set of numbers.

Yunjixi saved her number like a treasure.

Luo Xiaotian finds that although yunjixi can't see anything, it doesn't affect his action at all. It's like saving a number. His skillful action makes people feel that he is different from ordinary people.

"What's the matter?"

Cloud season Xi acute discovery her abnormality, half lift head, don't understand of ask a way.

Luo Xiaotian said with a smile, "it's nothing. I find that Ji Xi is still very powerful."

Our four words Ji Xi warm Yun Ji Xi's heart. It's a sense of belonging. For this person who has only met twice, his heart begins to accelerate inexplicably.

"Ji Xi, what's the matter with you? Why are you so red?"

Looking at the little face more and more red cloud season Xi, Luo Xiaotian some worry asked.

Cloud season Xi flustered shake head, "I'm all right, is, is this room heating is too enough, give hot."

Luo Xiaotian Hu frowned suspiciously. Is the room well heated? She feels fine.

But instead of thinking deeply, she said thoughtfully, "then take off your clothes and go out later to avoid catching cold."

Cloud Ji Xi eh a, silently take off clothes, Luo Xiao Tian Shun hand took clothes, help him hang up.

After a while, wonton noodles were served, and the smell of food filled the tip of the nose.

Originally, Luo Xiaotian was not very hungry, but when she saw the delicious food, her taste buds were hooked up. She swallowed, took a big bowl in front of her and drank a big mouthful of hot soup. Suddenly, the whole person was warm.

"Ji Xi, try it."

Although yunjixi can't see it, she has already made up her mind for the way Luo Xiaotian ate noodles just now. She can't help but learn from her. She picks up the bowl in front of her and has a taste.

If it's true, it's the best he's ever tasted.