Can I explain?

Luo Xiaotian walked out of the ward with a mobile phone, frowning and locking, and asked, "why is director Dong looking for me ? Didn't I ask you to ask for leave for me? Didn't you tell director Dong? "

Li Zimu, clutching the microphone of his mobile phone, explained, "I said it, but director Dong didn't accept it, saying that he didn't agree with other people asking for leave."

In Luo Xiaotian's heart, 10000 grass mud horses are running. When will this rule appear in the office? Is she the only one with all the rules?

"Xiaotian, I think you'd better come back as soon as possible. Director Dong's face is very ugly. It's bad if he remembers that you are absent from work for no reason."

Luo Xiaotian sighed and closed his eyes. "I know. I'll go back right away."

After a few words with the nurse, she rushed to the company.

Originally thought that Li Zimu exaggerated his words, but did not expect that the situation is far more serious than she imagined.

Back to the company just sat down, Dong Qian's breath will appear around her.

"Luo Xiaotian, don't you want to do it?"

A severe reprimand successfully attracted the attention of other people in the office, and everyone's eyes brushed on her.

Of course, nine out of ten of these eyes are watching.

So she became a joke again.

She has to spend all her strength to control her temper and not talk back to Dong Qian.

Repeated several times of deep breathing, she just stood up to face Dong Qian.

"Director Dong, I'm sorry, my grandmother had an accident, so I went to the hospital to see her."

Dong Qian hummed coldly, "what happened? Dead or disabled? "

Luo Xiaotian's hands on both sides clenched into fists in an instant, and the green veins on the back of his hands were raised and blue because of the force.

Can you stop talking so hard?

Dong Qian saw her head down, and Yin and Yang strange airway, "don't answer is neither dead nor disabled? As for you, why don't you just skip work for a holiday? "

"I asked Zimu to ask for leave for me."

Luo Xiaotian tells herself that forbearance is over. Grandma's life and death are still unknown, and she owes a lot of money to Sunan city. In either case, she has no arrogant capital, so she can only endure it.

"Oh, Luo Xiaotian, what do you think we are kg international? Is it a small company with no reputation or a family workshop without rules? Just ask for leave and let your colleagues say it? Then what are our company's rules and regulations? They're nothing

Kg international naturally has a set of complete attendance system, which stipulates that asking for leave needs to be submitted in writing before it is accurate. However, there are priorities. Generally, when someone encounters an emergency, he will ask his colleagues to ask for leave first, and then make up the leave slip in writing.

It can be said that kg international now operates in this way.

Only to luoxiaotian here, Dong Qian to strict operation.

But the rules and regulations are there. Dong Qian's practice makes people unable to find any mistakes. Luo Xiaotian has to eat it himself.

Li Zimu originally wanted to speak for Luo Xiaotian, but before she opened his mouth, she was stared back by Dong Qian. She could only helplessly look at Luo Xiaotian who was being scolded.

"Sorry, it's my fault this time. I won't do it next time."

Luo Xiaotian knows that Dong Qian is aiming at himself, so he decides not to add more excuses. He admits his mistake and scolds at most, which can stop him.

But she ignored the destructive power of some people.

"Director Dong, if Luo Xiao has something to ask for leave, I'm afraid she will work in the company..."

There is a profound implication.

It's not too big to watch the crowd.

How can Dong Qian not understand the words in her words? Originally, some of the flame was ignited again. "Luo Xiaotian, what do you do at work?"

Luo Xiaotian's running grass mud horses instantly increased to 20000, of which 10000 were awarded by Xu Huangli.

PI xiaorou looked at Xu Huangli without a smile and said with a modest attitude, "sister Xu, what do you mean by that? When do I stop working?"

Xu Huangli was not afraid of Luo Xiaotian, who had just entered the company. She choked back impolitely, "Luo Xiaotian, I'm wrong. Who yawned in the morning, and who went out for half an hour?"

When Luo Xiaotian wanted to refute, she said again, "don't use urination to explain that you went out for half an hour. If you really went to the bathroom, then I doubt if you fell into the pit with urination."

Around hear Xu Huangli's satire, ring a burst of laughter.

Luo Xiaotian's face turned red.

I didn't expect that her every move was in the eyes of others.

"Luo Xiaotian, it turned out that you spent half an hour in the morning to see vice president Xiu?"

Dong Qianyi contacted Luo Xiaotian in the morning and naively connected the two things.

This time, Luo Xiaotian has another reason for her colleagues to hate her.

As a high-quality bachelor, Xiuyuan is deeply loved by female colleagues of kg international. It can be said that in addition to the president of Sunan City, Xiuyuan is the second most popular person. Moreover, no matter whether they are married or not, after all, handsome men are good-looking regardless of age.However, Sunan city is like a star in the sky, which can only be seen from a distance, not picked by hand. Xiuyuan is different. Compared with the coldness of Sunan City, he should not be too easygoing.

So the female colleagues are fascinated. Now when they hear that Luo Xiaotian is thinking about their male god, they immediately look at her with different eyes. Even Li Zimu is silent and keeps away from her.

Now Luo Xiaotian is like being in a pack of wolves. He doesn't dare to move.

But Luo Xiaotian's heart is more unjust than Dou E. God knows, she hasn't even met Xiuyuan. She only hears his name, but somehow, she becomes the public enemy of all the female colleagues in the office.

In terms of misfortune, the extent of her misfortune is absolutely ashes.

"Can I explain?" She reached out and whispered in the hope of an explanation.

But how can the colleagues who have been blinded by jealousy listen to the explanation? What's more, they have done a lot of things such as surreptitiously looking at Xiuyuan. However, no one has ever done so much as Luo Xiaotian. It's unforgivable to skip half an hour's work and go there to peep at Xiuyuan.

"Luo Xiaotian, you are too much. You should be lazy at work. I didn't expect that you should have some thoughts. Don't think you come in depending on your relationship. We can't help you. If you really annoy us, we all work together to write to the president to drive you and the person you depend on out of kg international."

Xu Huangli was so angry that her forehead was blue. She was over 40 years old, and she was still learning from a young fan Xiuyuan. She was so angry that she said all the things she had to say in her heart.

Luo Xiaotian secretly shakes her head and drives her out of kg international with the one who she comes in through her relationship. So even Sunan city has to catch up?