Why can’t she go yet?

Luo Xiaotian clenched his lower lip tightly, clenched his fists, turned around and glared at the arrogant man.

Isn't that all she's been fired? Why can't she go yet?

Sunan city did not know why he called her. When he realized it, he had already opened his mouth. Now he felt guilty when he saw the little woman staring at him.

However, as the president of kg international, I still have the ability to respond.

He cleared his throat and said again, "Luo Xiaotian, although you are fired by me, the money you owe me can't be calculated like this. How much should you pay each month? You can't lose a cent."

Luo Xiaotian stares at Sunan city. Is this man's heart made of steel? If she is expelled by the front foot, she will pay back by the back foot. Is that to force her to death?

Fortunately, these days, she still thinks that this man is a good man. Although he always looks cold, at least his heart is warm. Now it seems that this man has a heart of stone.

She scolded the man in her heart.

"Are you scolding me?"

Sunan city seems to have a worm hidden in Luo Xiaotian's stomach. He knows exactly what the other party is thinking.

Luo Xiaotian does not deny it, but stares back fearlessly.

Sunan City stood up from the sofa and walked over like a cheetah.

Luo Xiaotian stepped back with an alert look on his face and said nervously, "what do you want?"

Isn't this man trying to kill?

Sunan City sneered, "don't you have the courage to scold me in your heart? Why is there no seed now?

Luo Xiaotian's back quickly reached the gate, and there was no way to retreat, but he said, "I have no seed."

Sunan City Leng for a while, didn't seem to expect that the little woman's courage would be so fat?

"Mr. Su, I'll find a way to get your money. If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first. Please step back. I have to look for a job."

Until entering the elevator, Luo Xiaotian finds that her palms are sweaty and her body is leaning on the elevator handrail. God, where did she have the courage to be so impolite?

She pulled the corners of her mouth with self mockery. She was just so brave, and she counseled immediately after passing the village.

But it seems that God didn't give her much time to think. As soon as she walked out of the company building, the mobile phone in her bag rang.

When she arrived at the hospital, Grandma had been sent to the emergency room again.

In such a big corridor, she was the only one waiting alone.

Time goes by, but the time in the emergency room seems to stop. The red light at the door is always on.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't know how long it took for the door of the emergency room to be opened, and several doctors in white divination came out tired.

She recognized that one of them was Dr. Zeng, grandma's attending doctor.

"Dr. Zeng, how is my grandmother?"

Dr. Zeng took off his glasses wearily and performed the operation for nearly ten hours. Both physical and mental strength were exhausted, but the patient was still not rescued.

"Sorry, we've tried our best."

Luo Xiaotian's greatest fear is to hear the doctor say such words, which is undoubtedly a death sentence for the patient.

No, grandma will be fine. The nurse called her yesterday and said that grandma is in good spirits. How could she

"Dr. Zeng, are you mistaken? My grandmother, she and she were in good spirits yesterday? "

Tears ran down uncontrollably, and her vision was so blurred that she couldn't see the doctor in front of her.

Dr. Zeng sighed helplessly, "we rescued nearly ten hours, Miss Luo. We really tried our best."

"No, doctor, my grandmother was really in good spirits yesterday. She..."

"Miss Luo, your grandmother was in good spirits yesterday. It's just an illusion, that is, the reflection of the past. But this kind of reflection is only fleeting. We've really tried our best. Take care of yourself."

The tired doctor Zeng left with his team.

At this time, it's useless to talk to the patient's family members. No one can easily accept the departure of their relatives.

The doctor's leaving seems to take away Luo Xiaotian's whole body strength. She sits on the ground like a puddle of soft mud.

The Luofu family came late.

"Xiaotian, how's your grandmother?"

Luo's father went to his eldest daughter and asked calmly.

Luo Xiaotian looked up at the family and slowly got up from the ground. Nine hours had passed since she called in the morning. They had just come here. Her heart was a little sad.

She doesn't complain about other people, but her father is Grandma's own son, a good son that grandma has been talking about, but she didn't even see this good son for the last time.

She turned her eyes to Luo Fu and asked, "Dad, I'll call you in the morning. Are you coming now?"There was a flash of embarrassment on Luo's father's face. He opened his cracked lips and explained palely, "it's not that the traffic is inconvenient for us. We have to change buses several times, but your mother and I will come as soon as Qinhuai gets off work."

Luo Xiaotian sarcastically looks at this group of family members who are worse than strangers. Their lives are on the line. Are they still in charge of the inconvenience of traffic? It's not that I live in a valley. No matter how bad the traffic is, I can get there in half an hour by taxi.

Also, she really didn't know when Qinhuai worked so hard to make progress and dragged the class so late?

"Sister, why do you think so about us? If you have time to trouble us here, it means that grandma is OK. Dad, I said, "I can come to see grandma tomorrow."


Luo Xiaotian finally gave Luo Xiaoyu a slap.

This slap is very hard, almost using the strength of Luo Xiaotian's whole body.

Naturally, Luo Xiaoyu's face is also wonderful, and the five fingers printed on his white face are particularly clear.

"Luo Xiaotian, what are you mad about?"

Qinhuai protects Luo Xiaoyu as if he were protecting Duzi. He looks at the embarrassed woman in front of him fiercely.

He was blind before. How could he like such a woman?

Luo Xiaoyu also covered one side of his swollen face and sobbed, "sister, I know your heart has been complaining that I robbed Qinhuai, but the emotional thing is that you love me. Qinhuai and I really love each other. Please help us."

Seeing the wound on her daughter's face, Luo's mother angrily accused her, "Xiaotian, I know that the things between Xiaoyu and Qinhuai make you very embarrassed, but you are a sister, can't you forgive your sister?"

"Xiaotian, you are too much. Dare you lie to us just to beat your sister?"

Luo Fu also joined in the crusade against her.

Luo Xiaotian looks at a person a sentence in the crusade against her family, a heart as if in the ice, cold shiver.