How could that be?

"Well, this soup is delicious."

Yunjixi's face is satisfied, as if what he is holding is not wonton noodles, but some delicacies.

Luo Xiaotian's mouth gently raised, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes. Who ever thought that he would be a blind man who was so elegant in eating noodles?

God is unfair.

Inexplicably, her pity for Yun Ji Xi is a little more.

After taking a deep breath, she took out a bottle of vinegar from the side and put it in front of Yun Jixi. She whispered, "Jixi, do you like vinegar? It's better to add vinegar to wonton noodles. "

Yun Jixi stops her action. With the sound of Luo Xiaotian putting vinegar, she gets the vinegar bottle accurately and nods with a smile. "Xiaotian, thank you."

"No, in fact, I know there are more delicious things nearby. I'll take you to eat with me another day."

"Really? That's a deal. You can call me any time. "

"Not at any time. Usually I have to go to work..."

They chatted a lot from all over the world, but they found that they had the same hobbies. Unconsciously, they were close to each other.

The next day at work, Luo Xiaotian yawns n n times, and her eyelids fight all the time. The reason is that she went to bed too late last night. As soon as she chatted with Yun Jixi, she forgot the time. If it wasn't for the owner of the wonton noodle shop, they would talk all night.

So she was in a bad mood the next day, and the whole person was floating.

In order to make herself sober, she sneaked out while everyone was not paying attention.

After a few stretches and a cup of coffee, I finally woke up. I glanced at the watch on my wrist and ran back.

It took half an hour to blink. If people saw her wandering around for half an hour, they would not be able to raise their heads.

It's just that the man in front looks so familiar?

Is it Luo Xiaoyu?

Why is she here?

Luo Xiaotian was about to follow her when he heard someone calling her name.

After all, the familiar voice is not Dong. Who is in charge?

Her stiff back turned around with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, director Dong."

Dong Qian appears in front of Luo Xiaotian with a constipated face.

"Luo Xiaotian, why are you here?"

Why is she here? Yeah, how can she explain that she's in the wrong place?

However, Dong qiangen didn't give her time to think about it, so he directly scolded her.

"Luo Xiaotian, are you also interested in xiuzong? I'll tell you, don't be paranoid with your condition. The general practitioner won't take a fancy to you... "

Luo Xiaotian didn't pay attention to Dong Qian's other demeaning words, but heard the word Xiuyuan. Xiuyuan is the vice president of kg international company and the half brother of Sunan city.

After working here for some time, she learned that the entertainment company in Chengkou of Southern Jiangsu is kg international company.

But that's not the point. When did Luo Xiaoyu and Xiuyuan meet? How can you get out of Xiuyuan's office and wrap yourself so tightly that it doesn't look like her dressing style at all.

There's something fishy about it!

"Luo Xiaotian, did you listen to me?"

Dong Qian saw that she was wandering. She was so angry that she almost rolled her eyes. She could see that Luo Xiaotian was more and more difficult to manage. Before she scolded her, she knew that she was sad on the surface. Now, it's totally old-fashioned. When she scolds her, she even dares to leave. Do you really think she's dead?

Luo Xiaotian finally recovered from her thoughts with a roar of a lion from the river. She looked at the man in front of her, who was clearly middle-aged and dressed up as a young Dong Qian in her twenties and thirties.

"Director Dong, of course I'm listening. You really misunderstood me. How could I have any idea about Mr. Xiu? I only know now that this is Mr. Xiu's office. You have 120 hearts. My heart is only work. I'll go to work now. I'll go to work right away."

With that, she bowed to Dong Qian. No matter what else he said, she left immediately.

Until Luo Xiaotian completely disappeared, Dong Qian remembered what Luo Xiaotian was doing here?

Luo Xiaotian ran back to her position in one breath and patted her chest with lingering fear. Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise her ears would not be clean.

"Xiaotian, you finally came back. Your mobile phone rang many times."

Li Zimu saw Luo Xiaotian come back, quickly turned around and whispered a reminder.

Luo Xiaotian smile thanks, picked up the phone to see the next missed call, nervous white face.

It's a hospital call. It's not grandma. What's wrong?

She quickly called back and was told that her grandmother was in a coma again and had been sent to the emergency room.

"Zimu, ask for leave for me. I have something to do."She didn't have time to ask Dong Qian for leave in person, so she went to the hospital.

When she returned to the hospital, her grandmother had been sent back to the ward, but she was still sleeping. She told the nurse to call her if she was awake, and she rushed to her grandmother's attending doctor.

"Dr. Zeng, what's the matter with my grandmother? Why did she go into a coma again? Last time, didn't you say that she recovered well? "

Luo Xiaotian finds it hard to accept that her grandmother is in a coma again. In the last two days, she talked to the doctor. The doctor also told her that her grandmother's condition is very good, but it's only a few days now. Why is it serious again?

The doctor apologized, "I'm sorry, Miss Luo. The patient has postoperative complications. Generally, if the patient doesn't have any discomfort within a week after the operation, we exclude the postoperative complications. Your grandmother was an accident. She had complications half a month after the operation, which had a very important relationship with her age. When you're older, you're much less able to repair yourself. "

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Luo Xiaotian's nerves are more and more tense. So, grandma's situation is very dangerous now?

How could that be?

In this world, in addition to peace, she only has grandma, a relative, who treats her sincerely.

"Doctor Zeng, is there no other way? I beg you, I beg you to help my grandmother. "

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry, for the elderly patients, we are most afraid of the situation like your grandmother. Her heart has begun to fail. What we can do is to use the instrument to delay her life."

Luo Xiaotian couldn't bear the blow for a moment, and he staggered for a while. Thanks to the doctor's help in time.

"Miss Luo, I know you feel bad about this news for a while, but we really try our best. You..."

Luo Xiaotian walks out of the doctor's office in despair. She doesn't know who to talk to at this time. Father and Luo Xiaoyu? Hehe, they just hope grandma doesn't get better as soon as possible, right? Otherwise, grandma would not have been ill for so long and never came to the hospital to see her?

"Xiaotian, where are you? Director Dong is looking for you?"

Li Zimu's low voice came from the other end of the phone.