I’d love to

"Xiaotian, I don't need all my money in the bank anyway. Why don't you..."

Luo Xiaotian interrupts Yun Jixi's kindness. "Jixi, this is my business. I will solve it myself."

Then she went to the tea table, took a piece of paper and pen from the table, and wrote down a debt note.

"Sunan City, I will definitely pay you back your money. Jixi, let's go."

As soon as the door was closed, the sound of smashing things came from the room.

Luo Xiao's God leaves with cloud Ji Xi in a complicated way.

Until she got to the outside of the community, she could no longer control her mood. She let go of yunjixi and sobbed in a low voice.

"Xiaotian, do you like Sunan city?"

Yun Jixi looks at Luo Xiaotian with a complicated face. The blind staff in her hand almost supports his whole strength, and her two hands are bulging because of her strength.

Luo Xiaotian is slightly stunned. Does she like Sunan city? The idea was immediately rejected by herself.

She and Sunan city are just a deal from beginning to end. How could she like Jinzhu? She felt aggrieved and just felt that her dignity had been trampled on by Sunan city.

Yes, it must be.

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said with a smile, "Ji Xi, you misunderstand me. My relationship with Sunan city is not what you think, and how can I like me with the conditions of Sunan city?"

Cloud season Xi thick eyebrow slightly a Cu, "why can't Sunan city like you?"

He doesn't agree with Luo Xiaotian's belittling.

Luo Xiaotian, who is in a relaxed mood, laughs at himself, "who is the city of Southern Jiangsu? He's the president of kg international. What about me? I'm just a poor man in debt. I don't even know where I'm going to live at night when I'm driven out of Sunan city? "

One day, one place, how can two people match each other? She denied them from the bottom of her heart.

Yunjixi groped to grab Luo Xiaotian's arm, "Xiaotian, why don't you stay at home at night?"

Luo Xiaotian was stunned.

"Xiaotian, don't get me wrong. I mean I have a spare room at home. Don't you have nowhere to live? You can just come in and take care of me, a disabled person

Cloud season Xi afraid she misunderstands, explain a way in a hurry.

Luo Xiaotian hesitates. Although Ji Xi thinks she has to be taken care of, she knows that it's just Ji Xi's intention to give her a reason.

It's just that a man and a woman live together. Is it really suitable?

Yunjixi is afraid that she doesn't agree, pretending to be pitiful, "Xiaotian, are you still afraid of what I will do to you?"

Luo Xiaotian quickly denied, "no, it's not like this. I'm just afraid to trouble you."

Cloud Ji Xi see her agree, excited as a child, "won't trouble, friends should help each other."

"But I'm just staying with you for a while. When I find a house, I'll move out."

Luo Xiaotian no longer affectation, she does not want to sleep in the street at night, after all, it is very difficult to find a suitable house.


Originally, she thought that her quarrel with Sunan city was just that she couldn't live in the house, but the next day when she went to work at kg international, she found that a big boss was as small-minded as a needle.

"Luo Xiaotian, why do you still come to work?"

On Monday morning, Xu Huangli saw Luo Xiaotian appear in the office, deliberately screaming.

Luo Xiao day fox suspicious turn head, don't understand a way, "today Monday, come to work isn't very normal?"

Xu Huangli, who usually sees Luo Xiaotian unhappy, can't hide the excitement on her face. She gloated and said, "Luo Xiaotian, your face is really thick. You've been fired and come to work. Do you want the security to drive you out?"

"Sister Xu, you said the company fired Xiaotian? Why? "

Li Zimu is also a face of don't understand, Friday time is not still good? How the weather changed after a weekend.

Xu Huangli sneered, "who knows? Maybe the boss has found out who this related account is? This is what I personally ordered to expel Luo Xiaotian. "

Luo Xiaotian, who was still confused, finally understood that it was the order from southern Jiangsu.

It's too much. Although Sunan city gave her a chance, she came in by her own strength. Why should she be dismissed?

No, she must fight for her legitimate rights and interests.

Just as she was about to go to Sunan city to settle accounts, director Dong came in with a happy face. When she saw Luo Xiaotian, her face almost turned into a chrysanthemum face.

"Luo Xiaotian, don't worry. I'm just looking for you."

But Luo Xiaotian didn't even stop her feet. She directly stepped over her and went to the top floor of the building to find someone.

In the president's office, Su Ercheng angrily threw the white paper into the paper basket, but he was in a bad mood. Eight out of ten times he threw it outside, so there was already a pile of white paper on the floor beside his desk."Damned woman..."

Just as he was abusing, the door of the office was forced to open. The culprit who annoyed him came to him angrily, followed by the anxious secretary.

"Mr. Su, Luo Xiaotian from the cartoon department, she..."

"You go down first."

Sunan City stood up from the chair, like a shelf of clothes, he was dressed in a black suit and walked to the sofa with a calm look. He said indifferently, "what's the matter?"

Luo Xiaotian scolded him in his heart, and had the face to ask her what's the matter? Don't you know what you do?

Under the eaves, she had to bow her head. Although she wanted to bite him directly, she said politely, "Mr. Su, I want to know why the company fired me."

Sunan City squint at her, "I'm happy."

Luo Xiaotian, "..."

He's happy, so she's going to be laid off?

What's the reason?

She took several deep breaths, which suppressed her anger and continued to communicate with him calmly. "Mr. Su, I know I offended you yesterday, but it's a private matter. You shouldn't bring it to business."

Sunan City, "I'd love to."

Luo Xiaotian feels that he has slapped the dog.

Is this man so annoying?

Thinking of her grandmother in the hospital and the IOU she wrote yesterday, she decided to bear it again.

"Mr. Su, my ability is obvious to all. You should not affect the interests of the company for your personal interests."

Sunan City Light rhetorical question, "do you think the company will leave you will not continue to operate?"

Luo Xiaotian, "..."

If she really had the ability, would she be here to hear your humiliation?

"So why can't I fire you?"

Luo Xiaotian is speechless again.

So this man must take revenge.

In this case, she would only add to her troubles if she stayed. Instead of doing so, she might as well turn around and leave.

"Stop, Luo Xiaotian. Have I let you go?"

See luoxiaotian ready to leave, Sunan City voice called her.